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Mobile phones have become ubiquitous today. Almost everyone in the developed and developing countries, whether they are a school-goer, a salaried professional, or even elderly, has one type of smartphone or the other. However, do you know there are many ways to enhance your mobile experience?

The following are top 5 things that you can do to make the most of your smartphone:

1. Setting up Smart Lock


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It's good that most phones offer a slew of security features to protect your privacy. However, when you are at home i.e. in a safe space, then it can be annoying to unlock your device whenever it's in the standby mode. This problem can be easily solved with Google Smart Lock.

Google Smart Lock offers you a number of options that make phone unlocking easy and convenient:

Trusted Places

You can set up Trusted Places of the smart lock so that when you are in select locations (home, office, etc.) then the phone remains unlocked for a certain period. It can track your location with the GPS sensor and unlock the device automatically when it detects the locations set by you.

On Body Detection

This feature keeps the phone unlocked as long as it's in your hands or pockets. However, as soon as you put the phone down, it gets locked instantly.

Trusted Devices

You can also link a Bluetooth device such as a Bluetooth speaker, smartwatch, etc. to your smartphone so that when it detects the device it understands that you are in a "safe zone" and unlocks the device as long as you are in the vicinity of the device.

There are many other ways to set up Smart Lock. To learn how to turn it on/off the in your Android device, go here.

2. Installing Performance Booster App 

It's not uncommon for people to fill their mobiles with all kinds of games and apps. However, this constant addition of new applications over time can greatly affect your phone's performance. To solve this problem, you can use a utility app like Power Clean that can optimize your device.

Power Clean offers a number of features that help to make your phone run faster and create space for new apps and files in a matter of seconds. With its "one tap" feature, you can remove obsolete APK files, cache data, unwanted apps, junk photos and more. If can also be used for increasing the free available RAM or removing viruses.

3. Using VPN


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A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a connection method that sets up a virtual tunnel between your mobile and the services you access on the Internet. So, any information that's exchanged between you and the websites you visit are hidden from your ISP and potential hackers that may try to tap into the communication channel.

There are many benefits of using VPN:

  • You can enjoy a high level of security and privacy whether you are using your phone with your home wifi or a public hotspot.
  • You can unlock geo-restricted content such as Hulu, BBC Radio etc. as the service allows you to access these websites through remote servers.
  • If your Internet Service Provider (ISP) has throttled your bandwidth, then a VPN service can increase your Internet speed too.

There are a variety of VPN services that you can use for your mobile such as TunnelBear, NordVPN, ExpressVPN, etc. However, you may want to learn how VPN works exactly so that you know how to pick the right VPN for your needs.

4. Enabling Developer Options

Although the developer options in smartphones are meant for software professionals, general users can also use them to enhance their experience. However, you need to enable these options first as they aren't accessible by default.

If you are using an android phone, then enabling developer options is quite simple. Just go to Settings > About phone or Settings > System > About phone, look for build number, and tap it several times (usually 7) until it notifies you that you have become a developer. Doing the same on an iPhone is slightly more complicated but you can still learn it here.

Some of the best developer options that are available in an Android phone are:

  • Background process limit: This option lets you limit the number of apps that can run in the background at the same time. The default number is usually 4-5. However, you can set it to zero so that every time you close an app, it's terminated rather than moved to the background where it continues to run. This can greatly improve the performance of your device.
  • Aggressive data handover: Activating this option makes your wi-fi more "aggressive" in handing over the data connection to mobile. So, whenever the wi-fi signal gets low, it hands over the connection to your mobile data instantly. This way, you can surf the Internet without any lags.
  • Force 4X MSAA: If you want to take your mobile gaming experience to the next level, then you can enable the Force 4X MSAA option. It lets you enjoy better quality graphics in a variety of games and OpenGL ES 2.0 applications. However, bear in mind that it increases the battery consumption too.

5. Double up Your Device as a POS Terminal


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If you are a business owner who has to accept credit/debit card payments from customers frequently, then you don't need to invest in a POS terminal for that. Square Register is a unique payment service that allows you to convert your standard smartphone into a POS device by using a special dongle called Square Reader. It's an innovative card-swipe dongle that plugs into your phone's audio jack. It's easy to use, and available for both iOS and Android devices.

So, these were some of the less-known tips and tricks that can help you enjoy your mobile even more. Which one are you going to try first?



Salary is the worst addiction that makes you kill your dreams and work your whole life. We get up early in the morning and travel to work 9 to 5 for an income that only fulfills our basic needs. On top of that, we don't have the freedom of our own life. We can't travel, take days off, or rest if we like it. Jobs bound us to a strict routine of slaves and keeps our mouth shut with minimum wage. 

The world is starting to see how jobs take away our entire life. That's why people are more focused on starting their own business. But it's not as simple as most of us might think. Most startups usually fail within the first year, and very few of them manage to become a stable business with a decent income. The problem is our education system. They teach us how to be a good employee, but no one tells us how to start a business. They don't give us practical education or experience.

We discover new things by making mistakes and suffering terrible losses. We can only withstand a limited number of losses before we fall down. And not all of us have the courage to get up again and give the business another shot. 

So, what's the solution to this problem?


Use the internet and contact experienced people of the same industry to learn from them. Don't for the time when you will give up everything and start working on your new business. Learn things whenever you can. Only when you are sure that now you have learned enough to start a successful business of your industry should you take the next step. 

The Internet is the source of valuable information where you learn from the experience of other people. This article is one of them. This is a humble approach to share our experience and knowledge with all ambitious entrepreneurs and businessmen. Here I have shared things you must have when starting a new business. You don't necessarily need all of them. It's just some things that may be helpful for some businesses and essential for some industries. 

A Unique Selling Proposition

This is not optional. If you are to start a business, you must have an idea that is unique. Of course, the entire business idea can't be unique due to the saturation we have in every single market. However, you can add one unique thing in the same cliché idea to stand out in the market. 

For example, for a food business, you could have a great taste that your customers won't find anywhere else. Whether it be quality, low prices, or additional service, that's for you to decide. It's not something you would find easily. You will have to research the entire market. See what people are doing and what your customers expect. Look for a market gap and make it your unique selling point. 

Focus all your business processes and marketing on that unique selling point to attract and retain customers. As long as you keep offering that uniqueness, you will keep getting returning customers. And a business with loyal customers never fails. 

At Least Six Month of Budget

It's a frequently asked question: how much money do you need to start a business? There is no one right amount. It all depends on the industry and the scale of the company you are starting. There is also not one formula to get an exact number. But here is something that will give an approximate idea of what you need. 

First, make a list of initial necessities you will need for the business. For example, equipment, workers, office, etc. write down the price that would be spent before starting operations. 

After that, get an estimate of how much money you will have to spend if you don't get any return at all. It includes rents, bills, and wages.  

Finally, multiply the monthly expenses to six and add it with initial expenses. That's your total investment. Remember, you multiplied the monthly expenses to six because you must have at least six months of budget to keep the business running. You can't expect profit at the beginning, and you need a strong backbone to suffer losses for this time period. 

Answering Machine

You start your marketing before you start operations. This means that you will spread brand awareness and let the world your business exist. So, you will be getting calls from prospects who may be interested in your product or services. If you don't properly retain them, you will lose potential customers. That's why you will need a professional phone number with a receptionist to answer all such calls. 

For many businesses, having a receptionist is crucial. For example, a doctor can't make an appointment and deal with customers while also treating a line of patients. 

Now you might be wondering how a new business can afford a receptionist. It's difficult enough to pay for other expenses, and hiring a receptionist before starting operations would be way out of budget. Fortunately, there is a perfect solution for it. 

There are businesses that let you outsource receptionist work. You get an answering service from a reliable company that will professionally deal with all your calls. Every time someone calls your number, it will be attended by a real person who will guide them as per your instructions. This will present you as a professional company to impress your prospects. 

A Website

You will be left way behind the market if you don't have a website. You might wonder since when a website is so important. It's become crucial as most of the world population regularly started using the internet. It works like an online branch of your business where you will get customers. Whether it's a product or a service you offer, you can rely on the internet to get you leads that you will contact to convince and convert into customers.

You need a domain, hosting, and a website. The first two barely cost $50 a year. As for the website, you can get one in any budget. There are sites you can get in $20, and you can have them custom-built for additional cost according to your requirements. With this, you should also consider acquiring some digital marketing services to promote your website and attract potential customers. 

A Network of Relevant Professionals

A network is one of the biggest assets of a professional. People think money is all they need to start a business. Honestly, you can always arrange the funds. But you can't have someone else run the business at your place. It's very important that you stay in touch with every professional that is remotely linked to your industry or business.

Even if they are not in the same industry, save their contact number and keep in touch. You should try to have one person from every profession in your network. You never know when you might need a lawyer. Other than that, the expertise of a marketer is also useful. Furthermore, keep business cards of reliable electricians, mechanics, plumbers, and other such professionals for maintenance of your office. 

Business License

Many businesses are not allowed to operate without a license. For example, if you are a dentist, you will need to get a license first. You get the license only after your fulfill certain requirements. The government doesn't want an unqualified person to provide services that could harm somebody. That's why a license is important. Get information about its requirements and complete them before you even start the plan of your business. 

Document of Roles and Responsibilities

You might be working alone, have partners, or employees. Many businessmen underestimate the value of documentation, which they later regret. You need to write detailed roles and responsibilities of each actor and have him sign before you start working together. If you don't do that, it will later cause problems between you two. 

It's particularly important if you have a co-founder or partner. Decide what goals each of you must achieve to keep the business running. If you are the one doing all the work and the other one only benefitting, sooner or later you will sick of it. Write documents and decide that each will only be rewarded after achieving certain goals and milestones

Team of Business Developers

There are businesses with lousy products and services that keep running and making profit just because they have great business developers. Their job is to bring work for you, in other words, customers. It takes more time to attract a customer than to retain it. You can't spend all your time looking for customers and convincing them. Your expertise lies elsewhere, and that's where you should focus. 

Work on your product or service to provide the best user experience. Business developers will bring customers to your doorsteps. If you can retain them with quality, they will keep returning, reducing your marketing cost. Make sure you find some experienced business developers and hire them on commission at the initial phases.


Android P aka Android OS v9.0 is the next version of Android that is being beta tested by Google and a few other OEMs at the moment, prior to its full commercial release. In case you are wondering about the OS, know that there will be a number of big changes this year and they can be summarized as follows.

Overhauled Navigation System

Android P is taking a gesture-based route to navigation, so check out the following gesture commands to get an idea of what to expect.

·         Access to the recent apps tab will be granted by a swipe up

·         Long swipe/double quick swipe to access the app drawer

Also, the back button will only appear where applicable.

A More Colorful and Faster UI

Circular and colorful icons are immediately visible on the Developer Previews and the improved animation system makes it feel superfast.

Better Battery Life

Every version of the new Android OS promises this and while it might be true, we are not sure if the new OS versions really do make too much of a difference though. Nevertheless, Android P promises to maximize your battery life through machine learning. Adaptive brightness, adaptive battery use  and limited CPU usage are all things that Google is aiming for with this version of the OS.

App Actions and Slices

If you use an app for a certain purpose often on your phone, App Actions will recommend and create shortcuts that will help you do it faster the next time around. Slices on the other hand is an even more advanced functionality of the Google Assistant that will make more intelligent decisions, based on your voice commands.

Other Improvements

There are also multiple other minor but helpful improvements to the OS as well, like an instant screenshot editor and pop-up zoom while highlighting text. The fact that volume changes made via hardware button is now always mapped to media by default is a very welcome change.

Third Party Smartphones are Also getting Beta This Time

Unlike every other year, Google has surprisingly opened up the early access Beta doors to Sony, Nokia, Xiaomi, Vivo, OnePlus and Oppo via Project Treble. Just in case you are wondering, yes, it's definitely available on all the Pixels as well!

That about wraps it up for now, but this is far from being the complete list. We will keep you updated once the final version releases in August (hopefully).

Saikat Kar



You have an app for everything these days. There is nothing that an app cannot do, and it has come to a point where we cannot even imagine our lives without seeking refuge in the services of a mobile app. However, with the use of a myriad of apps, the need to look into the security of these apps has also been quite a concern. There are a couple of things that you need to check before you download an app for your Android phone. There is no dearth of people with malicious intent. Hackers are always looming large, and they might just try to steal sensitive information from your phone through one of these apps if you are not careful enough. It is important that you choose your app carefully and check for a few criteria before you download them, and that is what the article shall shed light upon today. 

Check for the Source of Your Download:

The very first and perhaps the quintessential step that you must follow is to check the source of your download. The source of your download must be verified and safe, and the one that is approved by Android. Google Play, as we all know, is the verified Android app store, and it is important that you make all your purchases of apps from this store only. There are several ways in which you can check the authenticity and security of apps on Play Store, which make it easy for you to download apps. However, in case you want to download a specific app from any other store besides Google Play Store, it is imperative that you check for the licenses and reviews before proceeding with the download. The websites and app stores that do not have transparency in its licenses are shady places, and you must steer clear from downloading your apps from such stores. 

Download Verified Apps:

The advantage with Google Play is that apps that are safe for download are verified by Play Protect. And this makes it easy to choose the apps and download the same from Google Store. Always download apps that are verified by Play Protect on Google Play Store as this shall mean that you are downloading apps that are completely safe for you. Apps that are dubious in nature will never be verified by Play Protect, and are the ones that you need to avoid at all costs. This helpful tip comes handy, especially when you are downloading the app version of certain online gaming or gambling sites. Apps of online gambling sites we recommend will always be verified, and the reviews of the sites will also be available on Play Store. Go through them carefully and only then make a choice.


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Read the Permission and Privacy Policy:

Here is another tip for you that you might find to be a stressful affair. No one likes to read through the elaborate terms and conditions that come along with apps, but this is a very important process nevertheless. The terms and conditions policy has some very essential information about the app that you are about to download. And therefore, you must make it a point to go through the same. Do not just check the box of "I accept" without any reading and investigation into the same. You might be getting yourself into a world of trouble if you happen to do so. Therefore, take some time and read through every word on the policy carefully to make an informed decision about downloading the app.

A Final Word:

Mobile phones have made our lives easy and extremely comfortable. We have apps that can make our purchase and recreation endeavours a huge success. But these apps also have several security concerns that you must know of. There is no charm in being ignorant and unaware of the state of affairs. You need to know what transpires in the web space to be able to make educated and wise decisions. Do not ignore the points we have discussed in the article about the things that you need to check before downloading an app. With these on your mind, you can rest assured that your privacy shall not be compromised and you shall stay safe.

The Internet has changed so many things we do these days, and we tend to take it for granted. Here are some things that the evolution of the Internet has changed in our lives:

1. The Web of Information - There is so much information at our fingertips these days, and we instantly have access to it. Gone are the days of having to go through numerous libraries looking for information, when all we need to do is to go on the Internet.

2. Add-Ons Making Our Lives Easier - When writing, searching the Internet, or even communicating with people, add-ons have been revolutionary. Creating a web of trust for us, and helping us avoid malicious sites, it seems we can't live without add-ons these days.

3. Online Gaming - All modern consoles and desktop computers are connected to the Internet and allow us to play with people from all over the world. We tend to take them for granted these days, but where would we be without the ability to compete against each other?

4. Twitch and YouTube - The ability to stream our gameplay and watch others playing is growing in popularity, especially with eSports. Imagine how hard it was to do that in the past? We did have old shows like Gamesmaster, but not live and not instantly at hand.

5. Netflix and Chill - Streaming our favourite movies and television show is something we all love to do. Binge-watching now means simply selecting what we want to watch, instead of continually having to change the VHS/DVD/Blu-ray after every few episodes.

6. Online Shopping - The ability to purchase anything we want and have it sent to our homes is something we take for granted now. Many would argue that this is one of the best evolutions of the Internet and what it has done for us.

7. Improved Customer Support - Gone are the days of having to pay telephone charges to get help, with customer support being available on the Internet. With live chats with people ready to help, it seems that getting help has never been easier.

8. The Power of the New Media - News has gone through a revolution with live streaming from phones and other devices. Gone are the days when we were reliant on television news show, as the Internet provides news instantaneously to us all.

9. Accountability - The Internet has helped us to hold people with authority to account. Gone are the days when governments try to hide facts, with the Internet bringing protesters together to work for the good of the people. There may be dangers of "fake news" but most of us see through that quickly.

10. The Smart Phone - The Internet is in the palm of our hands wherever we go. What better evolution of the Internet than this instant access from anywhere around the world?

The Internet continues to evolve and get better and better. We reap the rewards of the technical advances we see every day, and the list above are just a few ways our lives have been improved.

iphone 12 mini


Apple iPhone 12 mini may seem the smallest one in the iPhone 12 series but you can't underestimate its power. The mini is a fantastic little device that shouldn't be ignored. it is lightweight, features a compact design, has a stunning display, great cameras that can capture DSLR-like images, and powerful processors are all big. The iPhone 12 series comes in four models: the iPhone 12, the 12 Pro, the Pro Max, and this, the iPhone 12 mini. One of the major differences between these four mobile phones is their physical size.


The iPhone 12 mini is the smallest and perhaps the cute one for some people. It features an all-screen front display, unlike the iPhone SE which also happens to be small. With most smartphones getting bigger and bigger for quite some time now, Apple took a completely different route. It might be called mini but there isn't anything mini about this phone when it comes to performance, speed, and amazing camera. It is the device that you would love to hold in one hand and make you appreciate small things in your life. The iPhone 12 mini has a black, white, blue, green, and red finish with 131.5 x 64.2 x 7.4mm / Weight: 135g. The phone has IP68 water and dust resistance. The phone features an identical design to the largest iPhone 12 - just in a small size.


The phone has a 5.4-inch, Super Retina XDR, 1200nits, 60Hz display refresh rate with 2340 x 1080 pixel resolution (476ppi), and HDR, True Tone, Haptic Touch. Apple TouchID device has a 4.7-inch display screen, while the iPhone 12 mini has a 5.4-inch display, incredibly large enough for a small device. The iPhone 12 mini has similar camera specs as you will find on iPhone 12, with 12MP being a primary camera.


It is the same two wide-angle lenses and a 12Mp ultra-wide lens that you will find on iPhone 12 Pro, but the pro model has also a third telephoto zoom lens, allowing for 2x optical zoom. There is also Night mode on the front and rear camera with Deep Fusion and TrueDepth technologies that allows amazing selfies even at night. In good conditions, you can take amazing shots with iPhone 12 mini.



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2018 will forever be remembered as the year that gave online gambling the publicity that it needs. The growth observed in the online gaming industry, the increase in technological advancements, and the incorporation of virtual reality is now shaping online gambling as a market to be reckoned with.

But, with so much observed so far, there are just a few more surprises to be expected in 2019. Let us provide you with some trends to expect.

  1. More Advanced Role of Virtual Reality- Online gambling industry will definitely be looking to consolidate on their success with the use of virtual reality in the industry. They will be looking to provide more dynamic ways of playing games and experiencing the casino atmosphere. For example, Oculus Rift and Gameplay are looking to take their users to a whole new level with AR in their gaming experience. They will now see their playing partners and opponents on the same table with this new technology.
  1. Increased Use of Digital Currencies- Since Bitcoin started out in 2009, more and more digital currencies like Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Ripples and the likes, cryptocurrencies are now seen as a valid means of transaction. Even though the growth is gradual, sooner or later, the world will accept it and it is even poised to overtake fiat currencies. More and more gambling sites are making available the option of depositing and withdrawing in Bitcoin- which is the most popular digital currencies. So, if that has started right now, expect more of it in 2019. Other cryptocurrencies will definitely be added. Another advantage is the fact that the blockchain technology provides a better and more secure way of completing transactions.
  1. More emphasis on Technology- 2019 is poised to be a better year in the integration of more technology in the online gambling industry. For now, the technology behind secure logins will continue to get better, trying to improve how often a user needs to type up their username and passwords during an online session. We can also expect that fingerprint technology will be improved to help users get an easier way to logging in, as in the case with Swedish bank ID. It is common nowadays to use fingerprints in unlocking our smartphones. Imagine how easy it will be when users can access their accounts by just scanning their fingerprints.
  1. Improved Live Dealer experience- Presently, the live dealer gaming experience is common among online gamblers because with it they feel like they are part of the actual stuff the more. In 2019, we can expect such innovation to get even better. For example, Golden Nugget is starting to offer more to its customers in the Live Dealer experience by featuring a roulette option straight from the casino. Online casinos is another area that we expect big changes in 2019. Even though sites like https://www.hajper.com/ already allows you to play live casinos online now, you can expect something new and even better from them in 2019.
  1. Cross-platform Gaming- Presently, many people like executing a lot of things from their mobile devices. The same goes for online gaming too. For instance, recent statistics show that 50% of the revenue generated from gambling comes from mobile devices. It is a known fact that people love doing things on-the-go. We can rightly expect that online gaming platforms will be trying to make their services more available via the internet in 2019.

So, expect the unexpected. Expect big things from the online gambling industry in 2019.



In the last decade, the number of users of mobile gambling has risen due to many reasons. Players love the qualitative games offered by online casino sites on the mobile so users can enjoy them on the go. In a single mobile app, you can enjoy the games from slots sites, bingo sites, poker sites, and much more. Here are some of the advantages of mobile gambling.

Play on the go - Mobile gambling is the most convenient way to play your favorite casino games when you are on the go. No matter wherever you are or what it is, you can play them according to your preference.

Easier to access - You are not bound to desktop anymore. You just need to install an app from the official site or app store and you are ready to roll the dice. You are not limited to play those games. You just need to have an internet connection and a charged phone.

Add more security - With mobile gambling you can add even further security measures to your gambling app and information. With a smartphone, you can add two-step verification so no other in the access your device can play without your knowledge.

Wider choice of games - The choice of games is wider than any other platform. All the casino games are designed for the mobile screen. You can choose to play free games easily before playing with real money.

More chance of winning - Mobile casino can help you to win even more. Using mobile you can play casino games whenever you feel so you would have more chances of winning.


Things to keep in mind before engaging in mobile gambling


While there are many great perks of mobile casino apps and online casino sites but you need to beware of the scams as well. You need to avoid such fraud apps as they can drain all your money from the wallet easily. But it is easy to find such scams, let's find out how and what should you do while using mobile gambling apps.

  • Always download mobile casino apps from the relevant app store or use the official casino site to get the app. There are many clones of one casino site and they can steal your data and money.

  • If any mobile casino site or app seems too good to be true then it may be a scam. If the payout sounds too high, rewards are unmatchable, and the name is unknown then it is a scam.

  • Never trust a casino or betting app of which you have never heard of. If you see any new casino app then visit its site and check the reliability of the license. Remember that unlicensed and fraud casino can steal your money within a minute you have provided your bank details.

  • Check the reviews before signing up for any casino app. No matter how lucrative it sounds, you need to check user reviews, ratings, payouts, the fairness of games, and many other things.

  • Read terms and conditions as soon you enter the website as there are many hidden terms that can be a hurdle when you want to take out your winnings or play with bonuses you have got at the sign-up. A reliable mobile casino app will show its term clearly on the front side.

  • Lastly, don't forget to update your mobile casino app regularly as outdated apps can get hacked easily.



Every casino you come across online will tell you that it's the best mobile casino around! As that would of course be a massive fallacy, the real question is, how do you know which ones are really good and which ones do not have any authorization or even a badge for fair play practice? Well, we have already mentioned two things that are must haves in any online casino, but we are going to delve deeper into the whole things  and check out additional factors which deem a mobile casino worthy of your registration!

They Should Have an App

The Play Store does not allow gambling applications on it, so most mobile casinos have their own app download link on the homepage itself. In absence of a dedicated mobile casino app, it is possible that the site isn't optimized for iPhones and Android smartphones, thus making them a poor choice, for players who play from their smartphones for the most part.

Alternately, the Site Could Have Dynamic Design

If a casino site has dynamic design, it means that the website will open on any decent smartphone or tablet, like it will on any decent PC or Mac. The whole idea behind dynamic web design is elimination of separate mobile and desktop sites, in favor of dynamic, visual - interactive design, which adapts to the screen on which it is being viewed.

In simpler words, these are the online casino websites, which are designed in a way that they do not even need a separate mobile app to be considered as ideal mobile casinos! The ease of using a dedicated mobile application is however, still considered to be a smoother and better route to take by many players, as far as mobile casinos are concerned.

Where Will You Find Legitimate, Authentic and Enjoyable Mobile Casinos?





A Google search can lead you to some pretty shady sites, because the results you will see are not handpicked, but auto generated and paid information, based on preset SEO criterions, privatizations, etc. The mobile casinos at MrCasinova.com On the other hand, are not auto generated, but handpicked from a long list of legitimate mobile casinos. Each casino listed on the website is authentic, practices fair play and has a wide range of casino games for the players to enjoy. Additionally all new players will enjoy excellent sign up bonuses on these casinos.

Finally, let's discuss a bit about safety, because whether you are playing on a mobile casino app, or a desktop casino app, as long as it's an online establishment, it has to guarantee safety and fair play first.




MGA, eCOGRA, GLI, Truste, DMCA, SUCURI, GPWA and other authority bodies that register and regulate online casinos should be mentioned at the bottom of the site's page. Unfortunately, having that badge alone is not enough, because you still don't know whether that's just a fake claim or not. To verify, visit the registration and regulation authority websites which they have mentioned, and check to see if the mobile casino is indeed registered with them or not. If the claim is false, delete the cookies and blacklist it immediately!


Mobile casinos have been growing popularity in recent years and largely due to the spread of the coronavirus and lockdown measures have recently found a huge surge in new users - but if you're inexperienced it may be difficult to know what to look for - not only to ensure that you're playing safely, but also to make the experience very simple to approach and to play.


Sign-up methods - Depending on where you may be playing from, there's the likelihood that there are different regulations around what you need to provide in order to register with an online casino, additional depending on where the operator has registered the casino there may also be different requirements. Luckily many now offer ways to register using social media integration, as such no new account is needed to be created with a new username and password to add to the list - simply sign in through your Twitter or Facebook account and you're granted instant access. Many may also offer bonuses for registering this way and sharing the game with your friends.


Deposit values and sign up bonuses - You may see some advertise huge sign up bonuses but hide that the deposit value must also be high, or offering a bonus that may seem too good to be true - there are services that offer lower deposit values and good bonuses that are great for new and old players alike, Triumph Casino gets a great review in this regard as the game doesn't require you to drop a huge amount of money to get playing like other services may - this also goes for deposit bonuses, whilst it may be enticing to look for the site with the biggest sign up bonus, this may be a sign that the site isn't entirely trustworthy - be measured in how you approach these bonus with expectations on how much you can get realistically.


(Image from casinotop10.net)

A wide range of games - It's also important not to limit yourself - whilst some online casinos may only offer slots or card games, getting a bit of everything so you're able to either increase your chances of winning or just finding a different game that you enjoy most is important - look for services that offer a wide range of games available to play so things don't get stale, but also so you can try new types of games you may not have approached before.

Make sure the site is licensed - And of course the most important point - make sure the casino you're using is licensed. You're able to find this out by looking in the footer of most pages or heading to their about us page where it will be prominently displayed - there are a number of different regulation bodies such as MGA, eCOGRA, GLI,  DMCA amongst others - make sure you check the site before you deposit to ensure that it is registered with one of these to ensure you're playing safely, if any red flags pop up, leave the site and add it to a blacklist.


While many smartphone OEMs around the world has not yet managed to roll out the Android Oreo update, Google has already taken the lid of Android P, aka the next Android OS. While there's still a lot more to know and things might change, here are the top five things that you should know about the upcoming OS version.

Boosted Privacy

Privacy is going to receive a boost on the following fronts.

·         Sensors, cameras, and microphones will no longer be allowed access to any app once it becomes idle

·         Backup encryption with a client-side secret and per-network randomization of MAC addresses

·         Better accommodation of the fingerprint scanning tech as Android P will allow each app to access the fingerprint data in much more detail than before

Support for the iPhone Notch

Creating an UI around the new "notch" introduced to the world by the iPhone X last year is still a tricky affair as the current gen OS versions are not that well fitted to accommodate it. Android P is going to introduce APIs that will better support the notch and apps will finally be designed to work with the notch in mind. This also confirms the fact that we are soon going to see alot of Android smartphones with the notch, or what I affectionately call, "ears!" Frankly, it's riduclous to take that route for multiple reasons, but the OEMs clearly see a market for it.

Wi-Fi Round-Trip-Time (RTT)

Wi-Fi Round-Trip-Time is going to make even turn-by-turn indoor navigation a possibility, because apps will now be programmed to sense how far your device is from the source of the connected Wi-Fi and guide you through the indoor facility accordingly!

Improved Notifications

With every iteration of the Android OS comes the promise of "improved notification system" and this year, you will likely see a lot of conversations right on the notification bar itself, including stickers, smilies and even attached images. Android P may allow for replying to those messages right from the notification bar itself.

There's also going to be better support for multiple camera modules this year, but we will have to wait and see how the "better" part will work, given that most flagships are already using dual camera setups quite efficiently!

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


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