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As a final blow, the Trump administration revoked dozens of licenses from Huawei suppliers, including chipmaker Intel. The action taken by Donal Trump is his last effort to weaken the world's largest telecommunication company, which they termed as a matter of national security. According to Reuters, the Semiconductor Industry Association said on Friday that the Commerce Department had issued "intents to deny a significant number of license requests for exports to Huawei and a revocation of at least one previously issued license." Some licenses were apparently under review status for many months and are now being denied just a few days before President Trump has to leave the office.


Earlier, almost 150 licenses were said to be in the review status for $120 billion worth of products and technology. Of these, a vast majority of licenses have been reported to be denied, while the eight other licenses were revoked to maintain consistency with the licensing rules. A source confirmed that another $280 billion worth of licenses for Huawei hasn't been processed yet. Huawei suppliers have already been notified of the license cancellation. They have 20 days to respond to the decision. The Department of Commerce has 45 days to issue any changes to the decision, or it becomes the final decision. Companies will have another 45 days to appeal against the final decision.


Meanwhile, Huawei has restarted its efforts to rejuvenate the supply. According to a recent Nikkei Asia report, the company is trying to find more investors to bring in some cash and move forward against all the odds. In fact, the device manufacturer has already acquired stakes in 20 semiconductor suppliers to cover the gap. Huawei has been under fire from the Trump administration since May 2019 and today's action will put the company more in heap.


In a prediction made in 2013, Gartner had declared that the Windows Mobile OS will cross the iOS in terms of market share by 2017. It is 2017, the results are out and the Microsoft's Windows Mobile OS is currently sitting at the third position with 0.3% of the market share while Apple's iOS continues to occupy the second position with 17.9% market share. As always, Android sits at the top with an overwhelming 81.7% market share. Note that all of the statistics mentioned here are based on Q4 2016 results only.

It is actually quite sad to see that Blackberry's market share isn't even there. We kid you not! It's actually not there (0.0%) as you can see in the screenshot above. iOS managed to make a 0.2% improvement in a quarterly comparison with Q4 2015, while Android gained an additional 1% in the same comparison. As 99.6% of all new smartphones sold in the last quarter happens to be either an iPhone or an Android powered smartphone, it is pretty safe to say that unless something miraculous happens, this is how the market will stay like for the foreseeable future.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


Whether you are a business owner or a higher up, carrying around two phones can be tedious. With the added stress of ensuring it is charged, this can oftentimes be more stress than it is worth. However, by eliminating the need for a job and personal phone, you can begin to manage workload and ensure a phone call is never missed again. 

Ensures Open Line Of Communication 

One of the biggest benefits that come from a BYOD (bring your device) services is that it keeps an open line of communication when you are out of the office. It allows you to answer all your work phone calls without having to carry around a separate phone. This not only saves time, but this is also a business expense that can be spared by using your device instead of purchasing business phones for you. 

Allows For Work To Be Completed Outside The Office

In addition to ensuring open lines of communication, there is the opportunity to complete work outside of the office. Whether this is conference calls or meetings with other members of the team, work can be completed remotely. This is ideal for those that are constantly travelling for business as work can be completed with the phone and a laptop. Though this will require a strong phone signal, this is a simple yet effective way of keeping your business connected through a central network, regardless of where you are travelling to. 

Ensures Emails Are Connected 

In addition to phone calls, having all your emails on one place can help you to complete work efficiently over the course of the day. Whether you are travelling to meetings or you are away on business, a BYOD contract allows you to use your phone as a central hub to the office. This is ideal particularly for smaller businesses as this will keep everyone connected even when travelling on business. This allows those that are out on jobs to still be contactable when they are out of the office. This will not only improve efficiency, but it has the potential to boost revenue month on month. 

Allows Them To Set Realistic Deadlines 

The final benefit to a contract such as this is the realistic deadlines. By having phone calls and emails all on one device, you can focus on the task at hand without having to switch device. This not only makes travelling easier, but it allows you to monitor deadlines with the rest of the team. When having calls directed to your mobile, you can help the team progress without having to juggle two phones. This, therefore, means that there is never the risk of a missed call regardless of where you are. 

With this in mind, using a contract such as this can help to increase efficiency over time. Whether you are a new business looking to connect all employees through a central hub or you are a business looking to remove the added expense of business phones, this style of contract can benefit you in the long term. 

Anyone who wants to visit an online casino should know that there are several reasons for a wonderful pastime there. A newcomer or even an experienced player wants to make sure that a chosen casino is the best one. After spending time searching for special offers user will save time and energy by registering for the best gambling institution.

Players are also interested in choosing games. In fact, the choice of titles is the most significant, because it is the reason that the player comes to this or that online casino. It is important for users to find favourite games.

Another necessary factor is great bonuses and promotions. One online casino competes with another, so every online casino tries to offer pleasant welcome bonuses and promotions in order to attract new players and keep them interested.

Support service is another aspect of the online casino, in which players are interested. They want to be sure that any questions and concerns will be immediately resolved and the support system will provide the necessary assistance.

It goes without saying that good software will help to make all these points work at necessary level. Great software speaks about the reliability of the casino, the speed of games and the quality of graphics. That's why owners of such business constantly look for https://evenbetgaming.com/solutions/real-money/ - online casino software for sale.

Fortunately, there are high-qualified companies which are ready to provide customers with great software. They know how good online casino should look like and what they should have. Reliable platform will present casino owners immense opportunities.

What Are The Best Software Developers

Which companies are considered the most popular and respected in the online gambling world?

        Microgaming.    Statistics and opinions of experts give the first place in the            development of software for gambling establishments to Microgaming. If an online club, which operates on a platform from this manufacturer, will have financial difficulties, the company takes on the payment of winnings.

        Playtech. The main competitor of Microgaming is Playtech, which is popular among domestic players due to its high speed and the availability of high-quality support.

        Net Entertainment. One of the leading manufacturers of software for online gambling, which is known for its innovations.     


All in all, these are not all companies which are worth paying attention to. We are also ready to present you cool software on reliable platform. The chances for success are so high that gaming experience will be fantastic. Do not waste time on trying to create something from scratch by yourself. Delegate this mission on experienced and high-qualified team that will mind every detail and introduce business of your dream in a short period of time.


Human Resources (HR) management software can perform many different HR functions, including but not limited to storing employee data, managing payroll, recruitment, benefits administration, time and attendance, employee performance management and tracking competency and training records. Essentially, this software streamlines the entire HR process into one easy-to-manage digital dashboard.

Small businesses are arguably the backbone of the economy. However, many small business owners may find themselves spending the first several months (or even years!) of operation working out the kinks in everyday processes. Specifically, while the HR department is a vital component of many companies, some small businesses may not have the funds to hire enough employees to complete essential HR tasks. Owners then get bogged down in legal paperwork for their employees, when they should be free to innovate, market and grow their business. Fortunately, HR management software can reduce the amount of labor required for HR tasks, or at least allow employees to complete these tasks more efficiently.

How Does HR Management Software Help Small Businesses?




Simply put, HR management software for small businesses saves time and money. This software can perform a multitude of tasks that would normally take a department of several people to manage efficiently. 

For example, many HR management software programs offer automated payroll, populating and maintaining personnel records, and company benefits management, which are vital functions to any company large or small. These processes can be handled in just a few quick clicks. Not to mention, employees can fill out their paperwork and submit it digitally to a system that organizes and updates when needed. Easy interaction with pretty much a "set it and forget it" ability. Business owners can also run this program in little to no time once a day or even a week and then focus on other responsibilities. 

Additionally, this software provides talent management services for identifying potential applicants, mass-producing job listings on several digital platforms, analyzing applicants' capabilities and providing data analysis on the hiring process to improve it for the future. These convenient features take the headache out of finding the right candidates for any small business.

Finally, HR management software places all HR information - whether it is for record and legal documents or important employee information - in one place so that it can be accessed on any device anywhere. That way, employees can locate essential documents whenever they need to. Employers can also share important information without having to bombard all employees with emails, and employees can access that information without first having to navigate several complicated channels. Likewise, employees can track any claims they have, providing transparency and confidence in the HR process.

Don't Miss Out on the Benefits of HR Management Software for Small Businesses




As a small business owner, minimizing your HR department's everyday workload is invaluable. This type of software can do just that. Finding the right software can be overwhelming; however, if you research thoroughly, you are sure to find a program that perfectly matches your business needs.




Everyone loves to get something at a discount. No matter what you are searching for, there is likely to be a promotional code or voucher somewhere on the internet that will allow you to get a little off your final price. However, are these promotional codes cost-effective? Let's take a look.

What Can I Find Promotional Codes For?

Nearly every site on the internet will have some form of promotional code you can use. From your favourite clothing stores to groceries, there are codes everywhere. You can even opt into codes from your favourite online casino UK or online retailer so you could receive bonus codes that might not be onsite.

If there is something that you want to buy, you should always check for a promotional code that might take some money off what you are trying to buy. There are plenty of sites online that list these promo codes, and you can even find forums if you want to follow some of the best ones. Some developers are even making browser extensions that will search the internet for you automatically to help you find savings.

What Can Promotional Codes Offer You?

Promotional codes can cover a whole raft of different experiences from a company. One of the main ones you might find is money off. These are common during sales. You might have to apply a bonus code to get a certain amount of money off. Another common code is for free shipping for a set period of time. You might even be able to score a discount on a multi-item order through BOGOF codes.

These codes can save you money as they are offering you a discount on products onsite. In particular, free shipping codes can be incredibly useful. You might like products from a company based in another company. Though they offer international shipping, it might be incredibly expensive and you might have the added cost of a customs charge on top of that. By taking advantage of free shipping codes, you can place an order with the brand you love so much, and hopefully claim a small savings as you won't have to pay that expensive shipping.

Can You Use Promotional Codes Cost-Effectively?

As both a consumer and a business owner, you can definitely make use of promotional codes effectively. If you are a customer, you could use promotional codes when you want to make a purchase for something you have had your eye on for some time. However, you need to make sure that you are not falling into the trap of spending more because of the codes. While you might be able to get more for the same amount of money when using bonus codes, you also need to make sure you are not overspending. As a business owner, you may choose to use a promo code to celebrate an event onsite. It can be a great way to drive up sales and increase interest to your business over a short amount of time.

Promo codes can be cost-effective depending on how they are used. Take a look at your favourite site now and see if there are any promos running that you can use.



Salary is the worst addiction that makes you kill your dreams and work your whole life. We get up early in the morning and travel to work 9 to 5 for an income that only fulfills our basic needs. On top of that, we don't have the freedom of our own life. We can't travel, take days off, or rest if we like it. Jobs bound us to a strict routine of slaves and keeps our mouth shut with minimum wage. 

The world is starting to see how jobs take away our entire life. That's why people are more focused on starting their own business. But it's not as simple as most of us might think. Most startups usually fail within the first year, and very few of them manage to become a stable business with a decent income. The problem is our education system. They teach us how to be a good employee, but no one tells us how to start a business. They don't give us practical education or experience.

We discover new things by making mistakes and suffering terrible losses. We can only withstand a limited number of losses before we fall down. And not all of us have the courage to get up again and give the business another shot. 

So, what's the solution to this problem?


Use the internet and contact experienced people of the same industry to learn from them. Don't for the time when you will give up everything and start working on your new business. Learn things whenever you can. Only when you are sure that now you have learned enough to start a successful business of your industry should you take the next step. 

The Internet is the source of valuable information where you learn from the experience of other people. This article is one of them. This is a humble approach to share our experience and knowledge with all ambitious entrepreneurs and businessmen. Here I have shared things you must have when starting a new business. You don't necessarily need all of them. It's just some things that may be helpful for some businesses and essential for some industries. 

A Unique Selling Proposition

This is not optional. If you are to start a business, you must have an idea that is unique. Of course, the entire business idea can't be unique due to the saturation we have in every single market. However, you can add one unique thing in the same cliché idea to stand out in the market. 

For example, for a food business, you could have a great taste that your customers won't find anywhere else. Whether it be quality, low prices, or additional service, that's for you to decide. It's not something you would find easily. You will have to research the entire market. See what people are doing and what your customers expect. Look for a market gap and make it your unique selling point. 

Focus all your business processes and marketing on that unique selling point to attract and retain customers. As long as you keep offering that uniqueness, you will keep getting returning customers. And a business with loyal customers never fails. 

At Least Six Month of Budget

It's a frequently asked question: how much money do you need to start a business? There is no one right amount. It all depends on the industry and the scale of the company you are starting. There is also not one formula to get an exact number. But here is something that will give an approximate idea of what you need. 

First, make a list of initial necessities you will need for the business. For example, equipment, workers, office, etc. write down the price that would be spent before starting operations. 

After that, get an estimate of how much money you will have to spend if you don't get any return at all. It includes rents, bills, and wages.  

Finally, multiply the monthly expenses to six and add it with initial expenses. That's your total investment. Remember, you multiplied the monthly expenses to six because you must have at least six months of budget to keep the business running. You can't expect profit at the beginning, and you need a strong backbone to suffer losses for this time period. 

Answering Machine

You start your marketing before you start operations. This means that you will spread brand awareness and let the world your business exist. So, you will be getting calls from prospects who may be interested in your product or services. If you don't properly retain them, you will lose potential customers. That's why you will need a professional phone number with a receptionist to answer all such calls. 

For many businesses, having a receptionist is crucial. For example, a doctor can't make an appointment and deal with customers while also treating a line of patients. 

Now you might be wondering how a new business can afford a receptionist. It's difficult enough to pay for other expenses, and hiring a receptionist before starting operations would be way out of budget. Fortunately, there is a perfect solution for it. 

There are businesses that let you outsource receptionist work. You get an answering service from a reliable company that will professionally deal with all your calls. Every time someone calls your number, it will be attended by a real person who will guide them as per your instructions. This will present you as a professional company to impress your prospects. 

A Website

You will be left way behind the market if you don't have a website. You might wonder since when a website is so important. It's become crucial as most of the world population regularly started using the internet. It works like an online branch of your business where you will get customers. Whether it's a product or a service you offer, you can rely on the internet to get you leads that you will contact to convince and convert into customers.

You need a domain, hosting, and a website. The first two barely cost $50 a year. As for the website, you can get one in any budget. There are sites you can get in $20, and you can have them custom-built for additional cost according to your requirements. With this, you should also consider acquiring some digital marketing services to promote your website and attract potential customers. 

A Network of Relevant Professionals

A network is one of the biggest assets of a professional. People think money is all they need to start a business. Honestly, you can always arrange the funds. But you can't have someone else run the business at your place. It's very important that you stay in touch with every professional that is remotely linked to your industry or business.

Even if they are not in the same industry, save their contact number and keep in touch. You should try to have one person from every profession in your network. You never know when you might need a lawyer. Other than that, the expertise of a marketer is also useful. Furthermore, keep business cards of reliable electricians, mechanics, plumbers, and other such professionals for maintenance of your office. 

Business License

Many businesses are not allowed to operate without a license. For example, if you are a dentist, you will need to get a license first. You get the license only after your fulfill certain requirements. The government doesn't want an unqualified person to provide services that could harm somebody. That's why a license is important. Get information about its requirements and complete them before you even start the plan of your business. 

Document of Roles and Responsibilities

You might be working alone, have partners, or employees. Many businessmen underestimate the value of documentation, which they later regret. You need to write detailed roles and responsibilities of each actor and have him sign before you start working together. If you don't do that, it will later cause problems between you two. 

It's particularly important if you have a co-founder or partner. Decide what goals each of you must achieve to keep the business running. If you are the one doing all the work and the other one only benefitting, sooner or later you will sick of it. Write documents and decide that each will only be rewarded after achieving certain goals and milestones

Team of Business Developers

There are businesses with lousy products and services that keep running and making profit just because they have great business developers. Their job is to bring work for you, in other words, customers. It takes more time to attract a customer than to retain it. You can't spend all your time looking for customers and convincing them. Your expertise lies elsewhere, and that's where you should focus. 

Work on your product or service to provide the best user experience. Business developers will bring customers to your doorsteps. If you can retain them with quality, they will keep returning, reducing your marketing cost. Make sure you find some experienced business developers and hire them on commission at the initial phases.


It was just recently that Samsung decided to sell its entire printing business to HP over a $1 billion+ deal and now it might be looking to do the same with its PC business. If the reports are true, then the most likely buyer would be Lenovo, which has the biggest PC business in the entire world. Although it is still unclear as to how much the deal will cost Lenovo, the estimate is around $850 million, provided that it does go through.

As per the aforementioned report, the Asian giants are having some issues in meeting terms while their respective law firms are engaged in negotiating the deal. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer is representing Lenovo, while Paul Hastings is doing the same for Samsung. Although Samsung has not confirmed this news yet, we are guessing that this could be another one of the company's moves to slim down its business to concentrate where the money is, rather than losing money over ventures that just did not work for them.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Eager stock market analysts have been quick to pour over the latest Q4 2015 SEC filings from Alphabet, Google's parent company. The market responded quickly with both the Class A and Class C stock trading up to a $750-780 price range. This makes Alphabet not just good at letters, but also with numbers as it now eclipses Apple's market capitalisation to be the most valuable company in the world.

In fairness, Apple's earnings were showing signs of hitting a plateau with its iPads not selling as many units as they once did as interest moves more to the phablet-size phone market and away from larger tablets which are less convenient on the run. Investors in Alphabet were quick to double down on their positions and others buying into Alphabet for the first time on the positive trading news.

Alphabet revenues year-over-year rose 24% compared to 12% the previous year. The source of the accelerated revenue growth has been primarily from advertising. The picture is a mixed one through with ad clicks rising by 31%, but the cost per click for adverts falling by 13%. Overall, Alphabet still came out ahead.

The company also noted on a recent call with investors that Gmail, its email service, now has more than 1 billion active users each month. That's active users, not open accounts. Only What's App and Facebook can say the same.


It is an undisputable fact that mobile applications have penetrated into every modern person`s life. They are interconnected with almost every aspect of our everyday routine - from checking the weather to unlocking the house entrance door.

However, first mobile apps were created for entertainment purposes only. They fulfilled simple functions, suchlike calculator or music player. In the late 20th, the tendency of implementing mobile applications into businesses tended to grow. Surely, they possessed only a limited variety of functions, because of Java programming language constraints. However, on the other hand, they attracted more and more buyers to their owners, even if they were offline and could not intend a person to buy goods or services.

Nowadays the situation has changed expeditiously. Thanks to the development both of the Internet and mobile platforms, applications for smartphones became a "must-have" option in the entrepreneur toolset. As Bill Gates said, "If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business".

Do you still hesitate on creating a mobile application for your enterprise? Here are 5 basic tips on how you can improve your business process with a mobile app.

Expand the influence scope.

The evolution of smartphones began in the 2000s, but it`s supremacy over common computers has established only in the 2018 year. Globally, in April 2018 mobile traffic took more than 51% in the share of the worldwide web traffic (Statista.com). What is the reason? Allegedly, using a cellular phone for accessing web pages is more feasible than a standard PC. It is explained by an absence of expensive equipment, the necessity of installing huge devices, wiring the house and electricity usage.

People prefer to stay connected anytime. Thus, the number of population, who use a smartphone, outweighed the market of simple laptop users. Nevertheless, what does it mean for you as for an entrepreneur? We can highlight only one important thing - having only a website is not enough to compete properly with your rivals.

In other words, mobile application concept has changed. It transferred from an outstanding feature that only mega-sized companies could possess to the mandatory part of every concern. In order to attract customers, you need to fulfill their demands - and the majority of them prefer accessing your company remotely with their gadgets. So why do you still lose a half of your potential customers?

Always be in touch with your clients.

One more feasible feature of modern cellular phone software are push-messages and information collection system. This technology establishes a direct connection between database and clients smartphone and gives you a possibility to interact with your customers at any time. To make it more distinct, a bright example is social networks. If you receive a message on Facebook, your mobile phone will immediately react and depict a notification for you. So, why not to make friends with your clients in the same way?

Push-messages allow you to inform your customers about discounts, upcoming novelties, changes of working hours, the status of clients, good delivery order etc. Moreover, it is interactive. It implies that application gives you a possibility to review how many customers have visited your page after receiving a push message and how many of them ignored your letter. As a smartphone usually allows a developer to access basic information about a user. You can diversify the schedule of notification for different target groups. For instance, you can track that an individual customer is highly interested in sport's shoes. Use this information! Thus, you`d better notify him/her about an upcoming supply of new shoe collection in advance - he/she will be totally pleased having an individual approach.

On the other hand, an adverse effect of push-messages is that people can find they annoying and repulsive. And it is not unreasonable. Unfortunately, the majority of IT solutions send too many notifications to users, so the latter prefer just to turn it off. In order to avoid it, assure that your messages are feasible and informative at the same time, and they do not appear on the screen constantly. Also, take care of making the info as short as possible. Finding the lowest common denominator about the number of suchlike notifications may take some time, but it totally worth the efforts.

Make your brand recognizable.

Regardless you are a pioneer or a professional executive, you need to make your company became prominent in the background of other rivals. One of the most lucrative ways to intensify the development of your company is to enhance customers' loyalty to your brand. And business apps are exactly the tool you need.

First of all, your logo will be shown every single time user unlocks a smartphone. He/she may not even contemplate about it, but it makes him/her remind your company subconsciously. Thus, you do not need even to promote it - users just get used to seeing it frequently and surely recall your logo when they face it somewhere else.

Furthermore, considering the fact that push messages are accompanied by depicting the logo of an application creates a notification, users are likely to accustom to your brand.

Integrate your application with a website.

As it was told some paragraphs above, having only a website is not enough to compete properly on a contestant market, but the mobile app is not the resource that can fulfill your needs by itself solus. A silver bullet is to combine and integrate both of them. It can be done using new interactive platforms and programming solution.

In order to figure out which features better suit to website or application, try to order a SWOT and PEST analysis at AuEduBirdie service, also you will say: "I would prefer to pay someone to do my assignment" and you will be right if you choose this service.It will provide you feasible information regarding which services are better used within surfing website and which ones are better perceived on the screen of a cellular phone.

What is more, you can also establish some kind of social network. Just provide clients with a possibility to create their own profiles with personal data and rating system. Clients are more willing to trust people who have already purchased the same good/service as they are going to. Live feedbacks are a brilliant motivating factor to make sure the description mentioned on a website perfectly suits real conditions of a good or service.

Cost reduction.

The last but not least is a matter of expenditures on posters and advertisement within the marketing company in a destination place of distribution. The mobile application provides you both opportunities to save money and even to earn them. This explains the high demand for it among modern businesses. It gives huge benefits in terms of cost reduction.

If your boss is willing to plunge your expenditures exponentially, pay attention at mobile ad services. For example, mobile ads generated roughly 80 percent of Facebook's $5.6 billion ad revenue (Entrepreneur.com). You are able to spend your money on advertising more lucrative than usual. The milestone of this method is that you are provided with advanced targeting tools. It allows you to diversify your buyers by age, gender, weight, height, living place etc. Thus, you can spend less money and efforts. But at the same time, you perceive the same performance as using traditional advertisement.  In other words, if you choose mobile ads, be assured that the money you spend will totally for you.

Contrariwise, if your app is created not to attract customers but to generate high revenue, you can always install ads service within your application. It is for free and does not require any knowledge of programming languages. You will get paid each time your client click on the banner of another company appears on the screen. A good example is educational applications. Each time student calls an app to figure out a formula or a rule, he/she watches a promo of other usable platforms for learners.


The mobile application is a necessary tool for every entrepreneur nowadays. If you are willing not only to stay afloat on a market but to expand your business and make it more profitable, then you should contemplate an app for your demands. Deliver personalized offers to customers and consider theirs. Remember to strike the right balance in messaging your clients and processing an information you receive from them.  



Mo Cheng



While virtual reality was viewed as a niche product in the past, businesses across industries are starting to harness the power of VR to achieve their goals. In fact, the only limit to the use of VR is your own imagination. Let's take a look at some interesting ways of how virtual reality development transforms businesses. 

1. Training

This is a crucial use case for VR because it immerses the employee in a lifelike environment or situation without actually having to deal with all of the problems the pose in the real world. For example, Walmart has used virtual reality technology in order to simulate the working conditions of Black Friday. This way, the employees will be ready for long lines, agitated customers, and the stress that comes with it. 

2. Retail

Virtual reality offers a lot of benefits for both customers and businesses. A great example of this is what Ikea is doing to help customers pick out their furniture. If the customer is on the fence about buying something, they can use the app to see what a specific piece of furniture will look like in their home. This allows customers to overcome their hesitations and helps eliminate buyer's remorse. 

3. Construction

It's one thing to present clients and inventors with a drawing of a proposed building and another to allow them actually to see the and walk through the proposed design. Thanks to new developments, it is now easier than ever to turn paper plans into 3D computer models.

4. Data Visualization

Thanks to VR, you will soon be able to say goodbye to boring meetings and presentations where you have to read data off PowerPoint presentations or other charts. VR will allow data to be displayed in 3D, which means that you will be able to interact with it dynamically. 

5. Manufacture

VR can be very useful in the manufacturing sector since it can be applied in the design and prototyping process. In fact, companies such as Boeing and Airbus are already employing this technology, so they do not have to build expensive prototypes and are even the interior design of the cabin. 

6. Real Estate

When someone is considering buying a new home, it is not enough to simply tell them about a property. You would be much more helpful to show them what the house looks like in VR which simulate the real-life property to the most minute detail. This also eliminates the need for home buyers to physically travel to a location to view a house or an apartment. 

Exploring the uses of virtual reality as a tool will change the way you do business and can give you an essential edge in today's tech-focused climate. Focus now on understanding the range of possibilities and investing in the technology needed to make the most of virtual reality. Whether you're training your team or offering a cutting-edge digital experience to customers, VR can change the way you interact and do business going forward.




The tech industry is one that is going through extraordinary growth right now. It is easy to see why so many entrepreneurs are turning to tech as it can be a lucrative industry to work in, but it also can be incredibly competitive which can make it hard to stand out from the crowd and succeed even if you have a great product. If you have a tech startup but you are failing to penetrate the market then it can be frustrating and you will need to take action to improve your business. Here are a few ideas that should help.


Reduce Costs


First, it is a good idea to reduce costs because this is an area in which you have control and can impact your bottom line. There are many ways to reduce costs but you need to make sure that you do not negatively affect the quality of the product or make life harder for staff. A few ideas include:


-   Remote working

-   Energy-efficient appliances

-   Going paperless

-   Renegotiating with vendors


Bring In An Expert


With technology constantly improving and evolving, it can be hard to stay current, but this is vital to success in this industry. Bringing in a tech expert should help you to make improvements to your business which will help you to compete at a higher level and stay ahead of the competition.


Add To Your Product Range


You should also look to add to your product range as this is a smart way to attract new business, target a larger group and stand out from the crowd. Think about your current target customer and what challenges, wants and needs they have and try to find a gap in the market that you could fill.


Lean 6 Sigma


If you believe that your business could run more efficiently or if you have problems that you don't know how to overcome then you could consider learning Six Sigma - a business methodology based on statistical analysis which can help you to overcome issues and streamline the business. Gain a Lean 6 Sigma Master Black Belt to improve your operation and run a more efficient company.


Increase Marketing Efforts


Often, the reason that a tech business struggles to succeed is that not enough people are familiar with their brand because it is such a competitive industry. Increasing marketing efforts is an intelligent move and this should include digital marketing to increase online visibility but also more traditional forms of marketing which can be effective at targeting people in your local area.


Show Expertise On Social Media


Leading on from this, you should also make sure that you are using social media in a productive manner. As a tech business, you need to show your expertise in the field, so you should be creating content which will impress your target audience and demonstrate your authority.


Many entrepreneurs have started tech businesses only to find that it is incredibly hard to stand out from the crowd. These tips should help your tech business to improve and find success in what can be a hugely lucrative industry.   For some great trainings, go to Apple Logic Pro training class.




With the onset of the technological era, new business trends have started surfacing. The trends gave birth to new business ideas. These ideas that were never possible in the first place, are now all possible. It is all thanks to the technologies that have supported in making those ideas a reality.


Some of these business ideas have become an inspiration to the new entrepreneurs. Some of these business ideas can be the solution to the current problems we are facing like making the earth a plastic-free place. And some of these business ideas can provide futuristic solutions such as building electrical powered automobiles.


These ideas were only a dream and never a reality, but after the technological advancement, these dreams have come true.


Here are some of the business trends that can inspire you to come up with your own ideas.


  1. Implementation of the AI software

As the technologies are improving, so does the marketing methods. Marketers are using AI-supported platform as the new trend to deal with the management. Technologies like google Alexa and amazon echo are the new sensation. It is used by the top companies to keep their appointments in check.


Repeated functions and tasks are all dealt with by the AI-supported robots making the work easier for mankind.

  1. Virtual presence

It has become very important to have a virtual presence on online media. This not only boosts you brand reputation but it also helps you to interact with the audience. Having the presence on the internet let your audience get in touch with you 24x7. This create a positive impression of the brand.


Many smart companies are using the social platform for creating awareness and doing social media marketing. A study has found out that the conversion rate for social media marketing is too high to be considered to be true.

  1. Millennial welcoming generation X

The millennial people are now ready to welcome the generation X. a study has been made that more than 70 million generation X will reach adulthood this year. These generation X are people who are born after 1998. And in the near future, they will hold the most power in influencing the world towards a better future. So, if you are a marketer then this will be your targeted audience.

  1. Social learning

What do you think you do when someone ask you to make something. You google it, do you not? Even for a small thing, we have made a habit of looking it into google. If we want to learn new skills we look into the youtube. That's how we have been molded.

And the reason is that social learning is much more helpful than traditional learning. A study has been made that more than 50% of people are related to social learning in one way or another.

  1. Blockchain

Blockchain protocol has gained popularity in these past few years making many novice investor millionaires overnight. If you had invested $1000 in bitcoin in 2008, you would have more than $40,000,000 today. That's how big this market has become. It is never too late to invest in the cryptocurrencies, just visit the site via this link and you will be all set with your first cryptocurrency investments.


Many companies have also started to build up skills for the blockchain technology. This shows that the future of blockchain technology is quite bright.

It's Your Turn


This is how the market is in 2020. And it is still going to be strong in the upcoming future. 2021 may witness a new kind of business trends incorporated by new technology attract investors and businesses. You may never know. Always being prepared is what marketing is.



Who would have guessed back in the early 90s that we'd be walking around with hand-sized internet connected computers in only 2 decades, but here we are. The technological development has also meant that companies have to keep up with technology - or be eaten by competition. The amount of work related travel is increasing and people are working more from home, and mobile devices are essential


Not Just Gadgets Anymore

Mobile device technology has developed to a point where what used to be called " gadgets" can actually give a great productivity boost to a business. But the questions is, which devices are really needed? After all, the worst thing a company can do is to pour money into expensive technological investments that won't pay themselves back. At best, investing in technology can give a significant productivity boost and a good return on investment. Mobile devices have become just as serious investments any other usual investment in hardware and other semi-fixed capital, like an office printer or a company car, and are even equally covered by common business insurances. Let's have a look at mobile devices that provide essential support for business operations.


1. Smart phone

This is pretty obvious one and you probably wonder why is it even here? The reality is, that for several reasons, everyone really doesn't have a smartphone, and in these cases it's up to the employer to equip them with the necessary tools s for today's business. The first group are older people who don't mind using an older flip phone and actually prefer them, regarding smart phones as too complicated. The second group are new young anti-techies who believe that life is better with limited technology exposure. There might be some sense in that, but it doesn't mean that it would be a good idea to work without a smartphone. It would thus be a good idea to provide these employees with a free, possible cheaper smartphone model to keep them more integrated in the daily business of the company.


2. Tablet

A conference room tablet is very handy for presentations as well as passing notes or showing documents or files, especially at meetings. A tablet can be used to manage presentation slides, videos and other features very conveniently while talking and being engaged with the audience. It's also very handy to open documents and show them to others during a meeting or even during normal course of work.


3. E-reader




Screen fatigue is a real problem, though it's not discussed much. E-readers' e-ink technology doesn't strain the eyes and is thus less stressful to the whole psyche of employees. Staring at the blue light of computers in rooms full of artificial fluorescent light is deemed to drain one's mind, especially one's creative energy and capabilities. In addition to usual creativity, this can weaken problem solving skills and make workers just generally less creative in their approach to anything. E-readers can give a great productivity boost especially in creative industries.


4. Portable projector

Smartphone screens have grown in the past few years, but they are still not big enough for multiple people to look at them or to comfortably watch longer videos. Portable projectors are very quick and easy to set up and enable multiple people to look at the same time, e.g. for a presentation. A few portable projectors will surely make life easier at the workplace and especially during work related travel, for example at a client meeting. And if worst come to worst, they can be used as backups for normal projectors.


5. Credit card reader

Credit card reader is the messiah to all small businesses who are trying minimize their fixed costs or operate in multiple locations. Traditional credit card readers are big and bulky machines that cost a lot and usually need to be plugged in. Services like iZettle offer cheap credit card readers that are also small and easy to use. Even a small business can afford to buy multiple pieces of these, enabling flexibility in the amount of checkout points in stores, and also payments on the road.


If you are an Apple fan, we have good news for you today. According to a report by The Investor (South Korea), Samsung has just struck a deal with Apple to supply the Cupertino giant with an additional 60 million OLED panels for the iPhone 8. We say "additional" because this comes on top of the 100 million OLED panels that Apple had ordered from Samsung in a contract last year. It seems that Apple is depending on their arch-rival to provide them with the major bulk of OLED panels for the next iPhones.

This is good news because of two reasons; the first and the foremost being the fact that Apple will indeed be finally switching over to OLED from LCD. Not only does an OLED display provide a better viewing experience, but they also are significantly more power-efficient than LCD panels. Secondly, the 160 million OLED panels theoretically means that the previous rumor which stated that only the most expensive Apple iPhone 8 will feature the new displays is most likely false. It could very well mean that all iPhone 8 variants will feature the OLED panels this year, which is definitely happy news for Apple fans around the world.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

It is no secret that the casino business has gone through a number of drastic changes in the last few years and all things suggest that there are still many more to come. Of course, most of these changes in the gambling world were brought on by the impact of technology. Instead of fighting against the tide, the gaming business has adapted itself to these changes as well as any other industry. Let us now take a closer look at some of the most important changes which are happening right now or will happen in the very near future.

Bitcoin is the Ideal Currency of the Gambler

If a player uses bitcoin to make bets online, he/she doesn't have to pay currency conversion charges. Also, since bitcoin is not connected to any central bank, the ever-changing world economy doesn't affect the digital currency in the same way that it affects other generally accepted currencies like the US dollar or the Euro. Bitcoin also keeps the players anonymous, secure and safe from any attempts at identity theft. The casinos that don't accept bitcoin yet will soon begin to welcome it in a few more years' time.

Traditional Casinos vs. Online Casinos

This age old debate of which is a better option is coming to an end with each passing year. Players can now simply go on Netbet and play with other players from around the world in a live action casino with a real dealer or choose to try out their luck at the virtual slot machines if they do not feel like socializing. Traditional establishments are starting to open up their own online casinos and live action casinos are blurring the line in between the two. In other words, technology is actually making the two natural enemies work together with each other in building a unified gaming empire for the future.

The Portable Medium

Apart from being the most used type of consumer technology in the world right now, smartphones have also added a new dimension to the gambling industry. In the beginning, you had to visit a physical casino to gamble, but that all changed with the arrival of the online betting sites. However, you still had to sit in front of a computer or a laptop in order to access the online options. Right now, gambling applications and support for mobile devices on all major gaming sites has ensured that players can gamble whenever they want. It doesn't matter if you are travelling, lying on your bed or even sitting on the toilet seat; if you want to gamble, you can do it from anywhere with your smartphone. In the coming years, the number of smartphone users will continue to grow globally and so will the number of online players.

Expectedly, more countries will open up to the business in the coming years, allowing online casinos to touch markets that have so far been shielded from the world of gambling by conservative governments. It will take time but it should happen eventually.

The smartphone saw a leap in technology with the release of the very first iPhone in 2007, bringing new expertise and of course, putting out apps into mainstream use. They litter the screens of smartphones everywhere, drumming up a whole variety of personalised content. Of course, apps are mostly about social media and gaming, but even in this a corporate mind is working away somewhere. At last, apps have taken significant strides in the world of business.

Before technology, every business was a brick and mortar, with no knowledge in saving time and thus costs by digital means. Accordingly, apps offer an opportunity to heighten corporate efficiency, with work now possible at the press of a screen or click of a button. We have listed some ways in which apps can creatively cut corners in corporate life.


Streamlined Target Audience

Businesses used to reach their target audiences by depending largely on newspaper and television adverts. However, with a decline in both of these things usage, firms must find a new way to reach their market, paying close attention to the time of the consumer and the appeal of their marketing.

Apps are the perfect answer to this need. Collectively, they take up a lot of space on any kind of hardware, eventually clogging up the memory of the finest phones or systems. Consequently, no one downloads an app they don't want, need or find essential to their day-to-to-day life. Ultimately, this presents a great opportunity moving forward, creating a compact eye-catching representation of a business that can be accessed anytime and anywhere.

Quick Online Payments

Tedious transactions and lengthy cheque waits used be the downsides of dealing in business. Never uncommon, firms faced excruciating circumstances that eventually resulted in a delayed payment. Of course, these problems still haven't entirely vanished today for small firms either.

The app once again saves the day here, allowing instantaneous payments straight from the pocket. It's a tool that eliminates excuses and declines delays, pushing every business process along in a timelier and more trust worthy manner. Ultimately, the cash flow can run a little smoother with this technology, something that would draw in any business immediately.


A Direct Line to the Competitors

When competing in any market or economy, companies can face constant anxiety. Who are their competitors? Are they better than us? If so, how? Subsequently, they'd pour over endless documents and paperwork to examine themselves against their competition, as well as conducting surveys to find their faults.

However, apps offer a direct line straight into the competitor's arena. From their Facebook page, Twitter profile, their personalised apps or even apps that display and analyse financial markets, there is a whole world of information within apps that can be used for research. After all, apps are information if nothing else, storing so much data that is simply too detailed to ignore. It's all there. 



Optimising a website for mobile is crucial in modern-day society as Mobile-First indexing is now the primary way that Google begins to rank websites since mobile search surpassed that of desktop in 2016. Since then the way people interact with Google and other search engines leading to business having to optimise for Mobile as their primary source of traffic. In this article, we will be looking into how you can ensure your business is mobile optimised with a few simple steps. 

Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile Optimised 

First, off you should be looking at your site as a whole. If it is not mobile optimised at this time it could be hurting your rankings significantly when compared to your competitors. It is because of this that is crucial you begin to optimise your site for mobile use. Whether this is a different URL for mobile or a dynamic site that can cater to all forms of online devices, this will help to boost rankings in the long term. This can be completed in house or with the help of one of the best marketing agency London has to offer and can help to boost traffic and rankings as your mobile site is improved. 

Make The Website Accessible And Dynamic 

In addition to making sure the website is optimised, it could also be dynamic. This means that the webpage can be navigated and read clearly across several different devices. This is crucial as this can prevent the way that people interact with your business. By ensuring the website is readable across a number of devices you are likely to see many conversions increase. However, if the website does not work and cannot be navigated clearly, this can lead to a higher bounce rate over time. 

Tailor Your Content To Mobile Devices 

Though the website must be navigational, it is important to note that long pages full of content are not advised on mobile devices as audiences tend to enjoy short snappy content that can be read within just a few moments. These are small changes that can be made to some of the pages on the mobile site to accommodate the fast-paced nature of the field you are operating in. Though this can take time to implement, this will help to improve rankings as well as provide a seamless user experience regardless of the device the customer is using. 

Test, Test And More Testing 

The final element to remember when optimising your company for mobile optimisation is testing. It is crucial that the changes you have made work as this can affect the ranking of your site. Though these can sometimes be unavoidable depending on hosting and numerous other variables, it is easier for you to monitor should you be testing things regularly. This will also prevent any downtime as a result of changes helping to ensure that the mobile optimisation process is a success. By having a development team monitor this for you or an in-house developer, you are then able to resolve any issues as soon as they are found. 

Regardless of the size of your business, it is now crucial that your business is mobile optimised. With recent technological changes and the development of mobile-first indexing, there is no excuse for your website to not be optimised as this can be affecting your rankings when compared to your direct competitors.




If you are using a phone for your business, it is necessary that you use it properly or else it won't be effective adhering to your day to day business needs. Whatever business it is that you are pursuing, always remember that the marketing competition now is tight. There could be hundreds to thousands of companies/businesses around offering and selling the same services and products as yours. With this, it is imperative that all tools you use for your business should thoroughly work to its purpose, including your business phone. 


You might be a bit challenged about using your business phone effectively, and to help you in making sure that your phone will work to its purpose, here are some tips you may want to consider. 

  • Avoid giving and using your phone for personal use 

Do you want to play online casinos and sister sites? Do not use your business phone to access and play. If this you start to do, you will find it hard to separate work from personal pleasure. You will start playing games in the middle of working or during the time when there is an important meeting you have to attend.


Same goes to giving your phone number for personal reasons, as you will not find it easy to differentiate work related concerns from personal. If a friend or a family member asks for your number, you have to give your personal number as your business phone should only be used solely for business purposes. 

  • Always answer phone calls and text messages

Make sure that all phone calls are picked up the same as with the messages. People will find it easy to let go of any business if they do not feel important. They can easily find a company to replace the service and products you offer. 


Be very attentive with business calls and messages to keep a good relationship with your customers. Those who neglect calls might soon lose their customers one by one.


Answering calls and messages means that you are concerned about the issues and questions your customer has to raise. 


  • Create an auto response

You might have noticed that phones have automated response features, that lets you respond to text messages and calls in just a few clicks. Like "I am driving right now, will call you back", or "I am in a meeting right now, please call again later" and so on. These automated response features will help you in making sure that your customers won't feel neglected at all. 

Make sure that at the onset of the day or an event, there is an automated response you will click if someone calls or sends a message. 

  • Save your customers' phone numbers

It is awkward to ask a caller who he/she is, if he/she has been calling you ten times already. Saving their number and addressing them using their name immediately when you pick up their call would make them feel special.



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