Getting The Most Out Of Your Phone - Tips and Tricks

12 September, 2018 Smartphones


Tips and tricks from

Mobile phones are a ubiquitous sight for people to see. We encounter them frequently, and they're used for a wide selection of different tasks. However, how many people actually know how to get the most from their phone?

It's relatively common for people not to understand how to utilise a phone in the best possible way. We presume that they're automatically set up to make our lives as easy as possible, but this isn't always the case. In a lot of cases, you have to really know a trick or two to make sure that your phone is optimised correctly. Sites like Fonehouse have heard many different ideas for how best to try and make the phone the best possible thing it can be, and we're going to be looking at some of them here and now.

Back Up What You Can't Afford To Lose

Music, photos, important business documents. They're all things that we can access without a moment's hesitation, but they're not permanent. If you drop your phone, damage it or expose it to water, you can lose everything. This obviously isn't something that you want to happen, so you need to make sure that you backup anything that you can't afford to lose. It protects all the things that you want to keep in the event of them perhaps not being available to you. Technology is far from perfect after all, and in a world of bugs and faults, there's never been more of a need to stay secure.

Consider A New Browser

A lot of the core apps provided to you by your phone will be pretty useful. However, perhaps it's time to consider something other than Safari for your iPhone. Every browser will offer you a different and possibly better experience. For example, Google Chrome allows users to view tabs that they have open on another device. It's worth taking the time to look around and see what is available to you regarding browsers, and even consider alternatives for other things as well. Perhaps a more specialist reminder application, or a music provider that works for your lifestyle.

Folders Are Your Friend

Trawling through pages of apps can be an absolute chore to try and do. When you're just looking for one application in three or four pages worth, you soon find yourself wishing for an alternative. This is where folders come into play. They're designed to help you sort applications based on their usage and characteristics. They can be and often are your best friends, so it's worth taking the time to stop and look at how you can arrange things.

Use Shortcuts

Shortcuts are designed to help us get to various parts of our phones without having to navigate through hundreds of different menus. A lot of home screens on phones, especially those made by Apple, are designed to make it so that people can get around their phones with ease. Plus, a lot of them can be customised and changed to suit the needs of the people who are using them, so it's perfect for so many different people to use. If you don't use your home screen all that much, you should definitely look into how you can customise it to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Keep It Simple

All things considered, sometimes it's best to keep your phone as simple as possible. The more applications that you have on the phone and the more you try and do at once, the higher the risk of something going wrong. Sometimes the best way to do things is to keep it simple and straightforward. This is achieved by limiting the number of apps you have open, and not pushing the phone too far.

All in all, these are just a few of the different things which you can do to make sure that you are getting the most from your phone. Because we all use our mobiles so often, it is so important that we take the time to make the most of the phones that we have. Despite what we would like to think, our phones aren't actually always set up to make our lives the most convenient that they can be. This requires us to tailor all of the various functions and features of the device to suit our own unique needs and requirements. Only by doing this can we expect to have a phone which is convenient, highly intuitive and attuned to our lives.


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