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Between the ability to make a purchase from your mobile device at the push of a button to the fear of missing out that can leave you chasing every new iteration of your smartphone, technology has a way of making it easy to spend money. Balancing that is the fact that technology also makes it easier than ever to use your money wisely, get control of your spending habits and build wealth. The tips below can help you use tech for smart money management.


Comparison Shop


Even if you prefer to do your shopping in brick-and-mortar stores, you can look online to compare prices and make sure you're getting the best deal possible. Some products will scan for the best prices after you take a photo of the item or scan its barcode. However, comparison shopping online doesn't stop here. You can look for better rates on auto insurance, lower utility prices and better terms for loans. You can even find good opportunities for refinancing existing loans. These payments can be especially burdensome and the interest can add up over time, but if interest rates have fallen and your credit score has improved recently, you should be able to find lenders willing to refinance your student loan at a lower rate. With lower monthly payments, this can save you a great deal of money over the long term.


Plan for Retirement


Increasingly, Silicon Valley is realizing that they've been ignoring a market of baby boomers who are tech-savvy and maybe even investment-savvy but who still struggle to navigate the unfamiliar waters of retirement. A number of new products are starting to appear that offer a range of services. Time will tell which of these are useful enough to survive, but they include products that help retired people and people approaching retirement understand their options for Medicaid, Social Security and more. This is often unknown territory even for relatively financially sophisticated boomers. Some products offer a free version alongside a paid version that allows users to work with a financial adviser. Others are designed for financial advisers themselves, helping them design options that will create income generation for their retired clients.


Budgeting and Saving


In contrast, programs and apps that help you with budgeting and saving have been around for a while although there are always new and improved products hitting the market. The value of many of these tools is the degree to which they automate the process of tracking your spending and helping you budget. Many offer you the opportunity to connect your bank account. If you make most of your purchases electronically, this can give you a clear picture of your spending. This is handy information to have even if you don't need to do any hard-core budgeting. If you're working to get out of debt, it can be invaluable in helping you understand and change your habits to save more. Using tech can also be a great way to get your children more interested in learning about finances and making responsible choices with money with apps developed particularly for certain age groups that gamify or otherwise make the process fun.


Tags: how use tech manage your money 


Whether you are a business owner or a higher up, carrying around two phones can be tedious. With the added stress of ensuring it is charged, this can oftentimes be more stress than it is worth. However, by eliminating the need for a job and personal phone, you can begin to manage workload and ensure a phone call is never missed again. 

Ensures Open Line Of Communication 

One of the biggest benefits that come from a BYOD (bring your device) services is that it keeps an open line of communication when you are out of the office. It allows you to answer all your work phone calls without having to carry around a separate phone. This not only saves time, but this is also a business expense that can be spared by using your device instead of purchasing business phones for you. 

Allows For Work To Be Completed Outside The Office

In addition to ensuring open lines of communication, there is the opportunity to complete work outside of the office. Whether this is conference calls or meetings with other members of the team, work can be completed remotely. This is ideal for those that are constantly travelling for business as work can be completed with the phone and a laptop. Though this will require a strong phone signal, this is a simple yet effective way of keeping your business connected through a central network, regardless of where you are travelling to. 

Ensures Emails Are Connected 

In addition to phone calls, having all your emails on one place can help you to complete work efficiently over the course of the day. Whether you are travelling to meetings or you are away on business, a BYOD contract allows you to use your phone as a central hub to the office. This is ideal particularly for smaller businesses as this will keep everyone connected even when travelling on business. This allows those that are out on jobs to still be contactable when they are out of the office. This will not only improve efficiency, but it has the potential to boost revenue month on month. 

Allows Them To Set Realistic Deadlines 

The final benefit to a contract such as this is the realistic deadlines. By having phone calls and emails all on one device, you can focus on the task at hand without having to switch device. This not only makes travelling easier, but it allows you to monitor deadlines with the rest of the team. When having calls directed to your mobile, you can help the team progress without having to juggle two phones. This, therefore, means that there is never the risk of a missed call regardless of where you are. 

With this in mind, using a contract such as this can help to increase efficiency over time. Whether you are a new business looking to connect all employees through a central hub or you are a business looking to remove the added expense of business phones, this style of contract can benefit you in the long term. 


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