The Most Popular Ways How Your Business Can Benefit From Having a Mobile Apps

3 September, 2018 App Updates

It is an undisputable fact that mobile applications have penetrated into every modern person`s life. They are interconnected with almost every aspect of our everyday routine - from checking the weather to unlocking the house entrance door.

However, first mobile apps were created for entertainment purposes only. They fulfilled simple functions, suchlike calculator or music player. In the late 20th, the tendency of implementing mobile applications into businesses tended to grow. Surely, they possessed only a limited variety of functions, because of Java programming language constraints. However, on the other hand, they attracted more and more buyers to their owners, even if they were offline and could not intend a person to buy goods or services.

Nowadays the situation has changed expeditiously. Thanks to the development both of the Internet and mobile platforms, applications for smartphones became a "must-have" option in the entrepreneur toolset. As Bill Gates said, "If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business".

Do you still hesitate on creating a mobile application for your enterprise? Here are 5 basic tips on how you can improve your business process with a mobile app.

Expand the influence scope.

The evolution of smartphones began in the 2000s, but it`s supremacy over common computers has established only in the 2018 year. Globally, in April 2018 mobile traffic took more than 51% in the share of the worldwide web traffic ( What is the reason? Allegedly, using a cellular phone for accessing web pages is more feasible than a standard PC. It is explained by an absence of expensive equipment, the necessity of installing huge devices, wiring the house and electricity usage.

People prefer to stay connected anytime. Thus, the number of population, who use a smartphone, outweighed the market of simple laptop users. Nevertheless, what does it mean for you as for an entrepreneur? We can highlight only one important thing - having only a website is not enough to compete properly with your rivals.

In other words, mobile application concept has changed. It transferred from an outstanding feature that only mega-sized companies could possess to the mandatory part of every concern. In order to attract customers, you need to fulfill their demands - and the majority of them prefer accessing your company remotely with their gadgets. So why do you still lose a half of your potential customers?

Always be in touch with your clients.

One more feasible feature of modern cellular phone software are push-messages and information collection system. This technology establishes a direct connection between database and clients smartphone and gives you a possibility to interact with your customers at any time. To make it more distinct, a bright example is social networks. If you receive a message on Facebook, your mobile phone will immediately react and depict a notification for you. So, why not to make friends with your clients in the same way?

Push-messages allow you to inform your customers about discounts, upcoming novelties, changes of working hours, the status of clients, good delivery order etc. Moreover, it is interactive. It implies that application gives you a possibility to review how many customers have visited your page after receiving a push message and how many of them ignored your letter. As a smartphone usually allows a developer to access basic information about a user. You can diversify the schedule of notification for different target groups. For instance, you can track that an individual customer is highly interested in sport's shoes. Use this information! Thus, you`d better notify him/her about an upcoming supply of new shoe collection in advance - he/she will be totally pleased having an individual approach.

On the other hand, an adverse effect of push-messages is that people can find they annoying and repulsive. And it is not unreasonable. Unfortunately, the majority of IT solutions send too many notifications to users, so the latter prefer just to turn it off. In order to avoid it, assure that your messages are feasible and informative at the same time, and they do not appear on the screen constantly. Also, take care of making the info as short as possible. Finding the lowest common denominator about the number of suchlike notifications may take some time, but it totally worth the efforts.

Make your brand recognizable.

Regardless you are a pioneer or a professional executive, you need to make your company became prominent in the background of other rivals. One of the most lucrative ways to intensify the development of your company is to enhance customers' loyalty to your brand. And business apps are exactly the tool you need.

First of all, your logo will be shown every single time user unlocks a smartphone. He/she may not even contemplate about it, but it makes him/her remind your company subconsciously. Thus, you do not need even to promote it - users just get used to seeing it frequently and surely recall your logo when they face it somewhere else.

Furthermore, considering the fact that push messages are accompanied by depicting the logo of an application creates a notification, users are likely to accustom to your brand.

Integrate your application with a website.

As it was told some paragraphs above, having only a website is not enough to compete properly on a contestant market, but the mobile app is not the resource that can fulfill your needs by itself solus. A silver bullet is to combine and integrate both of them. It can be done using new interactive platforms and programming solution.

In order to figure out which features better suit to website or application, try to order a SWOT and PEST analysis at AuEduBirdie service, also you will say: "I would prefer to pay someone to do my assignment" and you will be right if you choose this service.It will provide you feasible information regarding which services are better used within surfing website and which ones are better perceived on the screen of a cellular phone.

What is more, you can also establish some kind of social network. Just provide clients with a possibility to create their own profiles with personal data and rating system. Clients are more willing to trust people who have already purchased the same good/service as they are going to. Live feedbacks are a brilliant motivating factor to make sure the description mentioned on a website perfectly suits real conditions of a good or service.

Cost reduction.

The last but not least is a matter of expenditures on posters and advertisement within the marketing company in a destination place of distribution. The mobile application provides you both opportunities to save money and even to earn them. This explains the high demand for it among modern businesses. It gives huge benefits in terms of cost reduction.

If your boss is willing to plunge your expenditures exponentially, pay attention at mobile ad services. For example, mobile ads generated roughly 80 percent of Facebook's $5.6 billion ad revenue ( You are able to spend your money on advertising more lucrative than usual. The milestone of this method is that you are provided with advanced targeting tools. It allows you to diversify your buyers by age, gender, weight, height, living place etc. Thus, you can spend less money and efforts. But at the same time, you perceive the same performance as using traditional advertisement.  In other words, if you choose mobile ads, be assured that the money you spend will totally for you.

Contrariwise, if your app is created not to attract customers but to generate high revenue, you can always install ads service within your application. It is for free and does not require any knowledge of programming languages. You will get paid each time your client click on the banner of another company appears on the screen. A good example is educational applications. Each time student calls an app to figure out a formula or a rule, he/she watches a promo of other usable platforms for learners.


The mobile application is a necessary tool for every entrepreneur nowadays. If you are willing not only to stay afloat on a market but to expand your business and make it more profitable, then you should contemplate an app for your demands. Deliver personalized offers to customers and consider theirs. Remember to strike the right balance in messaging your clients and processing an information you receive from them.  



Mo Cheng


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