For What Features Can Be Bixby Used for?

17 December, 2019 Samsung


If you are free from Sbobet, then let us talk about Bixby for a while! Yes, today's topic is to discuss Bixby in detail. Bixby is a special feature which was launched by the Samsung company when it launched the Galaxy S8 in the year 2016. It was launched as a completion to the Siri feature in the iPhone. Previously the android phone depended upon the Google Assistant for voice commands which were too better from the Siri of iPhone. Now today we will talk about the different features that you can use with Bixby to control your phone and make your life easier!

Setting Up Reminders!

The most basic feature that you can use with Bixby is to set reminders for important tasks and events. As humans, we can forget many things that are very important in our daily routine. From submitting our assignments to avoid a fight with your wife, you can rely on Bixby to help you with all.

If you have to submit an assignment a few days later and if you are more occupied with work in this duration, then you can add the remainder of it with Bixby.  Now other than basic task you can also add a reminder for your anniversary if you don't remember important dates and by doing so, you can save yourself from any future fights!

Regulating Your Daily Routine!

Bixby works just like a living assistant who is always with you no matter what. If you have a busy schedule through the day and if you have to manage many tasks then you don't have to worry about it, you just have to add all of your work reminders and complete schedule to the Bixby assistant, and it will surely help you out all day long!

Making Calls and Text Messages!

You will be surprised to know that Bixby can even write and send a text message on your behalf by just knowing your voice command. Moreover, Bixby is capable of answering and rejecting the calls that you receive along with making new cells. If you don't like to swipe phone or press any buttons to answer calls, then this is the feature you can take help from.

The best part is not only Bixby has command over the default applications of your phone but also on the third-party applications like WhatsApp and messenger to send calls and texts to your contacts.

Playing Music and Camera Applications!

Bixby is also capable of playing your favorite playlist with the help of your voice command. Not only that you can use it to operate YouTube, it will help you to change tracks and videos plus it also helps in the adjustment of volume with your voice command. You can use the Bixby voice command assistant even to click your pictures with the default camera application and edit it accordingly.

We hope that now you know all about the basics of Bixby and how it can be an important part of your life!



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