Why there is no foldable phone from OnePlus yet?

16 January, 2020 OnePlus

foldable devices


Foldable phones have become the reality after years of research and rumors. Samsung was the first tech company to launch and re-launch the foldable phone. Despite its earlier disaster release, the foldable phone is working just fine and people have bought it like crazy. Huawei was another company to follow the trend, and then there was foldable from Razr. But if you own OnePlus or love their technology and wonder why there is no foldable from the OnePlus so far then here is why. The CEO Pete Lau has some skeptical views about foldable devices. The verge caught up with the OnePlus head on the sidelines of the OnePlus concept one launch event. In a podcast interview, Lau expressed his concerns that OnePlus hasn't found any significant value in making a foldable phone just yet.


He believes that the appeal of foldables is "outweighed by the shortcomings or the disadvantages of the current state of the technology." Lau says he has qualms with the way creases appear on the displays of foldable phones such as the Samsung Galaxy Fold. Due to the plastic nature of current foldable displays, the screen can scratch easily and issues can occur at the point where the actual fold happens, Lau explains. "This isn't something that I can accept in products that are built,".


Lau says that the technology needs to mature to a level where display folds are crisp and don't impact the potential usability of phones. He further commented about the redesigned Moto Razr. In his opinion, though it is a different implementation, its display faces the same challenges as the Galaxy Fold. He isn't the only head of the tech company who has concerns about the device flexibility and usability. LG has also shared the same sentiments. The company had planned to manufacture a foldable phone in 2018 but later on dumped it. So, what do you think about the foldable.



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