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The battle to secure the internet has been fought for many years. Cybersecurity has remained to be a big challenge for organizations ever since machines in offices go connected to the world wide web. In the early days of the internet, security threats were not as complicated as they are today. Problems facing companies only ranged from a few destructive virus threats to basic scamming attempts. With time though, technology has evolved rapidly and now companies have to deal with complicated cybersecurity threats. Ransomware, data theft, and network disruptions are just some of the threats that face organizations.

The evolution of cybersecurity threats has also prompted an evolution in defense mechanisms. Today, it is not uncommon to see companies that have a fully-fledged cybersecurity department. It is no longer possible to gamble with the security needs of any enterprise. Cybersecurity has thus moved on from being a small aspect of the organization to a core part of every company. There are many great things that have been achieved over the years in the cybersecurity realm, but the many challenges that persist as a result of a rapidly evolving tech realm are just too real to ignore. Jamie Cambell from GoBestVPN recently noted that while it is not possible to completely eliminate threats, it is possible to have better solutions in the market. Recent years have seen companies lose millions of dollars because of security vulnerabilities. Such big losses have prompted companies to think differently. New approaches are being explored in the area of tackling cyber threats.

Security is Now a Core Part of Every Organization


As mentioned earlier, organizations are now taking the cybersecurity issues much more seriously. The security of company data is no longer an issue of the IT departments alone. Instead, it is an organization-wide affair which cuts across all levels of the institution. According to recent reports by Varonis, 41% of companies have been found to leave their data exposed to everyone. Such statistics indicate that the problem is not simply about attacks becoming more complicated. Instead, it is the approach that is taken by organizations that are contributing to vulnerability. Organizations are thus making it a duty to educate every member of the team on the cybersecurity challenges of the modern day.

Indeed, adaptive enterprises have been restructuring their security needs to meet modern-day goals. Security has thus stretched from the small IT department to become a ubiquitous part of daily operations in organizations.

Security is Forcing Technology to Evolve

There are no benefits that come with cyber-attacks. But if there were to be a single positive impact from cyber threats, it has to be innovation. Security in the cyber realms has forced entities to think outside the box. Threats have encouraged innovators to come up with new solutions for a wide range of issues. Indeed, the creativity that has been sparked as a result of security challenges has led innovation not just in the security realm but in the tech industry as a whole. Technologies of the future are now hitting the markets with security implements being incorporated.

Security is Getting Agile


In recent years, testing and analysis approaches have changed in the digital realms. The increasing security threats have forced the industry to adopt agile measures. Cybersecurity solutions are thus now becoming much faster, smarter and robust. The dynamism that has been experienced in the industry has allowed for the faster collection of data, quick analysis and almost immediate response to threats. As security stakeholders develop the next generation of solutions, the lessons that have been learned will definitely prove to be crucial. The collection and use of data are changing and this makes security solutions much more dependable.

What Does the Future Look Like for Security?

The industry will definitely continue to evolve. Cybersecurity issues are unlikely to go away and this will force enterprises and organizations to continue creating solutions. While it is not possible to predict exactly what will happen, it is sensible to assume that new technologies will provide more robust protection. As faster technologies become mainstream, it will be difficult for attackers to beat the pace of strong systems. Businesses will nevertheless need to take security issues much more seriously as the technology moves to the next stages.

Mobile technology has come a long way since the first phones to hit the market. What was once a brick that could merely make calls and send basic text messages has now evolved into a fully-fledged smart phone loaded with infinite capabilities. 

Whether you own an Android or iOS smart phone, the world is constantly at your fingertips, wrapped up in neat packaging and supported by a lithium iron battery that is portable. You can send emails, claim a casino slots bonus, watch the news or engage with others on social media, all from the palm of your hand.

That's exactly why new age devices like smartphones have become all the rage, and in some cases even led to addiction. Our modern lifestyles require get up and go living, new smartphones in 2017 have given us the possibility of on the go computing, with complete confidence and independence. 

The following features aren't exactly fresh off the technology press. These emerging mobile technologies are already starting to have an impact on the way we use our smart phones. Given the time and advances in these tech fields, the following emerging mobile technology could be flipping the smartphone on its ear for good. 

Forget About A Carrier With Wi-Fi Phones

Traditionally, mobile phones have relied upon a mobile carrier/network in order to be connected to the cellular realm. In today's modern times, the use of a carrier is becoming less and less attractive with new smartphones that can connect to a Wi-Fi network to make VOIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol calls without the use of a computer. 

This means that you no longer have to be associated with a particular network carrier in order to make and receive phone calls. It's forward thinking Tech that could also see your phone bill dramatically decreased come month end. 

Augmented Reality In Mobile Devices 

Augmented Reality technology is making waves in the mobile world with more and more uses for the tech; smart phones could be seeing an even smarter realization very soon. 

Augmented Reality technology captures our world in a layer style approach and superimposes it into the digital world. Since your smartphone is king of digital space at the moment, it only makes sense that more and more apps would be developed around AR. 

Users can look forward to features that would ideally incorporate the Internet, accelerometers and GPS devices to bring your world to life on your phone. The end result could have you pointing your smartphone at a random building only for your phone to dive into the buildings history, location, occupancy and more. 

Open Your World With Open Source Software

Developers are looking into bringing the world open source software for mobile phones. There are some big names on the playground already, with the likes of Google and Yahoo set to create this software for almost any mobile phone.

If open source smart phones become available it would mean a better user experience all round. Some of the advantages include enhanced features/mobile compatibility and lower costs derived from open source trade in the market place. 

These mobile services would be able to do just about everything current smart phones do and more at a minimal cost to customer. 

Make Payments With Your Smart Phone

With Near Field Communication technology improving at a rapid rate, it's becoming more and more accessible to use your smartphone as a payment portal. 

Users simply scan their mobile device and use an app that is directly linked to your debit or credit card and your payment is almost instant. When the technology has been perfected there won't even be a need for a wallet anymore, as your mobile phone will store all your information. 

Realistic Typing With Tactile Feedback

Most modern mobile phones have touch screen technology that is responsive and quick to the take. Some users do however have an issue with the response rate and feeling the keys slide away under your thumbs only to deliver a word that was never supposed to be there in the first place.

Certain smart phone developers like Blackberry tried to bridge this gap by offering users the best of both worlds, with a fully functional touch screen and keypad for texting/typing.

Now developers are looking into a touchscreen that would feel more responsive and ergonomic. This tech is still in development but we could potentially be seeing it in smartphones in 2018.


The cell phone has become a part of everyday life. The functions of such devices goes beyond the basic uses of a telephone. Today you can call a taxi, pay for a plane ticket and even play real money online casino games on a cell phone. Most best us casino online players can even download casino apps from iTunes. The role of the mobile phone is becoming more diverse with each new device launched. More features are being added to the devices to make them more relevant to the modern man.

Cell Phones at Work

The latest mobile phones have become extensions of the office. For many tech savvy people, the mobile smart phone is giving a lot of solutions to office problems. Besides the basic ability to receive and make calls from outside the office people can conduct entire business transaction on a cell phone.

People are now targeting cell phone users as potential customers. This is because of the huge amount of time that people spend on their phone. Most of the time the people will be online. Therefore many organizations are using a lot of money to advertise to cell phone users.

Cell Phones at School

The cell phone is now safety and security tool. A way for parents to keep in constant touch with their children. But the convenience offered by the devices can become a hindrance to progress, especially when in the hands of the wrong people.

Teens in middle school can easily be classified as the wrong people to trust with disruptive tech like cell phones. There are many incidents of lessons being disturbed due to a phone ringing or a messaging. That is why several heads of schools all around the world want to keep the devices out of their classrooms. Other school heads even go as far as encouraging students to leave their cell phones at home. There are other schools that have embraced the technology and use the cell phones to help with lessons. 


Technology can take people out of poverty. All things prove the evolution of developing the world that skipping past eras.

Only 2 percent of African households have fixed lines, while almost two-thirds of US households still do. Recent Pew Research Center numbers show that cell phones are common in Nigeria and South Africa, as they are in the United States, with about 90 percent of adults owning mobile phones.

In a world where more people have access to a mobile phone than a toilet, we need to ask: what is this for all these phones? And do they really matter?


Mobile phones and tablets bring teachers to students in regions with inadequate service levels, like never before, due to lower equipment costs. Rumi's low-power tablets, pre-loaded with whole libraries, were put into operation during the Ebola crisis, when schools in Liberia were closed for several months. Teachers are also learning: the program in Pakistan provided instructors with videos about training methods that they could download at free hot spots.

The Ministry of Education and Sports of Uganda can appeal to teachers' subscribers to check attendance, opportunities and materials without going hundreds of miles to visit each site. Mobile studying can also help in training: a school in Bangladesh allowed parents to make payments through a mobile phone when they are comfortable.

Help Save Lives

Since mobile phones have become common in the developing world, the "mHealth" area (mobile health) has emerged. MHealth programs connect remote communities with medical services and experience, all of which are connected by cellular phones.

Health care workers in rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa use mobile phones to contact medical professionals who can help solve critical health problems. This helps field workers determine what is treatable on the ground, and identify patients who may need to go to the hospital.

Another key use of mobile phones is the SMS for life program. He uses text messages to deliver malaria medicines to remote communities. Using simple text messages, the program helps to get medications for malaria to people who need them and checks the level of stocks to avoid the outcome. Another innovative use of text messages is HIV prevention, which helps young people get information about the disease.

Save and spend money

Banking is expensive, especially if you live in a city where there is no bank! In developing countries, a significant part of the population does not have access to financial services, which we take for granted (for example, direct deposit, credit cards or savings accounts). But cell phones allow you to make digital transactions that are cheaper and safer than paying in cash or saving money under the notorious mattress. Financing on cell phones also makes credit available to poor people, and they can invest in building a home or building a small business.

Help people find a job

There are a lot of apps and services to find a job. And it is more useful in countries which are not as modern as Europe countries or USA.

E.g., mobile phones have helped people in Palestine find work. In a press release, they reported:

"In Palestine, the JobMatch service in Souktel helps young people find work. Graduates of colleges using this service reported a reduction in time spent on job search, on average from twelve weeks to one week or less, and a salary increase of up to 50 percent. "

Portability of hobbies (e.g., playing mobile online casino)

One of the advantages is that you can use the applications on your phone wherever you are; for this, you do not need to bind to the computer. This is one of the reasons why many people get a smartphone and the use of online slot games for the casino is really suitable.

Often, casino games are held in a casino or more recently on a computer. While staying on your computer gives you more flexibility than being in a casino. This will allow you to play games when you are away from your home.

This means that you can play in bed, waiting for food to feed, in front of the TV or anywhere. This may say that you are free from your computer. You can even play if you do not have a computer, since many people these days have a smartphone, but do not have a computer


It is no secret that the casino business has gone through a number of drastic changes in the last few years and all things suggest that there are still many more to come. Of course, most of these changes in the gambling world were brought on by the impact of technology. Instead of fighting against the tide, the gaming business has adapted itself to these changes as well as any other industry. Let us now take a closer look at some of the most important changes which are happening right now or will happen in the very near future.

Bitcoin is the Ideal Currency of the Gambler

If a player uses bitcoin to make bets online, he/she doesn't have to pay currency conversion charges. Also, since bitcoin is not connected to any central bank, the ever-changing world economy doesn't affect the digital currency in the same way that it affects other generally accepted currencies like the US dollar or the Euro. Bitcoin also keeps the players anonymous, secure and safe from any attempts at identity theft. The casinos that don't accept bitcoin yet will soon begin to welcome it in a few more years' time.

Traditional Casinos vs. Online Casinos

This age old debate of which is a better option is coming to an end with each passing year. Players can now simply go on Netbet and play with other players from around the world in a live action casino with a real dealer or choose to try out their luck at the virtual slot machines if they do not feel like socializing. Traditional establishments are starting to open up their own online casinos and live action casinos are blurring the line in between the two. In other words, technology is actually making the two natural enemies work together with each other in building a unified gaming empire for the future.

The Portable Medium

Apart from being the most used type of consumer technology in the world right now, smartphones have also added a new dimension to the gambling industry. In the beginning, you had to visit a physical casino to gamble, but that all changed with the arrival of the online betting sites. However, you still had to sit in front of a computer or a laptop in order to access the online options. Right now, gambling applications and support for mobile devices on all major gaming sites has ensured that players can gamble whenever they want. It doesn't matter if you are travelling, lying on your bed or even sitting on the toilet seat; if you want to gamble, you can do it from anywhere with your smartphone. In the coming years, the number of smartphone users will continue to grow globally and so will the number of online players.

Expectedly, more countries will open up to the business in the coming years, allowing online casinos to touch markets that have so far been shielded from the world of gambling by conservative governments. It will take time but it should happen eventually.

Photo by Raw Pixel, CC0 Creative Commons

One of the biggest trends in the world of iGaming is the rise of mobile usage. Fans of casino table games, video slots and online poker are increasingly using smartphones and tablet devices to play their favorite games at their convenience, without the need to venture to land-based establishments. According to the U.K. Gambling Commission, the number of people that used a mobile device to place a wager rose to 51 percent in 2017.

With more than half of all British iGamers going mobile, it's a trend that is also felt elsewhere around the world. The global iGaming industry is forecast to be worth almost $60 billion by the turn of the next decade, with sports wagering markets and casino games available on mobile driving most revenues. The online poker industry has also become increasingly mobile. Even the latest blockchain-powered poker rooms that accept cryptocurrency as payment at the tables are now available on Android and iOS devices. So, what are the driving factors behind the appeal of using smartphones to play for real money?

The Rise of HTML5 Technology

Ask any budding gamer today what makes a great mobile game and they will tell you slick graphics and audio. Gaming has come a long way since the days of Pong and Space Invaders. Today's iGaming brands can provide the best possible user experiences on mobile devices, thanks to the implementation of HTML5 technology, transcending desktop, laptop, smartphone and tablet devices that provide consistent gaming action on all platforms. Prior to the arrival of HTML5, Flash-based casino games were commonplace, but their resource-heavy nature was not beneficial for a slick mobile experience. HTML5 technology has enabled iGaming software developers to seamlessly translate their most successful iGaming titles from the desktop onto mobile devices.

24/7 Access Ideal for Gaming on the Go

It's also crucial to acknowledge the increased accessibility of iGaming on mobile devices. The ability to download and log in to an iGaming app on a smartphone or tablet means that gamers can sit down at their favorite table games or video slots at any time of the day or night. Such 24/7 accessibility also means players no longer need to venture to land-based casinos as much, opting to play on mobile devices from the comfort of the living room, on an early morning commute or on a lunch break at work.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Could Take iGaming to Another Dimension

Advancements to the quality of live-streaming technology in recent years has enabled iGaming brands to offer live dealer table games managed by professionally trained human dealers. Doing so offers players similar levels of interaction and engagement they would get from a night in a brick-and-mortar casino. Technology is evolving at a rapid rate right now, and the next generation of iGaming is already in the making. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is being developed for mobile devices to transport players to virtual casino environments and create sensory gaming experiences on another dimension to what's available today online. Smartphones' compatibility with AR and VR will stand mobile devices in good stead to cement themselves as the market leader for immersive iGaming in the years to come.




Modern technology is one of the most rapidly evolving innovations. New concepts are brought to life regularly and are utilized by dozens of industries. The online gaming industry is no exception, and it's significantly different than it was a few years ago. You no longer need to buy a disc to play your favorite game - just hop online and pick among hundreds of choices.

What is Cloud Gaming?

Cloud-based gaming is a term that describes how online games are facilitated. An online server processes these games, rather than your device. It's similar to video streaming, where your actions are visible in real-time. 

The "cloud" refers to servers that are located and accessed online, over the Internet. The databases and software that run these servers form part of the cloud as well. Cloud servers can be found all around the world in specific data centers

You can access the same applications and files from any device, since the storage of this information is held in the servers, and not on your device. This is why you can, for example,  access your various social media accounts on different smartphones and still have the same photos, videos, and messages available.


The cloud is used to meet a myriad of industry needs. Email providers rely heavily on cloud-based solutions, as do storage providers like Dropbox. Cloud-based gaming is just as popular nowadays and offers a variety of benefits.

Benefits of Cloud Gaming

Cloud-based solutions are transforming games online in numerous ways.

Enhanced Security

In the cloud, information is stored virtually. This means it's much more secure compared to other traditional platforms used in data storage. The risk of hacking is significantly minimized as well, which is one of the main concerns on the Internet. 

Device Compatibility

Before the availability of cloud-based solutions, it was challenging to access games on lower-end devices. Things like memory space, graphics, and processing capabilities imposed limitations. The technology wasn't fully optimized for cloud computing gaming, either, and Internet speeds were too slow. This is not the case anymore, and many devices can now enjoy the benefits of cloud gaming. 

Lower Operating Costs

Companies can cut costs on their server space and Internet bandwidth usage by using cloud-based solutions. Earlier gaming models caused companies to pay more for wider bandwidth in times of high traffic volumes, especially when new gaming titles were released. In the cloud, payments are conducted on a "pay-as-you-go" system, so companies only pay for the resources they use.

Easier Access to Games

Online casinos use the cloud to their advantage by offering instant-play games. You don't have to download or install anything to access your game of choice. For video games, you don't need to worry about loading up the disk to play. Instead, you can subscribe to a gaming provider, like Steam, and instantly gain access to the game selection. From there, you can download the games you enjoy and pick up where you left off on any supported device.

How Cloud Gaming Impacts Online Casinos

Cloud computer gaming offers the possibility of further innovations like virtual reality. Online casinos have dipped their toes into this idea, but it's still in the early stages. Virtual reality headsets can offer you a completely immersive casino experience from beginning to end. 

It sounds fantastic, but the costs associated with VR headsets are astronomical. Likewise, so are the costs of running and upgrading a computer linked to VR. This is where cloud computer gaming can come in handy and move the process along. Here are some ways that online casinos could develop in the future, according to our expert Kevin N. Cochran:


  • Blackjack - There's a VR release titled "Blackjack Bailey" available already, and it shows how exciting a casino VR experience is.

  • Roulette - Roulette could one day integrate live dealers into the VR world, and you could see the actual casino from your couch.

  • Slots - VR slots could offer an immersive experience with the varying themes that are incorporated. You could even try the demo version first and then play free slots, Canada

  • Poker - Imagine a VR world where every player has their own avatar. Finding your opponent's entails a whole new ballgame. 


Cloud-based solutions are transforming the online gaming industry. They provide real-time data and the ability to engage in games from a variety of devices. The cloud also offers enhanced security measures, lower operating costs, as well as easier access to games. The addition of virtual reality could add a brand new layer to online gaming as well. Why not visit an online operator and see the possibilities of cloud gaming for yourself?



The most popular social network website, Facebook, has changed its Logo... A minor change to the logo's font, However, you will still see the iconic "F" logo that one doesn't change but wherever else the full name is used, you will eventually see a new wordmark designed in collaboration by Facebook's in-house design team and Eric Olson of Process Type Foundry.


facebook new logo


Facebook's New logo used a font which is more simple, here's what the facebook team said about this new logo:


When Facebook's logo was first created in 2005, the company was just getting started and we wanted the logo to feel grown up and to be taken seriously. Now that we are established, we set out to modernize the logo to make it feel more friendly and approachable. While we explored many directions, ultimately we decided that we only needed an update, and not a full redesign. We worked with Eric Olson - whose typeface Klavika was used in the original logo - and developed a custom typeface to reflect where we are now and where we are headed.
- Josh Higgins, Facebook Creative Director




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