Mobile to Become Online Video’s Main Platform

20 July, 2016 Technology

Since the advent of mobile technology, it has been inevitable that mobile devices would overtake so called ‘fixed devices' in many capacities. The next step in mobile development is expected to be viewing online videos.

Worldwide, consumers spend an average of 19.7 minutes a day viewing online videos through their mobile devices (Tablets and Smartphones) compared to 16.0 minutes on fixed devices such as desktop computers and Smart TVs. Overall, this is a 39% increase for mobile devices on last year where 14.2 minutes were spent viewing online videos through mobile devices. It is anticipated fixed device viewing will remain the same thanks to Smart TVs becoming more accessible to offset the decline of the desktop computer.

The growth in mobile video viewership is primarily being driven thanks to the growing popularity of mobile devices and the increased accessibility thanks to lower cost options becoming available. As the devices become steadily more advanced; so too do the connection options such as much wider spread Wi-Fi coverage and the high speed 4G.

Mobile video consumption will continue to grow by a projected 33% in 2017 and 27% in 2018, according to reports, taking the average viewership to around 33.4 minutes a day which may sound like a lot but it's perfectly feasible when you consider how much you personally view at present. The projections suggest mobile devices will account for 64% of all online video consumption by 2018 but it isn't all bad news for fixed devices as it is anticipated by 2018 the average viewing will be 18.7 minutes as Smart TV's become more common in homes.

You may have noticed, whether you view online video via mobile or fixed devices, that advertising has become much more common and that is down to increased investment from advertisers in the online market. We've all attempted to watch a YouTube channel or playlist and had every video interrupted by an advert as a precursor and this shows no sign of slowing down as video advertising will account for 68% of all online video advertising this year - down from 75% last year which may be a semblance of good news.

Most online video viewership is mobile but the bulk of online video advertising is aimed at fixed devices and will continue to be into 2017. This is more evident in the gambling market where brands such as SBAT explore new channels. Video adverts are believed to be more engaging on larger screens and also more effective so progressively more money is to be invested in fixed video advertising.

Most brands treat online video as a compliment to traditional television rather than competition, most online video providers offer previously broadcast programs as the bulk of their offering anyway. As a by-product of this, online advertising is treated in much the same way as televised advertising: roughly 30 seconds focussing on the brand - such as a bookmaker offering free bets, the central focus of the advertisement will be the brand.

Some brands have found online advertising more effective than others, especially when offering extended content online only as televised advertising is more expensive. Consider Nike's advertising campaign for Euro 2016; the gist of the advert was displayed on television but the full five minute film was only available online.

Mobile devices will dominate online video consumption and may even eliminate the competition before long and most advertising will soon make the move from fixed broadcasts to mobile broadcasts instead. The future is coming, much quicker than many expected. 


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