Will there Finally be a Foldable Smartphone from Samsung in November?

5 November, 2018 Samsung


Samsung fans have been waiting for a foldable smartphone from the tech giant for years now and after years of false hopes, it does look like Samsung is finally ready to showcase its foldable smartphone in just a few more days. The latest hint which all but confirms the rumors shows a Samsung logo which is folding over itself in the same manner that Samsung's rumored wallet phone is supposed to. Even if Samsung doesn't launch the foldable phone during the SDC 2018 on November 7, we are almost certain that they will definitely showcase it nonetheless.


As per reliable sources, the in-folding wallet phone, also known as Galaxy F by the fans will be sporting a 7.3-inch foldable OLED display, as well an external 4.6-inch OLED display which will serve as a compact phone when folded. While this would most certainly be a revolutionary design, it remains to be seen how much the Korean giant decides to ask for this model on its release, which is expected to happen in early 2019.


Saikat Kar


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