Tags - reality

The coming of (VR) Virtual Reality in the world of gaming has been a real game changer. A lot of games have emerged encompassing of real graphics and all the thrills. This means virtual reality has propelled gaming to a whole new level. From thrilling horror to the first-person shooter, the best games in VR are here.

If you have the new edition of games and you not feeling immersed with the gameplay. Moreover, you might want to explore something better than the television. Virtual reality is absolutely a way to go. Whether you are playing on your computer or a PlayStation a huge collection of games are available for you to enjoy and have loads of fun.

Therefore, let's highlight some of the virtual reality games you can enjoy in real time and experience some amazing thrills. Apart from these games, players can also enjoy VR casino gambling at goldenrivieracasino and take trip to the land of casinos.

Resident Evil 7

Enjoy the thrills in Resident Evil 7. Make it more terrifying by going down the unusual hallway. However, if you play this amazing game using VR device it will make it more realistic and it makes you feel like you are in deep trouble being hunted down by a fierce and mutated Louisiana family. One thing to take note is that the thrills are harmless and the entire game is playable in VR mode. Resident Evil 7 is the perfect fit on Halloween day. There is no other way of getting freaked out on Halloween than playing this amazing game.

Until Dawn- Rush of Blood

Keep Halloween day fired up? There is no other way to do so than playing Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. This game has multiple escaping paths. Therefore, you have to defend your life at all cost against the frightening monsters. This colourful game is available on PlayStation but add more horror and fun by using Virtual Reality device. According to online casino uk Choice, the game is actually free on PlayStation, therefore you don't need to spend real money to enjoy the thrill. You can play with friends and score high and beat your competitor.


DirectX 12


One of the biggest changes in technology that's coming this year is DirectX 12 and the new set of standards, which will be used on both Windows 10 and the Xbox One. Elijah Freeman, an executive producer at Crytek, is quoted by GamingBolt as saying that his team might benefit from the fact that better optimization will be possible, which in turn will make it easier to run consistently at high-frame rates. 


He states, "Everything which helps to make drawcalls more efficient is highly useful, so DX12 with its reduced API overhead and better parallelization capabilities can definitely play a part in helping us create more complex VR worlds than before."


DirectX 12 is supposed to introduce a wide variety of improvements, and Microsoft has not yet offered a clear launch date for it. Another piece of tech that has received a lot of attention recently is the cloud and the way it can be used to boost the quality of graphics for a title or to enhance its gameplay.


Freeman believes that it will have a smaller impact on virtual reality gaming because minimum latency is required. If DirectX 12 offers a solid boost to VR, it will be a little ironic, given that Microsoft is not working on a solution in this field.



After forming the GVRA with Sony, Acer, Facebook, HTC and Google, Samsung is reportedly looking to launch its first ever AR (augmented reality) headset. Additionally, the company is also in the process of bringing forth the next Gear VR headset as well. Apparently, it was vice-president Sung-Hoon Hong himself who had revealed the aforementioned information at the Virtual Reality Summit in San Diego.

"Samsung's hologram technology is really, really realistic. It looks really touchable," - Sung-Hoon Hong.

In more of what he said at the summit, it might have been indicated that the next Gear VR headset is going to debut at the Mobile World Congress in February, 2017. Considering that it was only a few months back that Samsung had launched the last Gear VR, along with the disastrous Galaxy Note 7, we suggest that you take this news with a pinch of salt.

If you are excited about the augmented reality project, the report mentions that Samsung is planning to target businesses with this upcoming headset, rather than direct consumers. Even then, it is too early in the day to predict where and in which way the AR project will be heading in the future. A startup named Magic Leap was mentioned by Hoon according to the report and speculations suggest that this has something to do with the AR project in question here.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)



According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, Google has Android version for virtual reality in the works. The new build will allow the search giant to compete with the likes of Facebook, which recently acquired Oculus for $2 billion.


Android for VR will be freely distributed just like its sibling for smartphones and tablets. Google has reportedly committed tens of engineers to the project. Two of the engineers behind Google Cardboard are said to be leading the project.


No timeline on the release of Android VR has been mentioned. I won't be surprised if we hear more about the platform during this year's Google I/O.


Source WSJ

Google has released a free Motion Stills app that allows any Android phone with a built-in gyroscope that runs Android 5.1 or higher access to the latest augmented reality technology. Google's latest app was built with editing videos and GIFS in mind. It allows the user to capture short videos and change them into stunning cinemagraphs or sweeping cinematic pans using their advanced rendering and stabilization technology. Now you can combine AR stickers and clips into movies or create looping GIFS that you can easily share with your friends.

Not Just For Pixel 2

Google Pixel 2 owners have already been enjoying adding a host of fun AR stickers, including R2-D2 and Stranger Things characters, into the real world using the device's built-in ARCore technology. Pixel 2 owners with the Android Oreo 8.1 update received early access to Google's library of AR stickers since December last year.

This is no longer an exclusive club of AR aficionados as Google's Motion Still app is opening the market by making it easier to access. The latest version of the Motion Stills app brings all the fun of these AR stickers to a decent cross section of Android devices, making it easy for anyone to insert 3D objects into the surroundings before recording.

Motion Still Features

With Motion Still, you can:

        Use the AR mode to add fun characters to your surroundings.

        Create a short, 3 second clip with a simple tap of your screen.

        Condense up to a minute of video into a short clip by using the Fast Forward mode.

        Combine clips to create movies with a simple swipe to the right.

        Share your Motion Stills as short videos or cool looping GIF's directly with your friends.

The AR functionality is by far the most appealing feature of the app. Using this function you can stick an animated 3D object on any surface, even if it is moving. You can then record a video or GIF of the animated character's actions in the real world and share your Motion Stills clip directly with your friends. Sounds pretty awesome!

How Does the App Work?

You can get into the finer technical details of the app on Google Research's blog but the short explanation is that the app will track your phone's 3D rotation and location in relation to the ground or any flat surface that is in view. With this data, it is able to insert a 3D object into your real world surroundings and will scale up and down proportionally as you move closer or further from the AR character. This could be implemented in many ways and would also making playing at River Belle casino and any other gaming site so much more interactive.

Accessing AR Technology is Becoming Easier

Google is paving the way in terms of making the wonders of augmented reality technology more accessible to a wider audience. You'll probably have noticed that some of the best and most recent apps in the augmented reality category are confined almost exclusively to more advanced phones that run the latest operating software. So it's a great thing that Google is trying to grow the market by making these AR features available on any Android device that runs Android 5.1 or higher. Of course, the hope is that these new users will enjoy the taste of AR so much that they'll be more inclined to upgrade to the Pixel 2 which comes standard with the more advanced ARCore tech.

There is no doubt about the potential that VR holds for the future of entertainment and now some of the biggest names in the business have joined forces in order to initiate the largest promotional campaign for VR till date. The Global Virtual Reality Association or GVRA comprises of Facebook Oculus, HTC Vive, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Google, Acer Starbreeze and of course, Samsung.

The group will be responsible for developing, as well as setting software and hardware standards for everything related to the virtual reality business. The campaign is set forward to not only standardize and control the VR market, but also to make VR more popular, attractive, useful and consumer friendly all around the world. As most of the major players in the business have now united (barring a few like Microsoft) under one organization, research and development will probably reach new heights faster than ever before. However, it will be interesting to see if they can make the technology more appealing and affordable for the general masses all around the globe.


Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


While virtual reality was viewed as a niche product in the past, businesses across industries are starting to harness the power of VR to achieve their goals. In fact, the only limit to the use of VR is your own imagination. Let's take a look at some interesting ways of how virtual reality development transforms businesses. 

1. Training

This is a crucial use case for VR because it immerses the employee in a lifelike environment or situation without actually having to deal with all of the problems the pose in the real world. For example, Walmart has used virtual reality technology in order to simulate the working conditions of Black Friday. This way, the employees will be ready for long lines, agitated customers, and the stress that comes with it. 

2. Retail

Virtual reality offers a lot of benefits for both customers and businesses. A great example of this is what Ikea is doing to help customers pick out their furniture. If the customer is on the fence about buying something, they can use the app to see what a specific piece of furniture will look like in their home. This allows customers to overcome their hesitations and helps eliminate buyer's remorse. 

3. Construction

It's one thing to present clients and inventors with a drawing of a proposed building and another to allow them actually to see the and walk through the proposed design. Thanks to new developments, it is now easier than ever to turn paper plans into 3D computer models.

4. Data Visualization

Thanks to VR, you will soon be able to say goodbye to boring meetings and presentations where you have to read data off PowerPoint presentations or other charts. VR will allow data to be displayed in 3D, which means that you will be able to interact with it dynamically. 

5. Manufacture

VR can be very useful in the manufacturing sector since it can be applied in the design and prototyping process. In fact, companies such as Boeing and Airbus are already employing this technology, so they do not have to build expensive prototypes and are even the interior design of the cabin. 

6. Real Estate

When someone is considering buying a new home, it is not enough to simply tell them about a property. You would be much more helpful to show them what the house looks like in VR which simulate the real-life property to the most minute detail. This also eliminates the need for home buyers to physically travel to a location to view a house or an apartment. 

Exploring the uses of virtual reality as a tool will change the way you do business and can give you an essential edge in today's tech-focused climate. Focus now on understanding the range of possibilities and investing in the technology needed to make the most of virtual reality. Whether you're training your team or offering a cutting-edge digital experience to customers, VR can change the way you interact and do business going forward.




Since it's commencing, many have considered the VR is another mainstream thing. Research has shown that both VR and AR have good potents to change the way people use their PCs, laptops, and smartphones. Although VR nowadays tends to strongly relate to gaming and entertainment, it also has a prevalence to businesses. That's why it is normal to add VR in your mobile app development as well.


Since it's commencing, many have considered the VR is another mainstream thing. Research has shown that both VR and AR have good potents to change the way people use their PCs, laptops, and smartphones. Although VR development nowadays tends to strongly relate to gaming and entertainment, it also has a prevalence to businesses. That's why it is normal to add VR in your mobile app development as well.

Take one simple example. The custom software development that creates a VR mobile app can be used to teach beginners about how to cook in such interactive manner. Imagine the big windows of possibility when the VR tutor technology is applied to other industries like aviation, military, factory, etc.

Before hiring any software development company to help you with the VR custom software development, you might have a lot of questions. One of them is probably the relevancy of the app with your business.

Before you reject the idea of VR mobile app development, consider it thoroughly. VR might have limitations in actualizing your ads storyline. However, the VR environment can give your customers with broader experience. They will be able to explore things that catch their attention without distraction. For instance, for your online clothing stores, you could build your virtual gallery wherein your client can browse the product and visualize it by themselves. You don't even have to open your brick-and-mortar store 24 hours to receive your customers. They can attend to your store anytime they want and test any clothes they want to wear.

VR is going to change your work environment, no matter which industry you are being involved with. It is only a matter of time that the VR tech enters the markets and office. Then it will quickly invite new people for the new kinds of jobs. This happening is not just for gaming and entertainment community, but also the marketing, advertisement, business development, crowdfunding, non-profit, and so on. If you think that it is going to happen in the future, it is actually happening right now! We shouldn't be surprised by the concepts like Voice UX Designer, Head of Machine Personality, Virtual Developers, and so on.

VR has been prevalent with the Digital Agencies. Products and services will evolve soon when VR tech can replace any other function. The software development company can even help you to integrate VR with your business premises. With the VR custom software development, you can maximize the AI to create such innovative products. For instance, you can use the VR custom software development which features allow you to create the prototype. With high-end techniques, your products development will be faster and more effective. You will have the leverage in prototyping. The next thing you know is that your product can be demonstrated in no time, thanks to the VR help.

VR tech is also responsible for the demonstration of your business. It will come in handy for demonstrating the prototype of your product without wasting your money to create a prop or physical stuff. Ithe platform will assist you in realizing your project without struggling with your money and effort. Virtual reality will indeed shape the future. If you are convinced with this premise, consider reaching your custom software development company as soon as possible.



The concept Augmented Reality Nobody expected AR to become a recent system for the general when it was initially offered by Boeing as an internal tool to improve development. In reality, no one could have predicted that AR apps would be so widely distributed.

But we all know how quickly AR has become a part of everyday life. The virtual reality opportunities offered by AR has grown so prevalent that it is no longer considered an exotic technology. That is unquestionably excellent news for entrepreneurs. Especially when businesses wish to communicate with clients electronically but cannot afford to do so in person.

Augmented reality displays data in neatly summarized digital pieces. It saves the stress of having to analyses too much knowledge in order to reach a decision. AR can assist users make rapid judgments without information load, whether it's to identify a component by size or to gauge the popularity of a business with a star rating.

Enables one-of-a-kind customer experiences

The most significant advantage of Virtual Environments is that it produces one-of-a-kind mobile experience that combine the finest of the hardware and software. It also does not require any specific gear or software to enjoy the experience.

Digital Technology may be experienced with standard cellphones and mobile apps. Indeed, recent advancements in AR have enabled unique environments to be accessed via web browsers.

Now, what distinguishes AR experiences from other events? Some most digital audio and video encounters we are aware of are whether in the physical or electronic realms. For example, augmented reality combines two realities. It layers digital components on top of physical components, resulting in a mirage appearance.

When approaching a tourist spot, for example, people may aim their cellphones towards it. When observed via the touchscreen, the AR app displays digital phrases, allowing customers to ingest both digital content information at the same time

It reduces overtraining

Have you ever attempted to fix a car with a manual? If not, try it and you'll immediately understand what a horrible idea it is. Nothing against supporting manuals and documentation, however they rarely assist novice users understand how to solve things. Especially if it is a new model that differs from prior automobile models and engineering.

The memory and information load is what we're talking about here. Intellectual overload occurs when your working memory is forced to process far more knowledge than it can easily manage. That you're unable to accept it, you become frustrated and your judgment suffers.

Increases user engagement

When it initially became established, Augmented Reality was mostly seen as a game and fun technology. However, over time, it has evolved into a number of different use cases that can bring significant financial benefits. One such benefit is increased user engagement.

If there is one objective that most business executives will promote in 2021 and beyond, it is enhancing user engagement. User involvement serves as a springboard to a slew of other advantages. From increased spending to increased brand loyalty, there are several benefits for both a new and existing organisation. The difficulty is to serve the correct information to the right user at the right moment so that they interact.

AR and VR

Strategy in the marketplace

In a market when all rivals provide similar items in the same price range, brands must differentiate themselves. For a long time, businesses have differentiated themselves through traditional advertisements and the creative opportunities they provide.

Augmented Reality will enable businesses to go farther with unique advertising that would differentiate them in a competitive market.
The sportswear market is without a doubt one of the most congested and densely packed. Despite the fact that Nike has been around for a long time, retaining its market position and attracting younger clients requires extra work. Particularly when the opposition is hot on your tail with fresh revolutionary items

How does augmented reality task effectively?

Augmented reality employs a variety of technologies, including pattern recognition, positioning, simultaneous localization, and depth tracking. These technologies enable the superimposition of digital media on top of the actual items. These systems take real-time information, synthesize it, and send it to servers hosting AR content, where it is blended together and provided to the end user.

The AR software captures the real-time physical surroundings using the camera on the user's smartphone. Computer vision (which is frequently supplemented by advanced analytic technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms) captures the user's real-time surroundings. Location specific synchronized positioning and depth tracking are techniques that measure the numerous dimensions in which the picture must be projected.

SLAM works by using localising sensors in a device, such as a gyroscope or an acceleration. This device is used to map a full space or an item. Once the image mappings is accomplished, SLAM executes an AR image projection, which projects the picture in the correct dimension on physical environments

Scanning intensity

Depth tracking is the measurement of an object's distance from the camera sensor. It is used to calculate the magnitude and dimensions of the virtual item in the actual surroundings. Consider how your camera works while taking live focus photos. It concentrates on the picture within a certain distance while blurring the rest of the surroundings. Furthermore, depth monitoring monitors the object's distance from the camera while ignoring the rest of the backdrop, allowing the picture to be analyzed for AR simulation.

Image transformation and presentation

The final stage of AR stimulation is image enhancement and projection. The AR application makes the final render of the picture and projected it to the user's device at this point. The operating system might be a specialised hololens, a smart phone, a desktop computer, or any other specially designed AR device.

These technologies have enabled the AR application to provide the user with an immersive experience; nonetheless, the programme identifies objects in a variety of methods.

The portable or smartphone-based AR gadgets will be the most popular with all the other categories of AR devices. These sorts of gadgets are always in the billions, are inexpensive, and do not have any flaws like the other forms of AR devices. They are easier to transport, have more computational power, and have considerably superior displays than specialised AR devices.


Mo Cheng


YouMobile, Inc


Many educators support virtual approach in teaching, but some are still hesitant to employ technology in their classrooms. The reasons for this range from expensive prices to opposition from school authorities. Others regard VR and AR as valuable for fun but not as good teaching tools in the classroom.

 According to a recent EdTech survey, other instructor issues include the bulkiness of the technology, bugs, and the performance and availability of data. Despite these obstacles, demand for augmented reality and virtual reality in education is likely to expand in the future years. This implies that present and aspiring instructors should educate themselves on the advantages of virtual reality in the classroom.

Rapid Authenticate

Everyone can get a piece of the pie with virtual reality. In this setting, an equal proportion of schooling would suffice. Because of VR, education is no longer a shame. There are persons, usually children, who encounter barriers to education due to a variety of factors ranging from disability to distance. VR removes those barriers; it offers a quick start with any instruction. Everything is already in place and can be easily relocated if necessary. It is an undeniable reality that instructors are constantly looking for new ways to educate students, especially those with special needs.

Game - based learning

The finest learning outcomes occur when you are involved and have the opportunity to attempt something, fail, and then do it well. Nothing surpasses firsthand experience, and virtual reality enables this. Consider how sad youngsters must be nowadays when you suggest to them, "Read your storybook." It's a non-active action. After all, kids live in a world of technology and rapid gratification. However, if you order them to open their books and read aloud to determine who can read the fastest, they would react very differently. Excitement and competitiveness might stimulate their interest in learning. Adding a competitive and game element to schooling makes it more appealing.

Furthermore, VR allows teachers to 'gamify' even the most basic lessons, such as 'turn the window' or 'slam the door,' into a more complicated gaming experience. Even better, gamification may be successfully incorporated into the instructional content. In a Stone Age era VR classroom, for example, kids can play a game of cutting stone, producing a stone axe, and understanding about ancient people's lives.


Prompt Enrollment

Children are usually riveted to their smartphones or other smart gadgets, making it difficult to capture their attention to anything that does not involve moving visuals or easy-to-read material. VR education, on the other hand, can compete with these expectations. There are no distractions while using VR right away. The environment is so vibrant, appealing, and engaging that every pupil becomes completely absorbed. In VR, if you don't move, nothing occurs. As a result, complete engagement is necessary. That is how, owing to VR, a teacher can help students develop quick reflexes, attention to detail, and quick thinking. Furthermore, that is how a pupil ends up appreciating class involvement.

Functionality Performs

We can prosper as a society because of VR in difficult areas such as medicine and engineering. It is well known that excellent outcomes are the product of 20% ability and 80% work and effort. As a result, without practise, a theory is meaningless. There is also a fine line between a basic chemical experiment and understanding how to operate on someone's spine.

Both are extremely sophisticated and need cutting-edge technology. This is where virtual reality education comes in. It allows many people to get experience in an area that is often difficult to obtain. VR enables pupils to experiment with things they would not be able to accomplish at school.

Mo Cheng


YouMobile, Inc

Gear vr


Alongside the new Galaxy Note 4 phablet, Samsung is today announcing a new accessory, the Gear VR. The Gear VR is a virtual reality headset powered by the Note 4. Samsung built it in partnership with Oculus, maker of the Oculus Rift, arguably the best VR headset, and recent Facebook acquistion. The company says the Gear VR will be available later this fall for an unspecified price.


The Gear VR brings to mind Google's Cardboard project, which uses a smartphone and cheap lenses to provide a basic 3D virtual reality experience.


Gear VR


The Gear VR uses the Note 4 (and Only the Note 4, it's not compatible with any other smartphone, Samsung or otherwise) for all of its processing and display features. The Note 4 snaps into the Gear VR, in front of dual-lenses that provide the 3D effect. There's a trackpad and back button on the right side of the Gear VR, and a focus adjustment on top. Samsung tells me that it's compatible with Bluetooth gaming controllers, but there aren't any specific controls for your hands at this time. Navigating menus, exploring worlds, and playing games is mostly done with head movements and taps on the side-mounted trackpad.


Gear VR


Using the Gear VR is very similar to using the Oculus Rift: it's a completely immersive experience that detaches you from your real environment. But unlike the Rift, there are no wires tethering you and the Gear VR to a computer, so you can freely move about and walk around. And since you strap the Gear VR to your head, you don't have to hold up to your face the entire time like Google Cardboard. There is a mode to enable the Note 4's rear camera while wearing the Gear VR, so you can "switch off" the virtual experience and see the real world.






Samsung's Sept,3 IFA event is very soon. Here's the first look at the upcoming Samsung Virtual Reality Headset. According to the photo source, the company is set to unveil this device (codenamed Project Moonlight) at its upcoming Unpacked event in Berlin and New York, where Samsung is also expected to announce the Galaxy Note 4.


The image seems to show a focus dial and ample lenses, as well as a front panel that would hold a phone, falling in line with previous rumors.


"Oculus" which uses a Note 3 display in some of its newer headsets has previously been reported to be tied up with this project, a nod to the fact that modern smartphones have large, ultra-high-resolution displays and enough sensors to accomplish much of the orientation that a full virtual reality system needs.



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