Tags - real

Nexus 9


HTC's upcoming Nexus 9 tablet for Google has leaked again in pictures. This time courtesy @upleaks, the latest image shows the back of the tablet.


Contrary to some of the rumors, the T1 does not have a metal body but instead the same matte black plastic back with a circular raised camera lens in the top left corner, which looks very similar to the design of the Nexus 7 and the Nexus 5. Even the big Nexus logo is similarly placed sideways in the middle.




Android apple


This is not a Prank or April's fool, it's a REAL thing.... A giant Green Android Robot urinating on the Apple logo appears on Google Maps, Go to this Link HERE and view Google Maps of "Rawalpindi, Pakistan" and you'll see the photo above.


We don't know who approved this photo from Google Maps Team... but it looks funny as hell. Also, note that the photo only appears in the traditional map view, and we'd hurry up if we were you. We doubt it'll be up there for very long.


Photo [Google Maps]



Later last week, Sony Pictures firm got hacked and the hackers stole very sensitive data as an objection on Sony's latest movie "The Interview" that makes fun of the North Korean dictator Kim. Yesterday, the U.S. Pres. Obama said FBI confirmed that North Korea was behind the Hacking attack and the 9/11 attack threats made if Sony released the movie.




North Korea has ratcheted the absurdity level of the Sony hack up a notch by again pleading its innocence and even offering to help find the real perpetrators. North Korea is so anxious to help in the investigation that it used some particularly bellicose language in warning the US of "grave consequences" if it doesn't undertake a joint probe. While on the one hand denying culpability, the rogue nation's propaganda arm KCNA nevertheless went on in great detail about how the Interview "defamed its dignity," and said it would retaliate if the US refuses to work with it.




For now, the movie is still on hold, a decision that was criticized by President Obama and others. However, Sony said yesterday that it hadn't been cowed and may still release the Seth Rogan/James Franco film.





Instagram is one of the largest and most popular social media platforms, with over one billion monthly active users. The extended reach you have to market your small business or services through the platform is impressive.

The goal of any social media website is to generate likes and followers. Followers get connected to your brand and have a concise and clear way to get updates that you wish to provide. Meanwhile, the ‘likes' enable you to see what type of content you are sharing is successful and how to create a more compelling online presence.

What are the best ways to get real quality Instagram likes and followers? The article examines the different avenues for improving your online reach and marketing successfully to your current followers.


Growing an Audience through Instagram

Instagram has quickly outgrown its original purpose as a mobile photo-sharing network for adolescents. It also offers phenomenal content marketing, networking, and audience building resource for small businesses and other individuals looking to promote a message.

There are more than 500 million people that use Instagram each day. It puts this social media second only behind Facebook in terms of the highest number of daily visits for a social media channel.

Consequently, you are foolish to ignore the free and simple to use marketing tool. It does take some work to create and manage an account, yet there are many ways to grow your audience on Instagram. As a result, you should check to make sure you are following these tips to reach your first 50 real Instagram followers.


Easy Ways to Get More Followers on Instagram

Instagram has grown substantially since it launched ten years ago. It currently has ten times the amount of users compared to 2013. The site shows no signs of slowing down as it's immensely popular with the younger generations.

Furthermore, the social media platform estimates that nearly three in four U.S. businesses have an account. Additionally, 7 in 10 hashtags on the social media site are branded, and an overwhelming amount of companies consider Instagram engagement an incredibly important metric to marketing.

Now that you understand the importance of Insta in terms of marketing, how do you build an audience? You only get ‘likes' with followers, and there are many solutions for attracting new visitors to your account page.

Here are some easy ways to generate more followers:

● Create a content sharing plan to provide your audience with something interesting to check daily, or near daily.
● You should only post high-quality images and videos. Also, experiment with different filters and dimensions to keep content fresh.
● Interact with followers and tag people in photos that interact with your brand to encourage them to come back.
● Optimize your profile with branded hashtags and call to actions (CTAs).
● Cross-post your content on other social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook to build your following on Instagram.
● Run contests, giveaways, and other types of campaigns to invite audience participation and interest.


Get More 'Likes'

Earthweb's Stormlinks review can help you understand how these service works and how it can help you get more liks. People that interact with your content can like and comment on your content. It's an excellent way to foster a strong relationship between you and your potential customers.
Visitors spend nearly as much time on Instagram as they do on Facebook, which presents businesses with ample time to market. Instagram users reportedly spend almost an hour of their time each day on the app. The statistic is important because the more time visitors spend on the app, the more advertisements they see, and the more opportunities exist for someone to commit to a brand.

Fortunately, Instagram performs exceptionally well in terms of engagement rates. For example, the average engagement rate on most social networks is less than 0.1%. Meanwhile, users on Instagram are 58 times more likely to engage compared to Facebook.

Hashtagging is one of the most effective ways to increase the number of followers as well as likes. The average post on Instagram contains almost 11 hashtags, yet experts suggest no more than six per post.

However, the amount of hashtags does not matter nearly as much as the wording. For example, #love is used over two million times on the site, but using it in your post will drown it out with millions of other types of content.

Try mixing and matching different types of hashtags like:

● Popular Hashtags
● Local Hashtags
● Tag a Location
● Tag Influencers
● Shoutout Tags (to Customers and Users)

Tag-to-enter and Like-to-enter giveaways are two other methods to grow an audience with the invitation to win something so long as the user does something for you (either likes or follows).



Build Your Instagram into an Empire

Businesses have a tremendous option to use Instagram and other social media platforms as useful marketing tools. Many services are free and extremely affordable to get your brand out to a massive audience.

Building your audience organically through followers and obtaining ‘likes' helps you grow in such a massive and diverse market. Instagram was once primarily for teens, and young millennials yet have developed into something far more powerful and wide-reaching.

There are many ways to partner with influencers or other brands to grow even more after you receive your first wave of followers. Since it is a social media site, it's best to keep your content fresh and posted daily. Interacting with users and getting them involved with participation (i.e., contests) is another essential method to employ.

Learning to use and sharing posts that resonate with an audience takes some trial and error. Thankfully, Instagram has an informative analytics system that can help you gauge what is successful and what is not working from a content perspective. We recommend using the analytics to improve your profile as well as reference Instagram profiles that are successful. It helps you discover what they are doing well.


Today, most people use their phones the majority of the time. While some people use their social media apps to pass the time, others do it for work. Almost every job has some components that may be completed using a mobile device, and real estate is no exception. Although this area of life is incredibly advantageous, the risks should not be ignored. You should be aware of various methods to keep your phone safer because there are several ways to access the files on it, which can impact your client\'s information as well as your own.


Choose carefully with whom you work

Many people believe that large organizations can find them the home they want at an affordable price when it comes to real estate, but they are not the best choice for everyone. In recent years, we have seen a slight change because of the lack of trust people have in them because more homebuyers opt for privacy over large portals, and that is expected given a number of reasons. The greatest one is that despite having greater security, those large corporations are nevertheless attacked more frequently, which can seriously endanger your privacy. You might need to consider an alternative strategy if you are someone who merely wants to quickly complete the task and discover something suitable from the comfort of your home.

Protection when the device is stolen

Regular theft is one of the most popular ways that people gain access to other people\'s phone data. There are a few things to keep in mind since the thieves typically steal it in a public area where there are large crowds of people. First, make an effort to secure your phone in a place, such as your front pockets, bag, or another suitable location. Holding it in your hands makes it easy for someone to take it from you and flee. Second, you must have a strong password on it. It should be extremely complex and contain both capital and lowercase characters, as well as numbers and symbols. Every app needs a password so that even if one fails, the others can still provide some level of security.

Check what you are allowing other apps to access

Applications are fantastic, but many of them have the potential to seriously damage the data on your mobile device. You will frequently discover that you need to provide some apps access to certain data on your phone. Most typically do not give this much thought; instead, they simply click \"Allow\" without considering the consequences. The information that the app has stored could be accessed by someone if there is ever a security breach for that app. Given that you might have disclosed sensitive information about your customers and your company, this might be quite serious.



Google Play Protect

The fact that this app is provided by Google, one of the most reliable companies in the tech sector, is fantastic. It is capable of numerous things. It performs checks on the apps you are installing from the Google Play store, alerts you to potentially harmful apps that can lead to privacy troubles along the way, and can even delete harmful apps from your smartphone. Also, and this is very important, it warns you about apps that can compromise your privacy and may revoke permissions from some apps.

These days, your privacy should be something you protect fiercely, but that is not an easy job. There are so many ways you can expose yourself to the world, and once you have experienced this, it is hard to do anything about it. Look at the newest security measures and try to implement them because that is the best way forward.


We are not sure what's going on but premium flagship smartphones from the most popular manufacturers in the entire world seem to be blowing up a lot recently! Samsung is hardly out of the fix that it landed in after certain Galaxy Note 7 devices around the world started to catch fire spontaneously, and we already have a report that an Apple iPhone 7 Plus has exploded! Keep in mind though that the legitimacy of the claim has not yet been established and it might just be a hoax.

KroopTheSnoop is a Reddit user who uploaded pictures of a burnt iPhone 7 Plus, complete with the singed box. According to the user, the iPhone was ordered by one of his co-workers and arrived in the condition as is pictured above. In the words of the customer, "I'm not certain, but something happened between the factory and delivery."

Some users on Reddit have pointed out that the phone pictured above seems to have a black front face, while the body is Rose Gold. This would indeed be suspicious as such a color combination is not produced by Apple, provided that it isn't an effect of the explosion or a trick of the light. We will just have to wait and see if more of these incidents begin to pop up in the news.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

According to the China Consumers Association, many of the iPhone models are experiencing a strange issue where the phones are switching off unexpectedly. They are claiming that the affected models so far include the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus. In fact, this isn't even a localised incident as consumers all over the world have reported similar problems with their iPhones in the last few weeks. Apple had in fact, issued a notice globally on November 20, while addressing the problem.

"Apple has determined that a very small number of iPhone 6s devices may unexpectedly shut down. This is not a safety issue and only affects devices within a limited serial number range that were manufactured between September and October 2015.

If you have experienced this issue, please use the serial number checker below to see if your iPhone 6s is eligible for a battery replacement, free of charge."

However, the Chinese authorities have declared that the battery problem extends beyond just the iPhone 6s and Apple has failed to "meet basic consumer needs for normal wireless communication." Some of the Chinese users are even reporting that changing the battery as instructed by Apple in their notice, doesn't solve the unexpected shutdown problem either.

It is evident that the problem is serious enough for the authorities to take notice of the matter, but Apple has not yet replied to these reports or notices till date.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)



With the growing popularity of mobile devices, people all over the world are becoming more transient. They are no longer tied to their homes and workplaces by computers and the need for internet access. The fact is people can get and do everything they want for anywhere at any time with a mobile device. They can purchase products and services, watch movies, read the latest news and even go hunting for a new life-partner without having to put down their smart phones and tablets.


There's something else people can do with their mobile devices. All over the world, people are now able to play real games of chance for real cash while on the go. That's right, many countries throughout the world now allow adult residents to play casino games and the lottery, bet on horses and wager on sports events through a mobile device. Imagine that. Mobile sports bettors can visit an online sports book like https://sbobet.gclub-casino.com where they can easily place a wager on their favorite team without leaving the coffee shop.


The Mobile Gambling Phenomenon


Mobile gambling was first introduced about 10 years ago. Initially, the growth trajectory for mobile gambling was narrow and slow because of technological restrictions. Online sports books were usable because they require little functionality, but online casinos weren't able to create the same excitement as the sister websites. Software developers simply had too much difficulty creating a viable online gambling environment with the software development tools that were available back in the day. When HTML5 became an industry standard software development tool about 5-6 years ago, online casino software geniuses were released to work their magic.


With the cooperation of new innovations in technology, mobile apps are being created to closely emulate its sister websites. There has been a noticeable increase in the quality of online games, the functionality of the video slot bonus features and the availability of banking options and bonus promotions.


What has resulted is nothing short of phenomenal.  Over the last five years, the percentage of online gamblers who have opted to gamble with their mobile devices has increased to 50%. Experts expect that number to increase to as high as 80% by the end of the decade. Money aside, the real winners are the operators who want to reach millions of customers and the customers who can now play casino games or bet on sports when it's convenient to them.


What's All the Fuss?


The biggest two reasons why more people aren't haven't been willing to give gambling a go have been accessibility and the legalities of doing so. First, it's not convenient for most people to visit a land-based casino. The travel and accommodation costs alone act as a deterrent. That's a real shame for adults who have a little extra disposable income for entertainment and are tired of going to the movies. As far as the legalities of gambling, many countries have been slow to recognize that the negative aspects of gambling have been exaggerated and that in fact, gambling is a wonderful form of entertainment for adults who can behave responsibly.


The good news is many countries are starting to loosen its grip on the gambling industry. We are seeing countries in Asia, Europe and South America opening the doors for its residents to both land-based casinos and online gambling. The same is true of many states in America where gamblers can now legally enjoy any form of gambling without having to visit Las Vegas or Atlantic City.


The really good news has been the acceptance of mobile gambling in conjunction with the change in attitude towards gambling in general. Now, many adults in countries all over the world with a mobile device that runs on popular operating systems like iOS, Android and Windows Mobile have access to the wonderful world of mobile gambling.


While standing in line at the grocery or have a cup a coffer at the local coffee shop, it takes nothing more than a good internet/data connection for the recreational gambler to dial up their favorite online casino and play Blackjack or video slots.


It used to be that anyone who was laughing and smiling while using their mobile device was most likely talking to a new love interest. Nowadays, it just as likely the individual hit a big jackpot and are laughing about where to spend their newfound money.


The door to a fun and exciting form of adult entertainment is opening wide.


Note 4


Today, we have a photograph of that very same handset that was featured in the video, wearing the same exact case.


The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will be introduced on September 3rd at the Samsung UNPACKED event in Berlin. The festivities start at 2pm Berlin time. More than ever, Samsung is relying on its top-shelf phablet to help it reverse course financially.


Galaxy Note 4


The company has had a couple of tough quarters, and even the Samsung Galaxy S5 couldn't bail out the manufacturer. This could be why Samsung has started teasing the device with a number of internet videos.


Photo VIA



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