Android is Winning the Mobile War against Apple, Gains More Market Share

19 January, 2015 Android



Google's mobile platform, Android is evolving every year in terms of User Interface and functionality. It's now the World's most popular Operating System with over than 1 Billion active users per month on 156 countries that are available on the Play Store.


In 2014, Android Gained more market share with over than 47% of the whole mobile market Smartphones are running a version of the Android OS.





In an interview with Bloomberg in 2012. Google's Chairman Eric Schmidt said that Android is quite clearly winning its war against iOS. Schmidt compared the rivalry between Android and iOS in the mobile OS space to the Microsoft versus Apple debacle 20 years ago... He was right.




"This is a huge platform change; this is of the scale of 20 years ago Microsoft versus Apple. We're winning that war pretty clearly now." - Eric Schmidt, Google


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