Manufacturing an AMOLED display is now officially cheaper than producing a LCD panel!

25 March, 2016 Samsung Updates

AMOLED panels are superior to LCD panels in color reproduction, brightness, contrast, saturation and power efficiency. This might raise the question, why AMOLED panels are not used more widely then? The answer "used to be" that AMOLED displays are more expensive to make compared to LCD panels. This however, is not a valid answer anymore because the manufacturing cost of an AMOLED panel has now fallen below even that of an LCD.

According to reports from IHS Technology, production costs for AMOLED panels have become lesser than even the LCD in just twenty-four months time and even that was predicted roughly two years ago by experts! As things stand now in Q1 2016, a 5" FHD AMOLED display designed for smartphones should cost around $14.30 to manufacture. The same 5" FHD LTPS LCD panel on the other hand is manufactured at a cost of $14.60 apparently. Once you consider an older piece of data which shows that the same AMOLED panel would cost the manufacturer $17.10 to make in 2015, while the LCD panel was only slightly more expensive at $15.70, things start to look a lot more impressive.

Keep in mind that the LTPS LCD (low Temperature Poly-Silicon Liquid Crystal Display) mentioned is the same one that is widely used and considered as the most efficient version of the LCD technology. It seems that the days of the LCD are numbered as smartphone displays will most likely soon be dominated by the mighty AMOLED now.



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