Tags - foldable

foldable devices


Foldable phones have become the reality after years of research and rumors. Samsung was the first tech company to launch and re-launch the foldable phone. Despite its earlier disaster release, the foldable phone is working just fine and people have bought it like crazy. Huawei was another company to follow the trend, and then there was foldable from Razr. But if you own OnePlus or love their technology and wonder why there is no foldable from the OnePlus so far then here is why. The CEO Pete Lau has some skeptical views about foldable devices. The verge caught up with the OnePlus head on the sidelines of the OnePlus concept one launch event. In a podcast interview, Lau expressed his concerns that OnePlus hasn't found any significant value in making a foldable phone just yet.


He believes that the appeal of foldables is "outweighed by the shortcomings or the disadvantages of the current state of the technology." Lau says he has qualms with the way creases appear on the displays of foldable phones such as the Samsung Galaxy Fold. Due to the plastic nature of current foldable displays, the screen can scratch easily and issues can occur at the point where the actual fold happens, Lau explains. "This isn't something that I can accept in products that are built,".


Lau says that the technology needs to mature to a level where display folds are crisp and don't impact the potential usability of phones. He further commented about the redesigned Moto Razr. In his opinion, though it is a different implementation, its display faces the same challenges as the Galaxy Fold. He isn't the only head of the tech company who has concerns about the device flexibility and usability. LG has also shared the same sentiments. The company had planned to manufacture a foldable phone in 2018 but later on dumped it. So, what do you think about the foldable.


Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? 



Earlier this year, Xiaomi teased a foldable smartphone prototype but since then we haven't heard much about the foldable phone, neither from the official source nor from there were any unofficial leaks. Maybe the company was simply waiting for the right time to unveil their foldable. Meanwhile, the company filed for a patent of a foldable phone. The patent has already been approved and made its way into the world intellectual property office database.

The internet magazine LetsGoDigital spotted the patent filed by the Xiaomi that shows a Moto Razr like clamshell foldable phone. The device has a large display panel which folds in half from the middle, protecting the screen as a result. This is unlike the previous double-fold design we have seen on Xiaomi foldable design. It is entirely different from Samsung or Huwaei which opens up in the middle to become a tablet.

However, unlike the Moto Razr, this new foldable smartphone patent has a visible pop-up camera for taking selfies. The front camera system includes a camera, a flash, and a sensor to detect the face. There is a separate camera system on the rear side with a tiny display above it. It has a sensor alongside the flash. The secondary display at the rear side looks to be dedicated screen for the notifications of messages, or emails when the phone is folded and closed. This will help to keep track of incoming calls and messages even without having to open the fold every time to see who is calling.

From the looks of it, the patented foldable phone does have a somewhere realistic design. However, companies file many patents and it doesn't necessarily mean Xiaomi will launch this phone. The company could just be covering its bases as far as foldable phones go, trying to find the right design it can eventually bring to the market. Apart from Xiaomi, Samsung is also working on a clamshell foldable phone design.


We know that the year 2019 is going to be big for foldable smartphones and we have already done a piece on that, but the real question is, will you buy a foldable smartphone? Is it so much better at watching media, browsing the internet or even playing 3D slots online? Sure, they offer a bigger screen without compromising too much on the portability factor, but given the high price and the added heft, would it really matter to the real world user?

The Huawei Mate X is expected to be priced at roughly $2600, while the Galaxy Fold will cost nearly $2000. Other smartphone manufacturers have not yet confirmed the price tags for their respective foldable models, but they are not going to be much cheaper and that much is for sure. However, Xiaomi might just change the game here too, like it so often has with ridiculously aggressive pricing.

The Xiaomi Mi Flex or Dual Flex will probably be the cheapest foldable smartphone of the lot and it could even be the most impressive, given its double fold design. Even then, it is going to be far more expensive than any of Xiaomi's other models and that leads us to the question once again, is all that extra money worth it? I mean you can get a brand new 65" LG OLED TV or the latest 65" Samsung QLED TV at the same price and sometimes even for less than that! The comparison in between the two may seem absurd but given that a smart TV is a much better and bigger machine for media consumption than a foldable tablet, and it usually lasts at least 5 - 8 years, if not more, should you really pay $2600 for a smartphone that will become completely outdated in two years time? Is portability worth that much to you? Let us know what you think in the comments section.

Saikat Kar



Huawei consumer business CEO Richard Yu was recently spotted using the Mate X in an airport. Three months after indefinitely delay the device, Samsung finally announced a revised September release date for the Galaxy Fold on Wednesday. Releasing a phone in September means getting a tough competition with iPhone but it also means getting in front of directly Huawei's Mate X. Huawei's take on the foldable smartphone also broke cover this week after being spotted in the hands of Huawei consumer business CEO Richard Yu at the Shenzhen International Airport, according to a Weibo post spotted by Gizchina.

Although we didn't get any details about when Huawei's competing foldable will launch. The last official statement suggested that the company will release it in September, the same month as Samsung. Huawei's device was due for release back in June but the company had to delay the release to be extra cautious. Huawei's delay was less publically visible. At the time company said that it was taking a cautious approach to release the Mate X. The company spent this time to conduct extensive testing to make sure it was ready for consumers.

As per Huawei it has made significant progress on the device since February but the company didn't reveal any details on what has changed. The hardware is basically the same as it was shown earlier this year. We may not have to long wait until the Mate X release. Samsung had to face PR embarrassment but Huawei's phone was never released for public use. Samsung may have to face the competition but Huawei's license is due to expire on August 19th and this has to clear that what will happen to its OS after that.

Samsung's upcoming Galaxy X is the supposed foldable smartphone that never arrived even after years of speculations and predictions. However, the era of foldable smartphones is finally here, thanks to ZTE's brand new experimental smartphone, the Axon M.

The Axon M sports two 5.2-inch displays of identical properties, which can be folded in the middle to make for a more portable package. The phone still feels quite bulky due to the thickness, but it's the world's first phone which makes carrying around a potentially 10.4-inch display in your pocket, a feasible option.



Apart from the dual 1080p 5.2-inch LCD FHQ displays, it also sports a 2.15 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 SoC, 4GB of RAM, a single 20-megapixel camera with dual LED flash and dual image stabilization and 64GB of internal storage with micro-SD card slot. In the US, the ZTE Axon M will be available exclusively on AT&T for roughly $699. Check out the video by The Verge to see the ZTE Axon M in action.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

The fact that Samsung is working on a smartphone that will sport a foldable display is old news now, but we got to know just recently that two such phones are in development instead of one. Bloomberg reports that the first device will fold in half from the middle, much in the same way as a "cosmetic compact." The second device will initially appear to be a smartphone with a 5-inch display, but can be unfolded to add 3 more inches to the display real estate, making the screen a tablet-sized 8-inch one.

We have been hearing about the "Project Valley" for a long time now and rumors had previously suggested a 2017 release date. The latest report affirms those rumors as it indicates that we might be able to see the foldable phone at the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona. We are excited to find out what Samsung comes up with, when it's released. It sounds amazing to be able to carry around an 8-inch display in your pocket, but we will have to wait and see, if the manufacturer manages to deliver a device that actually works as well in real life scenarios as it seems would do, on paper. What do you think about the foldable smartphone?

Author: Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Foldable displays were showcased by Samsung earlier but smartphones based on that technology never really hit the market in 2016 as many expected them to. The famous Samsung Project Valley is supposedly a development that involves the task of building a foldable smartphone. Rumors surrounding it suggested in 2015 that Samsung will launch their first foldable smartphone in January, 2016. As that did not happen, the rumors had come down a few notches since.

New life was breathed into the rumors when a fresh report from South Korea came in a while ago. It suggested that Samsung will start the production of foldable displays on an industrial scale by the end of 2016 itself. It also adds that these displays are for a device that will be powered by either the Qualcomm Snapdragon 620 or 820, along with 3GB of RAM. Apparently, the 7-inch tablet-sized display of the device will turn into a more manageable 5-inch one when necessary and vice-versa.

There are quite a few leaked pictures from Project Valley that gives us a an impression of what this device might look like when it comes out, but the originality of those snaps are not beyond doubt. Nonetheless, we will hopefully know what exactly is going on in a few months time.


Flip phones were a thing about eight to ten years back when the Moto Razr ruled the smartphone kingdom with a slick design and a sexy fold. Phones have since evolved slowly into small powerhouses with gigantic screens and all sort of sensors on them, but one cannot quite undermine how beautiful and unique the phones looked back then. Samsung however, has not left out the design completely even from its latest smartphones. In fact, there's even a flip phone in China right now (W2017) that's running on Android Marshmallow, sports a Super AMOLED 4.2-inch 1080p touch-enabled display and is powered by a flagship Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset!

Samsung is about to move a step further with a new design for its next flip smartphone, which will resemble any other brick style touch screen Android device in the market, but will also be capable of being folded like a traditional flip phone. The foldable display, assisted by a specialised hinge will make carrying a large-screen phone much more feasible and not to mention, a lot more stylish as well. Take a look at the renders to get an idea of the concept.

We are pretty sure that what we are seeing here is a result of Project Valley, announced back in March, 2015 by Samsung. Could this be the Galaxy X that we had been hearing about just a few months ago?

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Samsung Galaxy Note edge


Flexible displays are slowly but surely making their way into our mobile devices. Samsung's first official Smartphone with a flexible curved display is the Galaxy Note Edge. Samsung's next step, however, will be represented by displays that can be "folded in half", according to a senior Samsung executive. The wording seems to imply that the smartphone that will have that screen attached to it will be bendable as well.


Samsung's display-making subsidiary is gearing up for production of such panels, and it boasts that it will have the capacity to make 30,000 to 40,000 of them each month by the end of 2015.


Note edge


Apparently, none of Samsung's competitors will be able to match that production capacity for flexible displays until 2016. And Samsung plans to use its advantage, by coming out with a bendable phone before the end of 2015.


That said, "nothing has been decided on the finished product" just yet. But if it does come out in 2015, expect it to be another "limited edition" type thing, just like the Galaxy Note Edge is this year. That's because a mass market flagship will require millions of units being made per month, and not tens of thousands.




Samsung 2015 Tablet


Design and technological innovation coupled with ease of use make handheld devices, mainly smartphones and tablets, attractive for consumers. This, in turn, inspires manufacturers to explore newer avenues that help pack devices with innovative design and features. However, oftentimes closing the gap between imagination and execution has not been easy.


Samsung 2015 tablet


According to confirmed reports from Korean website Daum, Samsung will unveil a Flexible and Foldable Tablet by the End of 2015. Although this report contradicts Samsung's revelation in an analyst conference in 2013 about foldable devices to be available by 2016-17, industry watchers now foresee the said devices to hit the market by 2015.


This Foldable tablet is expected to be a Limited Edition with a higher price than Samsung's upcoming 2015 line-up. There is no word on the expected price or release date for it yet. Meanwhile watch the Samsung concept Video Below showing you how this Tablet will look like...


Video [YouTube]

samsung foldable


Samsung Innovation Labs are working on some exciting new projects beyond the curved-edge displays. A Samsung official revealed that the company has started using its flexible / bendable display technology to start creating create a foldable Smartphone, that can be folded like a wallet allows combining between the two form factors of any phone (large screen and compact body).


Samsung flexible displays


The new flexible screen tech has four phases: curved, bent, foldable and rollable. The first two are already a reality, the third one is coming soon while the last one holds promise of displays that are stored like roller blinds.




Another report from a Korean new website, says that Samsung will unveil a Flexible and Foldable Tablet by the End of this year (2015). Although this report contradicts Samsung's revelation in an analyst conference in 2013 about foldable devices to be available by 2016-17, industry watchers now foresee the said devices to hit the market by 2015.


Source 1 , Source 2

Samsung Foldable Tablet


Earlier this year, We reported that Samsung is rumored to be working on a foldable Tablet and Smartphone, codenamed "Project V". It looks like that these rumors turns out to be true, as a newly published patent (No. 30-0757696) from the company has surfaced online, revealing a tablet display that could fold up to two times, effectively forming a single device.


In the Patent, it isn't clear enough how the device's display would work in its unfolded form but it looks like all three parts will be connected together as a screen to display wide-screen video.



It's worth mentioning that this is a design registration patent, meaning it shows the actual look of a hypothetical device, which may or may not turn into reality. Samsung filed it back in November 2013, and the Korean Intellectual Property Office published it yesterday.




We should see these foldable products in the markets by the end of this year. The price is expected to be high considering the technology used on manufacturing such devices.


Source [PDF]



It's not the first time we see Samsung filing a patent application for a flexible mobile display, and getting it approved, but in light with the CEO hint that next year we might see a foldable device become reality, the latest patent is worth your attention. The application has been filed last year, and granted July,7th.




This time the twist is that Samsung has filed for a foldable screen not only of the OLED variety, but an LCD one, too, with roughly the size of one of its Galaxy tablets. The circuit board for the LCD one is on the outside of each half, while with the foldable OLED it is integrated into the package, and bends together with the panel.


patent 1


patent 2


Another interesting recent Samsung patent approved by the USPTO involves near-invisible virtual buttons. These are active areas situated near the edge of a touchscreen, which can command the camera app, for instance. The so-called "sensor pads" can apparently be mapped to different functions, too, so imagine a back button that is constantly under the tip of your thumb on the side of the phone, without taking physical space below the screen, or a shutter button that doesn't take away from the scene framing. If and how are these becoming reality, remains to be seen, but the R&D departments keep inventing and patenting, so at some point we will see a variation of those materialize, hopefully not too much further down the road.



Samsung foldable


Earlier this year we have reported that Samsung has officially announced that it's building on a bendable/foldable smartphone for this year. Well, it looks like we are getting really close to see this device on markets, it packs codename "Samsung Project Valley" and it has faced some delays and expected to be ready to launch by January,2016.


Samsung is reportedly testing both Snapdragon 620 and 820 for the phone. It doesn't become clear if that's for two separate versions of the phone or just looking for the most suitable chipset. Either way, it will have 3GB of RAM.


Samsung Project Valley


The battery will be non-removable, as the Korean will have to design a custom battery for this device but Samsung Project Valley will allegedly have a microSD slot. The screen will certainly be OLED, there are no bendy LCDs.


Project Valley


Stay tuned for more info regarding Samsung Project Valley and this whole new series of foldable devices coming from Samsung very soon.



While it's definitely not the first time that we are hearing about an upcoming foldable smartphone from Samsung, the latest report from ET News has recently added a few details to the speculations. Samsung may at first, launch a dual-screen device which will have two flat flexible displays on each side of it. Whether or not the second foldable smartphone is introduced to the market later will depend on how well the first product is received by the customers. If the report is to be believed, then the twin-display smartphone will hit markets by 2017 in small amounts and in select markets around the world.

As the second part of the company's two step introduction plan, a foldable smartphone with a single flexible display will later be released in the year 2018 (considering that the first one turns out to be a success). This news reminds us of the Samsung Galaxy Round, the smartphone which featured a curved OLED panel. Unfortunately, the Galaxy Round wasn't popular enough to see a more widespread release than its initial limited manufacturing in 2013.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

After years of speculations and planning, it looks like Samsung is ready to finally release smartphones with foldable displays into the market. According to a report by The Korea Herald, there will be some major reshuffling in Samsung's mobile communications unit and IT department by March, following which, the final decision in the matter will be taken. Most reports are suggesting that Samsung will be manufacturing and shipping out as many as 100,000 units of the 7-inch foldable smartphone by Q3 of this very year.

Not to be outdone, LG reportedly has plans of its own to ship out 100,000 units of a foldable smartphone model that they have been developing for the last few years. It should happen by the fourth quarter of 2017, according to the rumors. Additionally, LG may also start selling the foldable displays to other smartphone manufacturers, namely the likes of Huawei and even Apple. It will be interesting to see which of the two Korean tech-giants come out with a better foldable smartphone, given that these rumors hold true of course. Also, we will have to wait and find out if Samsung releases the model with displays on both the rear and the back or the one with just a single flexible display. They may eventually release both versions, but it is likely that we will see just one of them in 2017.

 Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

After years of speculations, we finally have something official to speak about the topic. During the press conference in Korea where the Galaxy Note 8 was launched a few days ago, President of Samsung Mobiles, DJ Koh went on and said the following lines.

"We have a plan to adopt a foldable display in our roadmap. We are currently addressing some technological hurdles to commercialize such a device. We will launch a foldable device when we are fully ready, and we are aiming to do so next year..."

Granted, it's only a plan according to the statement, but it isn't very unlikely that this plan will finally come into fruition in 2018. The reason I think so is because he said it out loud in a press conference. Would the President of Samsung Mobiles have declared it to the press if it wasn't all but confirmed? That would be unwise and the CEO of Samsung Mobiles is not unwise! The question is, will Samsung be launching a new line of handsets with foldable displays or will they just incorporate it into their existing flagship lineups? What do you think?

Via: SamMobile

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Let's admit it, we have been hearing about Samsung preparing a foldable smartphone/tablet for years now, but nothing remarkable or even concrete has been seen so far to confirm that Samsung has any plans of releasing such a device to the consumer market any time soon. Make no mistake, they undoubtedly have the technology to do it as they have shown their foldable displays before at tech-conventions. However, today's leak gives us some more info on the subject that suggests that the mysterious Galaxy X might actually be coming to consumers in 2018.

LetsGoDigital reports that the Korean National Radio Research Agency (NRRA) is inspecting the smartphone as of now. Previous reports had suggested that it already is going through tests necessary for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth certifications. Further info suggests that the model number of the foldable handset will be SM-G888. Check out the screenshot for details. The question is, will you be buying the Galaxy X if it really does come out with a foldable display next year? Let us know in the comments.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

If there's just one thing that has been consistent about rumors in relation to Samsung's upcoming foldable smartphone (which has been coming for years now!), then it's the fact that they have all been mostly wrong! Make no mistake, there have been enough evidence around to convince us that Samsung does indeed have a foldable smartphone in the pipelines, it's just that any news regarding its real world release have turned out to be wrong. The latest victim of this phenomenon was the rumor regarding the SM-G888N0 being the Galaxy X, aka the mythical foldable Samsung smartphone that's coming.

When the SM-G888N0 showed up on Bluetooth SIG and the National Radio Research Agency for certification purposes, almost everyone was convinced that this truly was the foldable phone that Samsung is prepping for release in 2018. As it turns out, the SM-G888N0 had nothing to do with foldable displays at all. The model in question is a tough new device that has apparently been built for South Korean train personnel. It's a part of the LTE-R network project that's about to launch in the country and the world for the first time. While that in itself is quite an interesting topic, you will have to wait longer to hear any new updates regarding the elusive Galaxy X...

Via: SamMobile

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Let's admit it, the foldable smartphone is a mythical beast from Samsung that never realty came to be even after three years since it was first heard of. In fact, even head honchos at Samsung has confirmed that there is a project going on to develop this ultimate smartphone cum tablet combo, but we are yet to see anything substantial. On that note, read on below to know what the umpteenth rumor is now saying about this Duke Nukem Forever of the smartphone world!

According to reports, the upcoming foldable smartphone project has been renamed to "Winner" from "Project Valley" by Samsung. These are of course internal codenames and has little significance to customers, but it's a development nonetheless. Rumor also has it that we will see this smartphone being unveiled at the Mobile World Congress 2019, but then again, that's what the rumors had been saying every year!

Via: SamMobile

Saikat Kar

Samsung was supposed to be the first OEM in the world to bring the foldable smartphone to our doors, but now that ZTE has already beaten Samsung to the first punch by years, the only hope the old and cancelled Project Valley enthusiasts have is that the Korean company will at least be releasing one in 2019. If the latest report by The Wall Street Journal is anything to go by, that might really turn out to be true.

According to the report, the upcoming device will sport a 7-inch Super AMOLED display, that will fold in half from the middle like a wallet. There will apparently be a secondary display on the outside of the device as well, to make it usable even without folding out the phone. As you would expect for a device with essentially three different displays to be, the Galaxy X, aka Winner will be a costly smartphone at roughly $1,500!

Expected to be launched at the Mobile World Congress 2019 (Feb 25 - 28), keep in mind that while this is a much more specific leak than what we are used to in regard to the illusive foldable Samsung smartphone, the release date is still just a speculation.

Saikat Kar

If you have been following the smartphone news for the last few years, then you probably already know that a Samsung foldable smartphone has been in development for years now. However, after years of false rumors and promises, it looks like 2019 is finally going to be the year in which the elusive device from Samsung will at last be launched. The latest rumor suggests that the smartphone will be unveiled at the CES 2019 and we have some images that might just catch your attention because they do look gorgeous.

As per the latest images and rumors, the Galaxy X could also be called Galaxy F, aka Foldable. While the denomination is unimportant, what is more important is the fact that the smartphone seems to be in-line with previous rumors that suggested it would resemble a wallet when folded. In-between the completely folded in and the completely folded out positions, there is even a third intermediary position. Whether these renders hold any credence to them or not is something that we will just have to wait a few more months to find out.

Source: Nieuwe Mobiel

Saikat Kar

After years of rumors and reports, it had just recently been almost established that Samsung will be releasing their first foldable-display phone in 2019, but as per a new report by CNBC, that is no longer the situation because they could very well be releasing the company's first smartphone with a foldable display in 2018 itself. The report is authentic because D.J. Koh (President and CEO of Samsung Mobile and IT) himself has confirmed all the rumors by stating the following.

"It's time to deliver on a foldable device after consumer surveys showed that there is a market for that kind of handset."

Koh further elaborated on the topic by saying that the team has almost finished the complex development process, indicating that a 2018 release may just be on the cards. It should be noted that Samsung had declared back in July that their unbreakable and flexible OLED displays are now officially certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Our best guess is that more will be revealed at the Samsung Developer Conference (San Francisco) in November.

Saikat Kar



Samsung fans have been waiting for a foldable smartphone from the tech giant for years now and after years of false hopes, it does look like Samsung is finally ready to showcase its foldable smartphone in just a few more days. The latest hint which all but confirms the rumors shows a Samsung logo which is folding over itself in the same manner that Samsung's rumored wallet phone is supposed to. Even if Samsung doesn't launch the foldable phone during the SDC 2018 on November 7, we are almost certain that they will definitely showcase it nonetheless.


As per reliable sources, the in-folding wallet phone, also known as Galaxy F by the fans will be sporting a 7.3-inch foldable OLED display, as well an external 4.6-inch OLED display which will serve as a compact phone when folded. While this would most certainly be a revolutionary design, it remains to be seen how much the Korean giant decides to ask for this model on its release, which is expected to happen in early 2019.


Saikat Kar



After years of speculations, rumors, leaks and anticipation, the Korean giant has finally provided a look at their first foldable smartphone prototype during the SDC, as expected. Google is already developing apps for the foldable design and for all intents and purposes, this is what the next step in the evolution of smartphones is going to be. Take a look at the following points to know everything that was revealed during the conference and press meet.

Galaxy X or Galaxy F?


While nothing was mentioned regarding the name of the device, it's probably going to be named Galaxy X, which will likely replace the current-gen Galaxy S9 on the eve of the flagship line-up's tenth anniversary next year.

The Foldable Display


There will possibly be the same 4.5-inch/7.3-inch form factor in the final device as well. In case you are not clear on that, consider it to be an in-folding device (Infinity Flex Display) that has one external 4.5-inch display, which will be active while the phone is closed and you want it to be portable. The main display inside is a massive, foldable panel (7.3-inch) that turns the phone into a small tablet, when required. As Samsung has mentioned that there will be support for three separate apps at the same time, it is probable that the 7.3-inch display will be able to function as two separate ones by separating from the middle (the folding line).



Availability of the phone wasn't confirmed but Samsung did mention that they will go into mass production in the coming months, which means that we will most likely see the device in 2019, which is especially likely if this technology is meant to be used in the Galaxy S10 (likely to be called Galaxy X).


This is anybody's guess really at this point, but expect nothing short of a premium price tag on the device when it comes out and that price tag will most certainly be at least $1,200 - $1,500.


Samsung was beaten to the punch by the Rouyu FlexiPai which was showcased just a week ago, but the FlexiPai sported an out-folding design while the prototype by Samsung is clearly an in-folding phone. The likes of LG, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Huawei and even Microsoft are also working on bringing flexible displays to the market in 2019, so it does look like the next big step in display tech evolution since the flat-screen revolution is finally here.

Saikat Kar

Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? xiaomi may copy razr’s design its foldable phone would buy foldable smartphone? galaxy fold isn’t only foldable smartphone releasing this year world’s first foldable dual screen smartphone here it’s called zte axon might see two foldable smartphones samsung mwc 2017 might start see foldable smartphones samsung 2017 samsung’s new foldable smartphone: fold flip samsung make foldable smartphone with bendable display 2015 samsung release flexible foldable tablet end 2015 video samsung reportedly building foldable smartphone tablet released this year samsung patented three-way foldable tablet released later this year samsung patented foldable tablet displays invisible virtual control buttons photos samsung project valley first foldable smartphone coming january 2016 foldable smartphones samsung: two step introduction samsung release first foldable smartphones 2017 foldable samsung smartphones coming 2018: confirmed koh foldable samsung galaxy smartphone gets leaked samsung smartphone with model number g888n0 foldable device foldable smartphone rumor number… foldable wallet phones samsung coming next year this how samsung foldable smartphone probably look see foldable smartphones samsung 2018? finally foldable smartphone samsung november? samsung’s foldable phone has been unleashed: everything need care about 


While the prototype of the foldable smartphone has finally been revealed by Samsung, the presentation was concise, as far as giving everyone a look at the device was concerned. However, we have the latest 3D renders for you to look at, thanks to LetsGoDitigal. While the final design of the device might be similar, do not expect it to be identical to what you see here because this is after all, a conceptual 3D render, based on the patent pictures we have all seen.

If the render is anywhere close to the final product though, it means that there will be a hinge on the device, not unlike the one seen on Microsoft's Surface Book. In other rumors, it has been mentioned that the foldable smartphone will not be the successor to the Galaxy S9, but will instead be revealed in March, after about a month from the Galaxy S10's launch. Are you loking forward to buying this phone which may just set you back by 2 million wons ($1775 roughly)?

Saikat Kar

Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? xiaomi may copy razr’s design its foldable phone would buy foldable smartphone? galaxy fold isn’t only foldable smartphone releasing this year world’s first foldable dual screen smartphone here it’s called zte axon might see two foldable smartphones samsung mwc 2017 might start see foldable smartphones samsung 2017 samsung’s new foldable smartphone: fold flip samsung make foldable smartphone with bendable display 2015 samsung release flexible foldable tablet end 2015 video samsung reportedly building foldable smartphone tablet released this year samsung patented three-way foldable tablet released later this year samsung patented foldable tablet displays invisible virtual control buttons photos samsung project valley first foldable smartphone coming january 2016 foldable smartphones samsung: two step introduction samsung release first foldable smartphones 2017 foldable samsung smartphones coming 2018: confirmed koh foldable samsung galaxy smartphone gets leaked samsung smartphone with model number g888n0 foldable device foldable smartphone rumor number… foldable wallet phones samsung coming next year this how samsung foldable smartphone probably look see foldable smartphones samsung 2018? finally foldable smartphone samsung november? samsung’s foldable phone has been unleashed: everything need care about this foldable samsung smartphone rendered 


The Galaxy S10 series of smartphones might be the talk of the town at the moment, but in many of our opinions, Samsung made a much more significant announcement earlier today by announcing the much awaited and rumored foldable Galaxy smartphone, aka the Galaxy Fold. It has been in rumors for 5 years straight and now that it is finally, almost here, it is STILL a prototype! Nonetheless, check out the key facts about the Galaxy Fold below, which will supposedly release in April.


·        The Cover Display is 4.6-inch with a resolution of 840 x 1960, at 21:9 aspect ratio

·        The Fold unravels to a 7.3-inch Infinity Flex display with a resolution of 1536 x 2152 at 4.2:3 aspect ratio

·        The multi-geared hinge will last hundreds of thousands of uses

·        There is a corner notch to house the two selfie cams on the main screen

·        The rear camera setup is a tri-camera module



While it seemed like an uniquely impressive device during the presentation, for what it tends to achieve, there is no denying the fact that the Galaxy Fold is a clunky device that costs almost $2000! Will you be buying one if it comes out in April? Or will you wait till 2020? By which time, Samsung is almost guaranteed to slim down the device with better design and will probably price it a lot cheaper too.


Saikat Kar

Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? xiaomi may copy razr’s design its foldable phone would buy foldable smartphone? galaxy fold isn’t only foldable smartphone releasing this year world’s first foldable dual screen smartphone here it’s called zte axon might see two foldable smartphones samsung mwc 2017 might start see foldable smartphones samsung 2017 samsung’s new foldable smartphone: fold flip samsung make foldable smartphone with bendable display 2015 samsung release flexible foldable tablet end 2015 video samsung reportedly building foldable smartphone tablet released this year samsung patented three-way foldable tablet released later this year samsung patented foldable tablet displays invisible virtual control buttons photos samsung project valley first foldable smartphone coming january 2016 foldable smartphones samsung: two step introduction samsung release first foldable smartphones 2017 foldable samsung smartphones coming 2018: confirmed koh foldable samsung galaxy smartphone gets leaked samsung smartphone with model number g888n0 foldable device foldable smartphone rumor number… foldable wallet phones samsung coming next year this how samsung foldable smartphone probably look see foldable smartphones samsung 2018? finally foldable smartphone samsung november? samsung’s foldable phone has been unleashed: everything need care about this foldable samsung smartphone rendered foldable phone finally here after years rumors! 




Some people might argue that Samsung was in an unnecessary hurry to pull the trigger and launching a foldable phone was a mistake at that time. The event also met with a series of malfunction which kind-of delayed the actual launch of the foldable device but eventually, it was Samsung who come up with the idea and very first foldable smartphones.


Now, when the company has successfully launched the in-folding smartphone Galaxy Z fold as well as the clamshell Galaxy Z flip, it might be working on a double-folding foldable smartphone, citing three sources familiar with the topic. The sources also claim that the new device could be revealed at the end of this year. Although at the time of uncertainty, it's hard to say final words.


The double-folding smartphone isn't much discussed yet, but it is believed that the design will be more suitable for apps. "The design is set to make the unfolded screen aspect ratio be in line with the mainstream ratio of 16:9 or 18:9, so more video games and other apps could run more smoothly with better resolutions on the device," a source elaborated to Nikkei Asia Review.


At this time, it is not clear that whether there will a dual-folding foldable smartphone something similar to Xiaomi's prototype foldable, which allow the user to fold phone back the top and button or it would be something we haven't seen so far. We have also seen some patents and concepts for a device that folds into a Z shape, with one side folding backward, and the other side folding inwards. Presumably, Samsung is following the latter approach, as the firm has moved away from out-folding designs due to heavy screen cost or damage concerns. The latter solution would mean the screens won't be entirely exposed to the potential damage as a folding experience.


Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? xiaomi may copy razr’s design its foldable phone would buy foldable smartphone? galaxy fold isn’t only foldable smartphone releasing this year world’s first foldable dual screen smartphone here it’s called zte axon might see two foldable smartphones samsung mwc 2017 might start see foldable smartphones samsung 2017 samsung’s new foldable smartphone: fold flip samsung make foldable smartphone with bendable display 2015 samsung release flexible foldable tablet end 2015 video samsung reportedly building foldable smartphone tablet released this year samsung patented three-way foldable tablet released later this year samsung patented foldable tablet displays invisible virtual control buttons photos samsung project valley first foldable smartphone coming january 2016 foldable smartphones samsung: two step introduction samsung release first foldable smartphones 2017 foldable samsung smartphones coming 2018: confirmed koh foldable samsung galaxy smartphone gets leaked samsung smartphone with model number g888n0 foldable device foldable smartphone rumor number… foldable wallet phones samsung coming next year this how samsung foldable smartphone probably look see foldable smartphones samsung 2018? finally foldable smartphone samsung november? samsung’s foldable phone has been unleashed: everything need care about this foldable samsung smartphone rendered foldable phone finally here after years rumors! samsung reportedly working double-folding foldable smartphone 

No we are not talking about the iPhone 8 which we know is the most talked about iPhone at the moment. We are indeed talking about the iPhones which we will see in 2018. Based on a recent patent application by Apple, the iPhone which is still over one and a half year away from us, could sport a retractable design.

As you can see from the design sketches, the concept looks quite similar to what a scroll looks like. There are cylindrical housings on both sides and a thin sheet in between that can be retracted back until the two cylindrical units meet. The sheet in the middle is of course the flexible OLED panel of the device, with everything else being housed within the two cylindrical units. All of this is only hypothesis of course, but that's exactly what it looks like.

We have to admit, the concept looks downright revolutionary from every angle. Granted that chances of seeing something so radical and futuristic by next year are pretty slim, it is still a fact that Apple has indeed applied for a patent and these sketches seem to show us in which direction Apple is headed.


Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? xiaomi may copy razr’s design its foldable phone would buy foldable smartphone? galaxy fold isn’t only foldable smartphone releasing this year world’s first foldable dual screen smartphone here it’s called zte axon might see two foldable smartphones samsung mwc 2017 might start see foldable smartphones samsung 2017 samsung’s new foldable smartphone: fold flip samsung make foldable smartphone with bendable display 2015 samsung release flexible foldable tablet end 2015 video samsung reportedly building foldable smartphone tablet released this year samsung patented three-way foldable tablet released later this year samsung patented foldable tablet displays invisible virtual control buttons photos samsung project valley first foldable smartphone coming january 2016 foldable smartphones samsung: two step introduction samsung release first foldable smartphones 2017 foldable samsung smartphones coming 2018: confirmed koh foldable samsung galaxy smartphone gets leaked samsung smartphone with model number g888n0 foldable device foldable smartphone rumor number… foldable wallet phones samsung coming next year this how samsung foldable smartphone probably look see foldable smartphones samsung 2018? finally foldable smartphone samsung november? samsung’s foldable phone has been unleashed: everything need care about this foldable samsung smartphone rendered foldable phone finally here after years rumors! samsung reportedly working double-folding foldable smartphone apple iphone have foldable retractable display? 

Samsung might have been toying with the idea for a long time, but it was ZTE who beat everybody to the concept and released the world's first foldable smartphone Axon M. Now, it looks like Apple is planning to do something similar with their next iPhone. The US Patent & Trade Office has just received a patent request from Apple which contains the description, a smartphone that can be "opened and closed like a book." If that's not a foldable smartphone, we don't know what is!

In fact, it sounds just like what ZTE did with the Axon, but according to the descriptions, it won't be two separate displays attached together; there would be one single foldable display. It is unclear at this point whether Apple will be going with LCD or OLED for the foldable panel, because the patent covers both, alongside microLED. Check out a portion of the exact text within the patent below.

"An electronic device may have a flexible portion that allows the device to be folded. The device may have a flexible display. The flexible display may have a flexible display layer, a cover layer, a touch sensor interposed between the flexible display layer and the cover layer, a support layer, and a polarizer layer."

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? xiaomi may copy razr’s design its foldable phone would buy foldable smartphone? galaxy fold isn’t only foldable smartphone releasing this year world’s first foldable dual screen smartphone here it’s called zte axon might see two foldable smartphones samsung mwc 2017 might start see foldable smartphones samsung 2017 samsung’s new foldable smartphone: fold flip samsung make foldable smartphone with bendable display 2015 samsung release flexible foldable tablet end 2015 video samsung reportedly building foldable smartphone tablet released this year samsung patented three-way foldable tablet released later this year samsung patented foldable tablet displays invisible virtual control buttons photos samsung project valley first foldable smartphone coming january 2016 foldable smartphones samsung: two step introduction samsung release first foldable smartphones 2017 foldable samsung smartphones coming 2018: confirmed koh foldable samsung galaxy smartphone gets leaked samsung smartphone with model number g888n0 foldable device foldable smartphone rumor number… foldable wallet phones samsung coming next year this how samsung foldable smartphone probably look see foldable smartphones samsung 2018? finally foldable smartphone samsung november? samsung’s foldable phone has been unleashed: everything need care about this foldable samsung smartphone rendered foldable phone finally here after years rumors! samsung reportedly working double-folding foldable smartphone apple iphone have foldable retractable display? next iphone could foldable 

Foldable smartphones are not exactly a novelty anymore since the ZTE Axon M released last year made sure that the Chinese manufacturer was the first one to deliver a foldable smartphone to the market. The phone isn't without it's share of flaws, but it definitely is the first of its kind. After being rumored to appear first in Samsung's arsenal and even teased by DJ Koh, the foldable Galaxy X never really arrived from Samsung, but a new rumor has it that Apple might be trying to pull of something similar in the next two years.

The report comes from CNBC and it states that Apple is likely working on a iPhone which will have the capacity to become an iPad, as and when required! Apparently, Apple has teamed up with a secret Asian partner to make this happen by the year 2020. If this turns out to be true, do you think that it will replace the iPad? Let us know in the comments?

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? xiaomi may copy razr’s design its foldable phone would buy foldable smartphone? galaxy fold isn’t only foldable smartphone releasing this year world’s first foldable dual screen smartphone here it’s called zte axon might see two foldable smartphones samsung mwc 2017 might start see foldable smartphones samsung 2017 samsung’s new foldable smartphone: fold flip samsung make foldable smartphone with bendable display 2015 samsung release flexible foldable tablet end 2015 video samsung reportedly building foldable smartphone tablet released this year samsung patented three-way foldable tablet released later this year samsung patented foldable tablet displays invisible virtual control buttons photos samsung project valley first foldable smartphone coming january 2016 foldable smartphones samsung: two step introduction samsung release first foldable smartphones 2017 foldable samsung smartphones coming 2018: confirmed koh foldable samsung galaxy smartphone gets leaked samsung smartphone with model number g888n0 foldable device foldable smartphone rumor number… foldable wallet phones samsung coming next year this how samsung foldable smartphone probably look see foldable smartphones samsung 2018? finally foldable smartphone samsung november? samsung’s foldable phone has been unleashed: everything need care about this foldable samsung smartphone rendered foldable phone finally here after years rumors! samsung reportedly working double-folding foldable smartphone apple iphone have foldable retractable display? next iphone could foldable can see foldable smartphone apple soon? 



2019 is going to be the year of the foldable smartphones without a doubt, and while the technology may still take a few years before it can be more standardized and improved upon, foldable display is the trend that every OEM wants a piece of apparently. On that note, here are all the smartphones that have so far been revealed by OEMs and should be available for purchase in the coming months.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold



It is a huge device and it sports a huge price tag as well at $1,980! Nonetheless, the foldable smartphone sports impressive specs which includes an external OLED display of 4.5-inches and an internal foldable OLED display that measures 7.3 inches, which is only revealed on opening the phone. It supports the latest media and eve latest video gaming technologies, high-graphic online slots included.  Powered by the latest processor from Samsung, 12GB of RAM, 512GB of internal storage, a 4,380mAh foldable battery and a tri-lens module (16MP+12MP+12MP) at the back, the Galaxy Fold will be available for purchase from April.

The Huawei Mate X



The foldable display on the Huawei Mate X measures 8-inches and on closing, the display stays on the outside, unlike with the Galaxy Fold. If you thought the Galaxy Fold was expensive, wait till you get a load of the Mate X's $2,600 price tag! Powered by the extremely capable Hisilicon Kirin 980 and 5G capabilities, the exact date has not been set for the Mate X's release yet, although it was unveiled at the MWC 2019.

Xiaomi Mix Flex



Revealed only by a teaser, the Xiaomi Mi Flex has gained a lot of attention recently. The prototype has been shown on camera by President of Xiaomi Lin Bin already, so it's only a matter of time before the device becomes official. What makes the Mix Flex Unique is that unlike most of the devices that we have seen so far officially or via rumors and leaks, the prototype was shown as a tablet that could be bended on both sides to leave enough room only for a smartphone display. The double folding smartphone can also be called Xiaomi Dual Flex when it finally comes out, as stated by the Lin Bin himself.

Do note that the rumored LG Bendi, the Moto Razr 2019 and the Oppo Foldable Phone were kept out of this list intentionally, as they have not yet been confirmed by their respective manufacturers. Which one do you find most impressive? More importantly, can you justify the price tags that Samsung and Huawei are putting on these devices? Let us know in the comments.

Saikat Kar

Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? xiaomi may copy razr’s design its foldable phone would buy foldable smartphone? galaxy fold isn’t only foldable smartphone releasing this year world’s first foldable dual screen smartphone here it’s called zte axon might see two foldable smartphones samsung mwc 2017 might start see foldable smartphones samsung 2017 samsung’s new foldable smartphone: fold flip samsung make foldable smartphone with bendable display 2015 samsung release flexible foldable tablet end 2015 video samsung reportedly building foldable smartphone tablet released this year samsung patented three-way foldable tablet released later this year samsung patented foldable tablet displays invisible virtual control buttons photos samsung project valley first foldable smartphone coming january 2016 foldable smartphones samsung: two step introduction samsung release first foldable smartphones 2017 foldable samsung smartphones coming 2018: confirmed koh foldable samsung galaxy smartphone gets leaked samsung smartphone with model number g888n0 foldable device foldable smartphone rumor number… foldable wallet phones samsung coming next year this how samsung foldable smartphone probably look see foldable smartphones samsung 2018? finally foldable smartphone samsung november? samsung’s foldable phone has been unleashed: everything need care about this foldable samsung smartphone rendered foldable phone finally here after years rumors! samsung reportedly working double-folding foldable smartphone apple iphone have foldable retractable display? next iphone could foldable can see foldable smartphone apple soon? foldable smartphone: models revealed far 

Samsung 2015 Tablet


Design and technological innovation coupled with ease of use make handheld devices, mainly smartphones and tablets, attractive for consumers. This, in turn, inspires manufacturers to explore newer avenues that help pack devices with innovative design and features. However, oftentimes closing the gap between imagination and execution has not been easy.


Samsung 2015 tablet


According to confirmed reports from Korean website Daum, Samsung will unveil a Flexible and Foldable Tablet by the End of this year [2015]. Although this report contradicts Samsung's revelation in an analyst conference in 2013 about foldable devices to be available by 2016-17, industry watchers now foresee the said devices to hit the market by 2015.


This Foldable tablet is expected to be a Limited Edition with a higher price than Samsung's upcoming 2015 line-up. There is no word on the expected price or release date for it yet. Meanwhile watch the Samsung concept Video Below showing you how this Tablet will look like...


Video [YouTube]

Tags: why foldable phone oneplus yet? xiaomi may copy razr’s design its foldable phone would buy foldable smartphone? galaxy fold isn’t only foldable smartphone releasing this year world’s first foldable dual screen smartphone here it’s called zte axon might see two foldable smartphones samsung mwc 2017 might start see foldable smartphones samsung 2017 samsung’s new foldable smartphone: fold flip samsung make foldable smartphone with bendable display 2015 samsung release flexible foldable tablet end 2015 video samsung reportedly building foldable smartphone tablet released this year samsung patented three-way foldable tablet released later this year samsung patented foldable tablet displays invisible virtual control buttons photos samsung project valley first foldable smartphone coming january 2016 foldable smartphones samsung: two step introduction samsung release first foldable smartphones 2017 foldable samsung smartphones coming 2018: confirmed koh foldable samsung galaxy smartphone gets leaked samsung smartphone with model number g888n0 foldable device foldable smartphone rumor number… foldable wallet phones samsung coming next year this how samsung foldable smartphone probably look see foldable smartphones samsung 2018? finally foldable smartphone samsung november? samsung’s foldable phone has been unleashed: everything need care about this foldable samsung smartphone rendered foldable phone finally here after years rumors! samsung reportedly working double-folding foldable smartphone apple iphone have foldable retractable display? next iphone could foldable can see foldable smartphone apple soon? foldable smartphone: models revealed far samsung planning release foldable tablet end this year video 

moto razr


The foldable smartphone seems to be the new attraction for consumers. After Samsung, Huwaei, and Apple, Motorola is also ready to test the waters. Samsung's recent disastrous pre-launch effort has drawn a serious shadow over the future of the foldable smartphone. While there are many people who suggest that foldable display technology is a new one and it is going to have its ups and downs. Regardless of what happened with Samsung foldable, consumers are still hopeful for the future of foldable devices.

Motorola Razr is a foldable smartphone expected to launch around August. We haven't heard about the company for years, but still, we have good memories of its amazing designs and sleek looking smartphones. After Samsung has postponed its foldable device release for unstated time, maybe the Motorola Razr would be the first commercially available smartphone in the market.

Moto has genuinely struggled to get a solid base in the really fast emerging smartphone era, losing its dominance to Apple and Samsung over the years. But as we all may think, this new foldable device could make or Moto reputation. When they released the original Razr back in 2005, it completely wins over the market with its unique design and aggressive marketing campaign to push the device to as many people as possible. The strategy worked, making it one of the most popular smartphones ever produced.

However, the dominance was short lived. Apple released the iPhone in 2007, followed by the HTC G1 - the first smartphone to run Google's Android operating system. Soon after its release, people turned to iPhone as Razr wasn't just smartphone. Motorola tried to shift consumer's attention to its Droid Razr but it wasn't iPhone nor it had the appeal of the original Razr. Moto lost its shares to Samsung and LG and was eventually bought by Google in 2012 for around $12.5 billion. Google sold Motorola to China-based technology firm Lenovo for around $3 billion in 2016.

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moto razr


While there are companies like Samsung and Huawei designing foldable devices, the Moto Razr V4 is expected to be one of the first affordable foldable. The launch date for the device is rumored to be November 13, at an event in Los Angeles, so it could be available long before the Huawei's foldable. According to the latest rumor, it will be cost around $1500. Since the prices can be different in other regions, it could be something around the base price. The main selling point of the mobile phone is its foldable screen. The first hint came from Lenovo's CEO, who said, "With the new technology, particularly foldable screens, I think you will see more and more innovation on our smartphone design. So hopefully what you just described [the Motorola Razr brand] will be developed or realized very soon."

Then, at MWC 2019, Motorola vice president and general manager Anthony Barounas, said, according to TrustedReviews: "If you go around the stores today, for me the phones all look the same. It's difficult to see if it's a Motorola, or [another brand]. How we differentiate to the consumer, show them something different, that's where foldable comes in. And that's where Motorola also has a very big investment. I can't say much but we have one franchise that will have a very big impact there."

We have finally seen some leak images of the possible design of the upcoming Moto Razr 2019, and they are expected to be like a clamshell-like design with a screen of 6.2-inches that folds in the middle. The size would be much smaller than the other foldable devices when folded. There will be a small camera bump and a power button on the front. When open, there seem no visible hinge. There are also some pictures of the Moto Razr v4 patent pointing to the folding screen.

The rumors suggest that there will be a secondary screen that can be used to display notifications and clock, or to interact with the Google Assistant when the device is closed. It sounds like it won't have the full functionality of the main screen if this rumor is right. The device might be powered by Snapdragon 710 and have 4/6 GB RAM with a 64/128GB storage configuration. Finger crossed, let's see what Moto bring for its fan base in the foldable category.


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