Apple isn’t just ready to ban Chinese App WeChat on iPhone

14 August, 2020 Apple



We all know about Trump's obsession to ban Chinese products and apps. And just recently, trump administration banned a popular Chinese social media app, WeChat. This new US sanction would force Apple to delete the app from its App store so no one could use it. The action taken wasn't appreciated by Apple and many other tech companies doing business with China as this may result in a significant setback from the Chinese public. A new report suggests that Apple plans to push back on the ban because of the negative impact company has to face due to the ban. A survey being conducted says that more than 95 percent of Chinese users would rather replace the iPhone with an Android phone than lose WeChat.


At the moment, it is not clear that if the ban on the WeChat app is strictly restricted to just the US App Store or applies internationally. Tencent, the parent company of WeChat, stated that they believe that the ban is limited to US states but the ban may need some clarity from the Trump administration. According to another survey at Bloomberg, around 1 million Chinese Apple users said that they would rather switch to an Android device than use an iPhone if they don't get WeChat. A HongKong user said that banning WeChat would make an iPhone into electronic trash. Another stated that all of his family members use WeChat for day-to-day communication.


A Wall Street Journal report also revealed that more than a dozen big tech and E-commerce companies are reluctant to accept the order including Apple, Ford, Walmart, and Disney. These companies are pushing back against the ban. They have decided to pursue and talk with White House representatives about the negative consequences of a ban that WeChat might have on their business. With WeChat being used to payments, E-Commerce, and marketing as well, the company is confident that US businesses may find it very difficult to sell smartphones in China without the app.




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