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After forming the GVRA with Sony, Acer, Facebook, HTC and Google, Samsung is reportedly looking to launch its first ever AR (augmented reality) headset. Additionally, the company is also in the process of bringing forth the next Gear VR headset as well. Apparently, it was vice-president Sung-Hoon Hong himself who had revealed the aforementioned information at the Virtual Reality Summit in San Diego.

"Samsung's hologram technology is really, really realistic. It looks really touchable," - Sung-Hoon Hong.

In more of what he said at the summit, it might have been indicated that the next Gear VR headset is going to debut at the Mobile World Congress in February, 2017. Considering that it was only a few months back that Samsung had launched the last Gear VR, along with the disastrous Galaxy Note 7, we suggest that you take this news with a pinch of salt.

If you are excited about the augmented reality project, the report mentions that Samsung is planning to target businesses with this upcoming headset, rather than direct consumers. Even then, it is too early in the day to predict where and in which way the AR project will be heading in the future. A startup named Magic Leap was mentioned by Hoon according to the report and speculations suggest that this has something to do with the AR project in question here.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Google has released a free Motion Stills app that allows any Android phone with a built-in gyroscope that runs Android 5.1 or higher access to the latest augmented reality technology. Google's latest app was built with editing videos and GIFS in mind. It allows the user to capture short videos and change them into stunning cinemagraphs or sweeping cinematic pans using their advanced rendering and stabilization technology. Now you can combine AR stickers and clips into movies or create looping GIFS that you can easily share with your friends.

Not Just For Pixel 2

Google Pixel 2 owners have already been enjoying adding a host of fun AR stickers, including R2-D2 and Stranger Things characters, into the real world using the device's built-in ARCore technology. Pixel 2 owners with the Android Oreo 8.1 update received early access to Google's library of AR stickers since December last year.

This is no longer an exclusive club of AR aficionados as Google's Motion Still app is opening the market by making it easier to access. The latest version of the Motion Stills app brings all the fun of these AR stickers to a decent cross section of Android devices, making it easy for anyone to insert 3D objects into the surroundings before recording.

Motion Still Features

With Motion Still, you can:

        Use the AR mode to add fun characters to your surroundings.

        Create a short, 3 second clip with a simple tap of your screen.

        Condense up to a minute of video into a short clip by using the Fast Forward mode.

        Combine clips to create movies with a simple swipe to the right.

        Share your Motion Stills as short videos or cool looping GIF's directly with your friends.

The AR functionality is by far the most appealing feature of the app. Using this function you can stick an animated 3D object on any surface, even if it is moving. You can then record a video or GIF of the animated character's actions in the real world and share your Motion Stills clip directly with your friends. Sounds pretty awesome!

How Does the App Work?

You can get into the finer technical details of the app on Google Research's blog but the short explanation is that the app will track your phone's 3D rotation and location in relation to the ground or any flat surface that is in view. With this data, it is able to insert a 3D object into your real world surroundings and will scale up and down proportionally as you move closer or further from the AR character. This could be implemented in many ways and would also making playing at River Belle casino and any other gaming site so much more interactive.

Accessing AR Technology is Becoming Easier

Google is paving the way in terms of making the wonders of augmented reality technology more accessible to a wider audience. You'll probably have noticed that some of the best and most recent apps in the augmented reality category are confined almost exclusively to more advanced phones that run the latest operating software. So it's a great thing that Google is trying to grow the market by making these AR features available on any Android device that runs Android 5.1 or higher. Of course, the hope is that these new users will enjoy the taste of AR so much that they'll be more inclined to upgrade to the Pixel 2 which comes standard with the more advanced ARCore tech.


The concept Augmented Reality Nobody expected AR to become a recent system for the general when it was initially offered by Boeing as an internal tool to improve development. In reality, no one could have predicted that AR apps would be so widely distributed.

But we all know how quickly AR has become a part of everyday life. The virtual reality opportunities offered by AR has grown so prevalent that it is no longer considered an exotic technology. That is unquestionably excellent news for entrepreneurs. Especially when businesses wish to communicate with clients electronically but cannot afford to do so in person.

Augmented reality displays data in neatly summarized digital pieces. It saves the stress of having to analyses too much knowledge in order to reach a decision. AR can assist users make rapid judgments without information load, whether it's to identify a component by size or to gauge the popularity of a business with a star rating.

Enables one-of-a-kind customer experiences

The most significant advantage of Virtual Environments is that it produces one-of-a-kind mobile experience that combine the finest of the hardware and software. It also does not require any specific gear or software to enjoy the experience.

Digital Technology may be experienced with standard cellphones and mobile apps. Indeed, recent advancements in AR have enabled unique environments to be accessed via web browsers.

Now, what distinguishes AR experiences from other events? Some most digital audio and video encounters we are aware of are whether in the physical or electronic realms. For example, augmented reality combines two realities. It layers digital components on top of physical components, resulting in a mirage appearance.

When approaching a tourist spot, for example, people may aim their cellphones towards it. When observed via the touchscreen, the AR app displays digital phrases, allowing customers to ingest both digital content information at the same time

It reduces overtraining

Have you ever attempted to fix a car with a manual? If not, try it and you'll immediately understand what a horrible idea it is. Nothing against supporting manuals and documentation, however they rarely assist novice users understand how to solve things. Especially if it is a new model that differs from prior automobile models and engineering.

The memory and information load is what we're talking about here. Intellectual overload occurs when your working memory is forced to process far more knowledge than it can easily manage. That you're unable to accept it, you become frustrated and your judgment suffers.

Increases user engagement

When it initially became established, Augmented Reality was mostly seen as a game and fun technology. However, over time, it has evolved into a number of different use cases that can bring significant financial benefits. One such benefit is increased user engagement.

If there is one objective that most business executives will promote in 2021 and beyond, it is enhancing user engagement. User involvement serves as a springboard to a slew of other advantages. From increased spending to increased brand loyalty, there are several benefits for both a new and existing organisation. The difficulty is to serve the correct information to the right user at the right moment so that they interact.

AR and VR

Strategy in the marketplace

In a market when all rivals provide similar items in the same price range, brands must differentiate themselves. For a long time, businesses have differentiated themselves through traditional advertisements and the creative opportunities they provide.

Augmented Reality will enable businesses to go farther with unique advertising that would differentiate them in a competitive market.
The sportswear market is without a doubt one of the most congested and densely packed. Despite the fact that Nike has been around for a long time, retaining its market position and attracting younger clients requires extra work. Particularly when the opposition is hot on your tail with fresh revolutionary items

How does augmented reality task effectively?

Augmented reality employs a variety of technologies, including pattern recognition, positioning, simultaneous localization, and depth tracking. These technologies enable the superimposition of digital media on top of the actual items. These systems take real-time information, synthesize it, and send it to servers hosting AR content, where it is blended together and provided to the end user.

The AR software captures the real-time physical surroundings using the camera on the user's smartphone. Computer vision (which is frequently supplemented by advanced analytic technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms) captures the user's real-time surroundings. Location specific synchronized positioning and depth tracking are techniques that measure the numerous dimensions in which the picture must be projected.

SLAM works by using localising sensors in a device, such as a gyroscope or an acceleration. This device is used to map a full space or an item. Once the image mappings is accomplished, SLAM executes an AR image projection, which projects the picture in the correct dimension on physical environments

Scanning intensity

Depth tracking is the measurement of an object's distance from the camera sensor. It is used to calculate the magnitude and dimensions of the virtual item in the actual surroundings. Consider how your camera works while taking live focus photos. It concentrates on the picture within a certain distance while blurring the rest of the surroundings. Furthermore, depth monitoring monitors the object's distance from the camera while ignoring the rest of the backdrop, allowing the picture to be analyzed for AR simulation.

Image transformation and presentation

The final stage of AR stimulation is image enhancement and projection. The AR application makes the final render of the picture and projected it to the user's device at this point. The operating system might be a specialised hololens, a smart phone, a desktop computer, or any other specially designed AR device.

These technologies have enabled the AR application to provide the user with an immersive experience; nonetheless, the programme identifies objects in a variety of methods.

The portable or smartphone-based AR gadgets will be the most popular with all the other categories of AR devices. These sorts of gadgets are always in the billions, are inexpensive, and do not have any flaws like the other forms of AR devices. They are easier to transport, have more computational power, and have considerably superior displays than specialised AR devices.


Mo Cheng


YouMobile, Inc


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