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Samsung has no intension to ever bring up or even mention the Galaxy Note 7 and that fact was made obvious in their latest Galaxy Note 9 teaser. As the tiny ten-second teaser continues, we see all the Galaxy Note Devices for a few milliseconds each, up until the words "Pen" and "New?" pops up on screen subsequently, followed by the text "Note 9." However, in what is a somewhat amusing yet understandable move, Samsung has not added the infamous Galaxy Note 7 to that list!

Given that the phone literally blew up in their customers' faces, that doesn't come as a huge surprise of course. Nevertheless, one can't help but notice the denial all the same. The real question that I have is why would Samsung take this route for the teaser where talk of the Note 7's absence would only make the infamous black sheep of the Note family even more infamous. Unless Samsung believes in no publicity is bad publicity, I would say it's not a very smart marketing move on their part.

Check the Tweet here.

Saikat Kar



Later last week, Sony Pictures firm got hacked and the hackers stole very sensitive data as an objection on Sony's latest movie "The Interview" that makes fun of the North Korean dictator Kim. Yesterday, the U.S. Pres. Obama said FBI confirmed that North Korea was behind the Hacking attack and the 9/11 attack threats made if Sony released the movie.




North Korea has ratcheted the absurdity level of the Sony hack up a notch by again pleading its innocence and even offering to help find the real perpetrators. North Korea is so anxious to help in the investigation that it used some particularly bellicose language in warning the US of "grave consequences" if it doesn't undertake a joint probe. While on the one hand denying culpability, the rogue nation's propaganda arm KCNA nevertheless went on in great detail about how the Interview "defamed its dignity," and said it would retaliate if the US refuses to work with it.




For now, the movie is still on hold, a decision that was criticized by President Obama and others. However, Sony said yesterday that it hadn't been cowed and may still release the Seth Rogan/James Franco film.





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