Top 4 Ways To Protect Your Data Online

5 February, 2020 Technology

Cyber safety

Data is the single most important piece of safeguarded information that you give out every day. If you're a frequent user of the internet, you've more than likely given away more personal information and data than you would like to imagine

Keeping your data safeguarded is probably one of the most important things you could be doing. There are ample ways to keep your data protected, and with malicious threats arising every day, keeping up with the times is essential.

If you leave the smallest possible digital footprint, it never goes off the internet. If you've ever heard the expression:

" The internet is forever. "

You've been educated on the dangers of the internet and the importance of your digital footprint. The internet is ever-evolving, and so are the safety measures you need to take. Some are new, some are old, but all are essential. 

Note: Keeping your web presence safe and your data protected is as simple as using common sense and the tools provided above. Keep all of these tips in mind when you're browsing every day. 

Visit Only Websites You Trust

This might sound like an everyday scene, but it's essential. It would be best if you visited only the websites you trust, and sites that are proven to be free of malware.

When you visit any unreliable websites, you're likely going to get exposed to some content you don't want to see, or to malicious individuals. Chatting with these individuals and interacting with them in any way can raise a lot of red flags. 

The internet is not as safe as many people think. Untrusted and shady websites are chock full of scammers, blackmailers, and hackers who are just waiting to collect your data. 

In order to make sure you're protected when browsing, only browse with reliable search engines. Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo index mostly safe websites, but other, shadier search engines are usually careless. 

Avoid Advertisements From Unreliable Sources

We've all been there. You're exploring a bright new website that you've found off the corner of the internet, and you're given targeted advertisements. Advertisements can be a tricky thing and can seem too good to be true.

More often than not, this is the exact situation. These advertisements are mostly scams and are meant to steal your personal data. You should not trust any unsolicited advertisements, and avoid them at all costs.

If you're targeted by an advertisement that you think you can have some use for, opt to research it by yourself. If it's a product that you would like to have, try to find it on reliable platforms such as Amazon and AliExpress. 

Use a Proper VPN Service

VPN services have been around for some time, and have gained quite a lot of popularity in the past couple of years. There seems to be an unmatched amount of them available today, and ironically some of them are scams.

A VPN service will protect your browsing habits by masking your IP address and encrypting all of your personal data. It can also unblock some websites, so that's a definitive plus. Some of the benefits of using a reliable VPN service are:

  • Improved Security

  • Masked IP Address

  • Website Unlocking

  • Bypassing Regional Locks

  • Unblocking Netflix 

  • Anonymity

What VPN software really excels at is protecting your payment information. A lot of us use e-commerce platforms and link our browsers with our credit card details. This isn't a safe practice, and you should do your best to avoid it at all costs. If you've given payment information to e-commerce platforms, VPN will encrypt it and will make sure that you wouldn't leave any footprints online. 

Install an Antivirus Software 

Antivirus software is going to benefit your computer significantly. There are a couple of different things an antivirus software can do for your browsing habits - to protect your browsing, personal information, and increase your browsing speed.

While a regular antivirus software might not do a whole lot to scramble your IP address like a VPN, it does wonder when it comes down to encrypting your personal data.

A lot of modern antivirus software also has numerous different measures put in, so even if a data breach does occur, you're going to be notified in no time. A data breach is no joke, and it happens more often than most people realize.


Antivirus software will also help you detect and remove any possible spyware from your computer, which might monitor your activity and track your information. Please also have a look at how this texting tool helps keep your medical data and communication safe.






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