Tags - cases


The Smartphone has never been more popular. In the modern age, our phones have become an extension of self, we use them constantly to update, navigate and traverse the modern landscape. We check the traffic, monitor the weather and use GPS to make our way around.  According to an article published in Tech World there are up to five billion cell phone users across the globe - that's a lot of handsets. Because most modern smartphones are so delicate, most people choose to protect their phone with a case. The trouble is most of these cases are made from environmentally detrimental materials. With over a billion new handsets sold every year, that adds up to a big pile of waste heading to the landfill or even worse, the ocean. 

Thankfully, there are better options out there. Many proactive companies have begun to offer greener, earth-friendly phone accessories. We've picked our two favourites and outlined the benefits of their products.  




CaseFace Eco Case

Sustainable Cell Phone Case

Eco-features: Biodegradable, BPA Free, Non-Toxic, Eco Friendly 

Material: Flax Shive 

First up is the CaseFace Eco-case. Made from flax shive, this sim design is available in a wide range of colors and for a range of Apple, Samsung and Huawei devices. 

First on the list is the eco-range from CaseFace.  Sleek, slim and available in a wide range of colors, these cases are available for most iPhone, Samsung and Huawei phones.  The proprietary straw flax blend gives this case excellent durability with a nice matte finish. 

  • Compostable 

  • Biodegradable

  • Renewable

  • Bpa Free

  • Non-toxic

  • Wide range of colors

  • Shock absorbing



In terms of protection, this case can hold its own with traditional plastic phone cases. Although, this case does not have an official drop rating yet, the company promises satisfaction or your money back.  Finally, the most important feature: when you're retiring your phone, simply toss this case onto the compost heap and let nature take its course. You can shop the eco-friendly phone case range here at CaseFace.





Benefits: Biodegradable, Recyclable, Sustainably Harvested, Give Back Policy, Leather Look. 

Fabric Material: Various, plant based. 

The stunning Dreem Case is the cover that looks and feels like real suede but is 100% cruelty free, sustainable and recyclable. The Dreem team is so committed to their cause that for each phone case sold, Dreem will donate 8% of the proceeds to a variety of eco-friendly initiatives.  

Aside from the intangible benefits, this case is truly beautiful. The case feels like premium soft and supple suede and feels absolutely gorgeous in the plam of your hand.  Available for most major brands, this cover supports wireless charging and is available in a deep black or bright blue 

The best part of purchasing a  Dreem case, you are not only commiting to reducing future pollution, but you are also helping to remove existing pollution.

  • Compostable 

  • Unique materials

  • Biodegradable

  • Renewable

  • Bpa Free

  • Non-toxic



These are by no means the only options for a greener case. More and more companies are choosing to offer most sustainable options to their customers and choosing such options can have a dramatic effect on the environment. So, when shopping for your next case, consider going green. 

In a world plagued by terrorists and psychopaths pretty much anywhere you can think of, it's always a bad idea to carry a gun-shaped anything at the airport. Although this should go without saying, apparently, an individual in the London Stansted Airport did not have enough common sense to know that. Alternately, it could be just a very stupid idea of a prank that went south for the man.

This person walked into the airport with a gun-shaped iPhone case, which was found on him during the mandatory security check. The photo above is for the purpose of illustration and was NOT the way in which the individual was touting the pseudo-gun. However, that did not save him from getting charged for possession of an imitation firearm in a public place, as well as for threatening behaviour to cause alarm or distress.

Popular online sites like Amazon and eBay used to list items similar to this iPhone case, but they have completely stopped selling them after recent terrorist attacks and multiple warnings by law enforcement officers issued to citizens against using anything that imitates a gun in a public place. If you were planning to buy something similar for your phone, it's probably a VERY bad idea!

Author: Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

If you have been following us, you probably have a pretty good idea about what to expect from the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 7 already. But just in case you don't have an idea, have a look at some these recent renders released by VRS Design while listing their new range of cases for the Note 7.

The pictures do not reveal anything to us that we do not know already but they sure are reinforcing the rumors almost to the point of becoming facts. We can see the S-Pen's top end poking out from the bottom right S-Pen slot and the expected USB Type-C port makes its appearance in this render as well. What we do not see clearly however, are the three lenses of the rumoured retina scanner. Given that the images do not show the retina scanner to be absent either, don't lose hope yet! Additionally, we can see the dual Edge display, the ambient light sensor, the front camera, the rear camera and the dual tone flash.

Author: Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


Although the official unveiling date for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is still more than a month away on the 2nd of August, rumors and leaks have already given away most of what to expect from the next Note. The latest leak even hints at a brand new "Coral Blue" variant that has not been seen on a Galaxy Note device yet. Most importantly though, two debated issues regarding the name of the next Note and the choice of display has now been resolved. The next Note will be called Note 7 instead of Note 6, even though it is the sixth iteration in the series. Also, there will be no flat screen variant of the Note 7 at release, but only one version with a curved/Edge display.

To top it all off, if there was any doubt in anyone's mind regarding the actual shape and form of the upcoming Note, it has been cleared by Olixar's online listings. Olixar has listed three NovaShield covers for the Galaxy Note 7 in Blue Leather, Carbon Fibre Gold and Red Leather. Interestingly enough, the listings clearly show the cases wrapped around a white Note 7 with a curve display and a S-Pen slot at the bottom right. In order to know more about the Samsung Galaxy Note7, check out our spec sheet and rumoured spec lists.

Author: Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


It has become a trend now for cases and covers to leak well before a popular smartphone model is revealed officially and since the Galaxy Note 8 is inarguably one of the most anticipated Android phones till date, this trend is proving true in this case as well (no puns intended!). The case in question is made by Olixar and the news was brought to attention by a post on SamMobile. It's now up for preorder at Mobile Fun as you read this.


What it means for us enthusiasts is that we get to have a first look at how the Galaxy Note 8 will look like when released in about two months' time. As case makers usually receive information regarding the design of a smartphone well in advance since they have to start manufacturing the cases well before the smartphones are launched, we are hoping that this is a pretty reliable look at how the Galaxy Note 8 may look like. Then again, nothing is for certain unless more reliable sources reveal the actual handset. If the design does turn out to be true, then the good news is that while the fingerprint scanner will still be placed at an awkward position, the flash and the heart rate sensor has been placed in-between the dual camera module and the fingerprint sensor to eliminate any chances of smudging the lens.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Since Google just informed the press about an upcoming event on October 4, we are pretty sure that's where the new Pixel phones will be unveiled for the first time. This belief was further confirmed by the fact that there's a new "Oct. 4" video on Google's official YouTube channel where the Google search bar slowly transforms into the shape of a smartphone.

As far as leaks go, the latest Geekbench spec sheets are revealing a revised Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor, 4GB of RAM and Android Nougat 7.1, a version of the OS that no other smartphone is running at the moment. Both the Pixel (5.2-inch) and the Pixel XL (5.5-inch) will be made by HTC this year and there will be two versions this time around; one for the US and the other for the international market.

We have also seen a few mobile case listings for the Pixel phones and as you can see from the image, the camera cut-outs are suspiciously large and may indicate a dual camera setup at the back. However, no such rumor regarding the Pixel or Pixel XL has surfaced so far. We will find out more very soon as the official unveiling date is now confirmed and just around the corner.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


While virtual reality was viewed as a niche product in the past, businesses across industries are starting to harness the power of VR to achieve their goals. In fact, the only limit to the use of VR is your own imagination. Let's take a look at some interesting ways of how virtual reality development transforms businesses. 

1. Training

This is a crucial use case for VR because it immerses the employee in a lifelike environment or situation without actually having to deal with all of the problems the pose in the real world. For example, Walmart has used virtual reality technology in order to simulate the working conditions of Black Friday. This way, the employees will be ready for long lines, agitated customers, and the stress that comes with it. 

2. Retail

Virtual reality offers a lot of benefits for both customers and businesses. A great example of this is what Ikea is doing to help customers pick out their furniture. If the customer is on the fence about buying something, they can use the app to see what a specific piece of furniture will look like in their home. This allows customers to overcome their hesitations and helps eliminate buyer's remorse. 

3. Construction

It's one thing to present clients and inventors with a drawing of a proposed building and another to allow them actually to see the and walk through the proposed design. Thanks to new developments, it is now easier than ever to turn paper plans into 3D computer models.

4. Data Visualization

Thanks to VR, you will soon be able to say goodbye to boring meetings and presentations where you have to read data off PowerPoint presentations or other charts. VR will allow data to be displayed in 3D, which means that you will be able to interact with it dynamically. 

5. Manufacture

VR can be very useful in the manufacturing sector since it can be applied in the design and prototyping process. In fact, companies such as Boeing and Airbus are already employing this technology, so they do not have to build expensive prototypes and are even the interior design of the cabin. 

6. Real Estate

When someone is considering buying a new home, it is not enough to simply tell them about a property. You would be much more helpful to show them what the house looks like in VR which simulate the real-life property to the most minute detail. This also eliminates the need for home buyers to physically travel to a location to view a house or an apartment. 

Exploring the uses of virtual reality as a tool will change the way you do business and can give you an essential edge in today's tech-focused climate. Focus now on understanding the range of possibilities and investing in the technology needed to make the most of virtual reality. Whether you're training your team or offering a cutting-edge digital experience to customers, VR can change the way you interact and do business going forward.



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