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Between the ability to make a purchase from your mobile device at the push of a button to the fear of missing out that can leave you chasing every new iteration of your smartphone, technology has a way of making it easy to spend money. Balancing that is the fact that technology also makes it easier than ever to use your money wisely, get control of your spending habits and build wealth. The tips below can help you use tech for smart money management.


Comparison Shop


Even if you prefer to do your shopping in brick-and-mortar stores, you can look online to compare prices and make sure you're getting the best deal possible. Some products will scan for the best prices after you take a photo of the item or scan its barcode. However, comparison shopping online doesn't stop here. You can look for better rates on auto insurance, lower utility prices and better terms for loans. You can even find good opportunities for refinancing existing loans. These payments can be especially burdensome and the interest can add up over time, but if interest rates have fallen and your credit score has improved recently, you should be able to find lenders willing to refinance your student loan at a lower rate. With lower monthly payments, this can save you a great deal of money over the long term.


Plan for Retirement


Increasingly, Silicon Valley is realizing that they've been ignoring a market of baby boomers who are tech-savvy and maybe even investment-savvy but who still struggle to navigate the unfamiliar waters of retirement. A number of new products are starting to appear that offer a range of services. Time will tell which of these are useful enough to survive, but they include products that help retired people and people approaching retirement understand their options for Medicaid, Social Security and more. This is often unknown territory even for relatively financially sophisticated boomers. Some products offer a free version alongside a paid version that allows users to work with a financial adviser. Others are designed for financial advisers themselves, helping them design options that will create income generation for their retired clients.


Budgeting and Saving


In contrast, programs and apps that help you with budgeting and saving have been around for a while although there are always new and improved products hitting the market. The value of many of these tools is the degree to which they automate the process of tracking your spending and helping you budget. Many offer you the opportunity to connect your bank account. If you make most of your purchases electronically, this can give you a clear picture of your spending. This is handy information to have even if you don't need to do any hard-core budgeting. If you're working to get out of debt, it can be invaluable in helping you understand and change your habits to save more. Using tech can also be a great way to get your children more interested in learning about finances and making responsible choices with money with apps developed particularly for certain age groups that gamify or otherwise make the process fun.


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As technology continues to expand at an incredible rate, so does the amount of impressive devices springing up. One such device is that of the OnePlus 8 Pro. Since the OnePlus One burst onto the market in 2014, OnePlus have continued to provide a first-class gaming experience for a much cheaper price than the high-end phones.


Of course, phones are no longer just a contacting device; they are cameras, mini computers and even mini consoles. Almost anything can be played on a smartphone, whether that's first-person shooter games or even the likes of American casino sites. And, as the amount of promotions for mobile gamers continues to grow, then so will the number of users. 


Included in this category is the OnePlus 8 Pro; now hailed as one of the best all-round phones for Android gamers, the Pro will set you back £600, but it is seemingly worth every penny.

The 8 Pro is £50 dearer than one of its predecessors the 7T, but with the enhanced performance, its 5G capability and a classier design, that extra £50 gives you a lot more for your money.

A more suave design

The main thing that £50 price hike gets you over the 7T - alongside improved performance and 5G - is a classier design.


On first look, it's hard to tell the difference between the OnePlus 8 Pro and the OnePlus 8. They have the same screen-heavy fronts and same curvy glass back, but the Pro's centrally-mounted camera module costs more with chunkier housing and more sensors. The Pro also possesses a greater curved screen edge and is lighter, making one-handed usage easier.

The Pro wins in performance

What the OnePlus 8 lacks in regards to the Pro is the absence of QHD resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate, but a 6.55-inch 1080p AMOLED display is still bright and sharp enough to portray accurate colours and an impressive high contrast.

 Its 90Hz refresh rate is, however, 50% higher than any iPhone so games on platforms like sagamblingsites.co.za that support higher frame rates can benefit.

In terms of gaming and performance, the OnePlus 8 and the Pro both contain the Snapdragon 865 CPU - which is as fast as an Android phone will allow right now. Whilst the Pro has the lightning-fast LPDDR5 RAM, the OnePlus 8 provides a choice of 8GB or 12GB of RAM which is more than enough for even the most demanding of games.

The 8 claws back some ground with battery life

Both phones also possess a ‘Fnatic Mode' which optimizes the phone's resources for gaming, blocking all notifications. The Game Space app enables micromanagement of the 8, with features such as answering calls on speakerphone whilst gaming, for example.



Where the OnePlus 8 blasts the Pro into the water is in terms of battery life. With a less bright, sharp and high-refresh rate display than the Pro, you can game for hours. Plus, the included 30W USB-C charger will boost the battery back up in quick time.

Both outstanding phones, the Pro just edges it


So whilst, the OnePlus 8 may not be as ‘out there' as the Pro, it is still an incredible piece of kit for less than £600. A Snapdragon 865 CPU and large 90Hz display makes it ideal for gaming, and, with a battery life and software detail that are outstanding to say the least, it is certainly equipped for long gaming usage. Its more expensive sibling - the Pro - may well be a clearer choice, but the OnePlus 8 still packs a great punch.


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Are you running into the iOS 14 bugs and glitches after the latest OS update? If yes, keep reading this article to help you fix the issues and experience the latest upgrade. Recent OS updates caused a few issues related to broken WiFi, draining battery life, and spontaneously reset settings. To fix these, Apple rolled out the iOS 14.0.1 patch that pretty much solves these problems. This situation isn't new for people who signed up for the beta version, and while some issues have been resolved, some bigs persist. These issues are not probably a serious one but annoying ones. So, let's try to resolve these annoying issues. To update the latest version, head to settings > general > software update > download and install, and click install now when the option becomes available on the screen.


If you are not on the iOS 14 yet, make sure that you have an iPhone 6s or newer before trying to download the OS. You will also need enough space on your phone to download it. If you have previously installed the beta version, you need to delete that version in Settings > general > profiles.


If you find it difficult to add or edit widgets, this is certainly an iOS 14 problem. New apps you download may not allow you to add widgets as well. To solve this, open up the app and browse it a little bit, then close it, you may find that it appears within the widget list after hitting the plus icon now.


If you have to reconnect to WiFi manually every time you put your iPhone into sleep mode, then you need to download the new system update iOS 14.0.1 that aims to fix WiFi network connectivity issues. Likewise, you need this update if the Top stories section appears blank for you in the Apple News widget, or the iPhone camera app viewfinder has turned completely dark for you. The update patch that was rolled just after one week solves the issues mentioned above.


Some users are experienced that after installing iOS 14, their batteries are draining fast. What happens that the battery drain might be temporary until your iPhone gets used to the new update. There are other things you can do if your battery continues to drain at an alarming speed. Open your settings app and go to Settings > battery > battery health to check if your battery is doing okay. There are many ways you can extend your battery life, like turning off the auto-brightness on your screen and manually keeping it at a low setting. You can also turn off apps refreshing the background by going to settings > general > background app refresh.


poco x2


The POCO X2 was released last year, but it has consistent growing demand even today. When compared against the specs and price of the recently launched similar phones, it wasn't possible to find any shortcomings in the device. The one thing that really stood out was its rear camera which allows users to shoot some really decent photos at a maximum resolution of 64 megapixels.


However, recently multiple users have not been able to do that. The app tends to freeze pretty often or displays a black screen altogether. Some users also reported the ‘can't connect to camera' error message that appears when opening up the camera app. Trying to access the macro or the ultra-wide camera feature was also inaccessible. These issues were later on acknowledged and marked as software-related by the phone manufacturers.


In a press release statement shared on Twitter, the company said that almost 0.2% people have reported the camera issues. Nevertheless, they apologize to those affected. They also shared a picture of a step-by-step solution to this problem. So, here is how you can work around.

Clean Camera app data - to do this, Open Settings > Search Manage apps > Search Camera > Clear Data > Clear all data
Reboot the phone
Check if the camera is working


If the solution doesn't work for you, the company wants you to report it on the services and feedback app, and upload the device logs under the camera section. The services and feedback app is amongst the pre-installed apps and located in the app drawer. The user can also visit the nearest service center with the feedback generated ID to get the issue fixed by the engineers and support at the center.



Whether you are trying to pay a bill, order something online or just trying your luck at an internet casino, safety of the payment system is of paramount importance. A single mistake can result in phishers and scammers stealing your financial details, which could prove to be very costly. So, how do you make sure that your financials are safe while spending money online? By sticking with reliable websites and trusted payment systems. How do you make sure they are safe options? That's exactly what we are going to discuss next with the help of the following points.

Safety Begins at Home

The computer you are using to surf the internet is the first thing that you need to secure. Make sure that the OS running on it is original first because that's the most important aspect of cyber safety. Next, you need to install a good antivirus software with real-time internet protection. This will give you continuous protection even if you are led towards a phishing page or a site that's deemed unsafe. The antivirus will detect and stop suspicious activities automatically and warn you of the danger immediately.

Use e-Wallets

The main advantage that electronic wallets have over using credit cards and debit cards directly is the fact that they keep your card information safe. For example, internet casinos are a hotspot for cyber criminals, so they are always looking to phish card info from unsuspecting users and that's precisely why online casino PayPal payment option is the safest choice to make. PayPal being one of the world's most popular and also one of the most reliable online payments system, your financial info remains safe with them and you don't ever have to risk giving away your valuable financial information on a scam site or phishing page. The best part is that almost everyone accepts PayPal these days!

Do Your Research

If you are going to play at an unknown internet casino or shop at an ecommerce site that you know little of, use Google. See what other people are saying about the site and go through user experiences to get an idea of what to expect. Some sites even have a trust score for users to check.

Check the Link/URL

The best and often the only way to avoid an active phishing attack is to check the URL in your browser or mail. For example, does it say https://amazon.com or does it say https://amazon.us/gb5hgy/login-id? Most authentic websites do not use a string of random alphabets at the end like that and Amazon USA is just called Amazon.com, so there's no amazon.us domain. Beware of little details like that at all times.

The rule of thumb is, if something looks out of place, then that's because it is! Don't take chances with your finances online and be safe by following the few simple precautions mentioned here.


The battle to secure the internet has been fought for many years. Cybersecurity has remained to be a big challenge for organizations ever since machines in offices go connected to the world wide web. In the early days of the internet, security threats were not as complicated as they are today. Problems facing companies only ranged from a few destructive virus threats to basic scamming attempts. With time though, technology has evolved rapidly and now companies have to deal with complicated cybersecurity threats. Ransomware, data theft, and network disruptions are just some of the threats that face organizations.

The evolution of cybersecurity threats has also prompted an evolution in defense mechanisms. Today, it is not uncommon to see companies that have a fully-fledged cybersecurity department. It is no longer possible to gamble with the security needs of any enterprise. Cybersecurity has thus moved on from being a small aspect of the organization to a core part of every company. There are many great things that have been achieved over the years in the cybersecurity realm, but the many challenges that persist as a result of a rapidly evolving tech realm are just too real to ignore. Jamie Cambell from GoBestVPN recently noted that while it is not possible to completely eliminate threats, it is possible to have better solutions in the market. Recent years have seen companies lose millions of dollars because of security vulnerabilities. Such big losses have prompted companies to think differently. New approaches are being explored in the area of tackling cyber threats.

Security is Now a Core Part of Every Organization


As mentioned earlier, organizations are now taking the cybersecurity issues much more seriously. The security of company data is no longer an issue of the IT departments alone. Instead, it is an organization-wide affair which cuts across all levels of the institution. According to recent reports by Varonis, 41% of companies have been found to leave their data exposed to everyone. Such statistics indicate that the problem is not simply about attacks becoming more complicated. Instead, it is the approach that is taken by organizations that are contributing to vulnerability. Organizations are thus making it a duty to educate every member of the team on the cybersecurity challenges of the modern day.

Indeed, adaptive enterprises have been restructuring their security needs to meet modern-day goals. Security has thus stretched from the small IT department to become a ubiquitous part of daily operations in organizations.

Security is Forcing Technology to Evolve

There are no benefits that come with cyber-attacks. But if there were to be a single positive impact from cyber threats, it has to be innovation. Security in the cyber realms has forced entities to think outside the box. Threats have encouraged innovators to come up with new solutions for a wide range of issues. Indeed, the creativity that has been sparked as a result of security challenges has led innovation not just in the security realm but in the tech industry as a whole. Technologies of the future are now hitting the markets with security implements being incorporated.

Security is Getting Agile


In recent years, testing and analysis approaches have changed in the digital realms. The increasing security threats have forced the industry to adopt agile measures. Cybersecurity solutions are thus now becoming much faster, smarter and robust. The dynamism that has been experienced in the industry has allowed for the faster collection of data, quick analysis and almost immediate response to threats. As security stakeholders develop the next generation of solutions, the lessons that have been learned will definitely prove to be crucial. The collection and use of data are changing and this makes security solutions much more dependable.

What Does the Future Look Like for Security?

The industry will definitely continue to evolve. Cybersecurity issues are unlikely to go away and this will force enterprises and organizations to continue creating solutions. While it is not possible to predict exactly what will happen, it is sensible to assume that new technologies will provide more robust protection. As faster technologies become mainstream, it will be difficult for attackers to beat the pace of strong systems. Businesses will nevertheless need to take security issues much more seriously as the technology moves to the next stages.


By now, you are probably familiar with the many advantages of using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to reroute your internet traffic, but do you know how to actually set it up? It's not that hard really, but the steps still can be a bit confusing at first though. After you go through the guide we have for you, that should not be a problem anymore.

Step 1


Download your VPN directly from the Play Store first, because it's by far, the easiest and most natural way to get started with VPN for Android. Make sure that it's a reliable provider like Surfshark, because just like the rest of the apps on the Play Store, not every VPN application you will see is worth your attention.

Step 2



In case you are unable to access Surfshark from your Android device, or if the device isn't compatible, just download the APK file directly from the Surfshark VPN website and you are all good to go.

Step 3


Install the application via Play Store, or with the APK file and follow the onscreen instructions. The Surfshark interface is easy to use and it will guide you through the rest of the process automatically.

You will need to allow some degree of phone access to the application, mostly related to your mobile and Wi-Fi networks, but it will do the heavy lifting all on its own. That's about it really, and by the time you are done, public Wi-Fi connections will be safer, you will be able to access Netflix content from any location in the world (you will still need a paid Netflix account though!) and even your ISP will have no idea about your browsing history. In case you are somewhat interested in the dark web, you should really get a VPN!



Well, you and your agent Sbobet can take a break and learn about a very interesting article on plagiarism today!  Have you ever wondered why students today have stopped writing original content and why there is too much-plagiarized content in an article written today by a new writer? Well, this is because of the reasons that they don't have time; rather, we should say they can't manage time. secondly, they don't know how important original content is for their career. So today we will tell you about the different means that you can use to get plagiarism checked.

Plagiarism checking is very much important if you are a content company owner who has dozens of writers working for him or if you are an instructor who has to submit research papers of students on behalf of the university. In both bases, your reputation and your career are at stake, so it is best that you nip the evil in the bud and make sure that the plagiarized content is caught and the culprit is punished!

Plagiarism Tools!


To check plagiarism in an article, new technology has offered the best tools for use. These tools are more commonly known as the plagiarism checking tools and you can choose them identifying plagiarism in documents. You cannot possibly check for plagiarism by yourself manually so it is very obvious that you will need help from technology to serve this purpose too just like it treats every other problem.

Now there are two versions of these plagiarism tools available in the market, don't get confused already. The main purpose of the plagiarism tool is to check content for plagiarism but the version differs in their specifications and their payments. We are going to discuss both of the versions ion details below and we will also give you examples of tools that you can use that suit you best!

The Free Online Version of Plagiarism Tools!


The free plagiarism tools available online through websites that offer these tools are different. These checkers are completely free, and they offer limited searches per day that mean you cannot check plagiarism with the help of these tools if you are working with bulk. Moreover, the plagiarism tools are not capable of showing the reference of the content that is copied. If you use the online versions, then you can only use them to check the limited amount of files and it will tell you about the percentage of copied content in them!

The Paid Versions of Plagiarism Tools!


The paid version is far more ahead in features and in working. They are highly reliable. They can tell you about the exact reference from where the content is copied so that you can make your case even more stronger. Moreover, if you want to check bulk files, you can easily do so by just uploading all of them with one click. You have to pay yearly or monthly subscriptions for these tools!




The internet connects more people today than any other time since it was introduced. As of stats from 2019, almost 4.13 billion of the world's 7.7 billion people have access to the internet. This extensive reach brings accessibility, feasibility and convenience to a lot of people but as times progress, the number of threats on the World Wide Web are growing substantially. In 2019 alone, more than $5 trillion were lost to cybercrime activities across the globe. 

This number, however, doesn't include the amount of threats that user data faces because it has risen to become one of the most sought-after commodities with organizations and brands sometimes going overboard in their quest to gather relevant information about consumers or people in general. These are just a couple of reasons which make it imperative for users to hide their identity while online. Here we discuss online privacy issues and how a VPN for Windows can help resolve them. 

Privacy threats on the internet

There is a diverse range of threats on the internet these days. Different organizations, businesses and people have various agendas that they want to fulfill. They employ multiple ways to achieve this and at the end of the day, the victims are normal internet users. Over the years, cybercriminals have become exceptionally active and the way they target individuals and businesses is constantly evolving. Some of the challenges that users face online include:


The activity gets its name from regular fishing because cybercriminals use bait to lure unsuspecting victims into their trap. Phishing can happen over calls, text messages, emails, social media platforms or just simply while you are browsing the internet too. Random links, email attachments or calls asking for sensitive information with the person on the other end posing like the representative of a bank can trick people into giving out some of their private information. 

    Social engineering

Social media has made it easier to connect with almost anyone around the world but it has also put a lot of our personal information online. Hackers can use this information to study a potential victim. Then, they act like a boss, colleague, friend, family member or some other social contact with the intention of making the victim give out personal information. This technique is growing in usage quite fast and many people are falling for it. 


This includes a host of viruses, bug and other elements that may infect a user's device. There is a host of malware that has been detected and new ones are being discovered regularly. Trojans, spyware, adware, ransomware, bots, bugs are all different forms of malware. Each one has their own unique characteristics and functions. They can live within a system for extended durations without the user noticing their existence.  

These threats don't include internet service providers or brands monitoring data traffic through the use of IP addresses. Together, these activities necessitate the use of a VPN for Windows. 

How a VPN for Windows keeps you anonymous

Many of you may be wondering why a VPN? A VPN is one of the most effective tools to hide IP address of users by rerouting normal internet data traffic. An IP address is like the virtual location of a system when it is connected to the internet and by default, it is public. Anyone with the right tools can easily find out what the IP address of a particular device is. This can open a window of opportunities that can cause an array of damages to the other person. 

A VPN offers features that can help eliminate many of these vulnerabilities that exist in the network. A few of these include:

    Secure servers

In a normal internet connection, data packets are first sent to the internet service provider and then to the website which a user is trying to access. The ISPs usually monitor and keep logs of all the traffic that goes through them. A VPN helps eliminate this by sending all the data to their own secure servers first and then towards the website. This plugs a critical loophole in the system which exposes user data while they are online. 


Another problem is the protection of data while it is being sent to various website servers. Hackers these days have the ability to intercept the flow of information and siphon it according to their own convenience. VPNs offer state-of-the-art encryption protocols to prevent data from being stolen while in transit. Leading VPN services have AES 256-bit encryption protocols which are the most secure and highest level commercially available so far. 

    Advanced threat detection and prevention

Besides protecting the outgoing data against potential threats, the top VPN services also offer detection and prevention for malware that may be incoming. There are various features that help warn users about spam emails or dangerous viruses that are directed towards and trying to make their way into the system of a user. 

Using features like secure servers and encryption protocols, VPNs make sure that users remain anonymous while they are online because no one knows their location or identity whatsoever. 

Other benefits of a VPN 

The anonymity that a VPN offers can come in handy for more than just protecting against data breaches. Many websites on the internet resort to content restrictions because of various reasons. This can become a huge nuisance at times because it hinders easy and free access to the internet for many normal users. 


Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and other streaming platforms are gaining immense popularity these days. Unfortunately, the content they offer varies. For instance, a show that may be available in the US library can be taken off the UK list etc. This can mean that a US user misses out on their favorite shows in case they are travelling and people living in other countries can't have that particular show either. With a VPN, this issue can be eliminated easily. 

    Bypassing geographic restrictions

The secure servers of a VPN are spread evenly across the world meaning that users can connect to and enjoy content without any restrictions. This internet freedom allows not just open streaming but also accessing general information online because many business websites also limit access to users in a particular region. 

Author Bio:


Scott is a cyber-security professional. He's been writing in the internet privacy niche for a while now and has churned variety of informational pieces to educate his audience. Connect with him on Twitter.

These days, it isn't rare to take our mobile devices with us everywhere. Mobile phones and tablets have expanded their abilities at incredible rates. Now, the power under our fingertips is vaster than the technology that sent the Apollo missions to the moon. That is an incredible leap forward that, along with the Internet's global community has completely changed the way that humans interact and live.

The digital age has made people available 24/7, no matter where they are. People can communicate using cutting edge chat-apps that even 15 years ago would have required a powerful desktop PC (remember AOL?). Now, we can chat to someone in Indonesia from Seattle at the drop of the hat - and then be chatting to someone in Ukraine moments later - all while waiting for a train (thanks to 3G or public WiFi).

Digital Drawbacks & Technological Threats

Sadly, along with the ability and will to be connected, also comes some very serious drawbacks. Modern problems. Digital threats that in some ways make people more vulnerable than ever before in history. Being connected leaves a trail and these digital footprints code for who we are like digital DNA. The data we create is highly personal and for that reason that data is incredibly valuable and people must seek to protect it.

What we actually find is a decrease in the level of scrutiny we apply to our online presence. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and the plethora of other social media platforms are all there for us to use, but that comes at a cost. We share our intimate moments. We share where we are, when we're away from home, when we're going on holiday, and often leave very easy breadcrumbs on exactly what we're doing, and when we're out, and where to find us. We share details that we wouldn't share with friends or family face to face, but saving them in a public forum is acceptable for millions of us. These posts, and images stay there forever. We think so little of our own private information that we give away lots of our information for free, without even thinking about it.

The inter-connectivity of devices also throws up additional concerns. We login to everything, on everything. Our phones have Facebook, our Facebook is used as a logon tool for many other services. We input our date of birth to gain access, our e-mails, our interests, likes, hobbies, names, friends, and more at an increasing rate. Our entire lives are online somewhere. Where people feel more at home with their mobile devices, we also login to our banks, and provide our financial information. The level of trust that we put into our devices, and the amount of digital data that we're inputting to those devices is increasing, drastically.

Governments, Internet Service Providers, advertisers, corporations, organizations, hackers, and cybercriminals, all want a piece of that pie. The technology has crept up on us quickly and only more recently have people come to accept that data should be considered a form of currency.

Whether it be to protect data from cybercriminals - or the government - the only way to be truly secure is for people to take control of their own digital footprints. Due to the value of personal data, everyone should make efforts to protect it. The sad truth is, that because that data is so valuable everyone is trying to get at it, but fewer are trying to protect it.

Personal cybersecurity

The first thing that people must realize is that mobile devices are just as vulnerable, if not more so, than PCs. In addition, the gap between Apple and Android has closed and now it is common to find malware for both. In fact, in some ways the Open Source nature of Android (as opposed to Apple's proprietary closed source environment) is allowing for encryption apps to pop up at a faster rate: things change.

These days, malware, viruses, spyware, and trojans all offer hackers methods for intercepting data - and their availability online to ‘script kiddies' means that cybercrime is at epidemic levels. The result is an elevated risk of fraud, loss of earnings - and perhaps worst of all - identity theft. For these reason, people need to take personal cybersecurity seriously and must seek to protect themselves and their devices. The most basic step is to make sure that the apps we install on our devices are secure, and that we always update them with the latest security patches and updates.

Third party and untrusted apps might be tempting, but the reality is that they could be malevolent. For this reason, people should to stick to trusted apps from known vendors and app stores. Even on official distributors such as Google Play Store it is possible to come across malicious apps.

For this reason people should take extreme care when downloading apps. Before you agree to install the app, check the permissions carefully. If the app wants access to things it doesn't really need then think twice before installing it. Why does a torch app want access to your GPS location and all of your contacts? If the requests don't seem reasonable simply don't download the app.

Remember that data is a currency, so if an app says it is ‘free' maybe you are actually paying with your data? In some cases, it might be worth paying a pound for a torch app that only requires access to the light on your phone, than to accept the free one that wants access to your entire device.

The Big Public WiFi Threat

Alongside smart devices, which allow us to be connected non-stop, in recent years there has been an explosion in the availability of public internet hotspots. Those hotspots provide high speed connectivity when people are out and about. The advantage of logging onto public connections is that people get to save their mobile data (if they have data limits).

What many people might not realize, however, is that public WiFi can be a security risk. When connected to public networks people's devices are vulnerable to having their data intercepted by another user that is logged onto the same router. This problem is the same on any WiFi - including shared home networks - so if you live in a big house where a lot of people regularly take the password from the router - you could also be at risk. The best solution for the problem is a VPN service.

A VPN service encrypts all the data between a phone, or tablet, and the VPN's servers. The result is that nobody on a public WiFi (or even on a fake hotspot controlled by a cybercriminal) can ‘sniff' the subscriber's data, as that data is encrypted.

The best VPNs provide strong military grade OpenVPN encryption, but many don't. With different levels of protection, and different services providing different benefits (and disadvantages), what you're specifically looking for can change the VPN service that you are looking for. Do you want faster speed, but are willing to accept a smaller number of geo locations, or do you need security at all costs, including speed and price? As such, it's important to do research about which VPN to use.

Other Levels of Protection

McAfee, Norton, AVG. At the launch of the internet, it's rare that individuals would have been desperate for anti-virus. There simply weren't as much malicious code flying around, but now, with an always-on internet antivirus is no longer seen as that "additional level of security that might sometimes help", or for those who delve more often into virus rife areas of the net. Now, things are different. It's rare for new computers, and new operating systems to not include some form of anti-virus, even for a month's trial while you set your computer up ensuring that you're not infected at this vital stage of life of your computer.

Not only is antivirus an integral part of your computer system, but firewalls are also included in the same package to help keep your computer safe. The problem arises that we're using our PCs, and our Laptops less and less, and using our mobile phones, and tablets more and more. There's a huge disconnect between the level of security on our larger devices, and our mobile phones, but we're still storing our intimate data on unprotected devices.

This could be a bit more understandable if protective services weren't easily available for mobile devices. Antivirus, firewalls, and password protection are just as available for devices, and the larger firms often provide multi-device deals, permitting several devices to be covered by the same services.

As well as more digital based protection, there's a large amount of physical ways to protect the data on our phones as well. Phone manufacturers are constantly in an evolutionary arms race with chancers who find new back-door entrances into devices. This has led to an increase in the amount of protection required to unlock a phone. Rather than just a pin, we now have patterns, passwords, swipe to unlock, fingerprint scans, google sign-ins. These simple methods help to keep that data secure from prying hands.

Our data, and our lives are much more mobile than they were before. Keeping up with that level of change is not only important: it's imperative.

I know it sounds ridiculous but it's true! Thanks to Android Authority, we have found something for you today that's so different from every other smartphone out there that it's definitely worth a look.

There are two things that you need to understand about the Banana Phone.

• It's not an actual banana (which I am sure you had guessed)

• It's not exactly a standalone device

The Banana Phone is more of a Bluetooth communicator than a phone as it does require an actual smartphone to connect to, before voice communication is possible. It has a volume up, a volume down and even a Home button on it. With a battery life of roughly 10 hours (talk time) and a voice assistant that lets you make call from your banana, it might just be worth checking out at $40.

If you want one, the only problem is that you may have to wait till September. It's a crowd fund project by the way and will only go into production if they manage to reach their goal. In case you are wondering why you want to buy it, in spite of not being able to think of any logical use for it, join the club!

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Risks To Your Safety


There are multiple instances when we process sensitive data on our smartphones. First, our smart devices have a multitude of sensors (cameras, microphones, GPS, NFC) that can record and transmit sensitive data.  Second, the synchronization occurring between different devices and between devices and clouds (including credit card information or passwords for various websites) transform smartphones into vulnerable gateways to our individual digital mini-worlds.



The problem gets even more serious when financial information is involved, like when playing in an online casino from your smartphone. Normally, the best online casinos have safe payment procedures, but this does not guarantee that your device is not hacked and either financial data or login credentials are stolen or that your traffic is intercepted. Obviously, this applies many other situations, like when donating to a crowdfunding platform, shopping on eBay, managing your online banking account, etc.



Antivirus Software


The first answer to this spectrum of risks is a good antivirus software. While many manufacturers do integrate many antivirus functions in their hardware, firmware, or as standalone apps, their quality or functionality might often be inadequate or insufficient, suggesting that a better option is to install a top antivirus from the respective app market.

An antivirus would constantly be on alert for detecting:




       malicious websites,

       phishing attempts and spam in your email account.

Despite implementing many heuristic approaches, an antivirus is still vulnerable to potential new threats which are not described in its constantly actualized database. Consequently, new types of ingenious viruses can bypass all these defenses and enter your system to do damage. Thus, besides antiviruses, there is also need of a preventive solution.


VPNs For Online Privacy and Safe Browsing


A VPN encrypts all your traffic and routes it through dedicated servers whose IP address you take as an online user. The main results are online anonymity but also the fact that third parties (like hackers or the ISP) cannot access your web traffic, even on public WiFi networks. Thus, it is a very good idea to install a free or paid VPN app from the store and activate it in case you need to make a payment on a network that you do not completely trust.

Keep in mind however, than not all sites would allow you to use VPNs, since many would need to ensure that you are accessing them from a valid IP address from a given country or region. Thus, there were occasional reports of  account bans enforced by PayPal when users tried to access them through VPNs. But such situations are relatively rare.


In order to achieve a comprehensive protection for your device, it is most wise to combine the power of both these entirely distinct but complementary and compatible solutions - antiviruses and VPNs.  An antivirus is essential for comprehensive safety, while a VPN is important both for safety and online privacy (which is another form of safety).


Phone technologies are constantly changing, and with the increasing importance of mobile phones in today's world, we need to keep up with these phone trends. Keeping up with any industry trend is not that easy, but you can do certain things to stay updated as much as possible. We are here to share with you some tips that will help you keep up with the latest phone trends.


5 tips that will help you keep up with the latest phone trends: -


1.   Buy flagship devices: - One of the best things to do in order to stay updated is by getting yourself the latest mobile phones. Every year, the top brands release their flagship devices with the latest features in the market. Choose one of these flagship devices depending on what kind of a user you are. If you use IOS devices, then go with the latest model of iPhone, if you are more into android, then check out the latest models of Samsung, LG, OnePlus, etc.


These flagship devices come with the latest software and hardware, so you can expect to find the best processor, camera and operating system of the year. However, purchasing these devices can be quite expensive and not all of us can afford them easily. Getting a small loan can be pretty beneficial in these cases. Try checking websites, like https://letmebank.com/,to find out more about getting loans.


2.   Attend shows and conferences: - Going to an event is not always about marketing yourself or your product, you can just go there to educate yourself and find out what is going on. It isn't possible to attend every conference, so choose wisely. Just google when and where the nearest mobile tech conference is holding and apply for it.


Try to go as much of these conferences as possible and you will learn a lot from there. Also, try to go to the new mobile launch events if possible. They always talk about the upcoming technologies in the near future.


3.   Join different social media groups: - Presence of online social media groups is increasing day by day, especially Facebook groups. Search for these groups online and you will find tons of them. Join as many as possible. People there always share the latest news and information going on around the globe. You will also find like-minded people there. Try to stay in touch with them and you can attend conferences and workshops together.


4.   Subscribe to tech magazines: - There are many good tech magazines that you can subscribe to in order to stay updated with the latest mobile trends. Few of the best tech magazines that you can subscribe to are PCMag, Wired, ComputerWorld, Popular Science, Popular Machines and Fast Company.


Go find their websites and subscribe to their magazines. You will get tons of information on these magazines related to mobile phone trends and technology trends.


5.   Get Google alerts: - Go to play store or Appstore and download google alerts. It is a great app that keeps you updated with any topic you want. Download the app and choose any topics you want to know about and you can follow them to get daily updates. Remember that the specificity of your search terms will determine how many alerts you receive.




There you go, these are the 5 tips that will help you keep up with the latest phone trends. Make sure to follow each of these tips and you will find yourself updated with everything new that is happening in the mobile industry.




Smartphones have long become an indispensable device, especially for motorists. A modern device like Samsung Galaxy Note 7 can completely replace a standard navigation and even multimedia system in a car, while still providing communication with the outside world. Unfortunately, not every car has a special place to accommodate a smartphone, so its integration will require special accessories, for example, a car holder for a phone. Here you can compare the basic models, https://www.bestadvisor.com/car-phone-holder, and in the meantime we will tell you about additional possibilities for the integration of a smartphone and a car.


Listen to Music from Your Smartphone


Instead of constantly switching radio channels, trying to get rid of annoying songs or commercials, or constantly recording something new on a USB flash drive, it's much better to listen to music from your smartphone: here you can listen to songs from the Internet, and your favorite music that is available offline . But before you buy additional devices, try connecting your smartphone to the car radio with a standard USB cable.


New Features for Diagnostics


Innovative applications for smartphones allow every owner of the car, using a special Bluetooth adapter connected to the car's OBDII port, to read all errors from a car's computer. With these applications, you can diagnose your car on the go.


Use the Opportunity to Save on DVR


Do smartphones and tablets have a camera - so it can be used for the benefit of the motorist. This is an obvious thought: why spend extra money to buy a DVR, if it can easily be replaced by a smartphone?


And for this there are special programs that allow you to impose time, speed and coordinates on the video image. The only drawback is that the smartphone battery will be discharged faster, but it is possible to connect the charger in all cars. As a bonus, applications for video registration offer such pleasant (for a long time already used not only in the premium segment) functions, such as recognition of road signs of speed limits and prohibition of overtaking. The advantage of a mobile application is that there are more recognizable road signs. However, there is a hitch in how truthfully the camera of the smartphone recognizes them and in what light conditions. But in any case, you should try this option.


The Possibilities of Reverse Integration


Currently, many automakers have begun to equip their products with new smartphone integration systems with new software. Thanks to Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, your favorite applications on your smartphone become available on the screen of the infotainment system of your car. In addition, all your contacts saved in the phone can also be viewed on the screen of this console.

Of course, the list of possibilities of the integration of a smartphone and a car is not limited to the mentioned above. Start enjoying them today and make your driving more convenient and innovative. 



It is incredible to see how technology and innovation have changed our lives. Today, vehicles and the technology surrounding them have drastically changed. Today, a person can easily track the location of their vehicle from their mobile device with ease. What's more amazing is that it does not matter where the car or the smartphone is located.

This technology uses GPS capability and the internet to complete its operations. Fleet companies have heavily accepted this technology and even those that use the most basic fleet management solutions use a GPS tracker. Let us go through how you can track a car using a mobile phone.

Research More to Understand What GPS Tracking is

Global positioning systems (GPS) have now become popular in the auto industry, but they are also used in other fields like animal farming, wildlife management, and cargo shipping. The technology uses devices that transmit location data in real-time to satellites and then to a remote location. Various hardware and software are used to achieve the procedures.

Fleet companies usually work together with reputable solution providers to get the best GPS tracking services. If you have a private car that operates away from you like dropping and picking up kids at school and running other errands, you can also adopt the technology to monitor it from your mobile phone.

Choosing the Right Hardware and Software

This is the most crucial point. After some research and a conclusion that you need to track your car with GPS on your smartphone, then you have to choose the solution to use. On the Eyeride website you will get the best solution for your needs. Choose the latest technology to enjoy all of the current features. So, make sure that it has capabilities like:

·         Real-time monitoring of the location

·         Stable transmission of data

·         Compatibility with both Android and iOS smartphones

·         Ability to upgrade the software

·         24/7 professional support

Installation of the GPS Device and Software

Now that you have the ideal hardware, it is time to have it installed. In most cases, the suppliers will always do the installation since they understand the technology. The first step is to have the device installed in your car and connected to the battery. It must be powered even when the car is switched on as long as the battery is working.

The second step is to download the compatible software on your devices and registering your details. Either a third party company or the original supplier will be the manager and support provider. When it is all set up, you can see the location of your car as well as performing many other functions.

Interacting with the Tracking App

Before you release the solution provider, it is important to go through the entire app and understand every bit of it. Taking full advantage of the app will give you the full benefits of the GPS tracking solution.

Whether you are tracking one or many fleet vehicles, this procedure remains the same. However, not all GPS tracking solutions may accept multiple vehicle management. So, this is a consideration that you need to make.




If you are finding any lag in your phone speed while playing poker, then this is something to worry about. Obviously, you won't want anything bad to happen to your device, especially while playing your favorite online game! Now if you are finding your phone to be slow then instead of worrying about what will happen, you must look for a solution for it.

Today we have gathered a complete guideline which you can follow to increase your phone's speed. You must follow these guidelines very carefully so that you can get the best experience from your phone once again! So stay tuned a keep reading the article below and make your phone fast!

Restarting Your Phone!


Well, you must be thinking that this is a piece of foolish advice and has no increase in your device performance, but if you see in new devices, the software itself asks you to restart your device after every week passes. Restarting your device on a regular basis can easily help you increase your device's performance!

If you don't feel that you can remember the restarting procedure, then you can also add restarting automatically in your phone's schedule with the help of your settings!

Clearing Background Applications!


Now if you don't clear background applications while using them, then this can be one of the biggest reasons that your phone lags in performance. Now that you know that this is the reason for making your phone slow, you must clear background applications at all times. you must only use the app you currently are in need of and get rid of all the extra junk!

When you start cleaning the background apps, you will see that not only the phone will start performing well, but you will also feel it be quicker in its response.

Clearing Extra Applications!


If your phone is becoming slow, then it means that you are running low on ram. If you consume most of the ram of your phone, then it is a high possibility that your phone will become very slow and it will lag in performance the exact case we are discussing today!

When this happens, you must uninstall the extra applications that are not in use in your phone, and you must make sure to make maximum space on the ram. The RAM is responsible for making the speedy phone so if you want to make it quicker then start with clearing the memory!

Using Applications with Ads!



If you are using applications with pop up ads, then you must know that they can easily make your phone slow. You have to get rid of these applications as they can also make your phone vulnerable to hackers. If you don't get rid of these applications, then there is no way that your phone can be speedy.

Some people use additional launchers with the ads on them, which destroy the phone's performance very badly. You can simply feel the change when you uninstall these launchers. It's like breathing oxygen into your dead phone!



For most of us today, our phones have become part of our very being.  We actually feel quite bereft if we forget our phone at home, and are likely to return home to pick it up, rather than be without it all day.  Most people in the western world own a smartphone and are spending many hours of the day using them or some other digital device of their choice.  Incredibly, in spite of the amount of time we spend on our phones, there are a number of features that most people, even those really quite techie types, are not aware of.

There are some really useful features that we could be utilizing to make our lives easier and more comfortable but are not even aware of. Some of these features will really help to improve your life and make having a smartphone even more essential.  While your phone can be a lot of fun and can be used to play at SlotoCash Casino, it can also help you to get home safely or to measure and make sure you have aligned your painting correctly.

Scan QR Codes without using an App

It used to be that you had a QR (Quick Response for commercial tracking application) reader app on your phone. Now you don't need a specialized app to do this.   You can just direct your iphone camera at a QR code and it will scan it automatically.   Using your camera app you will then be directed straight to the product or website.  This can also be done in a similar fashion but by opening a Google app on an Android.

Custom Vibrations

Some people want to know immediately if an urgent message is waiting for them but don't want to have to access their phone every moment of the day. You can create vibrations that will let you know if the particular message is urgent or not.

First, go into your Settings on your iphone and then click on Sounds. From here go into Ringtone and at the top it will say Vibration. Click on this and scroll down until you find Create New Vibration.   From here you are now able to create a specific vibration and connect it to any contact you wish.  Now you can ascertain whether a message is urgent or not.  

Search Photos by Category


Trying to locate a particular photo can be really frustrating. But using the search function at the top of your Photo App you can locate it easily by category. For instance, if you are searching for that great photo you took of the Eiffel Tower on your visit to Paris,  just write the word "Paris" and it should just pop up.

Identifying problems with Your Car

If you are having issues with your car, there is an app that can possibly help you avoid paying for a mechanic to figure it out.   It's called the Automatic Pro app. You will need an adaptor to enable it to be plugged into your car's ODB-II port.    This will let you know if you have indeed got some problem with the engine.  The app can also locate your car, if say, your teenager is driving or if you have forgotten where you parked. 

Check the Batteries on a Remote Control 

By directing your remote control to the front facing camera of your phone and pressing any button you will be able to see if the batteries are still functioning.  If you see the infrared light flashing on the remote, the batteries are still good.

Watch Your Favorite Program on Your TV


This great feature is subject to your having an Apple TV.  You can transfer what you are watching from your iPhone to your TV screen.   You have screen mirroring on your iPhone.  Just click on this while standing close to your TV.  You may be asked to enter your Airplay passcode and you're all set to go.

Be Safe While Walking Home

Walking home alone can be scary but there are ways to make your journey home safer.   The bSafe app which is good for iPhones and Android allows for certain contacts to track your location, can set a timer to activate a distress call to your designated contact within a certain time frame and can also schedule fake calls so you look like you are actually speaking with someone.

Updating Siri's Pronunciation

To change the way Siri's pronouncing certain words is really easy.  Ask Siri to pronounce a word that you know she consistently gets wrong.  Tell her at that point that she is pronouncing it wrong.   You'll be asked to say the word correctly after which you'll be given a list of options to update Siri's pronunciation.

Turning on your House Lights

This is a great feature to keep your home safe and at the same time to save energy.  You will need to have wifi enabled bulbs for the Amazon Alexa app to work.  At the touch of a button you are able to control the lights in your home.

Shortcuts : Texts and Emoji's

If you are someone who is forever texting and get frustrated with how long it can take, you can create text replacement shortcuts on your phone.  Just go into your Settings, click on Keyboard and then Text Replacement.  After pressing the + sign you can then create the things you want in shorthand or using Emojis. Next time you text using those phrases, the Emoji or word will show up.

Hanging Your Picture Straight

Making sure you are hanging your picture straight is simple when you use the Bubble Level app.   No need to have a real level in your back pocket. This app will do the trick.

Sleep Better By Dimming


The brightness of the home screen on your phone can keep you awake.  You are able to reduce the light by using Grayscale.  In phone settings, click on Accessibility, then Display Accommodations and choose Color Filters.  You can then enable grayscale. This dimming affect makes the light of the screen less startling. 

Measuring your Blood Alcohol Level

Using the BACtrack breathalyzer which connects with an app on your phone you are able to check the amount of alcohol you have consumed. Think safety first.  Better to be safe than sorry.

Undoing Mistakes with a Shake

With your iPhone it is possible to just shake your phone and an option to "undo' your text will pop up.  You can do this with an Android but you do have to have the module to enjoy this feature.

Clear Your Screen of Apps in one Fell Swoop

You don't have to go into every single app opened in order to close them down.  You can swipe up using your whole hand and the whole lot will disappear in one go.   The app KillApps will perform the same task for an Android.  

Car Security

Using an app like ViperStartSmart you can lock and unlock your car and even start the car using your phone from a distance.  It is also possible to detect problems with the car using this app.

Drive Safely

Avoid looking down at your phone when using the GPS while driving. There are great apps for iPhone and Android that project directly onto a dash-mounted screen.  No need to be distracted by looking down. Keep your eyes on the road.  

Quick Charge


If you are in a hurry to charge your phone, you will be surprised to learn that by enabling Airplane Mode your phone will charge in half the time.

Which Planes are Flying Overhead

If you are wondering which planes are flying over your head, just ask Siri. You can learn which airline it is and also the angle and altitude of the plane.

Checking your Heart Rate

Today with our busy schedules it is hard to fit everything in.  However, some things are really important.  With the Instant Heart Rate app, connected to your phone you are able to monitor your heart rate during the day and even during your workout to see how your heart is doing.   




Phone notifications can really be annoying at times. Sometimes, all you want to do is have a peaceful nap or play your favourite online casino games at online casinos sa or anywhere without any disturbances. The great thing about Android phones is that they have various tools that you can use to turn off notifications. Below, we list a few of the ways to turn off phone notifications on Android. 


Screen your calls with Do Not Disturb mode


Activating Do Not Disturb keeps your phone from giving you notifications. However, we know that now and again, you may really be tempted to check your phone for any new notifications. Excitingly, this feature allows you to let only the most important calls and text messages to come through. This means you won't get disturbed by messages or calls that are not really very important.


Enable 'VIP' alerts for email messages


We are human and now and again, curiosity gets the best of us and we are tempted to check our phones, even when we are in important meetings. There is a solution, though, for allowing only the most important emails to give you flash alerts. All you have to do is make use of Gmail's Priority Inbox. You can turn it on or off, as required, in order to determine which email messages actually give you notifications.


Turn off unneeded lock-screen notifications 


It can really be frustrating to get disturbed by your phone when the phone's lock screen lights up. By default, you will have to check the display in order to see what's going on. At times, it's really nothing important, which leaves you annoyed. Well, Android has a solution for this. You simply have to minimize your lock-screen notifications, or completely turn them off. This feature allows you to select only the notifications that are important to you to light up the screen. If you prefer, you can turn off all notifications. But if you are a gambler, don't turn off your best sports betting websites app notification for latest sports updates. This feature is quite handy as it means fewer disturbances.



Whether you are a business owner or a higher up, carrying around two phones can be tedious. With the added stress of ensuring it is charged, this can oftentimes be more stress than it is worth. However, by eliminating the need for a job and personal phone, you can begin to manage workload and ensure a phone call is never missed again. 

Ensures Open Line Of Communication 

One of the biggest benefits that come from a BYOD (bring your device) services is that it keeps an open line of communication when you are out of the office. It allows you to answer all your work phone calls without having to carry around a separate phone. This not only saves time, but this is also a business expense that can be spared by using your device instead of purchasing business phones for you. 

Allows For Work To Be Completed Outside The Office

In addition to ensuring open lines of communication, there is the opportunity to complete work outside of the office. Whether this is conference calls or meetings with other members of the team, work can be completed remotely. This is ideal for those that are constantly travelling for business as work can be completed with the phone and a laptop. Though this will require a strong phone signal, this is a simple yet effective way of keeping your business connected through a central network, regardless of where you are travelling to. 

Ensures Emails Are Connected 

In addition to phone calls, having all your emails on one place can help you to complete work efficiently over the course of the day. Whether you are travelling to meetings or you are away on business, a BYOD contract allows you to use your phone as a central hub to the office. This is ideal particularly for smaller businesses as this will keep everyone connected even when travelling on business. This allows those that are out on jobs to still be contactable when they are out of the office. This will not only improve efficiency, but it has the potential to boost revenue month on month. 

Allows Them To Set Realistic Deadlines 

The final benefit to a contract such as this is the realistic deadlines. By having phone calls and emails all on one device, you can focus on the task at hand without having to switch device. This not only makes travelling easier, but it allows you to monitor deadlines with the rest of the team. When having calls directed to your mobile, you can help the team progress without having to juggle two phones. This, therefore, means that there is never the risk of a missed call regardless of where you are. 

With this in mind, using a contract such as this can help to increase efficiency over time. Whether you are a new business looking to connect all employees through a central hub or you are a business looking to remove the added expense of business phones, this style of contract can benefit you in the long term. 


Are you looking for a phone contract with mobile phone network providers that do not require you to buy another phone? A Sim only contract is similar to other mobile contracts but phone purchase is removed from the deal. For this contract, service providers give you monthly texts, data and minutes. This contract has many benefits apart from the fact that it is cheaper, you only buy what you want.

What are the benefits of a Sim-only contract?

There are many benefits of a sim only-contract. They include;

Cheap - The deal is less costly as the cost of buying a mobile phone is eliminated. You also get to choose the service provider with cheap services.

Wait for a new mobile phone - You can acquire a sim card and use it while waiting for the phone you desire to be manufactured. You keep your phone. Unlike when you give away your phone to get the upgraded version, this contract happens and you still get to stay with your old phone.

Easy to switch between providers- You can choose to migrate to the long list of many service providers if you are using a sim only contract. This will give you a variety to choose from and to make sure you go for the cost-efficient one such as overstappen.nl.

Types of Sim Cards used with a new sim only contract.

There are three types of sims used with this arrangement. Service providers produce their sim cards in three sizes so that users can pop the card to use the size that suits their handset. They include;

  • Nano Sim card - This is the smallest sim card which measures 8.8mm by 12.3mm.

  • Micro Sim card - This is bigger than a nano sim card but it is smaller than a standard sim card. It has measurements of 12mm by 15mm.

  • Standard sim card - Is the largest SIM card between the three. It has measurements of 15mm by 25mm.

The features of a new sim only contract include.

Duration period - The contract lasts for a minimum of 1 month but it can go up to 18 months for some service providers.
Personal handset - You can use your old handset as long as it is not locked by a specific service provider.
Monthly Payments - Payments are done monthly throughout the payment period.
Three sim sizes - Th sims can be grouped into nano, micro, and a standard sim card.
A credit check before contract - You have to go through a credit check before taking out a contract.


Present-day communication is drastically different from the landline phones of the past. We have Internet-assisted calls, video calls, and an array of instant messengers. All these things have made our interaction, especially international communication, more efficient and less costly. Today, businesses are redefining their telephone systems, recognizing the benefits of SIP.

Session Initiation Protocol is a technology removing many barriers in phoning, especially the long-distance type. International calls are expensive, but with a system supplied by a reliable SIP provider like DID Logic, they will be no less affordable than local ones. Here is how the system will work and what benefits your business stands to gain.

The Principle


We all know that software like Skype allows users to make calls and even see each other. The popular smartphone messengers available today deliver similar features for free. Hence, whenever two individuals are connected using the same Internet-based system, they can talk and see each other freely. But what can you do if you need to call a cellular number from your VoIP device or vice versa?

This is exactly the issue resolved by SIP. The system allows "origination" (i.e., outgoing calls) and "termination" (i.e., incoming calls) between Internet-based systems, mobile networks, and PSTN (public switched telephone networks). The tool will allow you to not only make voice calls but also transmit multimedia to several parties with no geographical restrictions.




Here are the most prominent benefits brought by SIP systems.

1.     Versatility


SIP enables the transfer of data. As a consequence, it is especially popular with big multinationals, businesses with many branches and employees that work remotely and need to send multimedia frequently.

2.     Price


The exact rates you get will depend on the provider, the location of your partners and their mobile operators, and a few other factors. Generally, the rates are simply incomparable with the costs of regular international calls resulting in sizeable savings and immediate ROI for the business. Not only are the rates affordable, but they are also predictable month to month.

3.      Mobility


Your staff's mobile devices will be connected via VoIP-based applications. User-friendly, flexible, and securely installed, they will keep your employees connected to the communication centers at all times. You will be able to contact them using a special dedicated phone line.



4.      No Extra Physical Infrastructure


In the past, you had to wait for new phone lines to be connected before you could actually expand your corporate infrastructure. Teleworkers or remote employees brought additional expenditure, as they had to be supplied with company cell phones. With SIP, the situation is very different.


For a new staff member to be reachable, all you need to do is to connect their device to the corporate data connection. New lines are, thus, added effortlessly. The same applies to employees working off-site. These may be called using a special internal number with an extension.


Check out what SIP providers can offer for your business and be among the leaders making use of tech achievements.




In today's world, every windows user wants to get their hands on the latest windows version available i.e Windows 10.

No doubt it is really convenient for users to keep their personal files and folders after upgrading but it is not in the case with all the apps and software installed.

An EaseUs software named EaseUs Todo PCTrans Professional 11.0 helps you to perform an in-place upgrade in Windows 10 without reinstalling all apps.

It is a simple to use PC data transfer software (software de transferência de PC) which gives you the ability to transfer applications and personal files between windows operating systems. 

You can seamlessly move all your essential data to the new version of your PC which saves you the time and energy to manually copy and paste.

It supports different windows version like Windows XP, Vista, 7,8,8.1 and 10 (32 and 64- bit).

What is does is that it automates the configuration of apps on the new version of Windows with removing the old versions.


EaseUs Todo PcTrans Professional 11.0 has a very organized, user-friendly and easy to use interface.

It has different steps involved in the whole procedure of transferring data and the interface remains the same in all the steps.

You just need to select one of the given options in each step. If there is some setting change you want to do you can do that according to your preference and rest the program will take care for you automatically.

You are offered two options once you open the application one is whether you want to transfer data between two PC's connected on the same local area network or you want to prepare an image file that includes all your data that you want to keep after upgrading to a different Windows operating system.

Salient features 

  • The main highlight of EaseUS Todo PCTrans is that it can also backup installed programs apart from backing up personal files.

  • Two ways of transferring data. One is data transfer between PC's connected on the same LAN and other is creating an image of files for future use.

NOTE: Data and Applications cannot be transferred using this tool from a newer OS to an older OS. You can use this in all Windows versions from XP to 10. Windows Server 2003, 2008 and 2012 are supported too.

  • You can migrate anti-virus software.

  • You can also filter your content which is to be migrated

  • It Supportes cleaning local system disks and large files.


Edition Options

You are provided with two buying options. One is the professional edition and other is the technician edition.

Both amateurs and professionals can use this tool as you are provided with a user guide and 24*7 service and live chat and a free trial of both versions.

The professional edition is for $49.95. With all the salient features available it lacks features like you can't transfer domain accounts, free tech support is medium. It is not for business use and only 2 PC's are provided with a license.

On the other hand, the Technician edition is for $399. The tech support is high. You are provided with technician license which means multiple clients can use it in a company. Technical service is provided to clients.


EaseUS Todo PCTrans Professional is a highly recommend OS migration or a data transfer tool.

Because of its advanced functionality and user-friendly interface, this tool can be used by amateurs as well as professionals without any issues.

You don't need to worry about your data loss as it becomes extremely easy and quick task to migrate to a new Window's OS with all your essential data safe.



Google Chrome for desktop is getting a Material Design Make over very soon, as Google is bringing both platforms Closer (Android - Chromium). You can Now Enable the Material Design UI New Tap Page for your Chrome Desktop (version 38 or later).




To Get the New Material Design NTP, all you have to do is to change a simple flag on Chrome. Just go to "Chrome://flags" and Change "Enable Material Design NTP" flag from "Default" to "Enable" and you are done.



Are you confused about how to choose a suitable PDF editor for your company or for you personally? When you search on Google "The best PDF editor", online edition, free edition, desktop edition and other such dazzling words usually appear in front of you. Adobe is indeed the industry's most recommended PDF editing software, but it's expensive and many of the features are such that you will likely never be able to use them ever and that's why it may not be a smart choice. Below, I will teach you how to pick the PDF editor that works best for you.

First of all, you need to figure out what you need from you PDF editor, but in general, the perfect PDF editing software should have the following ten features.

1.       Read

At present, a lot of documents are in PDF format, such as essays, e-books, contracts, etc. Many people use PDF software in order to have a better reading experience. A good software should let you choose a different reading mode, zoom in and out of the page, jump to a specific page and of course, you can also take screenshots, insert bookmarks, etc., which are good for the user's PDF reading experience.

2. Create

Still a considerable number of people prefer to use Word to write documents and then create a PDF file from it. Office currently has the ability to export from Word to PDF, but it is worth noting that this feature is only available in 2010 and above. So, having a professional PDF software will do more with less and you will be able to quickly create PDF files of various formats without breaking the source document format.

3. Convert

We need to pay attention to the conversion support format and conversion quality. A lot of software claims to be able to maintain one hundred percent of the same format conversion, but in fact, very few actually do. Therefore you must try the conversion process first before selecting the software.

4.       Edit

In fact, some of the top PDF editing features are now comparable to Word. For example, while using the following software, editing functions are complete and the operation is very smooth, giving users almost the illusion of using Office.


It is also important to comment on the PDF file. During the reading process, you will encounter some important points or areas that need to be modified. The annotation at this time is very important. As shown in the picture, PDF software gratifies you to do different kinds of annotations.

6. OCR

OCR helps you to identify scanned documents and images, as well as allowing conversion to editable text. As OCR technology is becoming more and more mature, with the implementation of the OCR, you can modify things that cannot be modified.

7. Form

If you need to fill out the form, then be sure to try PDF form recognition and fill function, because some software cannot fully identify everything that it needs in order to fill the form in. Good form function can help you identify, fill in and modify the form.

8. Signature and protection

If you need to sign PDF files, then pay attention to this feature. In addition, good PDF software can better encrypt your documents, so that no information leakage occurs.

9. Page

Page adjustment and management of PDF software is also a major function. You should be able to extract, insert, split, replace the page, delete pages and so on.

10. Output

After creating, editing and converting finished PDF files, you should also be able to print or share your documents with ease.

If you choose a software where all the above PDF software features are available, Congratulations! You found the perfect PDF editing software. Next, you have to compare the user experience. Interface UI design, smooth operation, the user's habits and other features that greatly affect the user experience and work efficiency. As you can see from this software, the interface UI design is easy to understand, you do not need to invest too much time learning how to use everything, It's as easy as using office, because no matter from the color, button and function switch looks like, all fit the habit of most users using Office. Once you use it, you will appreciate the fluidity and the speed, please also feel free to check out our online pdf unlock program.

Finally, consider your budget, because everyone likes a cost-effective option. If software is meeting your functional needs and the price is appropriate, then quickly buy it! All screenshots of this article come from PDFelement 6 Pro, which you can also download for as free trial. It's $59.95 for the base edition and $99.95 for the pro edition.

s6 battery


In order to make the Galaxy S6 / Galaxy S6 Edge premium build design a full-metal unibody sleek design, Samsung had to sacrifice the user-replaceable battery and the micro SD slot as well, the un-removable battery is annoying to most of the users, So we decided to publish Samsung's official Instructions on How to safely remove the Galaxy S6 Battery. The instructions are on the PDF file on the source link below.


The step-by-step instruction is somewhat vague in the beginning with step 2 being simply Remove the back cover. Experience from previous smartphones with similar construction points to a heated-air gun to melt the double-sided adhesive and guitar picks to separate the panel, all accompanied by an appropriate amount of patience.


s6 battery


Once that's out of the way, no less than 13 screws need to be undone to remove a circuit board allowing access to the battery. To sum it all up, the possibility is there, but you wouldn't want to do it yourself, and certainly not on a daily basis.


Tutorial [PDF]


Android enables its users to configure proxy settings for each individual Wi-Fi network they have stored on their device. Some networks, particularly corporate or educational facility networks, require users accessing them remotely to connect via a proxy or VPN.

When you connect to a network for which you have configured a proxy, any internet browser and app that support proxies on Android (of which Google's Chrome is one) will automatically route your internet traffic through the designated proxy.

Note that If you need to hide your IP address, or you are trying to circumvent local geo-blocking, you should use a VPN instead. When you use a VPN, all of your device's traffic is sent through it. However, in addition to the aforementioned circumstances in which a VPN is required, there are many users who prefer to use a VPN for a variety of reasons.

The Proxy Menu

The following method should work for all modern Android phones. Note that many manufacturers customize the look and feel of their phones OS, meaning that things might not appear exactly as described here.

To begin with, open your Android's Settings menu. Then tap the Wi-Fi option to bring up a list of networks. On many devices, this option will be tucked away in another menu, usually Connections. Check the top of your screen for a search bar while in the Settings menu. Searching for ‘Wi-Fi' on there should get you where you need to go.

Make sure that you are connected to the network that you want to configure and long-press (hold your finger on) the "Modify Network" option. From there, tap on the "Advanced options" section to expand it. Select the "Proxy" option and you should be presented with three options; "None", "Manual", and "Proxy Auto-Config". The automatic configuration option isn't available on all older versions of Android.

Configuring Your Proxy Automatically

Perhaps your organization may have provided you with a link to a configuration file to help you set up your proxy. These proxy auto-configuration scripts come in the form of a .PAC file. If you choose the "Proxy Auto-Config" option, you will be prompted to enter the address of the .PAC file.

Some networks offer auto-configuration through the Web Proxy Auto-discovery Protocol (WPAD). However, Android does not support this. You will therefore need a .PAC address in order to automatically configure the network. For WPAD networks, you will need to speak to the network administrator to find the .PAC address, or the manual settings that you need.

Manually Configuring the Proxy

After selecting the "Manual" option, you will see a list of settings appear at the bottom of the dialog box. This is where you need to enter the settings for your proxy; if you don't know what those are, you should speak to the administrator of the network you wish to connect to. Alternatively, if you are trying to connect through a residential proxies service that you have paid for yourself, you should be able to get the settings from their website or support staff.

In the "Proxy hostname" box you will need to enter either the hostname or the IP address of the proxy you want to connect to. Hostnames are in the format of "proxy.example.com", whereas IP addresses will be in the form of "xxx.xxx.x.xxx". Then, you will need to choose a port number you want to use when connecting to the proxy.


If there are any websites that you want to whitelist, exempting them from your proxy and telling Android to bypass the proxy when communicating with these addresses, you can enter them in the "Bypass proxy for" button at the bottom. If you want to add more than one address to the list, separate them with commas.

Once you have entered all your settings, press the save button and you're done! Each Wi-Fi network stored on your device has its own individual Wi-Fi settings, so enabling the proxy on one network will not automatically enable it on the others. You will need to re-enter the settings for every Wi-Fi network you wish to use the proxy with.

Wrapping Up

Configuring a proxy server on your Android device is simple and straightforward. It is worth asking your network administrator if they have an auto-configuration file that you can use. Not only is this faster, especially if you need to set up the proxy on multiple Wi-Fi networks, but if this file is ever changed or updated by the network administrator, your device will automatically use the new settings. If you manually configure your connection and have any issues, consult with your network administrator or proxy provider.

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As one of the most popular ways to access the internet, WiFi is now used the world over by the public and various businesses. Also known as a wireless network, this innovative technology has paved the way for internet access as we know it, allowing multiple devices to connect to a network using radio signals.

However, it relies on devices being in a certain range, and sometimes this can cause weak or inconsistent connections, depending on how far any given device is from a router. As such, here are some useful ways to boost your WiFi.

Quality Router


First and foremost, you will want to make sure that you have a good router to help you access the internet. To this end, you may want to consider investing in an 802.11ac router, which is one of the best types of router currently on the market. They tend to have a much greater range and speed compared to some of the older Wireless G or Wireless N routers.

You may also want to consider using decent, durable parts to connect your router to your computer and the wall outlet. There are plenty of specialist suppliers like RS which stock quality cables which you can explore at your leisure.



Where you place your router will also make a fairly significant difference to its overall effectiveness. Given that WiFi relies on radio signals being transmitted cleanly, it is important that there are as few obstructions as possible when it comes to finding a home for it.

So, putting it inside a cupboard or in a box will weaken it, but leaving it in an open space (preferably on a wall mount) should help to strengthen the signal and improve performance. It is also good to have it in a central position in the house/building, so that each room has good coverage.  

Wireless Channel


Your router should automatically connect to the optimal channel, but some channels are more crowded than others, and sometimes there may be a better channel which is less crowded. Routers in surrounding buildings can interfere with your WiFi if they are on the same channel, so it is well worth looking into how you can look at which channel your router is using and switch it manually if necessary.  

This should help to strengthen your signal and prevent any degradation in the WiFi's signal, prolonging its shelf life.

These are just some of the many methods you can use to improve your WiFi. Be sure to find whatever works for your individual network and you should see a great improvement.   

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Educational literature (textbooks, educational-methodical manuals) is one of the main means of presenting a material to students. It forms the basis for the formation of competences of educational institution's graduates, on the basis of their independent acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in their professional field, and experience of creative activity. Therefore, the level of university graduates' education, the quality of vocational education they receive, and hence their competitiveness in the labor market, largely depends on the quality of educational literature. 

IT educational literature is a very broad concept that includes both professional literature for IT professionals and books for beginners, i.e. people just mastering the computer and the Internet.

There is a program educational literature, i.e. literature for IT students in a particular discipline, and educational literature for those who study this field of knowledge on their own or strive for continuous excellence. After all, as you know, one of the fundamental commandments of a successful programmer is to never stop learning, which is invariably associated with reading professional literature. 


Professional literature for those who study IT covers such topics as databases and DBMS, design, software development and testing, system administration, languages, techniques and technology programming, computer graphics and web design, operating systems, etc.

When choosing literature, it is important to understand that in the age of IT-technologies a lot of pseudo-scientific literature appeared. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the quality of the material because of the rich choice, and there is no one to ask for advice. Often young people, developing in the IT sphere, are interested in what successful IT specialists read? What books do they recommend? The Pro-Papers turned to its experts for clarification and collected useful advice on a selection of educational literature for IT specialists and those who are just studying.

So, the IT-sphere is updated every year with new subject areas (for example, blockchain (cryptoindustry), machine learning, Internet of things (IoT)), programming languages ​​(Scala, Swift, Go, Kotlin, Rust, Solidity), frameworks to existing programming languages and professions (smart contract developer, blockchain engineer, big data analyst, Go or Swift developers, etc.).

In order to be constantly on the crest of the wave, specialists need to continuously learn new things. Books on IT, books with successful cases of industry leaders, articles on Internet resources, IT courses and specialized conferences help in the development and expansion of knowledge. Often, IT specialists read the literature in the original language, since foreign publishers set trends and usually translated books appear with a decent time delay.

IT-specialists read first of all, specialized materials and books on their subject area. If you are a Ruby, you will certainly know the "Ruby Path" book, if you are an experienced rubist, you must have read "Metaprogramming in Ruby 2" and "Effective Testing with RSpec 3", if you are a Go programmer, you probably mastered "Go Programming Language". There are also bestsellers on project management methodologies, team management or testing tools for project managers and testers.

Our experts cited the example of a relatively new 3 books, which, as it seems to us, are useful to read for IT-specialists regardless of specialization.

Git for a Professional Programmer


For over a decade, any teamwork with code in IT companies has been conducted in the version control system. Every developer knows about the Github service or analogues (Gitlab, Bitbucket). Confident use of such a tool as a version control system allows improving the speed of both personal and team work on a project. The book "Git for a professional programmer" will allow you to feel like a duck to water when working with versioned code. The book is useful not only to programmers, but also testers and project managers.

Grokking Algorithms


The book is about the basic, commonly used algorithms, approaches and data structures. The basic data structures and algorithms are given in the book, in detail and clearly written, and even illustrated with excellent examples. The book is suitable for beginners (not necessarily "mathematical mindset"), as well as developers with experience who want to refresh the memory of the basics that have been forgotten.

How Does Google Work


Excellent book, that promotes honesty, initiative and openness to everything new. Moreover, the initiative should not be punished in case of failure (as an example, an unsuccessful google wave project is given). The Google company encourages its employees to act - as in the modern world hypothesis testing is cheap both in time and in money. We need to check more and make prototypes. The ideology of Google within the framework of project selection is to support strong projects, to give up weak projects as early as possible, even if many resources have already been invested.

For ordinary users who want to acquire or improve computer skills, there are tutorials for working on the Internet or office programs.

It is important to remember that books on IT technologies are usually extremely practical, and therefore you need to "become a skilled hand" so that the material correctly settles in your head. So, if you only begin to study the IT sphere, remember that only with practice you can become a skilled hand at IT.

It is worth to experience examples from the book immediately in the process of reading. If a technology is completely new to you and you have never met it either in practice or in theory, then most likely you will not understand all the information in the book for the first time. That is why it is recommended to return to the book again after the first reading and some practice.

Read, learn and do not be afraid to discover something new. Only by working on yourself you can become a professional in your field.

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Clean lists of emails, high delivering rates and good name of the sender - these are advantages, which you can extract from the confirmation of the subscribers` lists.


The article aims to gradually define what the confirmation of the database address is, advise examination tools and describe how to prevent problem emails from entering your list. To start with, let us define what the confirmation of e-mails means.

What is E-mails Validation?


Validating e-mails means checking the availability of addresses and the option to exchange letters. This measure helps to decrease soft and hard bounce rates, avoid spamming, and increase the effectiveness of your mailing campaign as a whole. Email validation may be performed both by online means as email checker by cleantalk or by applications. The apps must be installed on a PC, while SaaS options are available online, therefore you could work with them through web browsers on any devices.


Validators Charge


PC applications are available by charge, as the user usually purchases a license to use the tool in one workplace. As a rule, such programs allow you to verify an unlimited number of emails. In the case of online tools, the client pays for a monthly subscription and/or for the number of confirmations available during the month.


As for Cleantalk mentioned above, you can try 7-days free trial to make sure of the quality of the exact service.


IP Security


Despite significant advantages, intensive usage of validators jeopardizes your IP address reputation. Mailing servers that host your subscribers' mailboxes could intercept confirmation requests as a spam attack, and you will receive false e-mail account confirmation statuses in return.


At worst, your IP can be blacklisted by anti-spam services. For sure, you can always choose proxy servers to hide an IP, but you will have to pay for reliable proxies, which will increase the cost of the campaign as a whole.





How to Prevent Getting into Lists of Invalid Addresses:


1)     1) Follow the delivery error statistics;


2)     2) Apply the double opt-in subscription method;


3)     3) Distribute and activate subscribers.


It happens, when entering email in a subscription form, people press the false symbol or add an extra space or character by mistake. Double opt-in does not allow incorrectly specified email to get into the mailing recipients list. Firstly, the client enters his e-mail in the form of subscription, then he needs to go to the mailbox, open the check-in letter and follow the linking to verify the enrolment.

Do not forget to check the statistics of the results of sending mailings - pay particular focus on data of invalid and non-existent addresses. Distribute customers by subscription date and try to restart them, keeping track of sending error statistics and spam complaints.


This is the basics of maintaining the hygiene of the subscriber base. Take care of your business by using reliable software.



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Today, a jetted bathtub is not a luxury item but a healing opportunity for the whole family. Such a bath will not only provide pleasure and cleanliness of the body but also create a therapeutic effect, reduce pain, and improve joint function and blood circulation. What is the difference between a regular bath (https://www.aquaticausa.com/category/freestanding-bathtubs) and a jetted one (Jacuzzi)? The latter has an original and thoughtful design and additional head restraints or armrests (handles). The main difference is that water is supplied from the nozzles under pressure, creating a massage effect and relieving fatigue and stress.

What a Jetted Bathtub is Made of?

The jetted bathtub consists of a sturdy base, water circulation pump, and nozzles. Besides, it has a function of remote control. The base is made of durable steel coated with a polymer. The electric pump is reliably isolated from the metal parts of the bath. It collects water and transfers it under pressure to the nozzles. Sometimes, a compressor is used in parallel, creating the effect of bubbles (the so-called pearl baths). Plastic or brass nozzles have a strategically important location because they massage the necessary parts of the body with water. The remote control can be pneumatic or electronic. It controls the pump and nozzle operation.

Types of Jetted Bathtubs

By function:

  • Ordinary (hydromassage);
  • Air massage (pearl). This model has a greater massage efficiency.

By shape:

  • Rectangular;
  • Angular;
  • Round;
  • Oval.

By color:

  • White;
  • Black;
  • Beige;
  • Red;
  • Pearlescent.

Almost all bathtubs are. Color bathtubs are usually custom-made. By capacity:

  • Single;
  • Double.

It is worth adding that some hydromassage baths have additional functionality:

  • Aromatherapy (essential oils);
  • Light therapy (chromotherapy);
  • Backlight;
  • Acoustic accompaniment;
  • Ultrasound massage;
  • Auxiliary mixers.

Features of the Jetted Bathtubs

The main advantages of hydromassage tubs are relaxation, improved blood circulation and muscle tone, reduced pain symptoms, increased mobility of all joints, normalized cardiovascular system, cleansed and toned skin, calm nervous system, and many others. The disadvantages are:

  • Large dimensions;
  • High price;
  • The need to care for the bath + periodic disinfection;
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Everyone loves to get something at a discount. No matter what you are searching for, there is likely to be a promotional code or voucher somewhere on the internet that will allow you to get a little off your final price. However, are these promotional codes cost-effective? Let's take a look.

What Can I Find Promotional Codes For?

Nearly every site on the internet will have some form of promotional code you can use. From your favourite clothing stores to groceries, there are codes everywhere. You can even opt into codes from your favourite online casino UK or online retailer so you could receive bonus codes that might not be onsite.

If there is something that you want to buy, you should always check for a promotional code that might take some money off what you are trying to buy. There are plenty of sites online that list these promo codes, and you can even find forums if you want to follow some of the best ones. Some developers are even making browser extensions that will search the internet for you automatically to help you find savings.

What Can Promotional Codes Offer You?

Promotional codes can cover a whole raft of different experiences from a company. One of the main ones you might find is money off. These are common during sales. You might have to apply a bonus code to get a certain amount of money off. Another common code is for free shipping for a set period of time. You might even be able to score a discount on a multi-item order through BOGOF codes.

These codes can save you money as they are offering you a discount on products onsite. In particular, free shipping codes can be incredibly useful. You might like products from a company based in another company. Though they offer international shipping, it might be incredibly expensive and you might have the added cost of a customs charge on top of that. By taking advantage of free shipping codes, you can place an order with the brand you love so much, and hopefully claim a small savings as you won't have to pay that expensive shipping.

Can You Use Promotional Codes Cost-Effectively?

As both a consumer and a business owner, you can definitely make use of promotional codes effectively. If you are a customer, you could use promotional codes when you want to make a purchase for something you have had your eye on for some time. However, you need to make sure that you are not falling into the trap of spending more because of the codes. While you might be able to get more for the same amount of money when using bonus codes, you also need to make sure you are not overspending. As a business owner, you may choose to use a promo code to celebrate an event onsite. It can be a great way to drive up sales and increase interest to your business over a short amount of time.

Promo codes can be cost-effective depending on how they are used. Take a look at your favourite site now and see if there are any promos running that you can use.

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Nokia recently tweeted about the launch of new budget-friendly smartphones for the Indian market. The phones will be unveiled in an event which will take place on August 25. According to some leaks, the company will take the opportunity to launch a feature phone in the event as well. Among the products that will be unveiled, there will be a 4G feature phone as well. This week we got some detail on the specs and renders of Nokia's upcoming 4G feature phone.


One of these products is a new variant of the Nokia 215 that will probably be called as Nokia 215 (2020) or Nokia 215 4G. As it is clear from the name, the phone fells into the budget category and might be the most affordable phone manufactured this year by Nokia. But, to disappoint many, this phone doesn't have any camera. Perhaps, Nokia thinks of people who can't afford an expensive mobile phone with fancy features. The next device is the Nokia 225 that comes with 4G LTE and can run apps like YouTube and Facebook.


According to the reports, the Nokia 225 has already got clearance from FCC. The pictures or renders uploaded on the internet have a date and time on the display of the device that shows August 3, 2020. Probably, the phone was delayed due to the coronavirus situation in the country and around the world. The source wasn't' certain about the name of the third 4G feature phone.


The phone carries the code name Nokia Leo Basic. The Nokia Leo is also expected to feature support for Whatsapp, Facebook, as from being a 4G phone. Further, you will get a dedicated physical button on the side of the phone which is likely to be used as Google Assistant. The feature phones are likely powered by KaiOS. We don't have any detail on the pricing yet, but we can safely assume that these phones will likely be more affordable than any other phone currently in the market with all these features.

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Unlike Apple Pay or Android Pay, the Samsung Pay does not require installation of any additional equipment supporting NFC at the point-of-sale (POS) to complete payment successfully.

The store executives with old POS equipments will be surprised in your next visit finding the Samsung Pay works perfectly in collecting payment from you.

Similar encounters have inspired the South Korean giant to make a new video commercial for its new payment feature that is made available across its Galaxy handsets.

In the video non-fancy store executives are seen getting surprised with the successful transaction through old POS equipments that does not supports NFC, the tech feature that is required while making payment through Apple Pay or Android Pay.

Samsung uses a unique technology called MST in its payment feature that mimics debit and credit card swipes, and this facilitates paying at any store with ease that accepts card. This is the reason the newly launched Samsung Pay has been more successful than the rivals.

Watch the embedded commercial video in this post and share your own views with fellow readers whether you managed surprising any store executive by making payment through Samsung Pay-compatible Galaxy smartphone. Use the below given comment box.

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TouchWiz was often blamed for being too full of bloatware and slowing down the device that it was supposed to improve in terms of user experience. Samsung listened to that criticism and finally decided to trim the UI down in size. While this step worked really well and most users liked the new TouchWiz a lot better, it did come with certain sacrifices in terms of customizability. Earlier, it was possible to tinker with the backlight settings of the capacitive keys, but unfortunately, it is a thing of the past now.

Fortunately, you can still customize it on your S6, S6 Edge, S6 Edge+, Note 5, S7 and S7 Edge with the help of a third party app known as Galaxy Button Lights. Download it for free from the Google Play Store and install it. Once you open the application, you will find that everything that was missing from the TouchWiz settings menu in terms of the capacitive key backlighting, they are all there.

You will get to change and choose in-between settings such as Time to remain on, Always on, Always off and Default. Adjust the settings according to your convenience and tap on SAVE BUTTON BACKLIGHT BEHAVIOR to apply the settings on your device immediately. Just to make sure that you are downloading the right application, check if the developer's name is mentioned as NotQuiteinsane on the Play Store's Download section. If it is, then that's the right app.


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Most people don't know about it and even the ones that do, forget it at times. The fact is that most computing devices benefit in performance after rebooting. Therefore, the trick is to restart your devices at least every once in a while to make sure that they are running at optimum level. In case you often forget to perform this step, Samsung actually has an in-built system in its smartphones and tablets that allow the user to set fixed intervals for their device to reboot on its own.

Unfortunately, very few people know about this feature as it is not very easy to find, unless you know where to look. If your device was released in 2015 or thereafter and it came with at least Android lollipop 5.0 out of the box, then it probably has this feature. Go to Settings>Backup and reset>Device management>Auto restart and turn the button on the top right corner On. The default time for auto restarting is set at 3 AM on every Monday, but you can edit it to suit your needs and convenience.

If your device meets the criterion mentioned above and yet you are unable to see this option then it is probably a locked device and the carrier has removed the option by default


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With certain Samsung devices like the Galaxy Note 5 and the Galaxy S6, Samsung has a deal with Microsoft to offer 100 GB of free OneDrive cloud storage with every new device.

The deal to push the free cloud services wasn't just out of kindness on the part of the Redmond company. It is troublesome to move files to another cloud service later, so it provides a type of lock-in for consumers too.

The deal also included pre-installed apps for Word, PowerPoint and Excel on Samsung devices to encourage user adoption of Office 365 subscriptions. The period of coverage for the free storage is likely to be 2 years or longer.

Here's how you get the free 100 GB of cloud storage with OneDrive:

1. Check that your Samsung device comes pre-installed with the app for OneDrive for Android. If it doesn't, download it from the Google Play store.

2. Open the OneDrive app and either login with an existing Microsoft account or register for a new one.

3. Approve the terms and conditions, make a left swipe inside the app, choose 'Settings' and 'Personal' from the menu, and verify that your quote is now 115 GB. This should be 15GB standard free allocation, plus the additional 100GB.

4. If you're already logged into OneDrive, you only need to swipe to the left, and go to 'Settings' and 'Claim your free 100 GB storage' to activate it.

Any eligible devices will now have access to the additional storage for 2 years or more.


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The total expense of recalling the Galaxy Note 7 and replacing them could cost Samsung something around a billion US dollars. Keep in mind that this figure does not factor in the loss of sales which the embarrassing incident may lead to. There's also the long term effect of bad reputation, which can actually have an even worse impact on Samsung's market share than this single episode. As a result, Samsung has decided to not use a single battery from their own battery manufacturing wing, Samsung SDI, while replacing the smartphones. It is estimated that Samsung SDI supplied about 70 percent of the total batteries used in the 2.5 million Note 7 devices shipped worldwide and the faulty ones were indeed, supplied by them.

Unfortunate as the scenario might be for both the customers and the manufacturer, one cannot deny the brave and commendable decision that Samsung took in calling back the hazardous devices. Although some may see this as a blemish on the company's reputation, it can also be viewed as an honourable move, despite the huge losses the company took. This can also instil confidence in their customers that Samsung won't abandon them the moment something goes wrong.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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It was just yesterday that we brought to you images of a leaked case which provided us with multiple alleged external details of the upcoming Galaxy S8. Take a look at another one today coming in from Ghostek, featuring one of their Atomic Shock resistant cases for the S8. Before we delve into the details, keep in mind that this is just a render and nothing is guaranteed to be right at all.

We can see a single rear camera, which is consistent with all the recent rumors, but the cut-out on the case itself is suspiciously big enough for a dual camera module. No fingerprint scanners on the back and a lacking Home button in front indicates that Samsung is opting for an optical fingerprint sensor which will be placed under the glass. Just like the render by Slashgear had suggested, both the volume keys and the Power button can be seen on the left side.

Do you like what you see? Or do you think it's a complete hogwash? Let us know in the comments section below. In the meanwhile, we will have to wait a little while longer to see what is what as Samsung prepares the S8 for a mid-April launch (or is it going to be a February launch?).

  Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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We are not sure but there might be a reason as to why Samsung has pushed the fingerprint scanner at the back of the phone and to a place where it can hardly be reached without a conscious effort. Alongside the iris scanner which debuted and drowned with the Note 7, the S8 may also feature a facial unlocking mechanism. However, the report doesn't mention whether both the S8 and the S8+ will sport facial recognition. Nevertheless, we are pretty sure that both the smartphones will have it, provided that the rumor is true in the first place of course.

According to the report, an unnamed Samsung official mentioned that the new facial recognition software is fast enough to unlock the S8 in just 0.01 seconds. He added, "Due to some limits of iris scanning such as speed and accuracy, we have decided to add facial recognition to the Galaxy S8." This leads us to the question; did Samsung deliberately push the fingerprint scanner to such an inconvenient position, in an effort to promote the facial recognition feature?

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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After everything that's been said and done, the Galaxy S8 and S8+ are two of the best smartphones of 2017 yet and any upcoming smartphone from Samsung itself or other manufacturers will have a hard time beating it. Even then, there's definitely room for improvement on the S8 line-up and on that note, let's check out what Samsung can and should do to improve the Note 8 sufficiently before its final release in the second half of the year.


Better Location for the Fingerprint Scanner


Let's get the obvious one out of the way first; Samsung needs to place the fingerprint scanner in the middle of the Note 8's back or go with an under-the-display ultrasonic scanner. I am pretty sure that Samsung knows that as well and it will happen.


Better Speakers


We really need better speakers on the Note 8 because the S8 series features speakers that are simply not fit for a flagship handset to be honest. Especially with Harman under their wing now, it shouldn't be too difficult.


Dual Camera at the Back


It's not about the gimmick, but about better photos and lossless optical zoom. A tele lens could be a great addition to the upcoming Note.


Better Battery


This one is the least likely to happen as Samsung will be extra careful with the battery in light of the Note 7 disaster which happened last year. Nevertheless, it would be great to see the massive display of the Galaxy Note 8 being supported by at least a 4,000mAh battery.


Do you have some suggestions of your own? Let us know in the comments.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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A Samsung employee who is only known by his surname "Lee" at the moment, apparently was in a bad gambling debt which amounted to somewhere around $800,000! Just as any other logical person would handle a debt of that size, he decided to steal 8,474 Samsung mobile phones (which are worth a total of $711,000) from Samsung's head office in Suwon, Gyeonggi. If you have not caught on to my sarcasm yet, then let me affirm that it is indeed sarcasm and stealing from your employer or anyone else is definitely not the logical solution to any problem!

The disabled man had apparently started stealing test units meant for developers from way back in the December of 2014. In fact his operation was active till November last year; a timeframe in which he managed to steal an astounding 8,474 Samsung test units. Lee used to pawn these stolen smartphones via a used phone reseller and before long, these handsets, which were never even meant to be on sale, were being sold and used in Vietnam. As Samsung caught a whiff of the con job going on here, the matter was reported to the police. After months of investigation, Lee has finally been found and charged. Although he is clearly a reckless gambler and a thief of massive proportions, one cannot help but be amazed at the efficiency with he had run the con job for all these years without ever being caught once.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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Samsung bingo games are everywhere in 2017, depending on your particular model. Both tablet and phone owners of devices like Galaxy or Tab will find plenty of options, while the options for older models like Samsung Monte are limited. However, we cannot say that gambling hasn't improved quite a lot in the last several years. Currently, you can play a ton of various games across an even larger range of devices. A mobile brand that has been getting a lot of attention in the last several years from the gambling community is Samsung.


The Top 3 Bingo Apps for Samsung


Generally, if you are not sure if these games will work, you do not lose anything by checking them out, since all of them are completely free to download. Some of them will even give you money to get you started. It is amazing to try out a new bingo site with a welcome bonus since it lets you try out the games for free so you can decide if it is the right place for you. Just remember that finding reliable info about bingo gaming isn't very easy on the internet. You can access all the necessary information by clicking on this link for a detailed guide of bingo sites, just don't forget to read the content carefully. Here you can check out the top 3 apps for Samsung:


1. Bet365


2. Mecca


3. Wink


Advantages and Disadvantages of Gambling with a Samsung Device


Thanks to the Android marketplace that is provided by Google play, you can easily and quickly download a ton of mobile apps to use whenever you want. However, if you want to play real-money bingo games, you will have to download them from a third-party store like GetJar. Alternatively, you can just open the site of your preferred operator and use the mobile-friendly in-browser site.


But, even if the fact that Google Play does not allow real-money apps might be a slight disadvantage, there are a lot of pros of using a Samsung device to play bingo.


First of all, since most of the devices that are manufactured by this company use the latest Android software, you will be able to enjoy a ton of compatible games and websites to play on. Moreover, since the Samsung Note and Galaxy devices have quite the large screens, you will be able to enjoy high-definition games and crystal clear resolution.


Another excellent feature is that since the Samsung stylus comes with several devices, you will be able to enjoy precise controls. This is very good for mobile bingo since some people tend to accidentally hit the wrong buttons on the screen. The stylus is also a very helpful tool to use since it makes you feel like you are daubing off a real card with a pen and this makes the entire experience much more immersive.


But, it is far from the perfect device as there are several problems that you may encounter. For example, if you are playing bingo while you are not connected to a Wi-Fi network, you might drain your mobile data very fast, and if you are not careful, this might incur additional charges from your mobile provider.


A rarely occurring issue is that since Samsung devices use Android OS, your device might struggle to run some sites or games. However, this usually happens with older bingo websites. But those are the only disadvantages, so they seem quite small when we consider all of the pros.


Now About the Serious Part of Samsung Bingo!


Mobile gaming is the way forward when you want to play bingo on your mobile device. Almost every device is currently equipped with the newest gaming platforms and applications. There is no need to mention that a lot of gaming enthusiasts all over the world are in love with bingo. This is why people often worry whether they will be able to play bingo on their Samsung. It is absolutely possible, and you will fully enjoy the graphic experience. There certainly isn't a greater joy than playing bingo on your phone no matter where you are. All you have to do is log on to the bingo site of your favorite room and start a game.


According to topbingowebsites.co.uk mobile gambling is a crucial part of any manufacturer's marketing strategy, and Samsung is doing everything it can to make the most of it. The company promoted Galaxy S8 as well as some other new sets as perfect for bingo games. It has received different responses from the various parts of the world. As more and more people are becoming comfortable with bingo, adoption is very likely to increase manifold in the years to come.


In the last several years, a few developers have come up with many bingo apps for Samsung devices. They have been received quite well by gaming fans worldwide. However, there are countries in which bingo is not allowed, so people play free games. This fad will most likely increase with time. Bingo fans are rapidly increasing, and availability of mobile bingo will increase these numbers even more. We can safely assume that all phones that will launch soon will be loaded with exciting and new bingo apps.


There isn't a single reason for why mobile companies wouldn't take the opportunity to please their potential customers who love bingo. Samsung devices have been known to show great support for bingo apps. Many bingo players rely on Samsung tablets and phones when they do not have access to their computers. Bingo may be just a fun activity for you, but it can certainly become a great pastime. You can even use it to make new friends since bingo rooms allow simultaneous chatting.

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Samsung has a lot riding on the Galaxy Note 8 as it will be the company's first Note device to hit shelves across the globe after the Galaxy Note 7 disaster and everything that followed. It's true that the Note FE was previously released in small quantities in some very select regions, but that's just the rebranded Galaxy Note 7 with a smaller battery. As we are now less than two weeks from the Note 8's launch date on August 23, sources have revealed how Samsung will go about selling it.


The new Note will be unveiled on August 23rd at an exclusive Samsung event in New York. The pre-order windows will open a week after that on September 1st in South Korea and it will remain open till September 10. After that will come the day of the grand release, which is reportedly set on September 15th. However, it is unclear whether this date is exclusive to South Korea or some other regions as well. Whatever the case is, we are pretty sure that the Note 8 will be hitting the US in roughly the same time. After the overwhelming response which Samsung received after they opened up pre-orders for the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus, all carriers in Korea are hopeful that the Note 8 will even surpass that.


Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Tags: how good galaxy note gaming? how biggest game developers moving mobile how use tech manage your money how cloud-based solutions changing gaming industry how oneplus pro compare against each other competition how download install android beta your phone having problems with ios14? here how fix these having trouble with poco camera? here how fix it. how ensure safety while making online payments how process securing internet changing how set vpn any android device how can use plagiarism checkers check copied content article? how remain anonymous internet using vpn? how mobile have become: guide surviving digital age how about using banana phone? how ensure safety your smartphone how keep with phone trends integration smartphone into car how maximize benefits this combination auto technology how track car using smartphones how speed your phone’s speed! learn how get most out your smartphone how turn off annoying phone notifications android how having your business personal mobile one can help manage workload how get new sim only contract how sip providers help businesses how transfer your data new computer without loss here's how get google chrome desktop materiel design ntp how pick best pdf editor how remove samsung galaxys6 battery step-by-step [pdf how configure proxy server android how improve your wifi how choose educational literature field email validation: how maintain hygiene subscriber base how choose jetted bathtub? promotional codes cost-effective any way? let's take look what they how can help consumers business owners here. here how nokia’s upcoming phone looks like samsung releases video commercial show how pay works capacitive key backlighting samsung galaxy edge how turn off learn how auto restart your samsung smartphones how claim your free 100 onedrive storage note galaxy other samsung devices? how costly galaxy note recall samsung? another case leak out give better idea about how galaxy might look how about facial recognition feature galaxy s8? how note could better phone than galaxy how pay off $800 000 gambling debt? stealing 474 samsung smartphones course! how find best bingo sites your samsung device this how samsung sell galaxy note 

Samsung is about to come out with two new flagship handsets next month, namely the Galaxy S9 and S9+, but it's going to be a while before we see the Galaxy Note 9. As of now, the Note 8 is the king of Samsung smartphones and therefore, it is only fitting that we take a look at how good the smartphone really is when it comes to playing games. We will be judging the Note 8 on three gaming categories; performance, display and battery life.


Both the Exynos 8895 chip powering the international variant and the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC powering the US and Chinese versions are two of the most powerful Android chips of 2017; which means that you are not going to have to compromise on performance, irrespective of the variant you have in your country. Supported by 6 gigs of RAM, the Note 8's CPU and GPU runs through even the most demanding of Android games like hot knife through butter.


The 6.3-inch, QHD+, Super AMOLED, HDR display in its 18.5:9 borderless form factor is without a shadow of doubt, the most beautiful smartphone display in existence at the moment and it is quite possibly the best when it comes to gaming as well. In fact, we found the 521 ppi screen density, alongside the reliable battery life and serious horsepower under the hood to be excellent for long sessions of playing live casino games, as well as the most demanding 3D games available on the Play Store. The bottom-line is, the Galaxy Note 8's display is unmatched in every possible way when it comes to gaming or watching high-quality content.

Battery Life

Now, the battery inside the Note 8 is actually smaller than that of the S8+ (3,500mAh) at only 3,300mAh, but that doesn't affect battery life too much to be honest. Sure, we could have used a larger battery, but unless you are looking to compare it with a Xiaomi device that's sporting a smaller display and a bigger battery at the same time, the Note 8 will not leave you high and dry in the middle of gaming. Even if you start to run out of juice by the end of a busy day, the ridiculously fast charging tech will recharge your smartphone from 0 - 100% in roughly 100-minutes!

As you have probably realized by now, the Galaxy Note 8 is the perfect gaming machine on the go and the in-built Samsung Game Launcher basically turns it into a portable console. So yes, the Galaxy Note 8 is as good as it gets when it comes to gaming or any other form of mobile entertainment for that matter.

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The latest Galaxy S-series of smartphones have been officially unveiled by Samsung and they will become available to customers all around the world, come next month. The release date will vary of course, alongside the actual price, depending on the concerned region. Although Xiaomi has recently toppled the Korean giant and taken hold over as the number one smartphone OEM in the country, Samsung still has one of its biggest markets in India and we might just have some inside info on what will be the price of the S9 and S9+ there.

If the report by 91Mobiles is to be believed, then the S9 will start at Rs 62,500 for 64GB storage ($958 approx.) and the S9+ will start at Rs 70,000 for 64GB storage ($1073 approx.). The price will shoot up to Rs 71,000 ($1088 approx.) if you want a Galaxy S9 with 256GB storage, while the S9+ will offer the same storage at Rs 79,000 ($1211 approx.). As you can see, they will be significantly more expensive than their US counterparts, but that's the ironical situation India; You will have to pay more taxes on electronics than the United States, because almost everything electronics carries a "luxury" tax with it!

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast) 

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If you have been following the smartphone news for the last few years, then you probably already know that a Samsung foldable smartphone has been in development for years now. However, after years of false rumors and promises, it looks like 2019 is finally going to be the year in which the elusive device from Samsung will at last be launched. The latest rumor suggests that the smartphone will be unveiled at the CES 2019 and we have some images that might just catch your attention because they do look gorgeous.

As per the latest images and rumors, the Galaxy X could also be called Galaxy F, aka Foldable. While the denomination is unimportant, what is more important is the fact that the smartphone seems to be in-line with previous rumors that suggested it would resemble a wallet when folded. In-between the completely folded in and the completely folded out positions, there is even a third intermediary position. Whether these renders hold any credence to them or not is something that we will just have to wait a few more months to find out.

Source: Nieuwe Mobiel

Saikat Kar

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The world's first smartphone with four rear cameras was just announced officially and it came from Samsung, but what do you think about the Galaxy A9 (2018)? It's still too early to get the consumer's real point of view, but do let us know what you think about this device just from what we know about it so far. I mean, do you think it can compete with the OnePlus 6 or the upcoming OnePlus 6T with its impressive set of cameras? Or do you think the quad cameras are just a gimmick to hide weaker specs? Just in case you are not totally aware of the spec sheet, do take a look at the interesting bits below.

·         6.3-inch, 1080p, Super AMOLED display

·         Qualcomm SDM660 Snapdragon 660 SoC with Adreno 512 GPU

·         6GB/8GB RAM

·         128GB internal storage with micro-SD slot

·         Quad Rear camera setup: 24 MP: f/1.7, PDAF, 8 MP: f/2.4, 12mm (ultrawide), 10 MP: f/2.4, (telephoto), 2x optical zoom, 5 MP: f/2.2, depth sensor

·         Single front camera: 24 MP: f/2.0

·         3,800mAh battery

·         Color options: Caviar Black, Lemonade Blue, Bubblegum Pink

Saikat Kar

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galaxy ultra


Just recently official render of the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra was uploaded by Samsung itself. And it looks similar to the previous renders of the upcoming premium smartphone. Reputable leaker Max Weinbach was seemingly the first one to report a pair of images, he found on a Russian version of the Samsung website. Other tech magazines and reporters quickly picked the story and spread the word, with Ben Geskin even tweeting a link - which was still live at the press time. The link was pointed to Samsung's official site showing the render of Galaxy Note 20 ultra. The phone shown in the pictures is in Mystic Bronze color and looks stunning.


Leaker @Onleaks leaked a similar render back in May - though he'd referred to is as the Galaxy Note 20 Plus instead of Note 20 ultra at that time. Nothing in the new image indicates that this is the Ultra model, as even the image's link slug refers to it as the ‘galaxy-note8', so it's the series of leakers who are asserting that this is, in fact, the long-rumored Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. Other leaks suggest that there would be a stylus-packing Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra in plus size.


We are expecting Note 20 line to be released somewhere in August, we are anticipating more leaks and rumors that give us insight into what the ultra looks like, though this picture gives lots of answers to our design questions. As per rumors and leaks, Galaxy Note 2 ultra will be an evolutionary version of Note 10 plus and will be powered by Snapdragon 865+. The display will be QHD with a 120Hz display refresh rate. We don't know about the price so far, but it is safe to assume that this will be the most expensive handset from the series.

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The Samsung Galaxy S20 series is one of the smartphone series of 2020. The series also includes one of the most expensive devices ever launched but even this phone isn't perfect. Luckily, there are always some workarounds, hacks, and software patches to help improve these glitches. Here is a list of a few problems you can face while using your Samsung Galaxy S20.


If you experience delayed notification, you have to check that your phone isn't on the battery optimization. Samsung intentionally delayed notification and stop these to run in the background to save battery life. But if the notifications are important to you, you have to remove your phone from the battery optimization list. Go to Apps > configuration apps > battery optimization > all apps


A few users submit a complaint related to their ever-changing refresh rate. Technically, this ins't phone's fault. Not all apps support that high refresh rate. So, if you have 120Hz refresh rate set as a default option, you may experience a drop to 60Hz if the app you are not using isn't compatible with such a high refresh rate or your device temperature goes above 42 celsius degree. This could be a side effect of prolonged gaming sessions or other processor-intensive activities.


If you are having trouble with having a smart unlock setup which doesn't seem to work most of the time, it might be your corrupt GPS connection. The problem occurs when you are using a smart lock based on the location like a home or office. This has been fixed by Samsung software update and should be working as intended. But if you are still having some issues, go to settings > advanced features and tap on Bixby routines. Tap on the name of the Bixby routine. Once the page opens, tap on Details. You will find "smart unlcok" on the list of existing presets in the "my routine" section.

Having a smartphone that randomly reboot can be really annoying. If this is something you are face, boot the phone into Safe mode and check if the issue persists. If it doesn't, an app that you might have recently installed is causing this. Uninstall the installed app and see if it works for you. If it doesn't go to Settings > device care >... > advanced and tap on the Disable auto restart option. If the issue still persists, you need to call the customer support or the shop owner from where you bought the phone.


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Samsung has been quite speedy in carrying out new programming updates to the Galaxy S21. Usually, the South Koran firm deliveries new security refreshes even before the beginning of the month. In any case, Galaxy S21 clients appear to confront an issue identified with the camera application's exhibition and slack, and the organization has fixed those issues with another update.

A Samsung Community mediator has referenced on the organization's true discussions that architects have figured out how to fix camera slack issues on the Galaxy S21. The June 2021 programming update will incorporate those fixes. The update will likewise incorporate Portrait Mode enhancements and memory use advancements while utilizing high zoom levels. We can affirm that there is less slack while zooming all through the camera, however it is as yet defective.

The organization has likewise added another component that allows clients to examine and perceive QR codes from pictures put away in the exhibition. The ease of use and execution of the Video Call Effect include have likewise been improved. It does exclude Night Mode camera upgrades, however. The organization will declare more insights about the June 2021 programming update for the Galaxy S21 arrangement in a couple of days.

These bug fixes and execution upgrades may not be a piece of the main June 2021 firmware update that Samsung had delivered in South Korea and the subsequent firmware update delivered in a modest bunch of nations. Samsung has been outrageously delayed in carrying out the June fix for the Galaxy S21, and most nations have not gotten the update yet. The real programming update that incorporates these upgrades may show up over the course of the following not many days.


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I don't know about you but I have always wanted an app that would tell me my blood group and save me the trip to the clinic each time I needed to get some blood tests done. It looks like that is not going to be a problem in the future as Google's acquisition of Senosis Health might allow smartphones to do just that.

The start-up from Seattle has developed a technology which can use a smartphone's camera, flash, accelerometer and microphone to measure hemoglobin in blood. The data collected with the help of this technology can then be used to detect early symptoms of certain types of tumors and cancers, lung diseases, kidney issues and most forms of undetected malnutrition. The application of this technology can change the face of telemedicine forever, especially in remote areas of the world and for patients who can't move about easily.

Although it will probably be a while before the kinks are ironed out and the technology is useable on a large scale, Senosis Health might just have handed Google a very potent tool to make medical science more easily accesible to the US and eventually the world.

Via: Android Authority

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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google language translate

Learning about new languages or cultures can be a really exciting experience but finding a resource to learn a new language on your own isn't easy. So if you feel stuck and need a reliable translator, try Google Assistant's interpreter Mode. This mode or feature is now available on Android smartphones. The feature was previously released on the Google Pixel Buds and other headphones which were Google Assistant-enabled. The feature later on rolled in Google Home smart speakers and displays.

Google's interpreter Mode on Android phones can help you with real-time translation. The App has 44 different languages to choose from. To get started, follow these simple steps.  Say things like "Hey Google, be my Arabic translator" or "Hey Google, help me speak Italian" and start speaking. This feature can be pretty handy if you are traveling abroad or just want to learn a new language.


How to use real-time translation on your Android Phone?


To use Interpreter Mode on Android phones, simply bring up the Google Assistant and ask it to translate into any of the 44 supported languages. You will then see and hear the translated conversation on your phone. Assistant will also present Smart Replies to help you respond quickly without having to speak. You can also choose to use Interpreter Mode in typing mode or manually select the language you want to speak out loud. Interpreter Mode is now rolling out to Android phones with an Assistant worldwide and doesn't require any additional app downloads.

Translate a conversation

Say "Ok Google."
Say a command, like:
Be my Italian interpreter.
Help me speak Spanish.
Interpret from Polish to Dutch.
Chinese interpreter.
Turn on interpreter mode.

If you haven't identified languages, choose which languages you want to use.
When you hear the tone, start speaking in either language. You don't have to alternate between languages for interpreter mode to work.
On a Smart Display, you'll both see and hear the translated conversation.

To stop using interpreter mode, say a command like:


You can also ask Google Assitant to remember  things. 

Step 1. Tell your Assistant what to remember

Say "Hey Google, Remember that

". For example, you can say "Hey Google, remember that my spare keys are in the drawer next to the sink."

Step 2. Ask your Assistant to remember
Say "Hey Google, where/what is ". For example, you can say "Hey Google, where are my spare keys?"




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astro mode


The Google Pixel 4 was undoubtedly on the most astonishing smartphone when it comes to photography capabilities. It has some impressive hardware and software features. The astrophotography mode was one of those features that allow users to capture the night shot. The Astro mode specifically enables users to click the stars at night even in the darkest places. It can handle some of the darkest nights, stars, and other celestial objects. The Google Pixel 4 combines 16 exposures (15 seconds each) into a single four-minute mega-exposure, while the Pixel 3a and Pixel 3 combine four of these frames into a one-minute exposure.


The first thing you need to capture Astro shots, a perfectly stable camera position. For this purpose, you can use a tripod or some other way of holding your phone completely still. After that, switch to night mode for the phone to enter into Astro mode. Google Pixel 4 can capture way more stars and celestial objects than you can see with the naked eye. Even the faintest star is visible in the images taken by it.


Even though Google Pixel has some impressive ability to click on Astro objects, it is good that you find a space with less noise in the sky. It might not give you the expected result if there is fog or clouds in the sky. This almost goes without saying that to have a great picture, you need to find the sky with little in the way of light. You may find a Milky Way, or way more stars, and nebulae if you put some effort.


You can further enhance the image by adding some artificial light through a small lamp or indirect lighting to illuminate objects or people in a scene. In the end, you can always edit your pictures with Photoshop or lightroom. The image might look amazing already but editing light levels and colors can take it to the next level. But its complexly depend on personal choice.


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Odin 3


If you want to get the latest firmware updates on your Samsung Android device, you'll have to Flash the ROM manually. The best way to do this is using Odin 3 tool and in this Tutorial we will show you the safest way on How to flash a firmware update to your Samsung's Android device.






- Fully recharge your Samsung device battery before engaging into flashing process.
- Prepare a Windows base OS computer or laptop, Odin flasher tool will not run on Mac and other OSX systems.
- Use the supplied USB data cable, a bad USB data cable caused a flashing errors. Believe me, I've faced it several times, if you get failed errors in Odin then you did not read this.
- Remove the external micro SD card if you have one, to avoid any failures and error during the flashing process. (Recommended for beginners, some rouge 3rd-party apps stored on SD card may also caused some problem)
- Closed any other running programs in your computer, this include Samsung's Kies too which basically blocks you from using Odin.






- Download Odin v3.10 from HERE


- Download Latest Samsung KIES + USB Drivers from HERE


- Download Samsung USB Drivers ONLY from HERE


- Download Official Firmware for your device from YouFirmware


STEP 1: Run and configure Odin3 v3.10

odin 3

Hover your mouse to these three Odin check-boxes options, by default the "Auto Reboot" and "F. Reset Time" check-boxes are marked Checked. Just ensure the "Re-Partition" remains NOT-Checked.


Step 2: Boot your Device into Download Mode

download mode

Turn your Samsung device off, then Press the [Volume Down+Home+Power] buttons all together at the same time, HOLD them, then let them go until a warning screen prompted you to choose continue or cancel. Then Press the [Volume Up] button to continue and you will see a download mode screen on your device like in the photo above.


Step 3: Connect your Samsung device to the computer via the USB data cable

odin 3

Once you connect your Samsung device with the USB cable you can see that Odin's ID:COM triangular bar turned to blueish color and shows you the USB port number of your Samsung device is using for connecting with your computer. The COM number will depend on which USB port assigned with your phones, it usually connects from 01 to 07. There is also a word that says "Added" in the log-cat box. If you ain't see any response, try to recheck the USB cable and re-install the USB Drivers.


Step 4: Load the Firmware into Odin


Click the Odin "AP button" then browse and select the firmwares file. Just make sure you already unzipped it and then browse to the folder where you downloaded your firmware, it should end with file description as "tar.md5".

For Example, if you are about to flash a Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F, the firmware should look something like this "G900FXXU1ANE2_G900FOXA1ANE2_HOME.tar.md5". Note that Firmware packages comes in different build version numbers and basically shows the device model number such "N900F" or "N925A" and so on.

After that, wait 1-10 seconds while it reads the MD5 checksum.



Step 5: Install the Firmware into your Device


Simply hit the "Start Button" Once both AP and CSC files filled with the right files, simply click that Odin's "START" button to begin flashing. Wait and watch the progress bar as it will show you the exact time how it completes the flashing and it takes a couple of minutes before the flashing finishes, you have a time to relax for a while.



Step 6: Wait until the Restoration Process completes!


When original firmware installation successfully completed, you'll noticed that Odin displays a word "PASS" in Green. This means the operation was a success. Then reboot your phone and you are done. Check the Notes below if you have any problems.


Important Notes:


• If you flashed a firmware and faced issues with your Wi-Fi connection, Make sure that "auto reboot" option in Odin3 is NOT checked (Step1) and wait until Odin says "PASS" (green text at the bottom right) then disconnect your device.


• Samsung KIES installation is required to get the Samsung USB driver, In case you don't want to install KIES OR you already have it but facing many issues with it on your syste... just install the Samsung USB drivers only from the links above.



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Accidentally deleted files are never good news, irrespective of the OS, but thankfully, Android users have a number of methods at their disposal to recover the deleted documents in case of emergencies. Since you are reading this, then chances are that you probably don't know how to recover deleted photos from Android smartphones yet, so let's get to it right away.

Look for Your Deleted Files on Google Drive

All Android smartphones come with automatic Google Drive backup options, so unless you have turned those features off manually or never turned the Drive backup feature on to begin with, it is likely that you will find the deleted files safely stored there. Just download them back onto your device. On the off chance that the files were deleted before being backed up automatically, you won't find it in Google Drive for obvious reasons. The same goes for Dropbox or any other cloud service that you may have signed up for. If you have not yet signed up for cloud backup yet, do so immediately, because all hard storage devices are vulnerable to failing without notice.

Check to See If Your Device Has a "Bin"

On some Android devices, files and especially photos and videos are not deleted right away, kind of similar to Gmail's "Bin" folder, but instead of being saved on the cloud, your device would just be saving a copy of your deleted files within the internal storage. As the files are auto-deleted after a while, check the folder as soon as possible. It might be called something else on your phone other than "Bin" though. Look for folders or albums with names such as "Trash" or "Deleted Files."

Use an Android File Recovery Tool

To recover deleted files Android, the best method would be to use a specialized recovery tool like dr.fone - Recover, that doesn't just help you to get back your deleted photos, but can also assist in the recovery of WhatsApp messages, SMS messages, contacts, audio files, documents and even videos. They work best when the deleted files are recent and not much data has been recorded on the internal or external storage of your Android device, after the deletion. These are good points to keep in mind if you want the best results from your document recovery tool for Android.

Even if the first and second method doesn't apply in your situation, the third one is almost certain to work, at least to some degree. Nevertheless, the efficiency of a document recovery tool for Android largely depends on how fast you act after the accidental deletions, so speed is of prime importance here, as mentioned earlier.

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The Raspberry Pi is a fantastic tool for learning how to code and how a microcontroller works. The most difficult part of using the Pi is its initial OS setup, but even this should be pretty simple if you follow the steps below.

Register Emteria.OS


The first thing that you need to do is register an account on emteria.com. On the homepage, you should see the button to register at the top. The registration form is the standard fare, asking for your name, email address, etc.

Once you have filled out the registration form, you then need to wait for the confirmation email so you can confirm your email address and log in properly.

Get the Installer


Once you are registered and logged in to the website, you can then download the installer that you need to install Android on your Raspberry Pi. The installer will burn your copy of the operating system onto a micro SD card. It is worth checking beforehand that the MicroSD card you plan to use is supported. While conflict is rare, it is safer to stick to an established brand like SanDisk who are all but guaranteed to work properly.

Flash Your SD Card


Open up the installer and then enter your login details for the operating system. You then need to select the type of Raspberry Pi that you have, as well as your intended installation location. For your purposes, your installation location will be the microSD card that you have prepared.

Using F-Droid


Once the SD card has been flashed and the operating system installed, you then need to get some apps on there. You can sideload apps onto the Raspberry Pi from your computer, but this is much less convenient than just downloading from an app store as you would on your phone. Unfortunately, because this build of Android does not come from Google, it does not have access to the Google Play store.

Lucky for us, there is an alternative called F-droid. F-droid is a third-party app store for Android that will enable you to download apps in just the same way that you do on a regular Android device.

You will find F-Droid in the apps menu, and there should be an icon on your home screen. When you first launch F-Droid, it will take some time to download all of the updates and repositories. Be patient, as once this is over, you are ready to start downloading apps directly to your device.

Taking It Further


Once you have got your Pi set up and you have had some time to get used to it, you may well feel ready to dig a little deeper. If you find that the Raspberry Pi is an exciting new frontier for you, you will almost certainly be interested in the world of PCB design more generally.

The Pi is a fantastic tool for anyone who wants to learn how to code and the nature of the relationship between software and hardware. Learning about PCBs will help you to understand how microcontrollers like the Raspberry Pi are designed and work. For example, Altium is a developer of PCB design software and their website is full of useful articles like this one about how a touch sensor button works.

Installing Android onto your Pi should be a simple and straightforward process. Once you are set up, you can begin exploring more advanced Raspberry Pi projects.


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android 11

To get Android 11, you will need to sign in to your Google Account and see if your device is getting the download. Google rolled out Android 11 in an online event and not many devices have caught up the latest OS yet. If your phone is eligible, you need to enroll and check for the update. It should arrive at your device within a few minutes. Here is the list of steps you need to follow to install the Android beta program at your device.


  1. Visit google.com/android/beta to sign-up for the Android Beta Program.
  2. Sign in to your Google account when prompted.
  3. Your eligible devices will be listed on the next page.
  4. Click to enroll in the Beta Program.
  5. Go to Settings > System > Advanced > System Update to check for available downloads


Android 11 is mainly focused on communication, better control, and privacy features. It completely redesigned the notification system, a new power menu, and several other smaller features. With Android 11 you get a dedicated conversation section in the notification shade right under the settings. These notifications can include messages from the chat app, texts, and Facebook apps.


In Android 11, you can tap a button on a conversation notification to bubble it. Your conversation will remain on your screen regardless of the current activity. You can move the chat bubble around or keep bubbles on top of each other like a stack of books without getting out of the other apps. Google also introduced the upcoming OS with 62 new characters, as well as 55 skin tone and gender variants. The new emojis are not yet available and will be rolled down with the other two more betas on the way.


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android 11


After spending a few months on testing and code review, Google is rolling out Android to the smartphones. This is an over-the-air software update for Google Pixels devices, as well as smartphones from OnePlus, Xiaomi, OPPO, and Realme. Hopefully, other smartphone manufacturers will be joining the regime soon enough. As expected, Android11 has brought a plenty of new features including message bubbles, redesigned notifications, a new power menu, a new media player widget, screen recording, and much more.


The most exciting feature is the bubble chart just like the one Facebook uses, but they are integrated into Android 11 and can be used for any app by floating on top of whatever you are using. You can also hold the physical button used to power the phone to view your Google Pay cards, and that playback controls have been moved from the notification tray to the Settings panel now.


With Android 11, you need any additional App to record the screen. Google has also implemented some changes for users who take their privacy a little more serious. LIke you can opt-in for one-time access to your mic, camera, or location by the app, so that each time you open the app, it will ask for your permission again.


As per the reports from various sources, following phones are getting the Android 11 OS.
The following Pixel smartphones can update to Android 11 right away.
Pixel 2
Pixel 2 XL
Pixel 3
Pixel 3 XL
Pixel 3a
Pixel 3a XL
Pixel 4
Pixel 4 XL
Pixel 4a

If you own a Nokia phone with Android 9 Pie, you should be getting the update as well. This include

Nokia 9 PureView
Nokia 8.3
Nokia 8.1
Nokia 7.2
Nokia 6.2
Nokia 5.3
Nokia 4.2
Nokia 3.2
Nokia 3.1 Plus
Nokia 2.3
Nokia 2.2
Nokia 1.3
Nokia 1 Plus

OnePlus has also rolled out the update for OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro. Other devices might expect to get the update soon. Oppo is releasing the Android 11 with ColorOS on 14 September, 2030 for Oppo Find X2, X2 Pro, Reno 3, and Reno 3 Pro. Samsung hasn't joined the list yet but as per reports, Samsung Galaxy S20 series would be the first one to get the update.


To get the update, first you need to check if the update is available to you, as a few manufacturers are still working on their version of Android 11 OS and user interface.

Open your phone's settings App.
Go to System > Advanced > System update.
See your Android version and security patch level. Once you are sure of the update availability, tap the update action.

The update will start itself. And will ask for restart, once download is complete. After you restart the device, it may take a few minutes to update your operating system.



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Google has already released the first public beta version of Android 12 operating system and available on several phones. The new beta version for Android smartphones looks stunning and is perhaps the major design shift in years. Google introduced Android 12 at Google I/O event with a preview on the new material design, latest features, etc.


The beta version is available for anyone interested to try this early version. The Android 12 beta will include features such as improved privacy controls and an adaptive interface that allow you to change the color of your phone's look according to the wallpaper. Android devices also offer better configuration with the new update.


If you want to know how to install the beta version, the first thing you might want to do is check if the Android 12 beta will be available for your phone yet. Google has rolled out the first Android 12 public beta for its own series of Pixel smartphones. Other companies like OnePlus, ZTE, TCL, Oppo, Realme, Sharp, and Tecno, Vivi, Xiaomi, and Asus have already joined the wave. Google's developer website has also uploaded a one-stop website that includes links directly to the instructions and for every hardware partner that is participating in the beta version.


So, if your phone is included in the following list, you are eligible for the Android 12 beta update. The list includes OnePlus 9, OnePlus 9 Pro, TCL 20 Pro 5G, Pixel 5, 4A, 4a 5G, 4, 3A, 3A XL, 3XL. If you own any of these devices, start by visiting the Android beta program website. You have to sign in to the site using the same Google account registered on your smartphone. Google will display some warnings about using the beta version.


At the bottom of the page, there will be a list of phones linked to your account. Click the opt-in button for the phone you want to use for the enrollment. Accept the terms and conditions and click confirm and earn when you are finished.


Next grab your phone and go to Settings > System > Advances > System update > Check for update. Depending on your internet connection's speed, you have to spend a few minutes. Once your phone shows the update notification, install it as you would do with any other software. Your phone will reboot, once the installation is complete.


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With an Android smartphone, you can do a lot. Aside from all the usual phone calls, video messages and social media posts, you can amend documents, show presentations and stream films and music. For those who are interested in managing their money and watching it grow, there are some Android apps just for that!


A quick look in the Google Play Store will show a sizeable number of financial apps. Ones for the latest financial news, market data and even trading will prove valuable if you want the best possible return on your investment. When investing, there is a lot to think about, from the amount you want to invest to where you want to put your money.


Choosing an App


You need to choose the right app first. Consider when, where and how you would like to invest your hard-earned cash. When using any investment app, make sure that your bank card details are easily available. Otherwise, you won't be able to invest your money! Also, be sure that you have enough funds in your account to invest in the first place.


If you don't like to take too many risks, Acorns is a good starting point. This simple app allows you to invest your spare change in a safe and quick way. You can put a few cents or pence into different stocks and keep track of your money whenever you like. Any change left over from buying a coffee or pizza could be stored away in a stock of your choice.


Picking a Market


Before you invest, think about which markets are most likely to make you money. An app that has plenty of markets to choose from will give you more opportunities to explore. The Oanda fxTrade app offers over 120 currency pairs and instruments to work with, all while offering live market data.


To start, pick something to trade with, choose an amount of money you want to invest and then you can trade instantly. Live data and access to the latest financial news is a must for any would-be trader. If you have it on your smartphone, ready to read, you will be able to make a more informed decision on where to invest.


Latest News


If you need financial news, Feedly is a one-stop app for all kinds of stories. It pools news items from many different sources, with specific areas for business and financial stories. Not having to go between websites and apps for financial data will save investors time and give them an idea of what to put their money on.


For some of the more obscure markets and stocks, the Investing.com app provides data from markets all over the world. Accessing historical stats on this app will boost your decision making, as well as educate you about how different stocks work.

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It is an undisputable fact that mobile applications have penetrated into every modern person`s life. They are interconnected with almost every aspect of our everyday routine - from checking the weather to unlocking the house entrance door.

However, first mobile apps were created for entertainment purposes only. They fulfilled simple functions, suchlike calculator or music player. In the late 20th, the tendency of implementing mobile applications into businesses tended to grow. Surely, they possessed only a limited variety of functions, because of Java programming language constraints. However, on the other hand, they attracted more and more buyers to their owners, even if they were offline and could not intend a person to buy goods or services.

Nowadays the situation has changed expeditiously. Thanks to the development both of the Internet and mobile platforms, applications for smartphones became a "must-have" option in the entrepreneur toolset. As Bill Gates said, "If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business".

Do you still hesitate on creating a mobile application for your enterprise? Here are 5 basic tips on how you can improve your business process with a mobile app.

Expand the influence scope.

The evolution of smartphones began in the 2000s, but it`s supremacy over common computers has established only in the 2018 year. Globally, in April 2018 mobile traffic took more than 51% in the share of the worldwide web traffic (Statista.com). What is the reason? Allegedly, using a cellular phone for accessing web pages is more feasible than a standard PC. It is explained by an absence of expensive equipment, the necessity of installing huge devices, wiring the house and electricity usage.

People prefer to stay connected anytime. Thus, the number of population, who use a smartphone, outweighed the market of simple laptop users. Nevertheless, what does it mean for you as for an entrepreneur? We can highlight only one important thing - having only a website is not enough to compete properly with your rivals.

In other words, mobile application concept has changed. It transferred from an outstanding feature that only mega-sized companies could possess to the mandatory part of every concern. In order to attract customers, you need to fulfill their demands - and the majority of them prefer accessing your company remotely with their gadgets. So why do you still lose a half of your potential customers?

Always be in touch with your clients.

One more feasible feature of modern cellular phone software are push-messages and information collection system. This technology establishes a direct connection between database and clients smartphone and gives you a possibility to interact with your customers at any time. To make it more distinct, a bright example is social networks. If you receive a message on Facebook, your mobile phone will immediately react and depict a notification for you. So, why not to make friends with your clients in the same way?

Push-messages allow you to inform your customers about discounts, upcoming novelties, changes of working hours, the status of clients, good delivery order etc. Moreover, it is interactive. It implies that application gives you a possibility to review how many customers have visited your page after receiving a push message and how many of them ignored your letter. As a smartphone usually allows a developer to access basic information about a user. You can diversify the schedule of notification for different target groups. For instance, you can track that an individual customer is highly interested in sport's shoes. Use this information! Thus, you`d better notify him/her about an upcoming supply of new shoe collection in advance - he/she will be totally pleased having an individual approach.

On the other hand, an adverse effect of push-messages is that people can find they annoying and repulsive. And it is not unreasonable. Unfortunately, the majority of IT solutions send too many notifications to users, so the latter prefer just to turn it off. In order to avoid it, assure that your messages are feasible and informative at the same time, and they do not appear on the screen constantly. Also, take care of making the info as short as possible. Finding the lowest common denominator about the number of suchlike notifications may take some time, but it totally worth the efforts.

Make your brand recognizable.

Regardless you are a pioneer or a professional executive, you need to make your company became prominent in the background of other rivals. One of the most lucrative ways to intensify the development of your company is to enhance customers' loyalty to your brand. And business apps are exactly the tool you need.

First of all, your logo will be shown every single time user unlocks a smartphone. He/she may not even contemplate about it, but it makes him/her remind your company subconsciously. Thus, you do not need even to promote it - users just get used to seeing it frequently and surely recall your logo when they face it somewhere else.

Furthermore, considering the fact that push messages are accompanied by depicting the logo of an application creates a notification, users are likely to accustom to your brand.

Integrate your application with a website.

As it was told some paragraphs above, having only a website is not enough to compete properly on a contestant market, but the mobile app is not the resource that can fulfill your needs by itself solus. A silver bullet is to combine and integrate both of them. It can be done using new interactive platforms and programming solution.

In order to figure out which features better suit to website or application, try to order a SWOT and PEST analysis at AuEduBirdie service, also you will say: "I would prefer to pay someone to do my assignment" and you will be right if you choose this service.It will provide you feasible information regarding which services are better used within surfing website and which ones are better perceived on the screen of a cellular phone.

What is more, you can also establish some kind of social network. Just provide clients with a possibility to create their own profiles with personal data and rating system. Clients are more willing to trust people who have already purchased the same good/service as they are going to. Live feedbacks are a brilliant motivating factor to make sure the description mentioned on a website perfectly suits real conditions of a good or service.

Cost reduction.

The last but not least is a matter of expenditures on posters and advertisement within the marketing company in a destination place of distribution. The mobile application provides you both opportunities to save money and even to earn them. This explains the high demand for it among modern businesses. It gives huge benefits in terms of cost reduction.

If your boss is willing to plunge your expenditures exponentially, pay attention at mobile ad services. For example, mobile ads generated roughly 80 percent of Facebook's $5.6 billion ad revenue (Entrepreneur.com). You are able to spend your money on advertising more lucrative than usual. The milestone of this method is that you are provided with advanced targeting tools. It allows you to diversify your buyers by age, gender, weight, height, living place etc. Thus, you can spend less money and efforts. But at the same time, you perceive the same performance as using traditional advertisement.  In other words, if you choose mobile ads, be assured that the money you spend will totally for you.

Contrariwise, if your app is created not to attract customers but to generate high revenue, you can always install ads service within your application. It is for free and does not require any knowledge of programming languages. You will get paid each time your client click on the banner of another company appears on the screen. A good example is educational applications. Each time student calls an app to figure out a formula or a rule, he/she watches a promo of other usable platforms for learners.


The mobile application is a necessary tool for every entrepreneur nowadays. If you are willing not only to stay afloat on a market but to expand your business and make it more profitable, then you should contemplate an app for your demands. Deliver personalized offers to customers and consider theirs. Remember to strike the right balance in messaging your clients and processing an information you receive from them.  



Mo Cheng


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Postmates is a food delivery application that you can use to have food, groceries, and drinks delivered to you. It provides a similar service to other popular delivery apps such as Ubereats and Doordash.

Open Locations

Before you begin, you will need to go into your phone settings and allow permissions or access for the Postmates app to your location. This is needed to factor in which establishments are able to provide you with service or delivery.

Login or Sign Up

Before being able to start, you will need to have an active account with Postmates. It is as easy as signing up with an email address and providing some key information for the app. You'll be good to order in a matter of minutes and all your information will be stored and tied to your account so you don't have to worry about putting it in again every time.

Search Bar

If you are craving for a specific food, it is as easy as doing a quick search for whatever you might be feeling. Otherwise, you can select from some of the more popular food choices in a specific area. Once you have chosen a food type, you can pick a franchise or restaurant, depending on your preference, taste, review ratings, and food selection. 

Restaurant Menu

Once you've decided on your restaurant of choice, you will be provided with a list of menu options. Different restaurants will factor in different costs and prices might vary in terms of in-app vs in-person costs. It is in your best interest to learn what options are available to you in your area and your local restaurant or grocer.

Add to Cart and Checkout

When you find the dishes, food, or drinks that you want, simply add it to your cart. Once you have filled your cart with your desired items, simply head to the checkout and you will be able to pay for your items there. Keep in mind that there are plenty of Postmates promo codes for existing users to watch out for. You want to be aware of any discounts or promos as this is a way for Postmates to stay competitive with other delivery apps. This benefits both the company and customers, and everyone is happy.

Delivery or Pickup

You'll decide whether or not you prefer delivery or pickup. Remember that some restaurants will charge a delivery fee, especially with the costs of food and the service charges they have to give to Postmates. The good news is that many places offer free delivery options if you meet their price requirements.


This is where you can change your user information, from payment methods, contact info, addresses, notifications, or sending gift cards. You can also choose to work with the Postmates and join the fleet. This is a great way to make some extra money on the side and work flexible hours.




When it comes to the uncertainty of businesses these days, it is important for companies to take advantage of all the opportunities to still provide services to customers. Postmates provides those options, both for consumers and businesses.


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There was some fuzzy news about the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra brand name, as there wasn't much information and a few other sources suggest that there won't be any phone with ‘ultra' name. But it sure looks real in a new leak coming from a reputable leaker. Anyone interested in mobile phone leaks and rumors knows Twitter handler @UniverseIce. He has a leaker with a good track record on Twitter, and as you can see the image above, it shows off the alleged Note 20 Ultra's all-screen look.

As per the rumors, the devices are powered by a Snapdragon 865 Plus chipset (the chip hasn't been released yet), and a screen that supports a QHD+ resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate at the same time. That's an upgrade on the Samsung Galaxy S20 range, as you can only have one of those things at once there. The tweet also claims that there are new camera features and a brand-new S Pen, but didn't mention any further details.

Another leak suggests that the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra has bezels that are 0.29mm thinner than on the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus.


Additionally, the forehead and chin are in total narrowed by 0.4mm compared to the Note 10 Plus, the punch-hole camera is said to be 0.1mm smaller, and the "fuselage" (presumably the body) is supposedly 0.3mm thinner. That would mean the Note 20 Ultra is 7.6mm thick. With the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 range likely landing in August, we might not know for sure whether there's a Note 20 Ultra for a while yet, but if there is we'd expect plenty more leaks to emerge soon.

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ISO files are very common now. However, still, many average PC users get inquiries regarding ISO files and how to use them correctly. If you feel confused working with ISO files, this article will be very useful for you.


You should understand that ISO file types are a special way of packaging various folders and files altogether. They are packaged into a single file with the extension which is called ISO file extension. This extension is mainly used for making images of DVDs and CDs. Such files contain everything. This is very convenient for storing your data on your personal computer, as well as for downloading it. Instead of providing vast physical media content, you can simply distribute such programs. More and more PC users tend to encounter such ISO file types because fewer and fewer devices have optical drivers.


Why do so many users of personal computers face difficulties with such ISO files? If you use Windows XP/Vista, you should understand that ISO files are not recognized by them. Every time when you want to get ISO files opened in old Windows versions, they do not work as they should. You will have to install a trustworthy software which will help you to get access to ISO files easily. You can download such programs at Wikiext. As for Windows 7, it has already the feature for burning ISO files both to DVDs and CDs. It is recommended to update to Windows 8 because this version has all necessary facilities for managing ISO files without any problems.


How can you burn ISO files to DVDs and CDs?


Mostly, ISO files are used for burning them to a physical DVDs or CDs. The only thing you will need is to extract all individual files/folders out of your ISO file and get them placed on any kind of physical media. Windows Disc Image Burner has been built-in into Windows 7. You will need to place any kind of blank DVD/CD in PC optical drive and click twice your ISO file. Once, your DVD/CD disk has been burnt, your files/folders can be used in a usual way. Nowadays, the majority of personal computers already come with built-in third-party software for burning discs.


Emulating discs by mounting ISO files


In some case, you even do not have to burn physical discs. It is much better to use ISO files directly. If you use old programs, there is a chance that the program will not recognize your external disc. In such a case, it is recommended to get your ISO files mounted. By doing this, ISO file will appear on a separate drive. Users of Windows 8 are lucky because mounting ISO files has never been that easy. They just have to right-click a certain ISO file choose "Mount" from the appeared context menu.


Reading ISO files content without unpacking


Modern applications are able to read ISO files. It works in the same way as discs. Is it also possible to use third-party websites to deal with ISO file extensions, such as windows10portal and filehippo. The content of ISO files can be read with special ZIP programs. Unpacking ISP files directly to USB drives or hard drives is possible too. Users can easily install ZIP program and get files/folders extracted into a separate folder on US drive or hard drive. Using ZIP programs is the same as you use common archive files.

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Every online casino site introduces its version of the mobile casino to make players enjoy their visit at the casino and to enjoy playing their games on the road. However, those mobile casino versions are not all equally designed and they are not all compatible with every portable device, all of them have their weakness and strengthen points which you must carefully consider before committing to any one of them. This article will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of playing through casino mobile, will help you to decide the best casino games for iPhone or Android or any other portable device.

The reputation of mobile casino

If you are new to the field of mobile casino, you have to consider knowing the advantages and disadvantages of various types of mobile casinos. You must always try hard to choose the reputable one which has everything that makes a mobile casino a reputable one. In fact, the first thing that you have to look for when you are searching for a reputable mobile casino is the safety of funds which you will deposit in this casino. There are multiple governmental measures that apply to this business to ensure whether this casino is legitimate or not. In general, most casino sites must have a license from a reputable well-known establishment like UKGC. This means that mobile casino actions are monitored and your money there will be safe. The second thing you have to look for is the payment method where you can find those details on the home page of the casino. The third thing is whether your phone is compatible with the particular casino which you aim to play with in terms of speed, navigation, and size, then you can check for other features like the selection of games which the casino offers and the customer service.

Developers of the mobile casinos' software

With the huge demand and increasing number of gamblers from all around the world, online gambling sites try their best to collect the highest numbers of those gamblers. Many operators aim to have the largest share of the market by providing users with mobile casino software that has a wide range of games and features to choose from. Whether you enjoy a mobile environment that imitates a casino atmosphere or you simply prefer mobile slot machines you can find all those apps that will meet your needs. Those apps are specially designed by well know developers and are compatible with all types of smartphone versions like IOS, Android, windows. Playtech company is one of those developers of mobile casino software that design huge amount of casino mobile games and platforms that allow users to navigate easily, send messages, chat with dealers, send and receive funds online and many other features. There are huge other companies that develop mobile casino software like Microgaming, NetEnt, Evolution gaming, and so many other companies that work on developing games and variants, bonuses programs, VIP rooms and so many other marvelous features to make the mobile casino experience more enjoyable to all players.

Compatibility with your device

If you like wagering and playing your most favorite online games on your smartphone or tablet, you have to know that in order to do that you must check whether this casino mobile version of the online casino is compatible with your device or not. Many electronic games providers supply different types of their casino mobile versions to meet the demands of all players. The easiest way to know what type of versions the casino site present is simply to ask the customer service for the recommended devices) and inquire about the Compatibility of your device. In general most casino mobile support versions of Android Casinos-iPad Casinos-iPhone Casinos-Nokia Casinos- Google Glass Casinos- Blackberry Casinos- Windows Casinos. The most reliable way to know whether it is compatible or not is simply to go to the casino website and try the casino mobile version before you make the move and register with the casino site. Try to navigate through the website to see if the casino mobile is working perfectly and without any glitches or freezes, try as well to randomly play some free games to decide whether it is working on your device perfectly before registering and playing with it.

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RAM amounts and CPU space sizes available on a hosting server are among the most important things to consider when choosing the right web hosting service for a website. As a website owner, you have to strike a good balance between your budget and the RAM and CPU size that you choose. Ultimately, you need a hosting plan that meets the needs of your website. But you must first understand these needs before starting your search for the best hosting service.

By the end of this short read you will have understood of how to determine the RAM and CPU that your site needs.

What is server RAM?

Random Access Memory (RAM) of a hosting server is basically the RAM of the hosting computer. This computer is different from a normal computer in the sense that it has resources dedicated to hosting and availing websites on the internet. The computer's RAM temporarily stores data needed to run an application or program and makes the data available on demand.

More or Less RAM?


From the basic responsibility of RAM, it's right to deduce that more RAM means uninterrupted availability of data and smooth running of programs and applications. A server with more RAM can support more apps or more web activity compared to a server with less RAM.

Having more than enough RAM at any given time is better than having less than needed amount of RAM. For instance, during times of peak traffic, your site needs more memory as many users are sending requests for data to the site. Should the site not have the amount of RAM that can put up with the high traffic, it may become slow or even stall completely, which would cause visitors to leave the site.

Determining How Much RAM Your Site Requires

Web hosting companies look at memory usage in different ways. You may find that a hosting plan has a set limit on the memory usage, for example 2GB. Others indicate that a single user cannot exceed a certain percentage of the server's total memory. When comparing different hosting solutions make sure you understand each hosting company's approach to RAM size.

Here are a few pointers that will help you determine the amount of RAM your site needs:

       If your site experiences heavy traffic, it needs more RAM to ensure that it keeps up with visitors' requests

       The content management system you are using - some CMSs like Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress generally require more RAM

       Static sites require less RAM in comparison to dynamic sites

       The server's operating system has an influence on the amount of RAM needed

       If a site uses caching, it can use less RAM than a site that doesn't use caching

What is CPU in Relation to Web Hosting?

Server CPU (Central Processing Unit) refers to the CPU(s) of the hosting computer(s). Normally, web hosting servers will have multiple CPUs depending on the nature and size of websites it hosts. A CPU stores and processes data, and its capacity to do so determines the efficiency of the server. Larger CPUs are able to store more information as well as process it faster than smaller CPUs. As such, the amount of space available in the server's CPU significantly influences the performance of your site.

Site traffic is just as important to choosing the right amount of CPU space for your site as it is to choosing the amount of RAM. CPUs with little space can get overloaded by many simultaneous requests, causing the site to suffer performance problems. If you have a large corporate or eCommerce site that receives heavy traffic, choose a hosting environment with a large CPU. Dedicated hosting and virtual private servers (VPS) are preferred to shared hosting when large CPU sizes are needed.

Every site owner wants the best hosting service; a service caters for the website's current needs as well as expected future needs. It's of paramount importance that you consider the scalability prospects of your site as you choose the right RAM and CPU sizes for your site. Leave enough room for future growth and expansion so that you will not need to contract another hosting service when your website becomes more popular and hence busier.

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Scrolling through your list of installed software on your computer, you are bound to find a lot of interesting information. You may come across Visual C++ Redistributable file(s) on your drive and could be wondering what purpose they render. A Microsoft Visual C++ comes integrated with a computer to aid the running of apps writing in C, and C++ programming language. Visual C++ has gone from the days it used to be a stand alone software to being part of Microsoft Visual Studio.

With Visual C++ Redistributable, developers have an application they can write code with, edit code, test code and debug code. This environment for programming is involved with a lot of shared code libraries which allow developers make use of code that has already been developed for specific procedures, without any need for writing their own from scratch. You must have come across DLLs while using your computer; this is the form the shared code takes. For users to start using a recently developed software, the developers can either choose to bundle a DLL into their software as it installs or simply rely on a standard distributable package of shared code. Most developers choose to rely on a standard distributable package which is essentially Visual C++ Redistributable.

Why There are A Lot Of Them On Your System


Some Visual C++ Redistributable are installed along with Windows. For Windows 10 users, the version that is common to it is Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 and  Visual C++ Redistributable 2013. A Windows 10 user will get a 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) version installed on your computer. However, if you are using an older Windows version, that is a 32-bit version, you will not see the ones of 64-bit. This is because a 64-bit computer can run applications that are 32-bit and also those that are 64-bit, but a 32-bit computer can not run a 64-bit app.




Some other Visual C++ Redistributable get on your computer as a result of the version of programming language that the software's developer wrote a particular software with. So if a program was written with Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, you may see a Visual C++ Redistributable of version 2008 installed alongside the software. This Is how they slowly eat up memory space on your computer, and increase in number.


Deleting some of them to reclaim storage can be risky because they are essential to the running of more than one app on your computer. If you notice that programs that are previously functioning well, but now can't work well, you will have to check to see if you have accidentally deleted a Visual C++ Redistributable program that the software needs to run smoothly.


Visual C++ redistributable is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to create a Windows application in C, C++ and C++/CLI Programming languages. This software is important for different apps to work on your computer, as developers prefer using this standard distributable and not DLLs. More than one program can be used by multiple computers.


All the Visual C++ Redistributable present on your computer are important.


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You are not doing business if your business is not on the internet. You may have often heard this line on social media. Recently, a report gets published for the year 2018-19, about the celebrities who have earned Millions of Dollars through their Instagram account.

 It will be a nail-biting scenario when you know Cristiano Ronaldo - a famous footballer has earned $67.8M approximately through his Instagram account. But wait, you might be thinking; he is a booming brand name so he can earn even $100M, what's the big deal in it?

The reason for pointing out this thing is not about money. It's about the marketing strategy you adopt for an efficacious marketing run. Instagram could be your hen, which will lay golden eggs. Through 3 E's (Experiment, Execution, and Experience), I am writing down some points of successful Instagram marketing strategy.

Do Not Get Trapped for Followers:


Instagram itself becomes some "Go-to" Platform for business in a short span of time. The reason for this are the audience, you'll find here. IG is mostly captured by the people who are addictive to classy mindset. You give them value, and they'll fill out your marketing bank account.

Things never seem simpler as they appear by their outer look. You'll know the depth when you jump into it. Entering in IG world and straightforwardly, you'll get bombarded with bots, apps, and websites that would offer you "Real and Genuine" Instagram Followers. Don't cut your marketing cost to buy them, and you'll regret that after.

Know Your Audience:

Branding your product always needs some grave analysis toward your audience. You can easily take it as "Have an Eagle Eye" towards your customer "Pain" point. Must know at which certain points, your audience needs a massage for healing. Ping them there. Give them a solution, offer, or treatment which no one is offering them.

To be very realistic, being a brand, if you are targeting people older than 35+ on Instagram, then you're on the wrong train.

Use Right #Hashtags:

Instagram is totally a game of #hashtags. Don't make your posts so ugly with the bulk of irrelevant Hashtags. It won't be a good practice if your marketing tagline hides after a load of irrelevant hashtags. Be accurate and precise for what you are targeting.

Graphics Matters A lot:


Half of your marketing campaign gets done when you design ingenious and hearty graphics for your customers. Definitely, your audience won't be interested in your product, if you visualize it with Samsung or Nokia Phone camera. Be very crystal when it comes to portraying your product.

Have Patience:

Keep in mind that your product won't reach the heights of vitality in a matter of some weeks. You are in a globally competitive market where money doesn't beat skills and creative minds. Strategize your whole marketing campaign and execute with a plan and let the time decide. Don't get panic if things don't accelerate in starting days.

Final Thoughts:

A successful marketing campaign doesn't work well just with words and theories. The most important thing in 3 E's is the "Experiment." This word gives you the exposure to learning and finding new ways of getting trust from your audience.


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Starting an online store can be a smart move for entrepreneurial-minded individuals because it is a big industry and which can be relatively affordable and easy to run. While there is potential for great success in this industry, most find it harder than originally anticipated, largely due to the fact that it is so competitive online. If you have an interest in ecommerce and are looking for a way to make money, this should not deter you as there are steps that you can take which should help your online store to stand out from the crowd.

Have a Store Theme Selling Multiple Products

Many ecommerce store owners make the same mistakes when it comes to the products they sell. They will either only sell one type of product which is restrictive, or they decide to sell products which do not have a high demand. Instead, you should look at what products are in demand - or are predicted to grow in demand in the coming years - and then come up with a suitable theme. If exercise clothing is a popular product, for example, then you could start a health and fitness store which sells exercise clothing, home gym equipment, workout supplements, healthy snacks and any other relevant product.

Product Details

You must also make sure that you have clear and helpful product details. The major drawback of online shopping is that it is impossible for the consumer to physically hold and examine items, which means that you need to convince them using high-quality product descriptions. This should include having high-quality photographs from multiple angles, a product video and unique descriptions and reviews from previous customers. You could also look into using augmented reality apps which can help customers make better decisions.

Digital Marketing

As previously mentioned, the fact that ecommerce is such a competitive industry means that brand awareness is a key challenge. Digital marketing is the best way to overcome this with link-building services from experienced digital marketing agencies like Click Intelligence. This can help your online store to rise through the search engine results lists so that you can increase brand awareness and get more visitors to your online store.

Social Media

Social media is another way to stand out from the crowd and get noticed. You should be active on multiple social media channels and be creating and sharing original content which will be of value to your target audience. Using the above example of a health and fitness store, you could create workout guides, hold Q & A sessions, post motivational quotes and anything else that your target customer would benefit from. In addition, you should also use social media as a way of providing fast, friendly and professional customer service as this is another area many ecommerce owners struggle with.

Focus on these areas when setting up an ecommerce store and it should help you stand out in a competitive marketplace while allowing you to build a positive reputation for yourself.


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When you move abroad, whether for a change of scenery, for work, or to move near loved ones, it can be challenging to know how to keep in touch with family and friends back home. Even in our modern era, where the Internet and social media make the world seem a lot smaller, simple things like making phone calls can be more confusing than anticipated when they are being done internationally. International calls can be expensive when done using your regular cell phone provider, with calls being charged anywhere from $0.50 to $1.50 a minute. Thankfully, there are options to stay in touch by phone with your family and friends back in your home country.

One of the best ways to stay in touch with family and friends is by voice phone calls. To avoid the accumulation of fees, a common answer is to get a virtual phone number, sometimes called an access phone number. This is a service that allows you to have a phone number that isn't connected to a specific phone line, instead, through the Internet. You can route your calls to a landline, a cell phone, or your work phone, so that it's always convenient for your family and friends to reach you. This also helps to avoid the high costs of international calls.

A great option for a virtual phone number service so that you can make voice calls back home is EasyRinger. EasyRinger was founded and designed by former Microsoft engineers living as expatriates in China. They built their service to meet a need that they saw lacking, and now have opened it up to the public and expanded to serve several different countries. While many countries like China block app-based services like WhatsApp, EasyRinger is available without needing any workarounds or confusing installation. You can choose your phone number, and you won't have to download any software to make it work. Just use your existing cell phone or landline, and your friends from back home will be able to reach you easily.

No matter how you choose to contact your family and friends, intentionality becomes much more important when living abroad. You can no longer simply call up your friends whenever you think of them, as often, the time difference will make this difficult. Plan ahead of time and schedule a phone call with your loved one, so that you've both set aside time to talk, and to make sure you'll both be awake!

Living abroad is often an opportunity to pursue something better or more exciting for yourself, but it can also be incredibly lonely when you have to leave your family and friends behind. Rather than relying on the disconnected nature of social media, plan to find a way to make phone calls to your loved ones, so that you can hear their voice and they can hear yours. Something as simple as singing "Happy Birthday" to your grandmother or catching up on life with your friends can make the transition to another country much more manageable.  


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You can continue Sbobet after reading the article about saving your laptop from getting heated. Now if you don't want your laptop to get heated and to ruin your online game, then it is important that you follow some simple tips that will help you save your laptop from heating. You must know that once your device is heated up, it loses its system strength and then you have to be extra careful while using it. We hope that you don't want this to happen and want your laptop to be in its best health!

So if you are thinking about the different hacks that we are going to talk about then read below!

Don't Overcharge Your Laptop!


This is the biggest problem and the biggest reason why your laptop can get heated. Laptops have a battery for a reason, and that reason is not to only just run them as a backup but when they are fully charged too. First of all, we would recommend you guys that you don't use a laptop for more than 9 hours in a day. Out of these 9 hours, you must run the laptop both on power and on better as well. Secondly, if you are doing some heavy graphic work, we will recommend you to ensure that the power is plugged in!

Don't Install Unnecessary Applications!


If you want to know more than making sure that your system has no extra applications that are covering most of the ram of your device, the ram of your device is important for the efficient running of your system and if you don't take care of the issues of ram, then you will end up heating your laptop for no reason at all because of your personal mistakes.

Lack of Cleaning the System Regularly!


If you are not cleaning your system regularly, then you must face the heating up problem in your laptop system! You must clean your laptop regularly, and some experts recommend that you clean your laptop every two weeks if you are using it on a daily basis!

So you must be thinking that how can you clean a laptop and how does the laptop cleaning can possibly make your laptop cleaner and more efficient. This is a very valid question, especially when you have never bothered cleaning your laptop!

How to Clean the Laptop!


If you use laptops on your bed or in your lap, then it can clog the exhaust fans which results in the heating up of your laptop very easily. Now talking about the exhaust, the exhaust is the only thing that needs to be cleaned. If the exhaust is properly cleaned, then it means that your system can is heated in any possible way.

You can either clean your exhaust yourself by just opening the back of your laptop and you can easily get help from a technician that is expert in cleaning! 


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It's been described as the future of content, and live streaming is only going one way - up. Though it has been a leading figure in the East in recent years, the potential of live streaming is only just being realized in the West.


Social media has been hugely influential to the rise of live streaming with technology giving users the ability to watch live-stream videos via Facebook and Instagram for example. But, going live seems to be the way forward in many other aspects too including gambling. 


The proliferation of live casinos has allowed millions to wager from the comfort of their own home and do so in a manner that is reminiscent of an actual casino. With the help of online casino reviews, bettors can pick and choose whichever sites they want and immerse themselves into the live casino world fully.


Gaming industry


The live streaming world owes a lot to its expansion to the online casino industry; this industry has established the technology that has allowed users to interact with a real-life dealer in a real-life card game via stream.


The live streaming of games through eSports has also seen the rise in viewers into their millions. With eSports' main goal to ensure more people than ever watch their live streams, it has certainly struck a chord within and outside the industry, taking the numbers - in viewing and monetary terms - to new heights




An increase that doesn't look like stopping


The Interactive Advertising Bureau conducted a survey in 2018 that proved just under half (47%) of those watching live streams were streaming more live videos than they were the year before. Plus, the Bureau found that just over two-thirds (67%) of the world's population had streamed a live video by 2018 and that those that hadn't, had not done so for lack of interest or cultural reasons but rather monetary problems i.e. they couldn't afford the technology from which to stream in the first place.

Almost everything and anything at present can be streamed. Donald Trump's Presidential success in 2016 was captured via live stream as were the Midterm Elections in 2018. Plus Trump's defence of his presidential office is likely to be shown to the world this year too.

Live streaming will not be stopping anytime soon; the increase in the amount of viewers has ensured the quality continues to improve. Speeds of network uploads are vital as mobile devices become increasingly innovative and top-notch with regards to video capturing levels and video frame-rate streaming. The rise of online casinos and eSports has also meant that live streaming has a great foundation for unlimited success. You should enjoy the ride.



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When you shop for vape mods at a website like V2 Cigs UK, you'll often see the term "Temperature Control" or "TC" as you look at the more advanced devices. Temperature control is one of the most interesting technologies ever to hit the world of vaping. For those who prefer a vaping experience that's smooth, cool and never harsh, temperature control can make vaping more enjoyable than ever. Temperature control isn't for everyone, though, and it doesn't work with all vaping equipment. 

So, is temperature control vaping for you? Reading this article, you're going to learn:

  • What temperature control vaping is and how it works

  • What equipment you need for temperature control vaping

  • What the benefits and drawbacks of temperature control vaping are

What Is Temperature Control Vaping?

Temperature control is a mode that you can enable if your vaping device supports it. During normal vaping, you control the warmth and volume of the vapor by adjusting your device's wattage. In wattage-based vaping, though, it's possible for the vapor to become overly hot and harsh if you set the wattage too high. It's also possible to experience a dry hit - which is absolutely horrible - if you forget to keep your tank topped up.

When you vape in temperature control mode, your device doesn't operate at a constant wattage. Instead, you select a "preheating wattage" that delivers an initial burst of energy to your atomizer coil. You also select a maximum coil temperature. When the coil reaches that temperature, the device automatically reduces its power to maintain that temperature and prevent the vapor from becoming overly harsh. 

How Does Temperature Control Vaping Work?

The principle that makes temperature control vaping work is called Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR). TCR works like this:

  • A metal or alloy changes in electrical resistance as its temperature increases.

  • Some materials change so much in resistance during heating that you can measure the change with equipment that's affordable and readily available. A material that changes greatly in resistance during heating has a high TCR.

  • If you know the TCR of a given material - and you measure the resistance of that material in real time as it heats up - then you can estimate the material's current temperature. 

That, in short, is how temperature control vaping works. If you use an atomizer coil with a high TCR, your vaping device checks the coil's resistance in real time and uses the TCR of that material to estimate the coil's temperature. The higher the TCR of the coil material is, the more accurate the temperature estimate will be. 

What Do You Need for Temperature Control Vaping?

For temperature control vaping, you need two things.

Temperature Control Mod

You need a vaping device that supports temperature control operation. Most modern box mods do support temperature control, so if you own a regulated box mod purchased in the last few years, you most likely already have a temperature control mod. 

The mod must also know the TCR of the coil material that you want to use. Most temperature control mods have built-in support for nickel, titanium and stainless-steel coils. Your mod may also allow you to enter a custom TCR.

A mod that doesn't support temperature control operation should never be used with nickel or titanium coils because the resistances of those materials are too low for wattage-based vaping. Stainless-steel coils, however, work for both temperature control and wattage-based vaping.

Temperature Control Coil

You also need a tank or rebuildable atomizer with a coil made from a high-TCR material. As mentioned above, the most common temperature control coils are made from nickel, titanium and stainless steel. You can find stainless-steel coils for many vaping tanks, and those coils will support temperature control mode. Pre-built nickel and titanium coils, however, can be difficult to find.

The other two alloys commonly used for vaping coils - kanthal and nichrome - do not change greatly in resistance when they're heated. Because they are both low-TCR materials, they do not work for temperature control vaping.

What Are the Benefits of Temperature Control?

If you like your vapor to remain cool and smooth at all times, you're going to love temperature control vaping. Temperature control drastically limits the heat that comes from the coil during vaping, so the vapor never becomes as warm as it does during wattage-based vaping.

The greatest benefit of temperature control, though, is that it makes dry hits virtually impossible. A dry hit happens if you vape at too high a wattage or forget to refill your tank. When you vape, the atomizer coil transfers its heat energy to the e-liquid, turning the e-liquid to vapor. For that to happen, though, the coil must be wet. If the coil is dry, it quickly overheats, glowing orange and releasing noxious fumes. That's called a dry hit - and when a dry hit happens, there's no warning. You don't know it's happening until you're already inhaling the fumes. It's a horrible experience.

When you're vaping in temperature control mode, a dry hit generally can't happen because your device detects the temperature increase and immediately cuts power. Instead of producing a dry hit, the device simply stops producing vapor at all. You'll realize that you've forgotten to fill your tank, and you'll refill it.

What Are the Drawbacks of Temperature Control?

Temperature control vaping has two drawbacks. The first drawback is that nickel and titanium produce the most accurate temperature measurements, and you're not likely to find coils made from either of those materials for your tank. Nickel and titanium coils don't have particularly good vapor production, and some people find that those coil materials can produce off flavors. You'll generally need to use a stainless-steel coil if you want to experience temperature control vaping with a modern tank, and some mods don't produce very accurate temperature measurements with stainless steel.

The second drawback of temperature control vaping is that you're not going to get the kind of vapor production in temperature control mode that you get in wattage mode. In wattage-based vaping, the atomizer coil reaches much higher temperatures than temperature control mode will allow. If you want to try temperature control vaping, you should expect very modest vapor clouds compared to the clouds that your device might produce in wattage mode.


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These are the main price predictions for Bitcoin in march 2019Bitcoin price prediction. Since the beginning of april Bitcoin lost around 60% percent of its price in three days, and its market capitalization fell below the $ 100 billion mark, triggering massive sales in the market. The coin then underwent a 10 percent recovery over a 14hour period. He was able to learn about bitcoin .

Last week, Bitcoin drop from to $ 4,800, which occurred on March. The currency regular fluctuate between the $ 4,000 to $ 5,000 levels, reaching a low of $ 2,100 and a high of $ 4,800 in that months.

On april 19, Bitcoin rose to $ 6,000 levels again, closing the day at $ 6,191.19. The next weeks, BTC tried to hit the resistance level of $ 7,000, but did not hit a high of $ 6,855.26. Over the next two days, BTC ranged from the highest values of $ 5,000 to the lowest values of $ 4,000.
The main support level of the set at the $ 5,000 area , and so far, the coin has managed to stay above it in the pastmonths. The BTC USD pair is currently in the mid of a very in long-term downtrend. This period is one of the consolidation as we can see the recovery to $ 5,000 in the past months. Bitcoin Evolution is used to know this currency rates.


Bitcoin is now currently in all the financial news as it severely crashed in this months to the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, which is also affected the financial markets in all over the india.

The most anticipated daily update for the Bitcoin network will occur in april and is also known as Bitcoin having, in which the area reward will be halved. This event is expected to affect the daily price of Bitcoin as well as , but most analysts expect this to be noticeable in the every short term.

Coin price

Coinpredictor expects Bitcoin to decline by 25.6% in may which would put the coin at around $ 6127.63.
Gov capital

Gov capital estimated that Bitcoin would be trading at $ 5,765 ,032 in early may, with a peak price of $ 6,572.6543 and a minimum price of $ 4,654.6663.

Well-established economic theory make a compelling argument to support a significant price in the future.

The cryptocurrency industry is growing fastly and changing rapidly. Money, resources are coming into space in a way not seen since the early days of Internet development. That doesn't necessarily mean that it will succeed, of course, and there are still a lot of problems to be solveinig.

Where will the bitcoin price go

find an answer to anyother person and there has never been a shortage of experts who gives answer But are the bitcoin price predictions made by industry are really good or not.

A while back we reviewed some myths about bitcoin from 2013 made in 2015, and found that pretty much everyone was overly optimistic and all thing are right about the price of bitcoin (BTC). Now that we are in 2019, we have tried something difference , looking back at media articles on the bitcoin price predictions for the end of 2013 or 2015.

We show the similar results. Almost everyone was wrong, and most people were overly dramatics . The graph below shows the results, including a calculation of the predicted percentage of the price contrasted with the actual price of bitcoin (based on the price at the time of this publication, which was USD 7,050).

We have organized the predictions using a "degree of error" score, which means that predictions wrong less than twice are scored as "slightly wrong", predictions wrong in a range 2-3 times are "moderately wrong" . While wrong predictions in the range 3 to 10 times are "very wrong" and wrong predictions more than 10 times, or price predictions at $ 0 are considered "extremely wrong."

This is a question that many investors want to find an answer to, and there has never been a shortage of experts or personalities to offer suggestions.

Now that we are in 2020, we have tried something similar, looking back at media reports on bitcoin price predictions for the end of 2019 or 2020.


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Bitcoin is a virtual currency that uses P2P technology to carry out exchanges of value without the intervention of any bank or central body. Transactions and the issue of new Bitcoins are entirely controlled by the network. Bitcoins are the first cryptocurrency that was invented. Historically, Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency with the highest capitalization and also the highest price per single token.

Bitcoin is now a consolidated reality and although its listing on the market is subject to fluctuations even quite large from time to time, so far this virtual currency has overcome all the obstacles it has faced. Being the most traded currency, it is also quite stable although always subject to sudden changes in value compared to FIAT currencies, or the so-called traditional currencies.

The algorithm on which the BTC blockchain is based is the SHA-256 with Proof-Of-Work. Thanks to this algorithm Bitcoin can be transacted in a completely anonymous and secure way. Bitcoin accounts are in fact maintained by a public ledger and are assigned to an address, not to a person or an entity. Excluding the option to participate in their creation (an activity that has become too expensive.

The transactions involve the transfer of Bitcoin through special software that mask the complexity of the underlying blockchain: the so-called Wallets. Each wallet maintains a private key (or seed) which is used to sign the transaction by providing proof that the BTCs come from the owner of the wallet. The signature also serves to prevent the transaction from being changed by any third party who intercepts it. All transactions can then be made public among blockchain participants who usually confirm them, every 10 minutes, through a process called mining. Wealth matrix is used to earn money from bitcoin.

The mining precisely serves to confirm a transaction and also to create new Bitcoins. Mining also allows a transaction to be confirmed in a neutral way by all the computers that are part of the network, without the possibility that the blocks that make up the transactions are changed. To do this, the blockchain uses a lottery-type mechanism, which makes it very difficult for an individual or a group to control the blocks to be included in the blockchain and therefore makes the Bitcoin network very difficult to hack. It is highly recommended, especially at the beginning, the daily reading of the official forum (bitcointalk) where you can find discussions, information and news on practically every currently existing project. All this just to have a basic smattering, which is the fundamental condition for being able to operate in this world; depending on what you want to do, then, you will have to specialize in a certain sector.

How to invest in Bitcoin?

To invest in Bitcoin there are several options, some simpler and others more complex. First of all, let's start by saying that the main difference lies in the possibility of owning the Bitcoin token, or the BTC, or investing speculating on the price trend.

To own the BTC it is necessary to register on an exchange , there are more or less famous ones among which we mention eTorox , the cryptocurrency exchange of the eToro Group , which obtained the license as a regulated supplier with license number FSC1333B from the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission , i.e. the Gibraltar Financial Market Supervisory Authority.

Alternatively, you can also buy Bitcoin on the platform of the eToro broker, which has become famous in the world thanks to social trading. To join the 10 million traders present, visit the eToro website from

To invest in Bitcoin, however, it is not necessary to own the BTC and manage it through a wallet, but just relies on eToro CFD trading. To trade on this safest bitcoin broker you need to click on the link shown above. On the same platform you can choose whether to buy Bitcoin or invest on the price trend of the Bitcoin quote (BTC / USD).

Bitcoin exists because there is a network of people around the world who allow it to function, these people do it because this allows them to earn money by doing it not only allow the network to function but also certify its security and reliability.

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Digital transformation has become a buzzword across every sector in business. Leaders are feeling pressure on all sides to innovate and digitize. But successful digital transformation as a concept goes deeper than rolling out new tech and updating old systems; it requires a change in thinking, leadership, collaboration and decision-making, too.

Digital transformation involves using various technologies to transform the way a company does business; going beyond upgrading outdated systems to completely optimize and transform processes.

Here's more on how companies can achieve these aims and avoid some of the commonplace pitfalls associated with digital transformation.

Drive Tech Changes with Business Objectives


As Harvard Business Review reports, despite C-suite leaders denoting digital transformation (DT) risk as their absolute top concern in 2019, less than one-third of DT initiatives actually realize their goals. Another way to look at it is that approximately $900 billion out of every $1.3 trillion devoted to DT last year ended up going to waste.

These statistics underscore the serious challenges associated with DT, and how easy it is to end up "barking up the wrong tree" - and throwing hard-earned funds away - without a thorough understanding of the task at hand.

First of all, any and all attempts at digital transformation must be tied to larger business objectives. Otherwise, businesses will find themselves footing the bills for shiny new toys that do little to actually impact the bottom line.

Set business strategy first, complete with tangible objectives - like increasing product speed to market, improving workflow efficiency across departments, improving the customer service experience, etc. - before investing in tech. Then prioritize the innovations that will best support those specific goals in terms of return on investment.

Components of Digital Transformation Today


DT is a multi-faceted endeavor, one that requires buy in from the C-suite, IT teams and every department in between.


Here are just a few key components of digital transformation today:

Optimize Customer Experience


Forward-thinking companies are using digital advances to better understand customers in order to optimize their experiences, as MIT Sloan Management Review outlines.

The first stage here is harnessing advanced analytics services to better comprehend client behaviors and preferences across a wide range of sources, including social media.

Next, is implementing tech to smooth out the customer journey. A good example of this is the way many financial services companies are facilitating in-app transactions that used to require a phone call or in-person appointment.

Lastly, organizations can improve the speed and personalization of their customer service experiences using tech like artificial intelligence chatbots, integration of services across channels and self-service options for users.

Empowering Workforces to Make Data-Driven Decisions


The way companies approach data analytics is central to their DT outcomes. More companies than ever before are aiming to empower their teams to make data-driven decisions with the aim of improving business outcomes across the board.

According to a recent Harvard Business Review study sponsored by ThoughtSpot, 86 percent of leaders surveyed believe their frontline workers "need better technology and more insight" to power transformative decision-making. This speaks to the crucial role of self-service AI data analytics platforms in overall digital transformation.

Folding Digitization & Tech into Culture


Taking a tech-focused approach to DT without considering culture is a recipe for failure. Leaders need to consider how they are communicating about the various elements of digital transformation, as well as how their actions are encouraging or discouraging employees to get on board.

Managers must proactively address worker fears of change, automation and "the unknown" - as these can contribute to resistance against the adoption and embracing of DT.

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The crypto market is one of the thriving areas in the financial sector. The fast growth, however, makes it hard and stressful to narrow down the market for casual investors, beginners, and even seasoned traders. 

Good news! The integration of technological advancements makes the trading industry more manageable and simpler than ever. At bitcoin360ai you can even try the ai trading bot for free. But the high demand for crypto platforms affects your selection process. 

A quality crypto robot is tailored to execute trading faster and more efficiently than other traditional techniques. So, be keen when picking the solution that suits your requirements. Do not take shortcuts. Take your time. 

Important Considerations When Searching the Right Trading Solution

Reliability - Does it Ensure Good, Immediate & Long-Term Results? 

One of the most crucial aspects when choosing a crypto application is reliability. Of course, you want something that you can depend on at all times while enjoying good results. Also, you prefer an option that lets you take advantage of any trading opportunities.  

To measure the reliability of software, read customer reviews online. When there is negative user feedback, remove the trading platform on your list. If you find a tool that receives positive client reviews, it's worth the cost. Don't be enticed by cheap prices. Always invest in platforms that are available at the most competitive rate. 

Transparency - Keep You Informed and Avoid any Guesswork

Any investment is filled with risks. Crypto trading is no exception. In cryptocurrency, it is hard to predict what will happen in a specific session. Trading robots, however, can do better than you've ever imagined.  

Bitcoin is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies because of transparency, leaving nothing hidden. 

The same should apply to software in crypto trading. When choosing an application, make sure it shows the trading process, how the profits are made, etc. 

To measure the transparency of a platform, check reviews online. The option that has the most positive customer feedback won't give you a hard time. Also, select a developer with a trusted and known reputation. A reputable company will respond to your concerns and other queries on time. 

Security - Is it Safe? Does it Pose Any Potential Risk? 

What is the main reason behind technological development or advancement? Probably, it has been developed to make our lives easier. But, similar to cryptocurrency and other investment opportunities, the technology comes with risks. As a trader, you have to be cautious so that all your efforts won't go to waste. 

Yes, online trading is a fun way to generate and double your funds. Unfortunately, the irreversible losses are high. So, before settling on trading software, ensure that your option is secure enough to keep hackers away. 

Once you integrate a platform in your crypto activities, you will give it full access to your funds and other important details. This is a bit risky, so work with a trusted and reliable option for your convenience. 

Usability - Is It User-Friendly? Is It Easy To Navigate? 

Perhaps, you have used a trading application before. How was the experience? Was it inefficient and difficult to navigate? If yes, look for a user-friendly solution. Ask whether or not it has a simple interface. Also, determine if it is perfect for those who are less tech-savvy. If you have a hectic schedule, you deserve software that does not require a complicated procedure to follow. 

Profitability - Does it Drive Profits or ROI? 

What's your goal in getting a trading application? Of course, you want to maximize your ROI while minimizing the risks. So, pick a profit-driven solution. 

If you have been using an bitcoin fast profit software, it's time to replace it with something cutting-edge and feature-packed. Identify your needs before making a decision! Seek assistance from other traders. Enjoy!


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The Internet of Things is undeniably the future way of living that humanity already has today. The benefits of IoT make it one of the most wanted to use in business and everyday life, and if you want to gain more knowledge on how IoT works, continue reading.

The Internet of Things is a system that includes a bunch of interrelated machines, gadgets, algorithms, and objects with unique identifiers that can transfer data. In fact, the "thing" part in the IoT can be an animate or inanimate object as long as it can transmit data to the receiving object or a database. For example, a vehicle with built-in sensors, an individual with a heart-monitoring implant, or even a whale with a bio chip transponder can be considered as "things" on the Internet of Things as long as they have a unique IP address and can transmit data to the network.

The logics and mechanics of IoT are as follows - a web-enabled gadget or device like a sensor, microcontroller, antenna, etc. collects data, sends it to the gateway, or a hub for analysis and action. In some cases, devices communicate with the related ones and act according to the received information. The majority of IoT processes do not require human presence or participation; however, people can interact with data-collecting and data-giving devices or platforms.

Main Components of IoT

Any Internet of Things system must include certain compounds:

  • Sensors that capture data such as movements, humidity, wind, light intensity, etc.

  • A network that serves as connectivity between all devices and databases.

  • Hyper decision framework that processes data, divides data into clusters, analyzes, and generates decisions resulting in the final action.

  • Cloud storage that ensures constant communication between devices and stores collected and analyzed data in a safe environment.

  • User interface that ensures the system's interaction with people.

All mentioned components are vital for the IoT functioning and ensure a smooth workflow from data collection to giving people the result in the form of a report or an action.

IoT in Business

The Internet of Things is successfully applied in nearly all industries for business needs. The combination of IoT, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence is successfully used for advanced analytics that helps large companies and enterprises to improve customer experience, optimize processes, and gain bigger profits. Here's an example of IoT in the retail business - the store owner places web-enabled sensors that capture routes and behavioral patterns of customers within the store and transfer all data to the system. The system divides data into groups or clusters and analyzes it according to the required parameters. Then, sorted and analyzed data goes to the database, where it can be extracted for additional analysis and reporting. As a final step, the store owner receives the report with a full picture of whether the store has the best shelf placement and planogram, or it needs improvement.

The Internet of Things is indeed a key to better customer service and growing your business!

In addition to increasing the client satisfaction rate, the Internet of Things can enhance employee productivity. The logic and mechanics described above can point to physical or nonphysical things that prevent employees from doing their job more effectively. For example, waiters in the restaurant may have an insufficient route that causes frequent breaking the dishes and slower service. With IoT, all weak spots can be recognized, analyzed, and eliminated within a few days.

Security also vastly benefits from integrating the Internet of Things into its processes. Depending on the extensiveness and the quality of all IoT compounds, you can prevent multiple illegal actions, from small thefts to the national-scale terrorist attacks. Real-time data capture and fast data processing can alert the security guard about premises violating the exact same moment of the intrusion. In cases when IoT functions in combination with machine learning or artificial intelligence, it can provide high precision of friend-or-foe distinguishing.

Warehouse management and humidity monitoring needs are very easy to fulfill with implementing the Internet of Things. Placing sensors on pallets, shelves, or other surfaces can give valuable information on the location of pallets, and temperature and humidity in the warehouse or containers, etc. By having special devices, you can distantly move pallets or packages from place to place and adjust temperature and humidity to the required settings. All these actions can be performed in real time.

When people hear about the Internet of Things, they immediately think about smart homes or their wearables, but the extensiveness of IoT influence is a lot bigger than that. With this technology, people no longer need to be present in distant or hostile environments to collect data or provide actions, web-enabled devices will do all the job for them faster and better. It absolutely doesn't matter whether you are a consumer or a businessperson, you can make your life and your company's well-being better and safer than ever.

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mobile trend

The rise of online gaming has had a huge impact on casino operators. The demand for online gambling grows each year, and online operators know that they need either apps or mobile-friendly versions of their websites with their most popular games to stay relevant in the competitive industry. Slots have always been one of the biggest draws for online casinos as they appeal to both casual and seasoned gamblers alike. Developments in mobile technology over the years have helped operators to promote their business, reach their target audience, and provide a positive experience for players.

Trending mobile technology & features

In 2020, modern smartphones and tablets are packing serious computing power. Many people around the world now own smart devices with high-quality HD screens which are capable of playing games with crisp, cutting-edge graphics that load quickly with intuitive user interfaces. Artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and location-based technology, are just some popular mobile trends in 2020 that business owners will need to be aware of.

- The rise of mobile applications

Another popular mobile trend that is dominating this year is revenue from mobile applications. The trend isn't slowing down soon as more and more users download applications on their devices. In 2016 - 2017, there was a substantial increase in revenue through the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Some casino operators have kept up with these technology trends and made sure that the online versions of their websites are either mobile-friendly or available on a mobile application.

Mobile apps have made it more convenient to load and play games on smart devices. Gamers no longer have to load their web browser, enter a website address and then type in their user account details. All it takes is one click if the player already has the online casino app installed.

- Easy-to use touchscreen controls

Year after year smartphone and tablet screens are getting bigger without sacrificing any quality in graphics. A larger screen also means a more intuitive touchscreen interface with players easily able to select and choose different onscreen controls. These speedy, easy to use control schemes make it straightforward to play online slot games compared to playing on a desktop computer. Without the need of a mouse, players can easily use the touchscreen instead.

- Online promotion & social media interaction

Social media has made it easier than ever for online casino operators to let their target audience know about their new video slot games, free spins, and the latest best casino bonus and promotions. Online gaming is a competitive market, so casino websites can reach out to their target audience through platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Social media mobile applications make it quick and easy for online casino operators to manage their multiple accounts and push out online content. Whether it's a new game, or useful information on deposit limits, these platforms can help reach players who are active on social media.

- Confidence in online security

Although more and more people have faith in online transactions and internet gambling in today's society, fraud and hacking are still a concern. Simply put, players need to have confidence that any online casino operator they use will ensure that their account information and financial details are kept secure. Online gaming sites use Secure Socket Layers (SSL) and other digital encryption technologies to ensure that all personal data is protected from any malicious attempts and attacks. For company websites, SSL certificates are important and are especially a must for online transactions. A secure website ensures that customer information is kept safe and it also helps to build confidence and a sense of security for customers when they visit your site.

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How to Increase Productivity of Employees Working From Home

The coronavirus pandemic has created the need for organizations to make it possible for their employees to work remotely. While this has helped companies to remain competitive during a difficult time for the global economy, it has also created new challenges.

One of these challenges is how to manage remote teams and ensure they remain productive. The issue is attributed to the fact that employees can choose to engage in other activities while at home due to the freedom they enjoy. Many employers, therefore, fear that these workers might fail to deliver.

As an employer or manager, you can improve the productivity of remote teams in three ways.

Require Employees to Have Dedicated Workstations

You can improve productivity by requiring remote workers to have dedicated workstations at home. This should be like a private office with all that they need.

The advantage of having a dedicated workstation is that there are fewer distractions. This allows the employee to concentrate on the task at hand even though they are at home.

Such a station also helps to create the right mood. The worker feels like they have officially entered the workplace environment each time they step into the workstation. This then allows them to work as though they were in the workplace, contributing to improved productivity.

Invest in the Right Communication Tools and Technology

Communication between members of a remote team and the management has a significant influence on productivity. Poor communications and lack of access to vital information can make it impossible for employees to complete their tasks on time. This can then affect the productivity of the whole team and that of the whole organization.

Such issues are the reason why you need to invest in the right communication tools and technology. Among those you should consider are unified communications, which combines the various communication methods used by your organization. It also ensures there is easy access to vital information by all the members of the remote team.

With the right type of communication tools and technology, you eliminate gaps that can affect productivity due to the physical distance between the employees.

Trust Your Employees

As an employer, you might be tempted to keep tracking your employees each minute of the day on suspicion that they are not working. While this can be a good thing, it can also demoralize the remote team. As a result, they can decide to stay in front of their computer and do little, which will then affect productivity.

Therefore, the best thing would be to trust your remote team more. You can show this by giving them the freedom to plan daily schedules, provided that they meet their target within the agreed time. This will encourage and motivate them to give their all, which will then boost productivity.

In conclusion, you can boost the productivity of your remote team in three ways. First, encourage them to have dedicated workstations at home. Second, invest in the right communication tools and technology such as unified communications. Finally, show your employee that you trust them to do what is right. This will motivate them to give their all even with no supervision.

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Today, most people use their phones the majority of the time. While some people use their social media apps to pass the time, others do it for work. Almost every job has some components that may be completed using a mobile device, and real estate is no exception. Although this area of life is incredibly advantageous, the risks should not be ignored. You should be aware of various methods to keep your phone safer because there are several ways to access the files on it, which can impact your client\'s information as well as your own.


Choose carefully with whom you work

Many people believe that large organizations can find them the home they want at an affordable price when it comes to real estate, but they are not the best choice for everyone. In recent years, we have seen a slight change because of the lack of trust people have in them because more homebuyers opt for privacy over large portals, and that is expected given a number of reasons. The greatest one is that despite having greater security, those large corporations are nevertheless attacked more frequently, which can seriously endanger your privacy. You might need to consider an alternative strategy if you are someone who merely wants to quickly complete the task and discover something suitable from the comfort of your home.

Protection when the device is stolen

Regular theft is one of the most popular ways that people gain access to other people\'s phone data. There are a few things to keep in mind since the thieves typically steal it in a public area where there are large crowds of people. First, make an effort to secure your phone in a place, such as your front pockets, bag, or another suitable location. Holding it in your hands makes it easy for someone to take it from you and flee. Second, you must have a strong password on it. It should be extremely complex and contain both capital and lowercase characters, as well as numbers and symbols. Every app needs a password so that even if one fails, the others can still provide some level of security.

Check what you are allowing other apps to access

Applications are fantastic, but many of them have the potential to seriously damage the data on your mobile device. You will frequently discover that you need to provide some apps access to certain data on your phone. Most typically do not give this much thought; instead, they simply click \"Allow\" without considering the consequences. The information that the app has stored could be accessed by someone if there is ever a security breach for that app. Given that you might have disclosed sensitive information about your customers and your company, this might be quite serious.



Google Play Protect

The fact that this app is provided by Google, one of the most reliable companies in the tech sector, is fantastic. It is capable of numerous things. It performs checks on the apps you are installing from the Google Play store, alerts you to potentially harmful apps that can lead to privacy troubles along the way, and can even delete harmful apps from your smartphone. Also, and this is very important, it warns you about apps that can compromise your privacy and may revoke permissions from some apps.

These days, your privacy should be something you protect fiercely, but that is not an easy job. There are so many ways you can expose yourself to the world, and once you have experienced this, it is hard to do anything about it. Look at the newest security measures and try to implement them because that is the best way forward.


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Technology has grown to occupy a central place in society and play a key part in all our lives. Of course, some technologies are more common in everyday life than others and have a significant impact on how we live. Mobile tech is a great example of this. Smartphones are something that we all rely on now. Whether it is making calls, catching up on emails or surfing the web, these devices are crucial to most people around the world.

The variety of things we do via mobile devices now means that the security features they contain are more crucial than ever. This includes examples such as facial recognition software, which ensures that only the right person can access a device, and mobile network security, which keeps hackers at bay.

This kind of security is essential for mobile devices, as they contain so much of our personal data, banking details, email messages and private photos. If these kinds of things were not available, people would not be as comfortable using them and they would not protect users in the best way.

The importance of secure coding practices for mobile apps

When it comes to making mobile phones safe for people to use, secure coding practices are also something that prove invaluable. This refers to mobile app developers using techniques when coding their applications that make them extra safe to use.

As apps are popular with all mobile phone users, producing those that are coded in an ultra-secure way makes sense. This not only makes it harder for online criminals to breach app security but also gives people full confidence that the apps they use are secure.

Cyber security specialists and secure coding practices for mobile

The seriousness of security for mobile devices is causing people to predict that the cyber security students of today will be at the forefront of the sector moving ahead. This is because these students learn not only what common online dangers pose most problems to mobile users, but also which security weaknesses hackers might target in an app or mobile phone.

They can then use this knowledge to design mobile devices that provide much stronger protection against hackers and apps that utilize the latest secure coding practices to deter online criminals. In terms of mobile apps in particular, techniques developed around secure coding within cyber security can be directly transferrable to creating safer applications. 

How do you become a cyber security specialist?

The above shows that training to become a specialist in cyber security could lead to decent employment opportunities in the mobile sector. As things such as secure coding practices become more important in mobile phone apps, people with specific skills in this area are in demand.

The online nature of modern society also means that people with in-depth knowledge of online security are in demand across a range of other industries. This can be businesses in any sector that have an online presence and need someone who can safeguard their network, protect their databases and help them work securely in the cloud.

Due to this, training to work in cyber security is a popular career choice.

If you are wondering how to become a cyber security specialist, the best place to start is getting the right qualifications. The Master of Science in Cybersecurity from St. Bonaventure University is a popular course in this field and perfect if you like the flexibility of online studies. This program teaches students all they need to know about helping businesses stay safe from online threats. This includes learning around secure coding practices, cloud security, machine learning and data mining.

What skills do you need to work in cyber security?

Cyber security is a field where academic qualifications are not the only driver of success. If you plan to move into this employment sector to build secure apps or make mobile phones such as the Apple 1Phone 14 Pro safer, you also need the right skills to call on.

The most important ones for specialists in this sector include:

  • High-level IT/computer skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Organizational skills
  • Multi-tasking
  • Leadership
  • Programming
  • Analytical skills
  • People skills


Although the above list does not show every single skill that can help you succeed in cyber security, it gives a flavor of those that are used most regularly in roles across the industry. By working on these skills, you can not only succeed in your career post-graduation but also become more attractive to potential employers.

What type of person should move into cyber security as a career?

People who are interested in computers, technology and online/mobile tech are all ideal candidates for this sort of career. This sector can also be a good fit for anyone who loves to work independently at times and use their knowledge of IT to solve cyber security issues. This could involve building impenetrable digital fortresses to keep out hackers or enjoying the thrill of responding effectively to a sudden online threat.

Of course, if you already work in IT or other fields based in computer science, then you may also find working in cyber security interesting. It is key for all cyber security professionals to enjoy keeping up to date with the latest industry trends (such as secure coding practices) and emerging online dangers. This enables them to use this knowledge in their own role and fulfill their duties effectively.

What roles do specialists in cyber security typically move into?


Cyber security is actually a wide-ranging term. There is a great range of individual roles within the sector that people can move into. These include:

  • Security architect
  • Network engineer
  • App developer
  • Solutions architect
  • Lead software security engineer
  • Information security analyst
  • Chief information security officer


When it comes to cyber security for mobile phones in particular, app developer is one specific role that stands out for graduates. If you like the thought of helping to design apps that are ultra-secure, then it could be the perfect job for you. Secure coding practices that cyber specialists develop are crucial to working in this position and creating robust apps.

But how do cyber security experts develop these types of coding practice?

Security testing

Although there are multiple ways that specialists in cyber security develop secure coding practices for mobile apps, a focus on security testing is one of the most important. This refers to mobile applications being thoroughly tested to ensure that they are safe to use and provide excellent security against hackers.

By doing this, the app developers are able to code products that have been properly tested for high-end user security and products they feel confident are secure to use on a global scale. Security testing also enables those involved with mobile app development to spot any glaring security errors in the product’s coding and across the application in general.

A good example of this would be performing periodic vulnerability scans on the app in order to identify code that might be vulnerable to attack. It is also possible to use automated source code analysis to spot any security flaws in an app’s coding.

Security patches to fix coding issues

It is crucial to point out that there may not have been any security issues with an app before it was rolled out. However, there are always new online threats emerging that see hackers finding fresh ways to get past previously secure app defenses. Once this happens, it is vital for app developers to work quickly to make security patches available to users and plug any vulnerabilities.

This is something that cyber experts have helped to popularize, and they continue to work with the mobile industry to help it respond to emerging threats from online criminals. It is common for these security patches for apps to rely on amendments to code and for extra layers of security to be added into the source code of an app to make it safer. It may also involve removing code that has been exposed by hackers or that has become a security weakness.

Authentication of certificates

Authentication is another valuable technique for secure coding and creating robust mobile apps. This refers to developers using specific software in their apps to validate the contents of an online certificate. These certificates are digital documents that confirm the true identity of a website or server. The certificate itself includes key data about who issues the document and which hostnames are connected to it.

By using software such as NSURLSession or HostnameVerifier, app developers can authenticate certificate contents from users and reduce the danger of certain attacks (such as so-called man-in-the-middle attacks). These sorts of attacks can be serious, as they amend the communication between the server and the app itself. This can then enable cybercriminals to access the app’s code and make changes to it or alter certain app features. By authenticating certificates, the app becomes safe for genuine mobile users to download and is kept safe from cybercriminals.

Biometric data storage

As we have already noted, biometrics is a major trend in mobile development and enables people to use unique personal data to access tablets, smartphone and apps. Good examples of this in action include facial recognition scanning on mobile devices and fingerprint scanning. Although this data may be unique, it still needs to be stored on mobile devices and apps for them to recognize who is trying to access them.

As with any kind of data storage for sensitive information, it is key for biometric data to be safely looked after for mobile users. Cyber specialists have been instrumental in developing techniques that enable this and allow biometric data to be used safely in the mobile sector.

A good example of this is how the technique of hashing was developed in the cyber security industry to help store this sort of information safely on apps and mobile devices. This involves turning biometric data into a string of code that is hard for unauthorized people to decipher. Hashing is also widely used in the mobile world to store unique personal data, as it stops this data from being matched with other sources online to authenticate it. Code obfuscation is another widely used technique in this area that was developed by cyber experts. This sees the code structure/syntax amended to make the data complex for hackers who do not know the rationale behind these changes.

Data encryption

Another useful secure coding practice for mobile apps developed by cyber experts is data encryption. This is useful for app developers, as it allows any sensitive data stored on an app to remain safe from hackers. This is because encrypting data takes the raw user information that an app might hold and jumbles it up via a high-end computer algorithm.

This encrypted data to be stored on the app is extra secure and almost impossible for anyone without the correct encryption protocol to decrypt. As you can imagine, this technique around app safety is much better than simply storing sensitive data without any kind of encryption to protect it. If this were to happen, any hacker who did breach an app’s security features would have access to a wealth of personal user information in its rawest form.

Avoiding hardcoding of things such as APIs in the source code of an app also means that hackers cannot steal key data if they manage to obtain the application source code. When combined with cryptography in app creation, this allows developers to create products that are able to resist common threats such as side-channel attacks. As a result of the above, the app’s code is kept much safer and the data on an app is kept more secure – even if online criminals were to breach the application’s initial security features.


A key element of mobile app safety is that only authorized users should be able to access an application. This, of course, is also something that is key for mobile devices in general, where only the owner of a tablet or smartphone should have access to it. When you think of the wealth of sensitive data on our apps and phones, this makes perfect sense.

Good practice in terms of secure coding that cyber experts have developed is therefore key for app authorization. This sees apps created in such a way that people have to sign in first and confirm their identity before being able to access them. 

App authorization through secure coding on a more general scale is also interesting to note and something that cyber experts have helped to develop. This sees the code behind an app written in a way that only allows users to access certain parts of the app. As a result, it stops people getting to parts they shouldn’t have access to and unauthorized people from getting up to mischief (such as stealing data or changing the application’s code).

What’s next for cyber security within the mobile world?

There is no doubting how important online security is to the mobile sector and what a great job secure coding practices do at keeping mobile users safe. Due to this, it is almost certain that cyber security will continue to play an increasingly key role in the mobile phone industry. But how might this look as we move forward?

If we look at applications specifically, you expect that online security experts will continue to find new ways to secure the data that applications collect and store. This could involve higher levels of data encryption and new algorithms that help facilitate this.

For mobile devices in general, it would seem certain that cyber security specialists will continue to develop new techniques in areas such as secure coding to make them safer. This could involve the next generation of phones having ever more sophisticated biometric access protocols or the new wave of tablets running on network security processes that are almost impossible to breach.

Secure coding practices are key for mobile phones

People will only continue to use mobile phones if they feel that it is safe to do so and they are designed in a way that keeps online criminals at bay. One very effective method to achieve this is through the secure coding practices that cyber security specialists have developed for use with mobile devices. By developing and helping to implement these practices, cyber specialists are able to make mobile phones and apps a lot more secure to use.  


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Although it isn't official, we now have a very clear cut idea about how the iPhone 8 (or iPhone 7S, whatever they decide to call it) will look when it comes out in September. The images that you see in here is pretty much how the iPhone 8 will look and rest assured that this has left the realms of rumors and leaks and entered the plain of fact! Unbox Therapy showed it all to us, albeit via prototype models than the real thing. You can check the video out below to know everything that you need to.

Given that this is the model on which all case manufacturers are building their products on, this is pretty much it. Lewis Hilsenteger has an interesting theory in mind regarding the fingerprint scanning technology which the next iPhone will integrate; he thinks that instead of integrating the fingerprint scanner inside the display like many of us were hoping to see, Apple will simply skip it altogether! Instead they will go for an advanced version of the face recognition technology which we saw on the Galaxy S8 earlier. This is in sharp contrast with the speculation that Apple will integrate the FP scanner right inside the oversized power button. We will just have to wait and see what's what I guess.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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The iPhone X has finally been launched and although it was released alongside two other smartphones, no one really cares about them anymore unfortunately. The iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are definitely upgrades over the last gen iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, but anyone who takes a look at the iPhone X will probably end up buying that instead, provided of course, you can afford to! Let's admit it, it does look great and although the design is nothing we haven't seen already from the likes of Xiaomi, Samsung and Andy Ruben's Essential Phone to name a few, it still is the most beautiful "iPhone" ever.

If you thought the iPhone X was going to be costly in the US at $999,, wait till you hear what it will cost to buy in India! It has been estimated that after taxes, this little beauty will set an Indian customer back by INR 102,000 or $1,565 (approximately)! That is however, for the model with 256GB in-built storage. If you would rather buy the one with just 64GB of internal storage, it will set you back by INR 89,000 or $1,387 (approximately). The bottom-line is, if you are reading this in the US, remember that people from countries with weaker economy have to spend a LOT more to get their hands on one of these!

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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iPhones were never cheap to begin with but with the iPhone X, Apple has pretty much shattered the price barrier with a starting price of $999 in the US! So if you happen to own an iPhone, the last thing you would want is to lose it and that's exactly where tracking comes in.

Is It Possible to Track an iPhone with a Phone Number?

Technically, it is indeed possible to track an iPhone with just the phone number as long as the SIM with the number is kept inside the phone. Now, what people usually do right after stealing a phone is they take out and throw away the SIM card, thereby making it impossible for the phone company or anyone else to track your lost iPhone. In other words, unless you are dealing with someone who wants you to give you your phone back or a really ignorant thief, you will not be able to track an iPhone with just a number for too long.

What Can You Do then?

All you need to do is install mSpy on your iPhone, which is the best iPhone spy app available today. Once you have installed the application, you can not only spy on your phone's location in the US, but pretty much anywhere in the world that it is taken to. Do it today because phones don't exactly get lost with prior notice and once it has been lost without a tracking app on it, nothing much can be done really.

How Should You Use mSpy to Retrieve Your Lost iPhone?

Now that you know mSpy will do the job, the next step is understanding how the software works and how you can put it to use. mSpy uses your iPhone's unique IMEI number to track it, therefore making any SIM change ineffective against stopping the phone from being tracked. After you purchase the application from their official website, you should receive a link for downloading the software. Once you have downloaded and installed the application, set it up with your PC and your iPhone as per instructions provided here. Once this part is done, you should always be able to see your iPhone's exact location on a detailed map by logging into your provided mSpy account.

Do You Need Your iPhone to be Jailbroken?

The short answer is no, you can spy on iPhone without jailbreak with mSpy, but the features will be limited. There are a few risks, but jailbreaking your iPhone opens it up to so many new things that you should probably try it at least once.

Perhaps the best part about choosing mSpy is that it lets you do more than just track your stolen iPhone. You can use it to know where your under-aged children might be going to or with whom your employees are talking to during business hours. Before using any of those features though, make sure that you are not breaking any legal boundaries.

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Whether it's an iPhone or an Android phone, recovering deleted messages from smartphones is really tough if you don't have backup. However, it becomes so much more difficult on iOS as it's a closed operating system. To recover iPhone messages, you will have to take the help of an external software and learn the steps involved in the entire process. The good news is that we have the steps simplified and listed below for you.

Step 1

You will need to purchase and install dr.fone iOS recovery on your computer first and once you do, the software can help you recover anything from Facebook messages, WhatsApp messages and SMS messages to photos, videos notes, voicemails, documents and just about anything else on your iOS device.

Step 2

Update your iTunes to the latest version and turn on "Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically" from Preferences > Devices. Exit iTunes and before moving on to Step 3, make sure that iTunes isn't running in the background.

Step 3

Connect your iOS device (iPhone/iPad/iPod) to your computer via USB and launch dr.fone. Once the software menu opens up, click on Recover. Wait for dr.fone to detect the connected device and show a menu as displayed by the screenshot below.

Step 4

Click on Start Scan and dr.fone will begin scanning your connected device for deleted messages, media and other documents. In case you don't want to go through the entire scanning process, feel free to click on Pause whenever you see the messages or the data that you are looking for in particular.

Step 5

Once the scanning is done or if you press the pause button, you should be able to see everything that dr.fone has found on the device and this will include a lot of the stuff that is already there and was never deleted. That's okay though, because you can simply check "Only display the deleted items" from the top Filter menu to see only what the software has been able to find on your device, in spite of you having deleted them earlier. From here on, you can search for specific keywords to find the data you need or you can check the previews by single clicking on them.

Step 6

Check the boxes on the side of the data that you want to recover and simply click on Recover. Most data will be saved on your computer by default, but when you attempt to recover Facebook messages, iMessages, SMS, contacts and notes, you should be prompted with option to either Recover to Computer or Recover to Device; choose whatever suits your needs.

Congratulations! You have just managed to restore all your deleted messages and other data. In case you want to try and see how all this works before you decide to purchase dr.fone, they have a trial version for that as well.

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Well-known tech designer Ben Geskin has put together all the reliable rumors and some leaked information to create the outer casings of the upcoming iPhones, and it... looks interesting! Check the photos first before reading further.

The entire tech world is abuzz with how ugly the tri-camera bump will look, if Apple does indeed decide to take that route, and I am personally bothered by it too, albeit for slightly different reasons.

You see, the very first time I looked at the three sensors, it aroused a sense of true aversion in me and that doesn't just happen. I am not the kind of person to be disgusted by a large notch, even though I don't care for it. However, the tri-lens setup actually made me feel weird because it inspires the trypophobia in me. In fact, most people who are calling it ugly, probably do not know it, but it is very likely that they hate it for the same reason too.

Then again, the three lenses will almost certainly be a providing a huge bump (no puns intended!) to the upcoming iPhone's camera performance and it certainly needs that! So, what do you think? Will you accept the three-eyed design if it means massive camera improvements?

Via: Forbes

Saikat Kar


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iphone 12


Apple is going to launch a smaller model of iPhone 12 with a new display option in iOS 14, which is currently in a beta phase. The leak was reported in the third developer beta for iOS 14 by 9to5Mac, which brought in a small update to an unassuming accessibility setting known as display Zoom. This feature allows users to make an iPhone's interface much large and user-friendly to interact with. It does this by swapping out the interface for the next size down.


For example, with an iPhone 11 Pro max with display Zoom active you can resize icons and text to look similar to the smaller iPhone 11 pro. However, 5.8-inch iPhones (the iPhone X, iPhone XS, or iPhone 11 Pro) have been unable to use this feature, since there has never been a smaller iPhone that uses a face ID, so there wasn't any need for an option in modern iPhones to zoom in the display below an interface designed for a 5.8-inch display.

But this has changed in the upcoming smartphone. Assets found in 9to5Mac's analysis of Display Zoom show compatibility for displaying the iOS 14 user interface at a resolution of 2079 x 960, which is the resolution expected for the rumored 5.4-inch iPhone 12. As such, this adds further evidence that a compact iPhone 12 is indeed in the works. A Mac tool designed to mimic the iOS interface for developers can see what their apps might look like on different iPhones through the use of an iOS simulator. 9to5Mac was able to come up with a simulated 5.4-inch iPhone running at a 2079 x 60 resolution.

Apple has been working on the iOS 14 interface so it could adapt correctly to this resolution and simulated display size. Apple might launch the new iPhone 12 series in September as it has been doing years. However, we may witness some delays in the shipments due to coronavirus-related problems. The iPhone 12 series will be made up of four models, ranging in size between 5.4 inches and 6.7 inches. All models will feature OLED displays, a new A14 Bionic chip, and a 5G modem if the rumors are to be believed.

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apple event


No matter, if you are an Apple user or Android fan, the Apple launch event is exciting for anyone interested in the latest technology. There were some doubts about the Apple 2020 event this year due to the coronavirus situation, but as the world is learning to live with the virus, we have the official dates for the event. An Apple event is going to be held this month on 15. To keep everyone safe and hassle-free, the event will be held completely online. We are expecting that company would launch the iPhone 12 series, or a few other devices, such as the new iPad and Apple watch.

Here is how you can watch it virtually. Apple event will take place online on Tuesday 15 September 2020 sharp at 10 AM or follow the different regional timings:

West Coast US: 10 am PDT
East Coast US: 1 pm EDT
UK: 6 pm BST
Central Europe: 7 pm CEST
China (Beijing): 1 am CST (16 September)
Japan: 2am JST (16 September)
Australia (Sydney): 3 am AEST (16 September)

Last year, Apple live-streamed its event on its official website and YouTube channel. This time, it will be the same. You can also watch it on your second-generation Apple TV, by going through the Apple Events app from the App Store for the Apple TV, or stream from your iOS device via AirPlay. Mark Gurman from Bloomberg tweeted that he doesn't think that Apple is going to launch Apple 12 family in this event. According to him, this event is to announce the iPad and Apple watch. The official invite is tagged with the phrase "Time Flies", which makes more sense if its watch related. As Apple hasn't mentioned any detail on the devices its planning to release on the Event, we have to wait and see.


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When it comes to online gambling, there is no busier or bigger market in the world than the one in UK. It's saturated with online gambling options and the competition is as tough as it can get for the ones in the business. However, it does give the casual and the serious gambler a whole lot of options to choose from. In fact, that choice can become overwhelming if you don't know what exactly is going on. In order to clear the confusion and pick the best online casinos in the UK, check out the following tips.

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You will never have a shortage of options while choosing a casino on the internet in the UK, but it's necessary that you ensure it's a registered and licensed site with good reputation to ensure security. Once you have done that, just keep the above tips in mind to find the best online casinos that the UK has to offer.

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As soon as you visit a new online casino, you are likely to be bombarded with ads for promo offers, "one time deals" and no deposit bonuses. It can get confusing for a newcomer, especially if you are not familiar with what these things mean exactly. In order to find the best casino bonus offers and promotions in the UK, you must first understand how it all works.

Wagering Requirements

A wagering requirement or a playthrough requirement as it is called sometimes is the number followed by an "x" in front of the bonus that is being offered to you. What that number represents is the minimum number of times a user must gamble the given bonus cash or credit, before the money in the user's account can be withdrawn. A 10x wagering requirement on a £100 bonus means that you will have to make bets worth at least £1000 before you can cash it out.

Gaming Restrictions

The bonus you are given in an online casino will in most cases, apply to specific games only. Slot games are usually where the bonus money is supposed to be spent. Games such as blackjack, roulette, etc usually do not give you full value of the bonus when it comes to fulfilling the minimum wagering requirements. For example, if you have been given £200 in bonus and you use it to bet in roulette, your bet will only shave off a small percentage (5% - 20%) from the minimum staking requirement. The percentage varies depending on how much of a cut a particular casino has on the particular game in question.

Cashable and Sticky Bonuses

A cashable bonus amount can be withdrawn after the minimum wagering requirements are met. If you try to cash out your winnings before you have met the requirements, it will fail. A sticky bonus cannot usually be withdrawn from your account but is always available to be used in a bet. The non-deposit bonus offers are usually all sticky bonuses. This means that if you win £100 by using some of the £300 no-deposit bonus you were given on joining, the total amount of money that you will see in your account will be £400. However, the £300 sticky bonus will remain in your account and only the £100 which you won will qualify for a cashout, provided that you have already met the wagering requirements.

As you can see, while bonus offers are great, it is important to understand what you are getting into and what to expect before starting with your gambling ventures. Casinos are not there to lose money, so bonuses are a good way to start off with but just do not consider them the same as cash in the bank.

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Each mobile casino offers the players free play versions of the slot games. To play a free slot game, you do not need to login to your casino account or make a deposit as you can straightaway play them on your mobile devices. You also get opportunities to win free bonus rewards and multipliers while you are playing the demo games. Make sure you spend your stakes on the fantastic free games and have a great gaming time.

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It seems like every year we hear that mobile gaming will take over all forms of games and will reign supreme. While this isn't likely to happen, one thing we do know though is that it fuels a lot of people's entertainment, makes huge levels of cash for the industry, and provides innovation that pushes games to new levels.

The rise of mobile gaming has been impressive to say the least. Ever since people played Snake on their old Nokia phones, the potential has been there for the handheld device to offer more to gamers. With the improvements of technology and the rise of both iOS and Android, the rise of the app and most importantly gaming apps have taken hold and we are in the age of mobile gaming.

Mobile gaming is now a billion-dollar industry, and has shaped a new model of the way people pay for games. There are a lot of games now that are "Freemium" games, allowing the player to download and play for free, before adding money into the game when they needed it. The key of course is that it is purely the gamers choice whether to add more money into the game with in-game transactions. The thing is though, this idea works.

If the game is good enough to hook the players, it seems that they are more than willing to make in-game purchases to add to the fun they are experiencing. Many in the industry are noticing the potential for profit here, and that in turn fuels the creation of better and more entertaining games that will in turn make more money that can then be put into the production and evolution of games.

This is what fuels gaming today, and the fact that mobile devices can also be used for both virtual and augmented reality show that these devices are still at the forefront of gaming innovation. Just looking at Pokémon Go as an example, you can see just where the technology in the phone is now taking the player, and that is into an even more mobile world.

Mobile gaming on devices has given the players unrestricted access to games while on the movie. Whether it is playing a game like Candy Crush Saga or one of its clones, or even playing roulette on a UK mobile casino while on their dinner breaks, the players are doing so on the movie. It is this flexibility in mobile gaming that is fueling the success of it, and changing the way we game.

While mobile gaming may not take over the world of gaming as we know it, it now has its fair share of the market, and is here to stay. Gaming is hugely popular now in all forms, that includes mobile gaming, and there is one thing for sure, this is a very good time to be a gamer, never have we had such a choice of ways to game as we do now.

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When the online casinos started to offer some entertainment and rewards back in the 1990s, there were hardly a few computer devices that could play all the casino games. When the online casinos like Monster Casino started to grow, there was the number of players wanting to spend their time in playing online casino games.

After iPhone and Android devices were out in the market, the casinos started making mobile friendly software systems to support on the mobile devices. Now we have reached such a stage that mobile gaming is the biggest medium through which mobile casino providers are reaching out to many players around the world.

World's First Game on Feature Phones

When we talk about mobile gaming, the first game comes to the mind is the Nokia's Snake game which was launched in the year 1997. This game was a sensation when it was officially released and mobile users only bought Nokia devices because of this game. According to an online report, the statistics tell us that around 400 million devices were shipped during that period.

The Gaming Shifted to Android and iPhone Platforms

Just after a period of 10 years, when the first- ever mobile game was launched, then came brand new platforms for all the mobile users- the first iPhone was launched in 2007 and in the same year, there was the Android phone was available.

During this time, when the mobile industry took a new technological direction, the mobile casinos started to make smartphone friendly apps and internet browsers for the players to have table games, online slots, sports betting and much more.

To add more flavour to the mobile casino gaming, the users then started to use apple stores and android stores, the users were now able to download the casino games directly from the stores rather than playing it on the browsers.

Games on Cross and HTML5 Platforms

In the year 2010, HTML5 and cross gaming platforms changed the entire course of online and mobile gaming. With the HTML5, casino operators could easily offer all the casino games to the players on mobile devices, tablets, laptops and desktops. The games will be easily compatible with your mobile devices, desktops and laptops.

Live Dealer Games on Mobile Casinos

With the smartphone industry growing rapidly, the mobile casinos has started supplying live dealer games to all the casino players from the year 2013. With the use of the live dealer software, a player can get access to their favourite table games such as Baccarat, Roulette and Blackjack on their mobile devices in a live environment.

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The new mobile apps and mobile software have entirely changed the course of mobile gaming. The more the casinos adopt new technologies and betting games, there has been a great influence on the casino industry. In the following article, UK based Sailor Bingo website has summarised how the casino industry has evolved and transformed over the years.

Statistics of Mobile Casino Industry

• According to an online casino report, the revenue from online betting was estimated at $4 billion in the year 2012. However, currently, the casino industry generates $41.4 billion worth of profits through online betting.

• Some of the statistics show that the mobile casino industry is worth $100 billion alone.

• According to an online report published in one of the reputed websites, it is predicted that the tablet-gambling industry alone will reach a commendable mark of £13 billion worth by 2019.

• In 1986, the technology took the horseracing to a next level with betting stores offering drinks and Televisions showing the live coverage of horse races. There were also fruit machines and fixed- odds betting available for the players.

1. Mobile Apps and New Mobile Games

The new age of Smartphones has seen a rapid growth in the online casino sector. There are many inventions in the mobile casino gaming to suit the requirements of the players. It is easier for users to access their favourite casino games on the fingertips. Android and Apple stores are now having a wide range of casino games which are compatible with any kind of device. The statisticians of the mobile gaming industry have estimated that 56% of the USA's population prefer playing games on mobile devices rather than desktops or laptops.

2. From Real Time Slot Machines to Video Slots

There was a time when players had to visit the land- based casinos or betting shops in order to play their stakes on slot machines. Now the technology brings the experience of casinos from your homes and on your mobile phones and desktops. You can choose to play from thousands of themed- based video slots at any of the mobile casinos. You can place your stakes on the video slots and spin the reels to get real money wins.

3. Online Betting and Betting Shops

There are many options available for the players to place their stakes on horse races using the online mediums of betting. However, there is a risk of misusing of funds or identity theft involved in using online betting mediums for betting. When you visit a bookmaker, you can purchase the betting tickets on real time basis and they only deal with cash. Hence, you can have 100% security that your funds in the safe hands.

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Before you play a casino game on your smartphone, you should know the steps to follow for more chances of winning. Find out the details now.


There are various ways of enjoying casino online. Indeed, there are already places that can help you enjoy gambling in the convenience of your home. You simply have to follow the basic guidelines on how to play casino on your mobile for abetter experience.


You may have probably come across links online giving mobile casino bonus. The tons of freebies that will make your games more fulfilling and funare just one of the most important features you can find on the internet.


From the fact above, you will already get the idea of playing casino using your smartphone. One of the biggest advantages of the game using your hand phone is the privacy. Instead of encountering your colleagues or relatives while playing a slot machine and get into trouble, you can play your favorite games without awkward situations.


However, to make your mobile venture more successful, you should also improve your chances of winning before placing your bet. You know already that the probability of winning in a casino will depend on the game you are playing. So you must be smart from the selection of a game to the development of the strategy.


To begin your study about the steps on playing casino on your mobile for free, kindly read the excerpt below:


Choose Your Favorite Casino Game. There are various games to be played online when you are using your handphone. You have to check the ones available and choose one based on your liking. Otherwise, you may select depending on the chance of winning.


Find Out the Download Speed of the Online Game. You must know that mobile casino games may also have different download speed. For instance, there is a game that uses an individual platform, which affects the downloading speed and quality of the operation itself.


This step is unnecessary if you have a fast connection. However, if you have aquota to save, you must check this beforehand. If in the future, you will be depositing money for a casino game, this is also a crucial step.


Select a Casino Game-Based on Bonuses. Since you are playing the mobile casino for free, you should make sure to check out the rewards. There are various ones available, which will also depend on the mobile application you are using.


Normally, when you sign up, you will already have a bonus in store. Other types of bonuses are for tournament listing and becoming a VIP in the platform. You must look into the future and decide on bonuses that will benefit you most in the future.


VIPs often get loyalty gifts and cashback. Even if you are playing using your mobile, having the exclusive membership can give you big bonuses, such as vacations and electronics.


Choose Your Language. Do not try to play mobile casino in English if you are not well-versed in it. Select your native language instead so that you can understand all the information of the game. There are times that there are mobile casinos that will show unfamiliar phrases or words even when calculating your probability of winning.


Secure Your Odds of Winning. Before you even play a game, it is best to swing the odds in your favor. Check out the strategies online and spare a time to see the tips in playing the games you have selected. By doing so, you will soon see that your game balance is growing.


Enjoy the Game. You must know that not all mobile casino games are won by hard work. Normally, the outcome is beyond your control. For instance, there are random number generation systems used in the games. Instead of stressing out, justenjoy the game and look forward to cash grabbing chances.


Take a Time Out. To concentrate better on playing, you should also take breaks from mobile casinos. This will also sustain the freshness of your brain for more chances of winning.


With the steps above on playing mobile casino, you will be able to prep up for a convenient casino-from-home experience. Simply keep in mind of the tips, especially when it comes to winning. As stated above, there are cases that you are in control, such as in choosing bonuses, games, and strategies. Take advantage of it for more cash in your way despite playing for free.

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The smartphone saw a leap in technology with the release of the very first iPhone in 2007, bringing new expertise and of course, putting out apps into mainstream use. They litter the screens of smartphones everywhere, drumming up a whole variety of personalised content. Of course, apps are mostly about social media and gaming, but even in this a corporate mind is working away somewhere. At last, apps have taken significant strides in the world of business.

Before technology, every business was a brick and mortar, with no knowledge in saving time and thus costs by digital means. Accordingly, apps offer an opportunity to heighten corporate efficiency, with work now possible at the press of a screen or click of a button. We have listed some ways in which apps can creatively cut corners in corporate life.


Streamlined Target Audience

Businesses used to reach their target audiences by depending largely on newspaper and television adverts. However, with a decline in both of these things usage, firms must find a new way to reach their market, paying close attention to the time of the consumer and the appeal of their marketing.

Apps are the perfect answer to this need. Collectively, they take up a lot of space on any kind of hardware, eventually clogging up the memory of the finest phones or systems. Consequently, no one downloads an app they don't want, need or find essential to their day-to-to-day life. Ultimately, this presents a great opportunity moving forward, creating a compact eye-catching representation of a business that can be accessed anytime and anywhere.

Quick Online Payments

Tedious transactions and lengthy cheque waits used be the downsides of dealing in business. Never uncommon, firms faced excruciating circumstances that eventually resulted in a delayed payment. Of course, these problems still haven't entirely vanished today for small firms either.

The app once again saves the day here, allowing instantaneous payments straight from the pocket. It's a tool that eliminates excuses and declines delays, pushing every business process along in a timelier and more trust worthy manner. Ultimately, the cash flow can run a little smoother with this technology, something that would draw in any business immediately.


A Direct Line to the Competitors

When competing in any market or economy, companies can face constant anxiety. Who are their competitors? Are they better than us? If so, how? Subsequently, they'd pour over endless documents and paperwork to examine themselves against their competition, as well as conducting surveys to find their faults.

However, apps offer a direct line straight into the competitor's arena. From their Facebook page, Twitter profile, their personalised apps or even apps that display and analyse financial markets, there is a whole world of information within apps that can be used for research. After all, apps are information if nothing else, storing so much data that is simply too detailed to ignore. It's all there. 

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We all need to know the best practices to stay safe on our mobile devices. Installing a malicious app could have devastating consequences, compromising our personal data and leading to other unwanted outcomes. When you are looking for a safe way to gamble on your mobile device, there are some specific guidelines to follow to ensure you remain protected. Today we take a closer look at how to gamble safely from your iOS or Android phone or tablet.

Ensure that you have the latest OS update

Do you have the latest version of iOS or Android installed on your device? While generally, you'll find that your device automatically updates to the latest version of your operating system software while you are sleeping, in some cases this isn't automatic. You can go into your device settings are check for system updates - downloading and installing the latest version of the software.

Having the latest version of your operating system (iOS or Android) is important because the latest version contains patches for all the most recently discovered security flaws in the system. Security flaws can leave your device open to being tampered with remotely.

Downloading apps outside of the official app stores

One of the first rules of downloading mobile apps is that you should never, ever, ever download apps from app stores other than the official app store from your OS provider. For iOS/Apple, this is the App Store, and for Android, it is the Google Play store. If you install an app from any other source, then you are running a much greater risk of the app that you download being malicious.

The reason for this is that both the iOS and Android app stores vet the submitted apps to the app store before they are available in the store. They check carefully for things like hidden viruses and spyware within the app. If you choose to download from another source, then you have no idea whether they scrutinize the app as carefully. Luckily, both iOS and Android protect against downloading from other sources by default - however this can be changed if you go into your settings and allow it. Just. Don't. Do. It. It is never worth the risk.

Don't use an antivirus

While this may go against your common sense, antivirus programs aren't needed on your mobile devices. So long as you are downloading apps through official channels, i.e. the Apple App Store or Google Play, then an antivirus app isn't necessary and is only going to be a hindrance. So go against your inklings and skip the antivirus.

Antivirus apps on your phone generally just slow things down, get in the way, or may even scrape your data themselves - they are just not worth the headache. Google and Apple do a good job of policing the app store, and keeping the bad guys out. While bad ads can "hijack" your browser, they can't gain access to your phone - and clearing your browser cache or using a different browser should usually do the trick if you are having issues.

Read the app permissions

Do you just blindly click on "OK" any time you got to install an app and it asks for your permission to access X on your phone or tablet? Don't. Do. That. After all, if you are downloading a casino app and it asks for permission to access your microphone, have a real think about why they would need access to your microphone. Would you need to chat with other players during play? Would you need to talk to the tech support people through the app itself, over the phone? We think not. It may just be the case that they are interested in gathering your voice data for some other reason. Nefarious, isn't it?

Of course, there are some apps that require specific permissions that may sound a little bit odd if you read them. For instance, Instagram needs access to your camera - because you are taking pictures through the app. Snapchat needs your microphone because those videos you are recording require sound.

Think carefully before just accepting all those permissions... Think about whether the app really needs access to your location, your microphone, your camera, your messages, your contacts... If the answer is no, then you might not want to download the app.

Read the third party login permissions

Many gambling apps and websites also offer you a streamlined login through one of your other accounts - maybe your Google account, your Twitter account, or your Facebook account. Once you click to sign up through this third party service it will also ask for permissions related to that account. For instance, if you are signing in through Facebook, it might ask for your contact details and your friends list. Does the app really need access to your friends list?

With these third party login permissions, you often have the chance to veto what the app has access to. The only truly required permission will be access to your public contact/profile info. The other permissions that it asks for can usually be deselected - so they won't have access to it.

The easiest way to stay safe

The easiest way to stay safe by gambling on your mobile phone is by not downloading any apps at all. "But I want to game!", you cry. Hey, don't worry, you can still gamble from your mobile device without having to download specific apps! Instead of using apps, you have the option of gaming through your device's web browser. This may be an inbuilt web browser on your device, or Safari on iOS products, or Chrome on Android products.

Using your web browser, you can head to any gambling sites on your mobile device that you would be able to access from your laptop or desktop machine. These gambling sites are generally fully interactive and responsive - meaning they have been altered specifically to allow you to play from your mobile device. You will have a range of different games to play, with play suited specifically for your mobile device and without having to download a specific app to play. There are sites offering cutting edge slots for free, full feature live casinos, and sports betting, all available without having to leave your browser. Welcome to the future, baby!

It's relatively easy to stay safe when you are gambling on your mobile device - generally safer than gambling on your laptop or desktop computer. The way that both Apple and Google have designed their app stores means that your mobile device is far less at risk of becoming compromised than your computer.

General online safety rules apply when using your mobile device for gaming - make sure that your phone or tablet has a home screen lock that is password or fingerprint protected, don't tell anyone your logins or passwords, choose secure passwords that can't be easily guessed, wipe your device memory before reselling or disposing of it (and remote wipe it if you accidentally lose the device or it is stolen), and clean out your mobile device regularly to ensure it only has what you need on it. Safety is the word when it comes to tech devices, and when you follow the right safety strategies you'll ensure that all your data remains safe and your device doesn't end up getting hijacked by attackers.

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The revenue stats make it clear, mobile gaming is immensely popular. It is estimated that in 2018, revenues of mobile games will hit $70.3 billion, which is more than 50% than the overall gaming revenue of $137.9 billion. Mobile gaming has grabbed hold of the market because it's affordable (many mobile games are free to play) and they're accessible (players can access high-quality games on the go).

But the influence of mobile devices on gaming goes far beyond the financials. They have also had an impact on the wider games industry, changing how developers both on and off mobile devices create and market their titles.

Real-World Exploration

In July 2016, Niantic released a little game called Pokemon GO. The game allowed players to explore the real-world, catching Pokemon, battling for territory, and more. It also features a "buddy" system that allows Pokemon to accompany players as they explore for greater rewards.

Pokemon GO's success has impacted Let's Go Pokemon, the upcoming main Pokemon games for Nintendo Switch. The Poke Ball Plus device allows players to select a Pokemon and take them for a stroll by carrying them "within" the device, earning rewards when they return. The mechanic is directly borrowed from Pokemon GO and shows the impact of that game's success.

SMS Integration

You may well be familiar with the concept of SMS/text games e.g Never Have I Ever and 20 Questions, smartphones have allowed SMS integration to be kicked up a notch. These days, there is even greater integration and it's quite common for game developers to text you about updates to their mobile games or even to send you links to install their apps.

The use of SMS even allows gamers - on mobile or on other platforms - to get bonuses for other games. In some cases, this involves rewards when you've referred a new player via text or, like some no deposit bonus casino offers, players are able to activate their bonuses via text. In some casino promotions, free spins are delivered via text, with players able to verify and accept their free spins before jumping into the games they want to play. 

Cross-Platform Play

Gaming that allows players on PC and console has been a concept for a while, but with the rise of mobile gaming, that has been kicked up a notch. Mobile gaming allows players to play games on the go, but people still want to play with their friends and squad members, making cross-play a winning feature.

The mobile version of Fortnite is just the latest example of this, as its cross-platform play lets players on PC, PS4, Xbox One, iOS and Android devices to play alongside one another. While there are some technical hurdles, such as limits on using keyboard and mouse support to get ahead, it has shown other game developers why they need the feature.

The revenue shows that mobile gaming is only growing in popularity. This means that its influence on the wider industry is only set to grow, not fade. What are the next impacts we could see? Portable console screens? More free to play, casual titles. It will be exciting to find out.

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The gaming world is almost unrecognisable from what it was in the 20th century. Console and PC games are becoming less popular as more people opt to play games on their smartphones or tablets. Today, mobile games bring in nearly half of global gaming revenue - and it's set to become even more dominant as a platform over the next few years.


Avid consumers live in a world where they can access games like poker in the pub, roulette on the bus and blackjack in the office.


Blackjack is in many ways the perfect game to play on the go - as the games are short and the turnaround so quick. It's a great way to make some fast cash. Some gamblers prefer US blackjack, which offers multiple options for betting minimums and maximums - making your gambling experience even more tailored to your lifestyle and preferences. Find out more about the rules of blackjack games such as Multihand Blackjack, Single Deck Blackjack or American blackjack and why it makes for a great mobile casino experience.


How did mobile gaming become such a success? Let's look at the history of this form of gaming and speculate how it could evolve into the future.


Online casino games: the early days




Today you'll see that online casinos are engaging and immersive enough to give gamers an experience that rivals anything a land-based casino can deliver - but this wasn't always the case.


The issue of who created the first online casino is largely disputed, but developer Microgaming is largely credited with building the first ever online gambling software in 1994. However, it wasn't until two years later that the first bet was accepted online.


In 1996, InterCasino opened their metaphorical internet doors and offered customers the opportunity to play 18 casino games from the comfort of their own home. It was a landmark in the industry.


Initially, online casino games represented an element of intrigue for eager players who were keen to gamble within their own environment. However, there were huge challenges to actually playing. The games were incredibly clunky and difficult to use, and the graphics were underdeveloped. At this point, it was still the case that, if you were really keen on gambling, you'd still be going to a land-based casino rather than a virtual one.


Online casinos simply weren't good enough.


Of course, one of the biggest challenges was the lack of access. Not everyone had a computer with the internet back then. The market was small and relied on a dedicated gamblers accessing online services from their desktop - a long way off the accessibility we enjoy today.


How online gaming progressed




The quality and abundance of online casinos have reflected the huge strides made in digital technology over the past two decades.


Early pioneers Microgaming along with Playtech and Net Entertainment started to improve their offerings - and more competitors started to vie for a share of this market. There were 15 online casinos in 1997, but over 200 just a year later - attributed to increased internet speeds and broadband access, particularly in the US and UK. In 1998 the global internet gambling industry brought in £834 million in revenue, and it was only going to grow from there.


As online casino gaming was getting quicker, it was also getting better. Improved graphics with more intense special effects appealed to more gamers. Add to that a broader selection of games - including slots, blackjack, poker and other casino favourites.


In addition, the UK gambling act transformed the image of online casinos. They weren't seen as a seedy, unregulated part of the internet - they were official places to game, just like land-based casinos. Plus, with the legalisation of online gambling, governments were also raking in greater tax revenue and there were more employment opportunities - so everyone was a winner. It marked a massive shift in the industry.


The move from desktop to mobile




Thanks to Steve Jobs and the gurus Apple gurus in Silicon Valley, the world is now driven by smartphones. Online casinos recognised the potential of mobile gambling and quickly developed software to bring their services to the mobile market.


These very first games allowed users to do something that had never been done before - gamble on the go. The in-built processing power of smartphones combined with their displays made the move from desktop to mobile seamless.


Again, accessibility was key to the development of mobile gaming. Improved mobile broadband across the world, phones with better processing speeds capable of handling the demands of high-quality games boosted the user experience of gambling apps - and the user numbers soon followed.




While desktop gambling sites remain popular, the mobile market has allowed betting companies to appeal to a new market of potential customers. Now developers can rake in steady revenues from players by offering in-app purchases and keeping their games free. Those punters previously put off by the exclusivity of betting shops and casinos can now make bets from their phone - anywhere, anytime.


The future of mobile casinos


One of the drawbacks of an online casino is the lack of ‘real feel' that customers get when playing online - but operators are increasingly able to challenge that with immersive gameplay that could accelerate the decline of traditional land-based casinos, which have been struggling to compete with the industry as it is in the last decade.


As ever, the industry is always looking for new ways to adapt and the most talked advancement at the moment is virtual reality. The industry's biggest developers and betting companies are investing heavily in software that will allow users to explore a completely interactive virtual casino.


Virtual Reality has seemingly been in the pipeline for the past decade, however it finally looks like taking off with the success of traditional gaming VR headsets and ‘live beyond live' casino technology on the horizon.


Another big step forward could be the relaxation of online gambling restrictions in the US. If this continues, the World Wide Web could become the new Las Vegas.

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Immediately after you visit any casino, the first game you encounter will most probably be a slot game. This is because they are extremely popular because of their ease of play, top-tier features such as HD graphics, and the huge variety of slot games available in the market today.

Even with a thrilling, user-friendly interface, getting your head around the whole free slots: no download concept could be a bit challenging for you as a beginner. There is so much that is entailed than meets the eye not to mention that there is a huge risk that you could lose your money.


·         Bankroll: the specific amount you have set aside for gambling

·         The house: an online casino that offers online slot services

·         Volatility: the level of risk an online slot machine exposes you to

·         Return to player (RTP) percentage: the percentage of how much the slot game is capable of giving back to you as a player

·         land-based slot machines: a slot machine stationed in a physical casino or a public location

·         Progressive jackpot slots:  slot machines that feature a draw involving a huge cash pot contributed by all players

·         Theme: What the slot machine is based on. This could be a book, a movie, or  mythical story

·         Multi-spins feature: a slot game that can run more than one spin automatically

·         Wager: the amount played on every spin

Can you win money in online slot machines?

The answer to this question is definitely, yes! However, just like in any other form of gambling, the chances of winning or losing are always equal meaning that it is all about luck. The information included in this guide will come in handy for beginners as they can actually use it to minimize losses if not increase their winnings.  

Don't just hop in without a plan

As mentioned above, the online slot world is not a viable investment where you can just walk in, multiply your cash, and walk away. Before you take the leap, you must arm yourself with a plan.

The budget you have at hand is the first thing to consider. Do not just walk in with your entire savings or retirement check, to be specific. This is because things could turn around really fast on a bad day leaving you with absolutely nothing. The idea you should carry in mind is to just try and gamble part of the budget you have at hand and get to actually fight it out another day. Most importantly, you should never gamble the funds you have set aside for basic needs no matter how tempting it might be. What you have for basic needs might seem little but out of experience, its better in your hands than in those of the house!

After you have set aside a gambling budget, it is advisable that you split it further into smaller bankrolls that you can use to gamble with at certain intervals. After all, the online casino remains with you on your device and is not going anywhere. Rather than gambling four 6 consecutive hours on online slots with your $300 budget, it would be better to gamble for three 2-hour sessions a day with $100 per session.

After the small bankroll for each session has been depleted, it is time to call it. When you have made some considerable profit, $200, for instance, it is also the time to collect your winnings and call it a session. You can still retain the winnings in your account and use it to play in the next session instead of depositing from your own pocket. This way, you will take advantage of the house when you are still an amateur at the sport.

How do online slots machines work

As a beginner, you need to know how slot machines work.

Online slots are just improved versions of the original land-based versions. Unlike old slot machines, online slots can be accessed from any device. All a player needs is a good internet connection.

Instead of having mechanical reels, levers, gears, and springs, the online machine is fully digitized. All the components, therefore, operate as coded software. Some features such as the random number generator and the procedure of playing still remain the same as in the old machines.

When it comes to winning, both machines are programmed to pay less. This is known as the house advantage but when we are talking about online slot machines, it is known as the Return to Player Percentage (RTP). The best online slot machines will have RTP percentages of up to 97%. However, this doesn't literally mean that you will have the 97% RTP advantage every time you play. This rate has been established based on a long-term expectation of probably one occurrence in one thousand spins. Even as a beginner, you could be the one walking away with the 1 in a 1000 occurrences and walk away with some huge winnings.  In the online slot world, everyone is a winner!

When you visit the online casino, you will also see some other intriguing features of the online slots. Some of the slots will have welcome bonuses, free spins, and even the play-for-free feature. All these features will give you the perfect headstart to any slot machine without using a dime from your own pocket.

Who will you be playing with

Unlike land-based slot machines that are played in a public place, playing online slots is more of a solitary affair. This is because you can access an online casino from anywhere and with any device that has an internet connection. The privacy is actually a good thing because you do not have to worry about someone taking over your slot machine when you take a bathroom break or tipping your cocktail waitress in Vegas-style land casinos.

Choosing the best online slot machines

No one can predict when to win in an online slot or by how much. But there is one thing that you can do to try and draw the odds more in your favor. Remember when we talked about games with higher RTP? That's it! Choosing the games with a 97% RTP or higher could increase your chances of winning by over 50% compared to those games with a lower RTP.

As a beginner, you might also want to stay away from progressive jackpot slots. This is because some of your money goes to the prize pool via an undetectable strategy. This could take away huge chunks of your money and you still end up with nothing in the backend. So, before you completely get your head around the slot world, it is better to stay away from progressive jackpot slot games.

There are a lot of places where you can get exact RTPs for different online slots. This includes many websites and magazines that review these slots. Although most online casinos are reluctant to do so, some of them will mention the exact RTP for each slot. This information can be found in the settings or help section of that particular online slot. Some of the slot games with a high RTP (97%+) include:

·         Devils Delight by NetEnt

Are you a fan of underworld fantasy? If so, this is just the game for you! With an RTP of 97.6%, you will get to enjoy an underground theme that features soul reapers, devils, 666, graves, skeletons, and fires, and still stand a chance to make huge winnings. This game also features the bonus round feature which means that you will get to contest for a life-changing money pool if you are lucky to enter this round. The game plays on five reels and a whopping 20 paylines! Although its RTP is not high enough like the other games on this list, it is a popular game because of the high-quality game concept.

·         Goblin's Cave by Playtech

Goblins cave, a classic slot machine from Playtech, has an RTP of 99.3%. Although the game might not be entertaining like the most recent machines that we have, you will get to enjoy an original theme and a generous bonus feature.

·         Ugga Bugga by Playtech

If you are a fan of the African theme, this is just the game for you. With an RTP of 99.1%, you will be guaranteed of wins as you line up African huts, drums, and masks along the pay lines.

·         Ocean's princess by Playtech

This is another game from Playtech that was among the first slot machines to include the multi-spins feature.  Same as Ugga Bugga, it has an RTP of 99.1%.

·         Nemo's Voyage by WMS

This game from WMS has an RTP of 99%. It is just the game for you if you are a fan of the Underwater theme.

·         Jackpot 6000 by NetEnt

This is another game from NetEnt with a high RTP of 98.9%.

Other honorable mentions with High RTPs include Big Bad Wolf by QuickSpin (97.35%), Blood Suckers by NetEnt (97.6%), Cinerama by Playtech (98.4%), and Tropic Reels by Playtech (99%).

The game's volatility

This is another important factor to consider when you are choosing the game that you want to play as a beginner. The games volatility is simply the games variance or risk factor. Some of the slot games will expose you to a higher risk of losing your money than others.

Games with low volatility will have more frequent wins but in lower denominations. Those games with high volatility, on the other hand, will have less frequent wins, only this time in larger denomination. The game you choose to play actually depends on you but as a beginner, it is always advisable to go with low volatility slot games to avoid the frustration that might come with high volatility slot games. High volatility games will expose you to a long dry spell without making any wins which might be a bit challenging for you as a new player.

Exact game volatilities can be found online but do not be frustrated when you cannot find them because most slot providers do not reveal this information to avoid influencing the decision of the buyer. Another way to determine the games volatility is by playing the game yourself. Playing the game for a considerable period of time will let you see the number of winnings you get and how long it takes to get them. If the game offers welcome free spins, you can use it to test out the games volatility. If all the free spins are used up without getting any winnings, that might not be an ideal game to play as a beginner.

Good examples of games with high volatility include King of Atlantis from IGT, 300 shields from NextGen, Immortal Romance by Microgaming, Dead or Alive by NetEnt, Book of Dead by Play n' Go, Gonzo's Quest by Next Gen, and the Book of Ra. Examples of games with low volatility include Hotline from NetEnt, Starburst by NetEnt, Foxin' Wins by NextGen, Legend of Shangri-la: Cluster Pays by NetEnt, Mermaids Millions by Microgaming, and Spinata Grande by NetEnt.

What meets the eye might be deceiving

Even when we are talking about the games with the highest RTP rates or those that give you a higher chance of winning, how comes that several online casinos still list them on the first page! This is a clear indication that there is so much more that is involved than just the RTPs.

A slot game that meets your face immediately you visit an online casino or one that is being intentionally pushed to your face is a thing to watch out for as a beginner. This is because these are clear indicators that this particular slot might not be in your favor.

Even as a beginner, do not just click on a game on the first page and start playing.  Delve deeper into those unbranded games not listed at the top of the list and pages. Those games in the 3rd or 4th page might end up paying you a little more.

Remember to check the denomination you are playing with

It is always advisable to play slots for free before getting the hang of the game. You can do this using the play-for-free feature. Still, you will need to play for real money.

When that time comes, it is very important to check the denomination that you are playing with. When you deposit $100, for instance, there is a number of ways that you can utilize this deposit. As a beginner, the best way to use it is by purchasing entry tickets/spins of the lowest value to the game that you want to play. With the $100 deposit, you can purchase one hundred $1 spins or better yet 200 $0.5 spins. This way, you will get to enjoy the game for longer.

Some machines will also go ahead to offer you even lower denomination of even up to $0.1. As economical as this might seem, the very small denominations are a thing to stay away from as a beginner.  Why?

Modern slot machines, like the old ones, reward players with jackpot wins from time to time. The criterion used to reward jackpot winners is mostly very logical. Why would a machine reward you with a huge jackpot when all you wagered is just $0.01? To be honest, it wouldn't and if it could, you wouldn't even be rewarded with the whole jackpot amount because jackpots are awarded proportionally to the amount wagered by the player.

The denomination you wager should neither be too much nor be too little. Betting very huge amounts can use up your budget really fast while very small amounts can prevent you from winning life-changing amounts of money, especially when playing progressive jackpot slots.

What other people are saying

Listening to other players might be deceiving when playing other games in casinos. Things are, however, different when it comes to online slots; listening to other players, especially those that have been playing for long, can be quite beneficial.

Before playing a slot game, always make a point of looking what legitimate reviewers in blogs and social media are saying. By listening to what people are saying, you will know about the best games out there to try out and you will also know the games that offer free spins to get new players started.

If you are playing for money, slots might not be the game for you

In slots, there are simply no rules to follow. That's why there's even a  demo mode for virtually all slots where you can play for fun.

Slots should be fun to play. For beginners, choose a game that suits your taste and try to enjoy it. This way, you will find yourself playing for the fun rather than playing for the money.


Online slot machines are available in a bewildering variety of designs, themes, sounds, graphics, and other elements. Just like the land-based predecessors, most of them are straightforward enough even for beginners. You just have to select your bet line, click the spin button and before you hope for the best, remember what we talked about in this guide. If you find yourself confused when playing a particular slot machine, game playing guides are always available for you to refer from.

Finally, there is no such thing as a know-it-all slot machine player. Winning is a bit hard for but playing slots is a lot of fun for everyone. This will become clearer as you progress through the years but for now, have lots of fun playing games with positive reviews, high RTPS, a volatility level of your choice, and a decent welcome bonus. 

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Enable ‘VIP' Alerts for Email Messages


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Follow the above tips and minimize the annoying part of messages coming in. You can continue betting sports without any interruptions. This is because you do not have to lose focus when you are paying attention to the most important details in a meeting.


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An article by USAToday.com revealed that the mobile games industry could be worth $100 billion by 2021. Mobile games are expected to make more than 70% of all revenue made from mobile apps, and as there are more than one billion owners of smartphones and tablets, that's a huge figure.



The potential amount of money that could be made from mobile gaming has led some of the biggest game developers to put more resources into mobile. Companies like Blizzard, Epic Games and LeoVegas may be known for console and PC gaming, but these brands are all trying to grow their fanbases on mobile as the industry just keeps growing.


App and Browser Versions


Most people on mobile devices will want to download their mobile games, but for people who have weak internet connections or don't have much room on their phones, that won't be an option. The casino review site, Bonus.ca, says that online casinos have learned that and so they allow players to access games such as slots, blackjack, and roulette, through their mobile browsers. Players don't need to download an app to gamble on their phone as many casino sites only ask people to create an account to start playing. 


For larger games with more textures, files, and game modes, being compatible with browsers just won't be possible. However, for those game developers who can make their games work on browsers, they can appeal to many more mobile gamers. 


Support for Cross-Play



Many developers, such as Epic Games, the creator of Fortnite, got started first on PCs and consoles. This doesn't mean that they treat mobile gamers differently, though, and the company has tried to bring all of its players together by using something called cross-play.


Cross-play, explains Forbes.com, allows players to compete against each other whether they are playing Fortnite on iOS, Android, PC, PS4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch. Switch and mobile users will be grouped together, but you can still play together across platforms if you are in a team. As more developers release their games on all platforms, expect cross-play to become a regular thing. 


Releasing Smaller Games



By not releasing a mobile game, companies are potentially failing to appeal to a huge number of players. However, that doesn't mean that it is incredibly easy to just bring a game over to mobile devices. Some games were created for PC and controller inputs, or they are large games that mobile devices wouldn't have room for.


Some game developers, such as Blizzard, have tried to find a fix for this. An article from IGN.com explains that the company will be releasing a mobile game called Diablo Immortal, which will have some of the gameplay from its popular dungeon-crawling RPG series. This allows Blizzard to appeal to mobile gamers without trying to fit such a large game onto smaller screens.


As more game developers rush to the gold in the mobile games industry, things are becoming more competitive. It will be much more difficult for other developers to find success, which is why these companies are trying to get into the industry now.


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Whether you own an iPhone or an Android smartphone, both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store has enough games to confuse anyone who doesn't exactly know what to look for and where. To help the mobile gamer find the right kind of games that they want to play, we have prepared the following brief guide.

Know What You Want


What kind of games do you like? Everybody seems to like PUBG and Fortnite a lot, but maybe mobile FPS isn't the genre you enjoy as much as puzzle games. In that case, we would suggest The Room saga as they are some of the most enjoyable puzzle games across any platform.


Then there are others who might just be looking for some fun slots to pass the time and win some cash in the process. Slotozilla has this huge collection of the best, free slots games online, listed on their site. Rise of Spartans, Bingo Billions and An Evening with Holly Madison are some of our favorites, but the rest of the free titles are each worth a shot as well.

These are just examples of course, but the idea is to find a genre you actually enjoy, rather than just blindly downloading and trying out everything you see. You can do that too if you have the time of course!

Understand that Most Games aren't Worth Your Time


In spite of being populated with millions of apps, very few of them are actually good in both the App Store and the Play Store, but the Play Store certainly has more unregulated and garbage apps for sure!

For example, if you searched for PUBG, you will get the game as the first recommendation, but just below it, there will be a ton of other rip-off games and apps which only sound similar, but is far from the real deal.

Check the Reviews and Suggestions


There was a time when reviews could actually be trusted, but paid reviews have made the internet an unreliable source of information. Even then, when you are trying to download any game, look for the following signs to know if it's worth your time.

·        It should preferably have at least 100,000 - 1,000,000 million downloads

·        Check the aggregate review score, as that many reviews can't be faked

·        If It's below 4.0, it's probably not going to be good

·        When there's an "Editor's Choice" badge next to it, it is most likely one of the better games

·        See what the 1 Star and 2 Star reviews are complaining about, and whether that has relevance to you

Look Beyond the Google Store


Not all good games and applications are found in the Google and Apple stores mind you, especially if you like gambling games involving real money. Additionally, the PS1 & 2, Dreamcast and other emulators are also not available to download from the official stores. So feel free to venture outside the realm of the Play Store and try out a few external apps as well.


You might even be surprised at the result, but be careful to ONLY download authentic apps that have reviews online to support their authenticity. As for Apple users, well, you are out of luck! Short of jailbreaking, your iPhone or iPad will not allow any external apps to be loaded on them.


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While slot machine games are the most popular casino games, a huge percentage of players of the game don't really understand how the odds of spinning reels works. Preying on the fact that a lot of interested gamblers don't understand such technicalities, you'll find a lot of so-called 'cheat sheets' online. Fortunately for you today, we are going to help you understand how the slot machine odds are calculated. Whether you play for free on platforms like https://onlineslotsx.com/ or you prefer real money play in online casinos, spare a few minutes to get more insight about slots.

Random Number Generators Keep the Game Tight & Fair

Thanks to RNGs, or Random Number Generators in full, it is virtually impossible to predict the outcome even with high RTP slot machines. Let's take an example of a five payline slot game where there is only a single 'jackpot payout,' paid out for matching five bell symbols. Remember, this theoretical machine also has other symbols, and you must match five of the same to win the jackpot on a $1 slot machine.

The lines are controlled by the RNGs, which will line up the symbols at random. With every spin, five different symbols will equally come upon each of the paying lines. Carrying out simple arithmetic, the probability of landing on a bell on one payline 1/5 and the same goes for the second, third, fourth and fifth in succession. Therefore, the odds of lining up five bells is (1/5)÷5, which gives you a 0.04~0.032% chance of hitting the jackpot.

However, considering that there is a total of five different symbols in the game, your chances of earning a win from lining up five of any of the symbols are set are 5x0.032%, which is 0.16%. So, you have a better chance of earning a win from lining up these other icons. But for the jackpot, you'll only be able to hit it once in every 625 spins of this theoretical slot machine game.

Factoring in the House Advantage

Now let's say the jackpot payout of this game was $625, making it a zero-sum game scheme. But then again, considering the fact that the house has to make a profit, the payouts are normally set at a slightly lower figure, often between 90% to 98% of the break-even frequency. Therefore, if this theoretical machine has a 96% payout rate, the jackpot would be $600.

Indeed, you could also get lucky and hit the jackpot on your 3rd spin to bag some juicy profits. Even so, in the long-term players can never get ahead of the law of averages; and the house edge will often still be maintained over any short-term change in results.

Casino managers refer to a slot machine house edge as the "hold." Hold percentages vary significantly from one game and are often smaller in pricier slots; typically about 2% on average for 5-dollar games. However, don't forget about the fact that you're likely to lose more cash in real terms at these pricier slot machines, given that you'll be loading more money through the machine every single hour.

Does Skill Help in Slots?

Well, yes and no. But how so? Fundamentally, slots are games of luck. They have no surefire winning strategy, but there's still a lot you can do to increase your edge. Unlike table and card games, for instance, slot machines are a negative equity game. While in card games like poker and blackjack where you play against actual opponents, or a system computer, you are always playing against the house in slots. That's what makes the game quite different compared to other casino games, even when you learn a few tricks to tip the scales.


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At the close of 2019, mobile gaming is creeping along to nearly 50% of the total gaming market share. While the slightly larger figure is made up of console and PC gaming, mobile gaming far surpasses both individually.

This makes sense, as smartphones are held by around 66.53% of the entire global population, according to Bank My Cell. Smartphone manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung, and Huawei are in a constant race to bring out the latest technology - all of which helps to benefit mobile gaming - while telecoms giants are rolling out 5G in some areas, which will also allow mobile gaming to continue to grow. Given how well it is doing now, how will the mobile gaming market continue to grow in 2020?   

Source: Pixabay

Mobile Accessibility

Another major tech trend for 2020 will be platforms available online being more willing to show how mobile-friendly they are, whether this is through a dedicated mobile gaming app or through sites developing their mobile accessibility.

Either way, showing a presence and easy navigation on mobile is key as the Call of Duty Mobile launch in October 2019 shows. The launch broke records to become the most downloaded game and to show just how integral mobile is to the gaming experience. Indeed, franchises with presences in other aspects of gaming are developing their mobile offerings as well. As casino review site Bonus Finder New Zealand shows, the casino industry is keen to highlight whether or not they have a mobile version of their games on alongside their welcome bonus offer, which represents a key feature in the world of online casino and the progression of accessible forms of gaming.

Source: Pixabay

Greater Gaming Tech

One of the major trends gaming is moving towards is the next stage of interconnectivity, including cloud gaming. Cloud gaming is expected to rise in value from around $97 million in 2019 to $450 million in 2023. Dependable and faster internet connections mean that cloud computing is more feasible for the average gamer. Technology will then allow you to game from any gadget live onto the cloud.

Granted, some are reticent about placing their gaming lives in the hands of the cloud. But this means that the mobile could be a conduit, especially as the amalgamation of 5G technology with cloud computing renders smartphones even smarter and more able for gamers. Mobile gaming has always been dependent on the technology available (remember Nokia's Snake?), so developments that actively attempt to make this better are welcomed by gamers. Developers understand the pull of mobile gaming, so they are working to close the gap between mobile gaming and other sectors of the industry.

Mobile gaming is one of the industries that can categorically be said to be expanding. This comes down to investment in the technology and a consumer need for the end products. Undoubtedly, 2020 will see more gaming systems showing their mobile accessibility as they understand the adapting ways in which we are gaming.

It will also see a rise in technology from cloud computing to the rollout of 5G, which will eliminate from mobile gaming the lag and latency that is often experienced by players. Taking all of this into account, the future looks very bright for mobile gaming.


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The mobile gaming market is booming. In the last few years, the video game industry has shifted towards mobile gaming, and with more significant game developers jumping on the bandwagon, it looks like it's only a matter of time before mobile gaming overtakes console and PC as the primary platform for gaming.

Why is mobile gaming so popular?

Mobile gaming is much more affordable than console or PC gaming. This is a major factor in the revenue generated by the mobile games industry, simply because more people own smartphones than consoles or PCs. A lot of mobile games are entirely free to download or are available for a small sum. For the majority of people, it's a much more affordable and convenient way to play.

According to a recent report by market intelligence company Newzoo, the global games market is expected to hit a total revenue of $152.1 billion this year. Mobile gaming remains the largest segment of the global games market in 2019 with $68.5 billion coming from mobile games, accounting for 45% of the worldwide market.

TabTale is an Israeli mobile game developer that has released over 500 original mobile games including the hugely popular Run Sausage Run, which achieved more than 20 million downloads in the first two months after it was released and has logged more than 50 million downloads shortly after. Run Sausage Run is a free to play endless runner with one-touch controls. It's a simple concept, but it's immensely fun and easy to play. The simplicity and accessibility of the majority of mobile games available on the marketplace is a significant factor in the popularity of smartphone gaming.

More companies developing mobile games

As smartphone technology continues to get better every year, more advanced mobile games are coming out all the time. This is a huge draw for online casinos like Betway, who have capitalised on the popularity of mobile gaming. Several online casinos have launched mobile apps and sites where players can choose from several interactive mobile casino games. One of the main reasons for mobile gaming popularity is that it's an easy and fun way to kill time during busy days when you're on a break or a train home. Also, more people own smartphones than own consoles or desktops.

Mobile gaming has become a large industry, and it's no surprise that a lot of traditional game studios are putting so much effort into mobile games. Square Enix brought its popular Final Fantasy series to mobile with the launch of Mobius Final Fantasy as well as Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, which has received more than 20 million downloads and is available on iOS and Android. In 2016, mobile gaming revenues surpassed PC and console games for the first time, generating $40.6 billion in global revenue.



Console games on mobile devices

While a lot of hardcore gamers refuse to recognize mobile gaming as ‘real gaming', this attitude is expected to change in the coming years as smartphones continue to advance and the processing power of mobile devices will be capable of running games with console-like graphics. We've already seen this with the launch of popular Battle Royale games like Fornite and PubG on iOS and Android which are capable of cross-platform play with console and PC players.

Cloud-based gaming is set to be a big thing in the future and could potentially replace the need for consoles. Cloud-based gaming allows you to stream games directly to your device, lifting the need for an expensive console or PC as all the heavy processing is done via cloud servers. With 5G right around the corner, it is possible we could see large A-games running on smartphone devices just as smoothly as they would on consoles.

To sum up

The mobile gaming industry continues to grow at an exponential rate and has already overtaken console gaming in revenue. However, it remains to be seen if mobile gaming will ever be capable of delivering the same kind of immersive gaming experience that consoles or PCs can offer. If you're interested in technology, then make sure to check out other posts on the Jerusalem Post for all the latest news and updates on all things tech-related.


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Roulette is one of the defining games of the casino industry, and it has been gracing gambling floors since the eighteenth century. The game has managed to weather the test of time thanks to a simple yet engaging gameplay strategy that has maintained striking similarity over the years. Roulette, like all other casino games, is dependent on luck for payouts. Even so, gamblers can apply some pointers to help increase the odds of winning without necessarily guaranteeing one. Numerous techniques can be used from claiming a no deposit bonus in roulette casinos to choosing one variation over the other. This piece touches on these approaches, along with others that have proved effective.

1.     Understand gameplay rules

Roulette applies one of the most straightforward gameplay strategies that accommodate punters of varying capabilities. The standard procedure is to place the desired bet on the number one thinks the small ball will fall in. Players can locate free roulette options in nearly every online gambling establishment that includes the game category. The demo version is fitted with fun credits that are used as wagers in the place of actual money. These variations apply the same regulations as the real money ones, which makes them ideal candidates for the venture.

2.               Play in a trustworthy casino

Real money roulette gameplay on the web can only be conducted in casinos. With thousands of options laid out, it can be confusing to come to a decision on which one to take your business to. Even though most gaming sites meet the requirements for high gambling standard, gamblers should note that there are rogue dens that operate with loose moral codes. One of the most effective ways to single out an ideal casino is by looking through their licensing information. Licensed casinos are usually regulated, which keeps them in line with specific standards for player satisfaction. 

3.               Claim bonuses

Bonuses and promotions are nothing new in nearly all roulette casinos since their provision has grown into a tradition. Punters can claim these offers and use them for gameplay in their chosen roulette sets. Even though it does not change the winning odds, the losses encountered will not dent the player's wallet. When taking up these offers, however, one should be keen to read through the terms and conditions attached to them. Some incentives are restricted for use in specific games while others are not cleared effectively of their playthrough requirement using roulette. 

4.               Choose European over American Roulette

Roulette comes in numerous variations, and the main ones are European and American Roulette. The American version, which spots two zero pockets, was the first variation of the game. European Roulette came into the picture later on as a creation of the Blanc Brothers, with one of the two zero pockets removed. Therefore, the game spots 37 instead of 38 pockets on the wheel. This drop increases the winning odds in European Roulette with a house edge of 2.7%. The American version has a higher edge of 5.36%.

5.               Place outside bets

Roulette accommodates a wide range of stakes that are placed in two classes - inside and outside bets. The former is the category of wagers on a single number or a small group of up to six of them. Outside bets consist of more significant stakes of between twelve and eighteen numbers. Since outside bets cover a large portion of the wheel, their chances of being landed are high, but the winnings they provide are smaller than those of inside bets. Colour, high/low, and parity stakes have the highest winning odds of one to one since they cover eighteen of the thirty-six numbers.

6.               Exploit La Partage and En Prison rules

La Partage and En Prison are additional rules featured in French Roulette, which is a variation of European Roulette. When the first rule is applied, players receive half their wager if the ball lands in the single zero pocket. The En Prison rule holds the gamer's stake hostage when the zero pocket is landed. The ball is spun one more time, and if the correct results appear, then one gets their stake back. Both of these rules only apply to even money bets.

7.               Use strategies

In the lengthy time roulette has been around, people have crafted various ways to try and beat the odds. One of these strategies is the Martingale, which requires players to double their stake after a loss and go back to the original value after a win. Another one is the Fibonacci Strategy, which follows the Fibonacci sequence to determine stakes. Each of these strategies comes with the promise of profits in the long run, but numerous risks are involved.

Final Comments

Increasing the odds of winning in roulette is possible, but it is never an assurance of a sure win. The game is dependent on chance, and even with the application of these pointers, gamers should play within a budget to avoid incurring massive losses.


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Modern technology is one of the most rapidly evolving innovations. New concepts are brought to life regularly and are utilized by dozens of industries. The online gaming industry is no exception, and it's significantly different than it was a few years ago. You no longer need to buy a disc to play your favorite game - just hop online and pick among hundreds of choices.

What is Cloud Gaming?

Cloud-based gaming is a term that describes how online games are facilitated. An online server processes these games, rather than your device. It's similar to video streaming, where your actions are visible in real-time. 

The "cloud" refers to servers that are located and accessed online, over the Internet. The databases and software that run these servers form part of the cloud as well. Cloud servers can be found all around the world in specific data centers

You can access the same applications and files from any device, since the storage of this information is held in the servers, and not on your device. This is why you can, for example,  access your various social media accounts on different smartphones and still have the same photos, videos, and messages available.


The cloud is used to meet a myriad of industry needs. Email providers rely heavily on cloud-based solutions, as do storage providers like Dropbox. Cloud-based gaming is just as popular nowadays and offers a variety of benefits.

Benefits of Cloud Gaming

Cloud-based solutions are transforming games online in numerous ways.

Enhanced Security

In the cloud, information is stored virtually. This means it's much more secure compared to other traditional platforms used in data storage. The risk of hacking is significantly minimized as well, which is one of the main concerns on the Internet. 

Device Compatibility

Before the availability of cloud-based solutions, it was challenging to access games on lower-end devices. Things like memory space, graphics, and processing capabilities imposed limitations. The technology wasn't fully optimized for cloud computing gaming, either, and Internet speeds were too slow. This is not the case anymore, and many devices can now enjoy the benefits of cloud gaming. 

Lower Operating Costs

Companies can cut costs on their server space and Internet bandwidth usage by using cloud-based solutions. Earlier gaming models caused companies to pay more for wider bandwidth in times of high traffic volumes, especially when new gaming titles were released. In the cloud, payments are conducted on a "pay-as-you-go" system, so companies only pay for the resources they use.

Easier Access to Games

Online casinos use the cloud to their advantage by offering instant-play games. You don't have to download or install anything to access your game of choice. For video games, you don't need to worry about loading up the disk to play. Instead, you can subscribe to a gaming provider, like Steam, and instantly gain access to the game selection. From there, you can download the games you enjoy and pick up where you left off on any supported device.

How Cloud Gaming Impacts Online Casinos

Cloud computer gaming offers the possibility of further innovations like virtual reality. Online casinos have dipped their toes into this idea, but it's still in the early stages. Virtual reality headsets can offer you a completely immersive casino experience from beginning to end. 

It sounds fantastic, but the costs associated with VR headsets are astronomical. Likewise, so are the costs of running and upgrading a computer linked to VR. This is where cloud computer gaming can come in handy and move the process along. Here are some ways that online casinos could develop in the future, according to our expert Kevin N. Cochran:


  • Blackjack - There's a VR release titled "Blackjack Bailey" available already, and it shows how exciting a casino VR experience is.

  • Roulette - Roulette could one day integrate live dealers into the VR world, and you could see the actual casino from your couch.

  • Slots - VR slots could offer an immersive experience with the varying themes that are incorporated. You could even try the demo version first and then play free slots, Canada

  • Poker - Imagine a VR world where every player has their own avatar. Finding your opponent's entails a whole new ballgame. 


Cloud-based solutions are transforming the online gaming industry. They provide real-time data and the ability to engage in games from a variety of devices. The cloud also offers enhanced security measures, lower operating costs, as well as easier access to games. The addition of virtual reality could add a brand new layer to online gaming as well. Why not visit an online operator and see the possibilities of cloud gaming for yourself?

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Once the domain of a shady underworld and knowing the "right people," sports betting has evolved with the times. Today you can bet on your favorite teams without leaving your home or even firing up your PC.

These days, sports betting companies like Sbobet offer their clients the convenience of mobile betting. As you'll see in the image below, mobile betters have full access to all the same features as they do on a computer, but in a simplified format.

Considering that sports betting started in back alleys, it's come a long way in a short time. This progress was, however, out of necessity. With online gambling providing punters a quick and easy way to get their kicks, sports betting companies had to adapt or become obsolete.


Mobile Is the Ideal Medium


With mobile technology improving consistently, being out of contact is somewhat tricky. Combine that with the power of the web, and it's easy for punters to bet on matches globally. Punters took to the convenience of mobile betting quickly.

After all, if they're up at three in the morning desperate for some action, they've got the perfect outlet. They might bet on basketball in the United States or on an ostrich race halfway around the world.


Mobile Is Convenient for the Sports Betting Companies Too


Manually keeping track of all the action in one city is difficult. You'd have to find the matches, physically work out the odds, keep track of bets, and calculate payouts at the end.

With the introduction of computers, these tasks become a lot simpler. Sports betting companies could now also track games in several locations and assign odds using specialized algorithms. Mobile was a natural extension of this functionality when smartphones came onto the scene.

Mobile adds an extra element of excitement for the punter. For example, they can make bets from the stadium while watching the game.


Why Aren't There Many Sports Betting Apps?


You'd think that sports betting companies like Sbobet would develop an app for their clients to use. Most have, however, opted to go a different way. They've decided instead to create mobile sites designed to work across a range of devices.  

This broader approach makes sense in that it allows them to reach the widest audience. The broad reach does, however, come at the expense of user experience. Users operating off smaller screens find the process somewhat frustrating.

The upshot is that while all the basic features are present across a range of devices, accessing all of them on a smaller screen requires some practice. Still, as punters, we're happy to swap some functionality for the ability to place our bets on the go.


The Future of Sports Betting


Sports betting companies are highly responsive to their clients' needs. With the increasing popularity of mobile betting, we can expect companies to streamline their operations in this area even more in the future.

More technologically advanced smartphones will further assist in improving the overall user experience for mobile betting. Who knows - maybe ten years from now, smartwatches will become the next evolution in mobile betting.

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Since as early as the 17th century, Roulette has delivered mystery and excitement in equal measure to casino-goers - and it certainly hasn't slowed down in the digital age. The classic casino pursuit which is as much about risk as it is reward continues to delight. Online, you'll be able to find both original versions of the game: American and European Roulette, as well as games with the French rules and new variations with modern twists. Let's explain all you need to know before playing the game and if you're attracted to the glamour and mystique, join in the fun at Megalotto.

Basic rules

It doesn't matter whether you're playing in a land-based casino or online at home, the rules are much the same. Follow three simple steps:

  1. Place your bets - there are many different kinds of bets you can make, and we'll discuss these next;

  2. Watch as the ball spins around the wheel - if you're at a land-based casino, the croupier will throw it in and announce "no more bets", while online, technology and RNGs (random number generators) dictate play;

  3. Wait for the wheel to stop spinning - if the ball lands in your chosen pocket, you're a winner. Your winnings will vary depending on the bet you've placed.

Types of bet

There are two different kinds of bet that can be made: inside and outside. Inside bets concern the numbers, whether that be wagering on an individual number or a selection of numbers. Outside bets include anything else on the table, describing the type of number, for example if it's red or black, high or low, or in a specific position on the table.

Let's break it down further with these charts -

Inside bets:




A bet on a single number, e.g. 7


A bet on two adjacent numbers, e.g. 7 and 10


A bet on a row of three numbers, e.g. 7, 8, 9


Similar to a split, but a bet on four numbers which meet at the same corner, e.g. 7, 8, 10, 11


Similar to a street, but a bet on two rows of three numbers (also called a six-number bet), e.g. 7, 8, 9 and 10, 11, 12


Only available in European Roulette, a bet on the first four numbers, e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3


Only available in American Roulette, a bet on the group of numbers 0, 00, 1, 2, 3 (also known as five-number)

Outside bets:



Red or Black

Betting on whether the winning number will be red or black in colour

Odd or Even

Betting on whether the winning number will be odd or even

Low or High

Betting on whether the winning number will be low (1-18) or high (19-36)


Betting on whether the winning number will be from column 1, 2 or 3 on the table


Betting on whether the winning number will be from the first (1-12), second (13-24) or third (25-36) dozen

Odds and pay-outs

As we have already mentioned, the pay-outs vary depending on the bets you have placed. This also means that the odds vary, depending on how likely it is that your bet will land. It's worth knowing that even money bets don't offer a 50/50 chance of winning, because they also factor in the 0, and 00 if you're playing American Roulette. This is where the casino gets their advantage. The house edge in European Roulette is 2.7%, while in American Roulette, it's a lot higher, at 5.26%.

Here's all you need to know about odds and pay-outs -



American Odds

European Odds












Line (six-number)






























There you have it. All you need to know before you give the ‘Devil's Wheel' a spin. Will Lady Luck be on your side?

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After months of promises and rumors, 5G is finally here with us! It is already available in big cities in Europe and the US, and more countries are expected to take advantage of the next-gen technology in the coming months. Actually, the world 5G market is expected to hit $49.41 by the end of 2021.

Experts say the technology can revolutionize the way human beings interact with both the virtual and physical worlds. Gaming is one of the main areas cited by manufacturers that is going to be changed considerably by 5G. But what exactly is the 5G network, and what does it mean for the gambling industry? 

5G in short

Specific estimations of to what extent technology will change ranges from 'fast' to 'super-fast internet.' Starting with what most reliable technology sites hype, we can expect speeds of between 300 to 1000Mbs per second in the initial stages, but some tests show speeds of up to around 25GB per second in specific locations.

This about 200 times faster than the average speeds of a 4G network! 

Now, chances are you already know how disappointing a slow internet speed can be, but be as it may people are still streaming videos and playing games online on the 'slow' 4G Internet. So, what is the catch with 5G?

Any online gambler knows that the problem is not only about speed, but also about stability and latency. What makes 5G really different is minimized latency.

Low latency and great stability will result from using short-range frequencies and advancements with both hardware and software. What's more, expansion of the technology will make sure that both rural locations and densely populated areas see fast, yet stable connections.

The latency is expected to be less than 5ms, which is ten times better than that of a 4G connection. This eliminates network latency almost wholly and is the main reason some people can afford to dream of remote surgeries, smart cities, and automated vehicles. For gaming, AR, interactive streaming, and cloud computing are good examples.

5G and the gambling industry?

According to Newzoo, the global gaming industry will generate $159.3 billion by the end of 2020. Clearly, this estimate considered the launch of the 5G revolution, given that it will allow games in both Casinos and sites to be played quickly and faster than before. 

Similarly, according to the UK's 2019 gambling commission figures, in general, gambling revenue reduced by 0.4 percent from 2018, but online gambling revenue increased by 2.9 percent. This essentially means that there are people who are yearning for the 5G connection, but why?

  • Cloud Gaming will be faster. 

Faster cloud computing will allow players to play even heavy games through reliable sites like Betiton, the Online Casino in New Zealand on any device without latency problems. Also, you will be able to stream games flawlessly to a tablet or smartphone. 

In return, this is expected to considerably reduce demand for physical slots because players will get high quality and flexible gaming experiences directly from the cloud. This is the main reason why gambling slot developers are now heavily investing in streaming services.

  • Virtual Reality

5G will also allow for more use of virtual reality in casino games. If you have gambled before on your phone, you know how frustrating it can be when it goes off because of a low battery; however, with 5G, that will be history, as it promises to burn considerably less power.

  • Live Casino Games in Real-Time

While playing online games works reasonably well on most devices, if you want to play a live game in real-time, there are a few issues that might restrict you. 

For instance, a poor internet connection will adversely affect your play and make you lose anything you have won. Also, players must fulfill particular technical requirements to be able to play a live game.

Nonetheless, 5G takes care of all that. One main benefit is that sites will load ten times faster, as it offers speeds of up to 10 gigabytes per second. This means flawless gambling on any device from anywhere in the world.

  • In-stadium betting

5G will also sharply change the sports betting area as it will allow players to bet while attending sporting events. As mentioned earlier, poor connectivity problems hurt gamblers' desire to play while attending events, but with the enhanced bandwidth, 5G would be the game-changer.

From now on

Although it is still early to make specific conclusions on how the 5G network will affect the gaming industry, it is clear that it will come with lots of goodies for the gambling industry. Tons will be discovered as more states and countries implement and test the next-gen technology. 

Yes, information on the network is still scanty, but you cannot ignore the fact that it holds thousands of incredible opportunities for the gaming sector.


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The Samsung Galaxy Tablet!


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The iPad by Apple!


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Are you wondering how to take a good picture from cheap phones? Gone are the days when you had to take cameras with you to take pictures. In today's advanced world, you just need your phone to take great pictures. Camera phones have improved impressively, but still, they are not great for taking quality photos in the first attempt. However, a good photographer can take beautiful pictures with any device that can capture photos. In this article, we have talked about how to take better pictures using your android phone.

Take a look at the tips for taking great pictures using best android phones.

Avoid Using Digital Zoom

In recent times, all the phones feature digital zoom function. It is great if you pretend that it doesn't exist. You can see for yourself, your image degrades the moment you start to zoom. The zoom lens in your cheap android phones is missing. This is why your phone just enlarges the image digitally. As a result of this, it decreases the detail resolution of the picture. Instead of taking a picture using digital zoom, you can move closer by a few steps.

Clean The Lens

Another great tip for you to follow is by cleaning the lens of yourphone. In order to take great pictures, you must have a clean camera lens. Your best android phones spend a lot of time in your pocket or purse. In there a lot of dust and dirt can get on your lens. It is recommended to clean the lens of your camera with a cleaning cloth. You can use the cleaning cloth from optician to clean the camera lens without damaging it.

Change Camera Settings

Next tip that you should keep in mind is that there are various camera settings. The settings vary depending on your phone. You can change the settings before taking a picture. Find out more about the settings and get ready to take bright and better pictures.

LED Flash

It is advised to use flash in emergencies only. Using a flash is not a good option as it destroys a quality picture. The color of the picture suffers as the background is nearly disappeared and the forefront is brightened.

Moreover, the flash of cheap android phones will offer you great pictures only if the appropriate light is missing. However, the result is not very good as the subject will be overexposed. The flash will cause hard shadows that takeout the natural element from the pictures.

You can use a semi-translucent white tape and stick it over the flash of your Android phone. This will decrease the hardness of the lightning and will give a smooth light. It will provide beautiful and natural pictures.


One of the most important things to get a great picture is to have the subject well lit. This is why you should look for light sources. A neon sign or rays of sunshine are a good example. You will have to pay attention to the subject, whether you can see it clearly or not. If not, you can change your angle, reposition the subject or look for a little shady place. The most common mistake that most of the people make is thehaving a strong light behind your subjects. This is a good choice if you want to have a silhouette effect.


A picture doesn't have to be straight on. You can try a different angle, it is necessary for having a great picture. You can get down on your knees for taking a picture or you can go on ahigh surface and take a picture downward. This technique gives you interesting photos. The picture from below often gives you double chin so you should be very careful when taking pictures from below.


Another tip is to play with reflections, this is because our eyes are attracted to reflections. Everyone loves a picture in which sky is reflected in thewater. It is pleasant to see a picture like this. This is why you must try to play with them in a picture. There are many places where you can find the reflections. For example, vast bodies of water like lake, puddles, mirror, metallic surfaces and drinking glasses.

Have a Steady Support

To take an amazing picture, you must have a steady support for your best android phones. Having a steady support is crucial especially when there is low light. You will already be struggling with your phone to get appropriate light. You can always use a tripod, but that means you will have to carry one more thing around with you. There are many options that can give you the support for asteady hand. You can use a table, a wall or mantelpiece.


You should not be afraid to edit the photos you took with your Android phone. Composing and taking the photos is the first step, the next step is to edit your photos. It helps in making your photos compelling. With the help of filters, you can make your photos better. You can make everything better, from facial photos to food photos. There are plenty of photo editing apps that you can use. Try and find out which you like the most and produce fantastic photos.

In the end, it all comes down to you, your skill, knowledge, and eye. All these things will make the pictures worth looking at. Take best pictures using your phone and share it with the rest of theworld. You can take great pictures with the help of these tips. However, not all these tips can work in all the situation. You will have to practice and do experiments to find what works best for you. You can even use different camera apps to take great pictures. What tips do you have for taking a great picture from the camera of your cheap phones? Let us know in the comments below. 

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Optimising a website for mobile is crucial in modern-day society as Mobile-First indexing is now the primary way that Google begins to rank websites since mobile search surpassed that of desktop in 2016. Since then the way people interact with Google and other search engines leading to business having to optimise for Mobile as their primary source of traffic. In this article, we will be looking into how you can ensure your business is mobile optimised with a few simple steps. 

Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile Optimised 

First, off you should be looking at your site as a whole. If it is not mobile optimised at this time it could be hurting your rankings significantly when compared to your competitors. It is because of this that is crucial you begin to optimise your site for mobile use. Whether this is a different URL for mobile or a dynamic site that can cater to all forms of online devices, this will help to boost rankings in the long term. This can be completed in house or with the help of one of the best marketing agency London has to offer and can help to boost traffic and rankings as your mobile site is improved. 

Make The Website Accessible And Dynamic 

In addition to making sure the website is optimised, it could also be dynamic. This means that the webpage can be navigated and read clearly across several different devices. This is crucial as this can prevent the way that people interact with your business. By ensuring the website is readable across a number of devices you are likely to see many conversions increase. However, if the website does not work and cannot be navigated clearly, this can lead to a higher bounce rate over time. 

Tailor Your Content To Mobile Devices 

Though the website must be navigational, it is important to note that long pages full of content are not advised on mobile devices as audiences tend to enjoy short snappy content that can be read within just a few moments. These are small changes that can be made to some of the pages on the mobile site to accommodate the fast-paced nature of the field you are operating in. Though this can take time to implement, this will help to improve rankings as well as provide a seamless user experience regardless of the device the customer is using. 

Test, Test And More Testing 

The final element to remember when optimising your company for mobile optimisation is testing. It is crucial that the changes you have made work as this can affect the ranking of your site. Though these can sometimes be unavoidable depending on hosting and numerous other variables, it is easier for you to monitor should you be testing things regularly. This will also prevent any downtime as a result of changes helping to ensure that the mobile optimisation process is a success. By having a development team monitor this for you or an in-house developer, you are then able to resolve any issues as soon as they are found. 

Regardless of the size of your business, it is now crucial that your business is mobile optimised. With recent technological changes and the development of mobile-first indexing, there is no excuse for your website to not be optimised as this can be affecting your rankings when compared to your direct competitors.


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No, Google is not making chocolates and yes, it's been hinted that Android v8 could be called Oreo. Hiroshi Lockheimer, the head of Android had earlier posted a GIF image on Twitter that showed a dessert with Oreos sticking all around it in a ring formation. Normally, we would think that this almost confirms that the next Android OS will be called Oreo. However, we are not so sure this time.

It is very likely that Lockheimer is actually trying to pull one on us! He did the same last year when he had hinted in a similar way that Android OS v7 could be called Nutella. As Nutella never really came to be, Oreo could be looking at the same fate. We will have to wait for at least a few more months before we know for sure though.

Did you like the name Oreo? Do you think this would be a good name or do you agree that the head of Android is trolling us? Let us know your point of views regarding the matter in the comments below.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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Well, today we are going to talk about one of the most important topics in the tech world so far! If you are tired of playing poker, then you must start reading the article so that you can update your android device and start playing poker online too with your own android device. We were receiving a lot of queries about android updates, so we thought of giving it a go today!

So now if you have an android device these days, especially Samsung then you will normally find no problems in an android update if it isn't for your country's location and whether the software has hit the ground over there yet. Other devices have a different interface, and it can sometimes be difficult to find the method to update these devices so let us begin with the details of the article!

Updating The Device Automatically!


This is the first way of updating your android device and is frankly the most used way of getting your device up to date. Now when you get a new phone and sign with your Google account in it, you must know that the device is automatically connected to the Google updates that include android updates as well.

In some cases, people accidentally stop the phone from updating automatically, and some do it intentionally thinking that it wastes the battery of the smartphone. So, first of all, let us clear this misconception that no battery is affected with this feature being on. So if you have turned it off you can simply turn it on from the settings app on your phone, you just have to find that option of a software update in the about phone tab!

Updating The Device Manually!


The second and the most common way is to update your device manually by checking for updates manually on your phone. You can easily do so by navigating to the software update tab in the settings of your phone. When you navigate that you will see that it has an option for checking updates manually if you press that button the phone will automatically search for updates available from the web and then will ask your permission about the update.

You can set the update to be done there and then, and you can also plan to do so overnight by setting the time of the update. Now in some cases, you can still not find the update on your phone even though you know it is available on the web.

Forcefully Updating Your Device!


The third way is to update your device forcefully is by just downloading the android version on your laptop or desktop and connect your phone with the USB port and install it manually. You can easily do so by just downloading the best version available online and after checking the compatibility with your device, you can go for the installation! This is one of the least methods used as it can damage the phone memory!


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Android Wear 2015 logo

If you want to buy an Android Wear powered Smartwatch to pair with your Android Smartphone/Tablet, it's a very good idea especially with all the new features Available for the Wear platform. However, you might need to check if the Smartwatch you gonna buy will be compatible with your current Smartphone firmware/Android version.


Android Wear is designed to work with Android phones running 4.3 or higher. In this tutorial we will show you how to use the Official Google Wear Compatibility Check tool to see if Wear's Smartwatches will work on your device or not.



Follow these Steps:


1- First Make sure that the Android Device that you want to Check it's compatibility (Smartphone/Tablet); is connected to the Internet.


2- Open any Web browser you have it installed on your device (Chrome is preferred).


3- In the Address bar write this URL and open it https://g.co/WearCheck (not case sensitive).


4- After opening the URL, wait until it loads and check the result...



Green wear


If you Got a Green Phone with a Green Watch logo, this means your device is Compatible with ALL Android Wear Powered Smartwatches. Hurray!



Red Wear


If you Got a Red Phone with a Red Watch logo, this means your device is NOT compatible with any Android Wear Powered Smartwatches and you might need to update your Smartphone firmware or upgrade it ot a newer model with Android 4.3+ in order to get this work. Hard luck!


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Lollipop icons


Want to get Android 5.0 Lollipop look ? If you're still waiting for the lollipop update to hit your phone or you just want to enjoy the gorgeous flat design of lollipop... We have the solution for you and it won't even cost you a cent.





Let's start with Android 5.0 Lollipop Icons set first. To get the Android Lollipop flat Materiel Design Icons, All you need to do is to Install Moonshine Lollipop Icon Pack Free from the Play Store, which packs all official Lollipop icons along with some other flat icons.


Moonshine Icon Pack [Play]



lollipop wallpapers


After getting the Lollipop Icons, It's Time to get the Lollipop Wallpapers too. Here's the 11 official Lollipop wallpaper from the latest Developer Preview released from Google, just download them all from the link below... Hello Lollipop!


Lollipop Wallpapers [Google Drive]



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Android 5.0 lollipop

In order to Improve multi-tasking on smartphones even more, Google Chrome 39 on Android 5.0 Lollipop is adding a new feature merging browser tabs with recent tasks, so you can switch between tabs using the system-wide App switcher.


If you don't want this feature, Here's How to Get Tabs Back In Chrome for Lollipop:


Step 1
On any Chrome window, tap the 3 dots in the upper-right:

chrome lollipop



Step 2
Tap "Settings" (you may have to scroll down):

chrome lollipop



Step 3
Tap "Merge tabs and apps":

chrome lollipop



Step 4
Tap the toggle in the upper-right to the off position:

chrome lollipop



Step 5
Hit "OK" in the dialog window that pops up, and Chrome will restart:

chrome lollipop


Chrome will now use tabs like it did before, and each tab will not show up as a separate task in the Android app switcher.


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Nexus 6 Root

In this tutorial we will show you hot to Root your Moto Nexus 6 with a 1-Click tool kit. Simple steps that are easy to do and not too much files to download. Check the Requirements first, then follow the Steps below it. NOTE: Rooting will void your warranty and may brick your device, root at your own risk.


The most simplified and user-friendly way to root your Nexus 6 is using the Nexus Root Toolkit, developed by XDA's WugFresh, which is compatible with a wide range of Nexus devices, including the more popular Nexus 5, 6, and 9. It's a simple Windows program that allows you to do several things.



Toolkit Root Tutorial:


Step 1. Enable developer options menu on your Nexus 6: Settings > Tap your Build 7 times (then configure drivers if you haven't already with the driver guide)


Step 2. Open developer options: Settings > Developer Options


Step 3. Enable USB Debugging, and "enable oem unlock"


Nexus root tookit


Step 4. In Nexus Root Toolkit on your PC, select the correct device and build (what you are currently running)


Step 5. Configure your drivers if you haven't already using the driver guide


Step 6. If you need to, backup your important data.


Nexus root toolkit


Step 7. Unlock your device (if needed)


Step 8. Root your device


Step 9. Done! your Nexus 6 is now Rooted...




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Li ion battery


Li-ion Batteries are indeed the most crucial hardware components, every Smartphone has one, and it is always NOT enough for the user's needs. Taking a good care of your battery is a very important matter as its capacity wears by time which affects other parts of your device.


In this tutorial here, we will provide you this Technical Smart Tips to improve your Battery's lifetime and improves its performance along a normal day usage.


battery status


How to Care for your Smartphone's battery the correct way:


1. Several partial charges are better than a full one

Well, just like in real life, several sprint sessions are better than a marathon. Lithium-ion batteries appreciate partial charging, for example from 30% to 60% or from 45% to 79%, as this keeps the battery's cells close to their ideal state for longer. This means that you have no excuse not to charge your phone several times a day if you can do so.


2. Avoid complete discharges

Okay, extremities are bad for your battery's health. Leaving it at maximum voltage for a long period of time is bad, but draining it all the way down to 0% is even worse. While modern batteries can't fully discharge (whatever you do, there's still a small amount of electricity that will remain unavailable to your phone's hungriness), hitting the rock bottom of your juicer means that some of the battery's cells will no longer be able to hold charge. And this is pretty bad.


3. Your phone's battery feels best at ~40%

There's a reason why the batteries of most phones come pre-charged between 40% and 50% - this is the ideal state of a battery as the voltage is neither too high, nor too low. First of all, this exact charge level does not stress the battery's cells, yet it still allows it to slowly discharge itself while waiting for the impatient user to provide a steady flow of electrical current.


4. Avoid high temperatures

High temperatures are bad for your battery. Your battery can lose up to 80% of its overall capacity if you store it at temperatures of 140F (60C) in a year, though we doubt that anyone will do so. At 77F (or 25C), your phone will lose less than 20% of its maximum capacity for one year.


5. Low temperatures are a no-no as well

If you need to store a battery (due to reasons unknown), make sure that you don't subject it to extremely low temperatures, as freezing deteriorates cells' ability to hold charge, similar to the way heat affects them.


6. Leaving your battery depleted for a long time will render it useless

Normally, your lithium-ion battery will be depleted if the voltage level falls down to roughly 3.0V/cell. If, however, the voltage inside the battery falls below 2.7V/cell, the battery's protective circuits will put into the so-called "sleep" mode, making it nonchargeable naturally, that's the worst case scenario. That's why it's advisable to always make sure that the battery is charged to some extent ideally,that'd be around 40%, as we already mentioned.


7. Lithium-ion batteries have a shelf life

Simply put, you shouldn't stock up on lithium-ion batteries regardless whether you use them or not, they slowly degrade over time and their maximum capacity deteriorate. Instead, buy a new battery immediately before you put it inside your device.


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S6 tutorial


Samsung's two latest Android flagships, Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge will be launching on many regions very soon (early April). The Galaxy S6 and S6 edge have a beautiful screen on their side, with lots of new customization options coming via ways of themes that change the icons, wallpapers, font, and the overall appearance of the phone. Which makes you want to share your beautiful home screen with everyone online... you probably wondering how to take screenshots on these two phones, here's the tutorial.


How do you take a screenshot on the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge ?



It's all very simple: just simultaneously press the big round home key up front and the power/lock key on the side. You'll hear a short click, and then a zippy animation will show the screengrab flying off the display. The screenshot will then appear in your notification dropdown and it will be automatically saved into the gallery app where you can see it, edit it, and share it.

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Samsung Pixel Battery Saver Booster


If you own a Samsung Galaxy device, you probably have Battery life issues ? Right ? Most of the battery life problems is caused by Samsung's super AMOLED displays, as they are huge (5.0" - 6.0") with resolutions various from FHD to QHD which means more pixels to power and more brightness needed. The display consumes an average of 45% to 55% of your battery life. Don't worry we have a solution for you... Easy and Safe too!


To increase your battery life you will need to reduce the number of pixels on your screen by reducing the resolution of your screen. Placing black spots in a pattern over the screen will actually turn off the pixels in those locations (because in AMOLED tech black color is achieved by actually turning off the pixels on the display). So parts of your screen will be turned off. You'll do that using a simple App that does NOT require any Rooting at all.


Increase Battery Life by Following these Instructions:

1. Download Pixel Battery Saver
Download & Install the App from Google Play Store Here [FREE]





2. Choose level of effect
The app will apply a filter over your screen, placing black pixels in a pattern. You can choose the pattern's density as soon as you launch it.





3. Activating the filter
This is what happens when the app is doing its work. Note that the effect looks much less pronounced on the actual phone's screen.



4. Want battery saving only?
If you only wish to reduce your screen's sharpness when the battery is running low, tap on the "Booting" tab on the top right, then check "Start on specific battery level" and "And only then" (if you wish to not be able to turn the filter on manually), then use the slider below to set the battery threshold.


battery save



5. Permanent notification and quicktoggle
The app runs in persistent mode, so Android can't close it at random. Its notification will give you a quick on / off toggle, too, so that makes it useful



6. Toggle at will
And there you go - you are free to reduce the screen's sharpness at will and save some precious battery. Now combine this with Power Saving Mode for some extreme longevity!




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boot lopp


Manually flashing firmware updates to your Samsung device is the fastest way to get updates, even if the firmware is official and 100% safe, there is still a chance for ERROR!


Any error can lead your Samsung device to boot loop. which means the device will keep restarting without booting into the operating system, this happens when you flash wrong firmware version or using a corrupt file. Good News, we have a solution for that.


boot loop


You can easily get out of a boot loop by just following the steps provided on the video below. Don't forget to check out our YouFirmware section, we provide 100% official Samsung Lollipop / Marshmallow firmwares.

Video [YouTube]

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Have you ever struggled with writing an essay? Probably every student has problems with this type of assignment at least once in a lifetime. No matter whether it is a 12-page research paper, a dissertation, or a lab report, it can be equally difficult for a freshman as well as an experienced student. Usually, the biggest problems occur with the smallest assignments - essays.

The art of writing an essay is not an easy one. It is quite hard to fit everything you want to discuss on the topic into a limited number of words (400-500). But it won't be a problem if you know how to do those assignments properly. And we're not talking about format and style only. It is about the way you organize the writing process and the steps you follow. Interested in becoming a better writer? You have two options - to ask a professional Australian writing service to do my assignment for me if you live in Australia, or to read this article and apply new knowledge in practice. The decision is up to you.

So, let's have a look at our best recommendations on writing a winning essay.

How to Write Essays

It doesn't matter what type of essay you have. The following recommendations can be applied even for writing a dissertation or a research paper.

  1. Planning. Don't start working on your essay if you don't have a clear plan on how to do it. Sit down, analyze the topic, and think what materials you might need to compose a profound paper. What kind of books? What type of online sources? Are you going to quote famous people? Where are you planning to get all of those materials?
  2. Then, start brainstorming. We don't recommend going to the library immediately after writing a plan. Before searching for the books, figure out what you already know about the topic. Brainstorming is the easiest way to do this. Just write down your thoughts and ideas on the given topic. Then, filter them and pick only the most interesting or unique one.
  3. Go to the library. It is hard to avoid visit to the library if you want to create a qualitative content. Or you can search for digital versions of the books online instead of getting the printed ones in the library. Keep in mind that not all books are available on the Internet. And don't rely on Wikipedia only. It is definitely not a great source for an essay with an academic level. Do a profound research.
  4. Since you have all the materials, you can start organizing them in the logical order. Create a plan for your future essay. For example, introduction, body, conclusion. Or make it more detailed if you want. For this, you can use a five-paragraph strategy of writing an essay.
  5. Write introduction first. We don't recommend working on your essay in a chaotic way when you write body part, conclusion, and introduction in a random order. Always start with the introduction. It will help you to see the course of writing clearly. Don't forget about a thesis statement, which comes at the end of the introduction and informs the main point of your work in one sentence. Your thesis statement and introduction, in general, should tell the reader what your essay is going to be about.
  6. Then, work on the body part and conclusion. If a body paragraph is not a big problem for most students, a concluding part is a confusing one. Remember that you shouldn't include any new information in the conclusion. The concluding part should put together everything that has been said in the essay. It is like a rewritten introduction.


  1. And the last but not the least is proofreading/editing. Those two processes are a part of writing too. The most effective way to revise your paper is by proofreading and editing for a couple of times on different days. For example, write it today and proofread tomorrow. Then, leave it for a day. And come back to proofread one more time. Why do you need this? It gives a clearer image of what you've written before. Every time you read your paper, you notice something that can or should be improved or added. You can also ask your friend or family members to read your essay aloud. What do they think about it? And what do you think about it? Does it sound great?

If you follow all of these recommendations step by step, your writing skills will become more professional. Thus, your papers will be more qualitative, allowing you to expect higher grades than you've ever got. So try these tips in practice if you want to avoid stress while doing your next writing assignment.

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How to Recover Deleted Photos from Android Phone for Free

Irrespective of how you lose your photos, you would want to know how to get the pictures back. In this article, we will show you the solutions you can use whenever you lose your important photos. However, before we show you how to recover deleted photos from Android phone for free, let's whether it is actually possible to recover deleted photos.

Can You Recover Deleted Photos on Android?

Android photo recovery is made possible by the fact that after photos get deleted, they aren't moved from your Android device permanently. Irrespective of whether you use the device's internal storage or you have an SD card, the deleted data is still available on the smartphone. You just can't see it.

The space occupied by the deleted photos is simply marked as available by the Android OS. When you create more data on your device, the data could end up replacing the deleted pictures. This is referred to as overwriting. If your deleted photos get overwritten, recovering them becomes impossible.

To make sure that your photos do not get overwritten, you can do the following:

  • Stop using your Android device the moment you realize that you have lost your photos.
  • Turn off both the Wi-Fi and mobile data. Both can save new data on your device and hence overwriting your deleted pictures.
  • Don't format your device.
  • If possible, turn the device off until you find a viable solution.

Top Solutions to Use When You Lose Photos on an Android Device

Solution 1: Use an Android Data Recovery Application

A good Android data recovery tool should have the ability to take advantage of the fact that the deleted data is still available on the device. While there are numerous android data recovery tools online and on Google Play Store, very few tools work. Most tools offer a wide range of promises but fail to keep them.

One application which stands out is FindMyPhoto from Starzsoft. The tool already has some positive comments from users who were satisfied with the results produced by the app. The tool will work with all devices running on Android 2.2 and above. This means that it should work with your Android phone or tablet.

Unlike most Android data recovery tools which require your device to be rooted, this tool will work on any device irrespective of whether it is rooted or not. People who use Photo Recovery & Video Recovery to undelete their deleted photos enjoy a wide range of features, including:

  • The tool is incredibly easy to use.
  • It is not just capable of recovering deleted photos, it will also help you to recover your lost videos.
  • The tool will help you save the deleted photos and videos.
  • To use the tool, you won't need to have access to a computer.
  • The tool can help you recover your photos from both the smartphone storage space and memory card.
  • The tool won't just recover PNG files, it can also help you get your JPG pictures back.

To verify that this data recovery tool is incredibly easy to use, we have outlined the steps you need to follow to recover your deleted photos:

Step 1: Open Google Play Store on your Android device and search for Photo Recovery & Video Recovery. Install the application on your device.

Step 2: Launch the tool and click the "Tap to Recovery" button. This should be available in the middle of the screen. Allow the tool to scan your device for deleted photos.

Step 3: After the scanning, the tool will display all your deleted pictures. You can preview the pictures and select the ones you would like to recover.

Step 4: Finally, tap Select and Recovery on the bottom right corner. This should help you get your deleted photos back.

Solution 2: Retrieve Your Lost Pictures from Google Photos

If your device is running on a recent Android version, it should have Google Photos on it. If you have already synced Google Photos with your Gmail account, you may be able to recover your deleted photos via the Google service.

It is worth noting that once you delete your photos, recovery from the Google Photos will be possible within the first 2 months (60 days). After the first 60 days have passed, the photos will be deleted permanently.

If you do have Google Photos on your Android device, follow the steps below to learn how to recover deleted photos from Android phone for free from Google Photos:

Step 1: Locate the Google Photos icon on your Android device and tap on it to launch the app.

Step 2: On the top-left corner, tap the 3-horizontal bar menu.

Step 3: On the menu that appears, select Trash.

Step 4: All the photos you have deleted within the last 60 days should appear in this folder. Preview the pictures and select the ones you would like to get back.

Step 5: Finally, click Restore.

Solution 3: Restore the Deleted Photos Via Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage service offered by Google. The steps you need to follow to recover your deleted photos on Android via Google Drive are almost similar to the ones you follow when recovering photos from Google Photos. We have outlined these steps below:

Step 1: Locate Google Drive on your phone and launch it.

Step 2: Click the three horizontal dashes available on the top-left corner. Next, select Trash.

Step 3: Select the photos you would like to recover and then select the three dots available on the top right corner. From the options which appear, select Restore.

Solution 4: Recover Deleted Pictures from Dropbox

If you use Dropbox on your Android device, there is a chance that your deleted pictures could be available on the cloud service. Unlike Google Photos which saves deleted photos for 60 days, Dropbox saves the deleted files for a maximum of 30 days. To get your deleted pictures from Dropbox, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Fire up your computer and visit Dropbox from the web browser.

Step 2: Use your credentials to log in.

Step 3: Select Files and then tap Deleted Files.

Step 4: Preview the files available in the Deleted Files folder and select the ones you would like to recover.

Solution 5: Recover Your Lost Photos from Microsoft OneDrive

If you have Microsoft OneDrive on your Android device, there is a chance that your photos could be available on the cloud service. OneDrive, similar to Dropbox, stores your deleted pictures for 30 days before erasing them permanently. However, if the recycle bin exceeds 10% of the total storage space, the cloud storage service may delete the pictures sooner. Follow the steps below to learn how to recover deleted photos from Android phone for free from OneDrive:

Step 1: Launch the application.

Step 2: Select Me > Recycle Bin.

Step 3: Select the files you would like to get back.

Step 4: Finally click the Restore button.

Solution 6: Use a Computer Program

The first thing you need to note about this solution is that it is not free. While most computer data recovery programs do have a free trial version, to access the programs' full features, you will have to pay.

There are numerous data recovery tools you can use. A simple search online should bring up these solutions. Before deciding to use a specific program, make sure that the program has nice comments from previous users. This is the only ideal way to make sure that the program can help you get your lost data back.

It is worth noting that desktop programs work in a similar manner as Photo Recovery & Video Recovery. They will only have the ability to recover your data if the files are not yet overwritten. The main difference between computer programs and the app introduced in solution 1 above is that computer programs will store the recovered photos on your computer.



If you have lost some of your important photos, you shouldn't get frustrated. You can always get the pictures back. All you will have to do is use a data recovery tool. We have introduced an Android data recovery tool in this article. Apart from the tool being easy to use, it is free. If you do use cloud storage services on your Android device, you can use the steps outlined in this article to recover your lost photos from the cloud storage.

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Taking pictures with your smartphone at night can be a disappointment; you will face low light situation with extreme contrast and add noise. But luckily, you can turn around with a few tips to see how it works.

1. When shooting in a low light try shutter speed. With cameras you can do so by setting the right exposure but with the smartphone you have to use the apps. Manual camera is an app that let you control how long the shutter on your phone stays open.

2. The best way to avoid blurry images is to keep the phone stable during a long exposure. You will want to use a mobile tripod or place it somewhere to keep it stable.

3. One thing that comes out to play at night: car lights. Set your phone to a long exposure and frame a road busy with cars. It's an idea that can be infinitely varied: boats on a bay, cars crossing a bridge, or even planes flying overhead.

4. The dark nights can be your backdrop in front of which you can separate objects and people. It will look your pictures more mysterious and amazing.

5. Flash isn't meant for the night photography but if you have to use it, try using some filters or tissue paper to soften the light. You can also use your flash to add some drama to the object close to you.

6. Use some external source of light rather than just relying on street lights. There are tons of amazing mobile accessories available these days.

7. Give your image a finishing touch with a professional editing app. You can use Adobe Photoshop for all kind of effects and photo editing capabilities.

8. Low light and high ISOs can lead to noise in your photo. But a little grain doesn't ruin it: Edit your photo to turn those flaws around. For example, grain is often valued by photographers for its dramatic effect. Got a photo that's too grainy and doesn't have great colors? Just make it black and white, maybe brighten it up a little and you'll be emulating a very classic photographic style.

9. Take advantage of the extreme lighting as backlight. It is just a great way to create a nice visual effect.

10. You can't really get the street lights, shops slogans, bar lights at day time. Take advantage of these by getting more creative.


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Samsung developed Odin as a utility software to be used for flashing custom recovery firmware images onto any Samsung device that's powered by Android. In the course of this article, you will learn how to use it safely to manually install the various custom ROM firmwares, updates and kernels available for your smartphone.

What you will need

1. A Windows PC

2. Your smartphone/tablet

3. A USB cable to connect the device to your Windows PC

Preparations before you begin

1. Back up all important data that's currently on your smartphone as you might lose them during this process.

2. Install the latest Samsung USB drivers onto your PC. You can download and install Samsung Kies, which will do it automatically for you, but feel free to download and install them manually if you so choose.

3. Keep USB Debugging enabled on your Samsung device.

4. Charge the battery of your device to a minimum of 80%.

5. Once you have installed the latest USB drivers, make sure that you exit Kies before proceeding further as it's known to interfere with Odin at times.

6. Download and unzip the custom ROM or the official firmware which you want to flash onto your Samsung device. Make sure that your device's model number and the model number of the firmware match perfectly or you will run the risk of bricking your device.

Downloading, installing and running Odin

1. Download the latest version of Odin.

2. It will be in a .zip file format, so you will need to extract it.

3. Go into the extracted file folder and right click on the Odin3 v3.x.exe file ("x" represents the version of the software which will vary depending on which version you downloaded) and left click on "run as administrator."

4. Odin will now start and on the very first screen, make sure that the only two options checked are "Auto Reboot" and "F. Reset Time."

Installing the firmware

1. Switch off your Samsung device.

2. Hold down on the Power button, Home button and the Volume Down button at the same time.

3. When you see the warning screen, complete with a yellow triangle that has an exclamation mark inside, let go of the three buttons and press only the Volume Up button to enter Download Mode.

4. Now connect your device to your PC via USB and wait until you see a box just under the "ID:COM" tab light up in blue (the color may vary depending on your version of Odin). The number you see in the box is the USB port number which your phone/tablet is using to connect to the PC. You may also see a new "Added" message in the bottom left panel.

5. Left click on "AP" or "PDA" and browse the folder where you had previously unzipped the firmware package to find the firmware file which should have tar.md5 at the end of its name.

6. Once Odin has loaded up the file, click on "Start" to begin the process.

7. Wait until the process finishes and you see a green "Pass" button indicating that you have managed to successfully flash the custom ROM onto your device.

What if the update package contains more than just one file (tar.md5)?

In that case, you will need to simply add a few extra steps to the process after step 4 and in place of step 5. After that, just follow the instructions from step 6 and step 7 to complete the process.

1. Click on "AP" or "PDA" and select the file with the term "PDA" in its name.

2. Click on "CSC" and select the file with the term "CSC" in its name.

3. Click on CP and select the file with the term "modem" in its name.

*All files will be in the folder where you unzipped the downloaded firmware package.

**In case any of the files are not in the package, you don't need to worry as it means that the missing file is not necessary for the flashing process.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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Emails transfer from one mailbox to another one is complicated. The main difficulty arises because of different formats that are used for emails encryption. That is why a single user can not realize such a transfer by himself.

To transfer your data from one mailbox to another you have to use a concrete program. There is a special software developed. It helps to transmit data accurately. You can find much information on how to transfer thunderbird to outlook mails from one mailbox to another one online.


What benefits of emails transfer are


People transfer their email for practical reasons. They want to take bigger advantage of their mailbox storage. Thunderbird by Mozilla was a leader in a niche. Many users around the world used it for corporate and individual use.

Though, there appeared more beneficial mailboxes. Outlook today is a leader. It helps to guard data in a systematic manner. It has large storage space.

It is easy to transfer emails from your Thunderbird to Outlook account. For this purpose, you need to use a specific software. With the help of a right program, you can realize mails transmission quickly. Here is how the site work.

        You download a software for transfer.

        A price of service will be calculated on a volume of data to transmit. It is a fair price making policy.

        You get all your emails transferred. You can get full transmission of data. There will no be data that will get lost.

        You can transfer unlimited data size. It is important characteristics if your mailbox contains much data. There is no matter how big it is, all your emails will be transferred.

        You get exactly the same emails placements as in a Thunderbird mailbox. It is very important. People often get used to the way emails are stored in a mailbox.

        It is a fast service. You will get all data transferred quickly. Time will differ depending on the volume of data that has to be transferred.

        Conversion of MBOX format to PST format. These two formats differ greatly. It is important to use a right software to make a transmission. It will make it possible for you to get readable emails to your Outlook box. If formats are not converted accordingly, emails cannot be read.

        Creation of proper PST files. It is easy to create PST files. The way they are formed will determine if you will transmit all information correctly. PST documents transferred accurately do not destroy data. With a right software, your files will be converted into another format professionally.

These are main benefits of email conversion services. It is a fast and advantages service. Clients who tried it become loyal to this service. It helps to work more efficiently.

Mails transmission service is beneficial for several reasons:

        It helps to optimize mailbox usage. It also better to have one email storage than several. That is why it is good to merge emails.

        It helps to use IT advanced mail storages. As IT sector develops there appear more and more storage software. It is better function wise. That is why it is beneficial to transmit all information to more advanced storage.

These reasons make people send their email from one storage to another. If you try it, you will see how beneficial such a transfer can be. A price for this service is moderate.

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Determine target time

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Decide what product

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Identify ways to connect

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IMAGE SOURCE: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-walking-on-market-3619724/


The following shows that waiting for the right time brings success in business. Not rushing to create products and advertise it will be helpful. Through the following ways of reaching the target buyers at the right time, applying it will make your business successful. 


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If you are using a phone for your business, it is necessary that you use it properly or else it won't be effective adhering to your day to day business needs. Whatever business it is that you are pursuing, always remember that the marketing competition now is tight. There could be hundreds to thousands of companies/businesses around offering and selling the same services and products as yours. With this, it is imperative that all tools you use for your business should thoroughly work to its purpose, including your business phone. 


You might be a bit challenged about using your business phone effectively, and to help you in making sure that your phone will work to its purpose, here are some tips you may want to consider. 

  • Avoid giving and using your phone for personal use 

Do you want to play online casinos and sister sites? Do not use your business phone to access and play. If this you start to do, you will find it hard to separate work from personal pleasure. You will start playing games in the middle of working or during the time when there is an important meeting you have to attend.


Same goes to giving your phone number for personal reasons, as you will not find it easy to differentiate work related concerns from personal. If a friend or a family member asks for your number, you have to give your personal number as your business phone should only be used solely for business purposes. 

  • Always answer phone calls and text messages

Make sure that all phone calls are picked up the same as with the messages. People will find it easy to let go of any business if they do not feel important. They can easily find a company to replace the service and products you offer. 


Be very attentive with business calls and messages to keep a good relationship with your customers. Those who neglect calls might soon lose their customers one by one.


Answering calls and messages means that you are concerned about the issues and questions your customer has to raise. 


  • Create an auto response

You might have noticed that phones have automated response features, that lets you respond to text messages and calls in just a few clicks. Like "I am driving right now, will call you back", or "I am in a meeting right now, please call again later" and so on. These automated response features will help you in making sure that your customers won't feel neglected at all. 

Make sure that at the onset of the day or an event, there is an automated response you will click if someone calls or sends a message. 

  • Save your customers' phone numbers

It is awkward to ask a caller who he/she is, if he/she has been calling you ten times already. Saving their number and addressing them using their name immediately when you pick up their call would make them feel special.


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With all the news that we are getting about the impact of global warming on our planet, I decided to take a significant step. I decided to move to a cloud fax machine for my business. 

There are a lot of benefits to cloud fax services. You, too, can shift to paperless methods and do your bit. That being said, fax online cover sheets are really crucial for cloud fax services. So, today, I am going to tell you about one amazing service. 

You can get a free fax cover sheet and streamline your business without any hassles. So, keeping reading to find out how to choose a fax online cover sheet for cloud fax services. 

Part 1: What Exactly are Fax Online Cover Sheets?

To explain it simply, fax online cover sheets include all the necessary details about the recipient, sender, subject, date, etc. This is like the actual fax message. Moreover, these sheets contain information regarding the purpose of the fax. 

Even I wasn't aware of the fax online cover sheets. These contain specific details regarding the fax. One of the top perks of using these sheets is that it can protect confidential information. 

Even a passerby won't be able to check out the details on the sheet. There is also a HIPAA disclaimer on the top or a clause. Let me tell you more about these free fax cover sheets and their uses. 

1.1 CocoFax: Providing The Perfect Fax Online Cover Sheets

CocoFax is being used by millions of users around the globe. The amazing functionality and features of this tool are what make it so popular. In fact, I was amazed by the user-friendly interface when I first got to know about it.


CocoFax has received great reviews from some of the top media outlets in the industry. Some of these reviewers include Top 10 Reviews, Life Hacker, Digital Trends, and Pc World. You, too, will love every perk of this tool. 

What is about this tool that makes it top-notch? Let me tell you more about the features and benefits that CocoFax provides!

1.2 What Makes CocoFax So Unique and Popular?

This online fax solution provider has some of the top features that can help companies expand their business in the right direction. 

Offers Google Fax

Not only does CocoFax promote companies to go greener and paperless, but it also offers a number of stunning perks. This safe and secure way of fax provides the users with a fax from Google Drive, Google Documents, Gmail, etc. 

You won't have any issues in faxing or filing the documents in an efficient and much more organized manner. 

Send Email to Fax

The tool also offers users to send a fax from all kinds and types of emails that are available. Be it Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc., it will be convenient to send a fax to anyone. To do so, you can simply get the fax number of the person along with @cocofax.net. 

Get A Free Fax Number

CocoFax will also provide a free number for fax. Moreover, you won't even need to present a credit card for the same. This will give you the chance to fax free for about 24 hours for up to 10 pages. 

Top-Notch Security 

While using CocoFax, you are not going to face any issues in terms of security or compliance. The tool follows industry-leading standards and makes sure that all the faxes sent are safe and protected. 

In fact, these will be protected with HIPAA compliance or a confidentiality clause. All the information and personal details will be protected. Moreover, the service is also in-line with GDPR compliance. 

All the data and privacy of the users will be protected to make sure no personal information is leaked. Even a passerby will not be able to check out the information. 

Utilize the CocoFax's Services on Every Device 

Be it an Android user or an iOS one, using the tool on every device will offer the top experience. It is available on Windows, Google Chrome, iOS devices, Android, etc. So, you are not going to face any issues in terms of compatibility.

Send International Fax Without Any Hassles

The company aims to provide quality fax solutions around the globe. You can send a fax anywhere around the globe for free. The services of CocoFax are available in more than 180 countries. 

1.3 How Can CocoFax Be Beneficial For You?

You can grow your business in a number of ways with CocoFax. Here are a few ways in which your company will be benefitted. 

Save Costs 

You will have to spend a lot of money and resources on setting up fax machines with a telephone. However, with CocoFax, there is nothing to worry about. The tool won't even require you to invest in paper, ink, or other such resources. 

This option is completely paperless, and the affordable monthly packages of this tool will ensure that you don't face any issues. 

Use The Tool Anytime of the Day 

With CocoFax, you don't have to worry about going to the office or starting up the fax machine. You will be able to use this cloud fax solution at any time of the day. So, there are no time constraints while using the tool. 

Send Faxes Without Any Hassles

CocoFax makes the process of sending and receiving faxes really simple. You can do it from any device, and it will be directly saved on your dashboard. So, not only will you be getting the fax in a timely manner, but you will also be able to access it from anywhere. 


CocoFax offers world-class cloud fax solutions. So, there is no need to buy papers or pay the maintenance cost time after time. You can simply go for the quality and reliable fax services of the tool. 

The best part is that it is compatible with all the devices. Moreover, you will be able to use the tool from anywhere and at any time. Go paperless and opt for a more environmentally friendly way of sending and receiving faxes. 

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