Tags - beta
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The famous (or infamous) Merge Tabs is now gone from Google Chrome Beta version 51. If you can still see it, you probably need to update the application. This was a long time coming as the function had never really taken off. Initially launched by Google to make browsing a more organized experience, it actually turned out to be more confusing than helpful for most users. With the advent of Android Lollipop, the Recent Apps menu began to have separate Chrome tabs in it, which annoyed users and they often opted to turn Merge Tabs & Apps off for good.

Google realised the situation and addressed it first by setting this feature off by default. Since then, Merge Tabs has been performing a slow disappearing act as soon after, it was nowhere to be found on the Chrome Dev channel. After its complete omission from the Beta version 51, we are quite sure that it won't be long before the setting disappears from Chrome's Stable version as well. When that happens, it will disappear for the foreseeable future from all versions of Chrome.

In spite of the general opinion, there are users who actually liked the feature and according to them, they even benefitted from it. In fact, many fans of the Merge Tabs & Apps are asking why it has to be completely removed instead of just keeping it as an option. What did you think about this feature and do you find it useful?

Author: Saikat Kar (Tech-journalist and enthusiast)


The beta version of the Chrome browser often brings unique features to its Android users and this time around, they have introduced something that is sure to become an instant fan favourite. If you update your Chrome Beta to the latest version 54, it will now be able to play YouTube in the background. Prior to the update, videos would pause the moment you exited the app, like it does on most browsers. Post the update, a play/pause button will appear in your notifications panel on exiting the Chrome Beta browser, which you can then use to continue playing the video in the background, while accessing other apps on your device. Needless to say, users who largely listen to audio content on YouTube will particularly appreciate this feature.

If you are streaming music from a website on the Chrome Beta Browser, it will continue to play in the background on exiting, just like a dedicated music streaming application. Even though this is exciting news, there's a high chance that this feature will be excluded in the next update unfortunately. Let's not forget that playing videos in the background is a feature of YouTube Red, which is a paid subscription based service. As this free feature makes paying for the same thing on the YouTube app unnecessary and both are owned by Google... you can do the math.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)



Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v41.0.2272.34 with some critical bug fixes and stability improvements along with some New features added in the "flags" section


One of the New features on Chrome Beta v41 is the "pull to refresh" feature, which is available to (almost) all web pages. It's now easier to refresh any page, just like you do on any App, just pull and release to refresh the page. Besides, If your internet connection (WiFi/3G) got disconnected, Chrome Beta will auto-reload the webpage when it detects that your connection is back online.


youmobile chrome beta v41


The other change we're seeing is in the settings UI, which is more material in v41 on KitKat devices. Finally, there's a new flag in Chrome Beta to scan credit cards to fill forms faster, but it doesn't appear to do anything when enabled right now.




You can get the Chrome Beta v41 on your Android device right now by Downloading the APK below until the update hits the Google Play Store. The APK below is Official and has not been tempered with by any way.


Chrome Beta v40


Chrome BETA v41 [APK]


Chrome BETA v41 [Play]




Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v42.0.2311.51 with some critical bug fixes and stability improvements along with some New features added in the "flags" section


One of the New features on Chrome Beta v42 is the "pull to refresh" feature, which is available to (almost) all web pages. It's now easier to refresh any page, just like you do on any App, just pull and release to refresh the page. Besides, If your internet connection (WiFi/3G) got disconnected, Chrome Beta will auto-reload the webpage when it detects that your connection is back online.


youmobile chrome beta v41


The other change we're seeing is in the settings UI, which is more material in v42 on KitKat devices. Finally, there's a new flag in Chrome Beta to scan credit cards to fill forms faster, but it doesn't appear to do anything when enabled right now.




You can get the Chrome Beta v42 on your Android device right now by Downloading the APK below until the update hits the Google Play Store. The APK below is Official and has not been tempered with by any way.


Chrome Beta v40


Chrome BETA v42 [APK]


Chrome BETA v42 [Play]


Nokia Z launcher


Nokia announced its first lollipop tablet, Nokia N1 last month with its own UI on top which called the Nokia Z Launcher. Well, lucky enough, the Nokia Z Launcher is still in BETA stages and has been updated to version 1.0.5 with some bug fixes and now works on more devices.


Nokia Z


The Launcher learns from your usage and picks up contextual cues (e.g. whether it's morning or evening), but the feature that sets it apart is scribbling.


Instead of having to hunt down the right shortcut though an alphabetized list, you just your finger to write the first letter and the Z Launcher will display matching apps sorted by how much you use each one of them.


nokia z


The Z Launcher on the Lollipop-running Nokia N1 tablet is an exclusive version, but you can download the BETA generic version 1.0.5 from the APK link below for a small taste of the experience engineered by Nokia.


Nokia Z


Nokia Z Launcher 1.0.5 [APK]


HTC elevate

Getting OTA updates out the door is no easy task, especially with carriers standing between the OEM and users. That's why Motorola has long used soak tests with small groups of users to hammer out out bugs before the final certification. HTC has just posted details of its own Preview program called "HTC Elevate" that does essentially the same thing.


The information was posted in HTC Elevate, which is HTC's private community where it works with users to promote its devices and services. Members of Elevate also get the occasional freebie for participating in the community.



HTC Elevate FAQ


HTC elevate


Q. What do I need to do after completing the registration?
A. At this time, just sit back and relax. As soon as we are able to match you to an upcoming user trial, we will reach out to you directly.


Q. Will I need to sign an NDA?
A. If you are invited to participate in a user trial, you will be required to sign an NDA before starting.


Q. I have a friend/relative/co-worker who would be great for this program. Can I ask them to register?
A. At this time, we are only making this registration open to select groups, one which is Elevate US users. Please do not share the details of this program with anyone else at this time. When the program launches publicly in the future, you'll be more than welcome to invite them.


Q. Will I be using my own device or will one be provided during a user trial?
A. It depends on the user trial. In some cases, we will provide loaner devices and in other cases, you will use your own. This will be communicated up-front when we invite potential candidates.


Q. What happens if my device requires warranty services during the user trial?
A. Your device may encounter an issue which will require warranty service in such cases, please contact HTC Care for immediate attention. You may encounter problems going through your carrier due to the unofficial software loaded on your device.
Note: This is only for warranty service, that is, if the device has any physical damage you would need to file an insurance claim (if applicable).


Q. What if I want to leave the user trial before it ends?
A. If you choose to leave a user trial early and are using your own device, you will need to send your device in to HTC Care to have it flashed back to the latest commercial SW. 
If you are using a loaner device, you will just need to return the device (a prepaid shipping label will be provided).


Q. What type of user trials would be conducted? Would it just cover maintenance release (MR) or new products as well?
A. Most of the user trials will be of the software nature (i.e. MR updates and HTC app Play store updates) but there will also be user trials for hardware when we launch new products as well.


Q. How long does a user trial run?
A. This depends on the purpose of the user trial and again, this will be communicated up-front when we invite potential candidates. Generally, user trials last between 6 - 10 weeks, with some ending earlier and others getting extended beyond that.


Q. I have more questions about this program. Who can I contact?
A. Feel free to sound off in the thread below.




HDBlog has officially released a video which details a lot of the features that are going to be a part of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 7's UI. There is also an accompanying article about it, if you wish to read. There will of course, be a lot of difference between what you see over here and what Samsung will finally be releasing on their next Note device when it comes out in August, but this leak gives us a nice little preview nonetheless.

From what we see and know so far, Samsung is planning for a clean and polished look this time around with the UI and it might be more straightforward in approach than what we are used to seeing from the OEM. There is also the possibility of a new messenger being included in the new software to rival the iMessage app on Apple products.

A piece of warning though, the video and the accompanying article are both in Italian, so there's that! If you have a rooted smartphone and would like to try out the core applications, you will find the link to download and install them below. They include S-Note, S-Browser, the default video player, the default keyboard, voice recorder, calculator, etc.

Author: Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


XDA link for APK files

A new UI is being tested on the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 in China and Korea. So far, it's known just as the "New Note UX." Although it is still too early to comment on any aspect of the interface yet, a few things did come in light. Perhaps the most obvious and significant change that Samsung will bring onto their smartphones with the new UI is the absence of the app drawer. Additionally, we can also see that the app icons resemble those seen on the iOS, with their uniform shape and size. There is also the revamped Settings and apparently, descriptive texts are being replaced in favor of indicative icons, throughout the New Note UX.

After looking at the screenshots and going through the available info, we cannot help but notice that all the changes point to an UI that's quite similar to the ones found on popular Chinese smartphones. It would make sense if this was something that the Korean OEM was developing to cater specifically to their customers in the Asian market, but reports suggest otherwise. There is a chance that Samsung will be using this UI (post development) in all its future devices and in all markets around the world. What do you think? Do you like what you see?

A hint about Google's future plans was given a while back when the search engine giant introduced the Destination feature via Google Search on smartphones. The simplistic feature was designed to help users while planning a vacation and apparently it was only a precursor to the Smart Travel application that the company is beta testing right now. Since it is not available on the Play Store yet, users will have to sign up for the Google Maps Local Guides Program to have access to it.

From what we know so far, the app will gather, store and organize all your travelling details such as hotels, dinner reservations, destinations and flights. Therefore, it will make every necessary detail accessible from the app itself, even without an active internet connection. Additionally, it will also offer suggestions based on the data it collects about your trips. Tap on a previously saved destination to see options like Saved places, Food & drink, Reservations, Things to do, Getting around and Need to know. Travellers and tourists will even see options for public transport in the area, as well as best travelling routes to the destination.

Even if you do not put in your travelling details manually from the FAB tab found at the bottom right corner of the app, it can do a lot on its own by collecting data automatically from your Gmail inbox. If you are not using Gmail as your primary e-mail service however, you will probably need to log in the data manually. In case you are interested in trying out the beta software, sign up for Local Guides and you might just get a chance to be a beta tester yourself!

Author: Saikat Kar (Tech-journalist and enthusiast)

Android Studio

After two years of development, Today, Google officially released Android Studio 1.0, the first stable version of its Integrated Development Environment (IDE) aimed at Android developers. You can download it right now for Windows, Mac, and Linux from the Android Developer site.


Google first announced Android Studio, built on the popular IntelliJ IDEA Java IDE, at its I/O Developer conference in May 2013. The company's pitch was very simple: This is the official Android IDE.


android studio 1.5


Given that Android Studio is only hitting 1.0 now, all the features are "new" to some extent. But Google does have specific features it wants to highlight.


First off, we have the First Run Setup Wizard, which was amusingly absent from a few of the release candidate builds. This "getting started" wizard now installs the Android SDK you need, sets up your development environment settings, creates an optimized emulator for testing your app, and bundles a set of code templates.


Download Android Studio 1.0

Google has decided to hurry things up with Android N and the first step towards that was taken today when they officially declared that beta versions of Android N will be made available, starting today. The preview is released in accordance with Google's plan to get the latest iteration of the Android OS ready by summer. The beta program welcomes enthusiasts and developers alike to try out the pre-release version of Android N via registration. This is an OTA update and all pre-release versions are available for users to choose from.

If you are wondering if there is a catch to this, unfortunately, there is. This preview is only available to select Nexus devices. Most manufacturers use their own custom UI over the particular version of Android the phone or tablet is running on. Therefore, in order to update a device by a particular manufacturer, it is necessary for the manufacturer to first rebuild its entire UI on the new version of the base Android OS. You can probably see by now the reason as to why the Android N preview will only be available to vanilla Nexus devices.

If however, you happen to own one of the listed Nexus devices, then just head on over to


Select your compatible Nexus phone or tablet and after a while, check for "System Update" if you haven't already been notified about the update automatically on your device. Before you start the download, remember that the size of the file is about a gigabyte so Wifi is recommended. Follow the steps thereafter and reboot accordingly to complete the setup.


Google surprised a lot of people when they released Android N in its beta version yesterday, especially since Android M itself was released just a few months ago in last October. Many of the market leading smartphone manufacturers have not even been able to update their high-end devices to Marshmallow yet. Samsung is the worldwide leader when it comes to Android smartphones and things do not exactly look good when they have not been able to update their major flagship devices like the Galaxy Note 5 to Marshmallow in all locations yet; especially, since the next iteration of the OS is already out.

Back in February, it did look like Samsung was about to make sure that Marshmallow reaches all their high-end devices everywhere, within a few months. However, things did not pan out that way and many regions are still waiting for it impatiently. Taking the fact into account that Android 6 went official about six months ago, it seems like Samsung is living up to its name for being slow and unpredictable with software updates. After seeing how slow Samsung is even with their most expensive phones from 2015, things are looking really dim for our low or mid-range Samsung smartphones as far as being updated to Android Marshmallow is concerned.


As promised at the Google I/O earlier, a new Beta section has arrived in the Google Play menu for beta testers. If you are testing beta software on your Android device, you should now be able to find them under My apps & games > Beta in the Play Store.

The best part about the section is that it will let you opt out of the beta testing as well, if you so choose. Conversely, the user will also be able to sign up for new beta testing options from the same menu. In order to see this section on your smartphone, the required Google Play version is 6.7.13 as per reports.

Although this isn't something that will interest the average user, tech-enthusiasts should find the new feature pretty useful. We like the option of being able to experience new features for our favorite apps before others, but beta testing can cause performance issues on your smartphone. If you are facing such problems from any of the beta apps, you can now opt out of the program with ease. Provided that your Play Store is up to date and you still cannot see the options, you will possibly need to wait a while before the update arrives for your smartphone.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

android 11


Google officially announced the firs Android 11 beta yesterday. This means the end of the developer preview cycle and the beginning of the beta cycle, which is pre-requisite software before the stable launch. Usually, Google has a big unveiling event to announce something like that. However, the COVID-19 situation is changing in the tech industry just like it is changing the whole world. Instead of delaying it, Google decided to go for an online-only event instead, but then those plans were also squashed by the ongoing protests of the black community to the death of George.


Now, Google simply launched the Android 11 beta along with some informational videos and content. The company says that this will allow people to consume at your own pace when the time is right for you. It's not as glorious as having a big Google event, but it is the best Company could come in amid several bad conditions.


So, what's new in Android 11?

So far, there doesn't appear to be too much difference between the previous Android 11 DP4 and today's Android 11 beta. We are currently getting the beta installed on our own devices and will be able to investigate any new features and goodies Google may have introduced. For now, though, all we have to go on is Google's announcement, and there's nothing there that we haven't already seen.


You can check out our running roundup of the newest Android 11 features on the way, but the biggest changes will be easier access to conversation notifications, enhanced user privacy and security options, and better control over the other devices you usually connect to your phone.


Now, the bad news is you can't install it on your non-pixel device yet. Unfortunately, the new Android 11 beta isn't yet compatible with any other device than Google Pixel. The new beta will work on the most recent pixel device only. This is a major shift from the tradition where we see dozens of other phones offer beta support for Android beta versions.




Google has already released the first public beta version of Android 12 operating system and available on several phones. The new beta version for Android smartphones looks stunning and is perhaps the major design shift in years. Google introduced Android 12 at Google I/O event with a preview on the new material design, latest features, etc.


The beta version is available for anyone interested to try this early version. The Android 12 beta will include features such as improved privacy controls and an adaptive interface that allow you to change the color of your phone's look according to the wallpaper. Android devices also offer better configuration with the new update.


If you want to know how to install the beta version, the first thing you might want to do is check if the Android 12 beta will be available for your phone yet. Google has rolled out the first Android 12 public beta for its own series of Pixel smartphones. Other companies like OnePlus, ZTE, TCL, Oppo, Realme, Sharp, and Tecno, Vivi, Xiaomi, and Asus have already joined the wave. Google's developer website has also uploaded a one-stop website that includes links directly to the instructions and for every hardware partner that is participating in the beta version.


So, if your phone is included in the following list, you are eligible for the Android 12 beta update. The list includes OnePlus 9, OnePlus 9 Pro, TCL 20 Pro 5G, Pixel 5, 4A, 4a 5G, 4, 3A, 3A XL, 3XL. If you own any of these devices, start by visiting the Android beta program website. You have to sign in to the site using the same Google account registered on your smartphone. Google will display some warnings about using the beta version.


At the bottom of the page, there will be a list of phones linked to your account. Click the opt-in button for the phone you want to use for the enrollment. Accept the terms and conditions and click confirm and earn when you are finished.


Next grab your phone and go to Settings > System > Advances > System update > Check for update. Depending on your internet connection's speed, you have to spend a few minutes. Once your phone shows the update notification, install it as you would do with any other software. Your phone will reboot, once the installation is complete.


android 12


With the latest Android 12 version, Google decided to pay more attention to the privacy and security of the users. A few weeks before, Google rolled out the first Android 12 beta during Google I/O 2021. Google decided on a lot of new features that weren't included in the earlier beta version. A few of those promised updates appear within Android 12 beta 2, rolling out today. The update includes the privacy dashboard features as well as a slew of other privacy and security tweaks.


One of the biggest new features in the latest update is the look and feel of the operating systems. The latest feature is context-aware automatic theming system. The whole look and feel is adaptable according to the wallpaper being used. The system looks at your wallpaper for color inspiration and then changes the colors of interface elements such as buttons, icons, etc. would change accordingly. For some reason, this wasn't included in the first beta and now available in beta 2.


Apple has recently made big improvements and changes to its privacy and security policies related to the iPhone, which led Google to respond and pay attention to its security. A new privacy dashboard was introduced by Google at an I/O event. However, now we can actually use it. The privacy dashboard for Android 12 beta 2 offers an overhead view of the privacy situation of your device. This one-stop interface would help you see if there is anything you need to change to make sure that your phone is secure from unauthorized access. In addition to the privacy dashboard, Google introduced new features related to audio and camera security. There will be microphone and camera usage indicators in the upper right corner. These icons will appear if the user is using any of these apps.


Chrome Beta


Google has just Updated it's Chrome for Android Beta to version 38 on the Play Store with many changes. It's not a major update unlike the v37-beta update that brought us the Chrome Materiel design UI. According to the Chrome release blog Chrome Beta v38 includes additional Material Design user interface elements and new support for Android's battery status and screen orientation APIs.


chrome 38


Version 37 of Chrome for Android was the biggest update in a while, at least in terms of user experience, but the march of progress never ceases. Version 38 just hit the Play Store, and while it's not exactly earth-shattering, people who obsess over the bleeding edge of Google browsers will find something interesting.


Chrome beta


If you're running Android L on your Nexus 5 or Nexus 7, you might also see a new option in the Settings menu. "Merge tabs and apps" would seem to indicate the kind of functionality that we've seen in "Project Hera" and confirmed at Google I/O. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work yet. SystemUI has been crashing periodically since we've turned that slider on.



Chrome Beta v38


Chrome Beta v38 [APK]


Chrome Beta v38 [Play Store]




HTC has just updated its "Zoe" app in Google Play with support for a few non-HTC phones, but support will supposedly expand soon. The Zoe app isn't the same as HTC's Zoe camera feature in the HTC One, but it might still be interesting if you're down with making and sharing videos.


This is a beta release of the app, so you can only use it with certain devices. We're seeing the Nexus 5, Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 3, and Galaxy S4 all on the supported list. Phones like the LG G3 and Moto X are not able to run the app yet (through official channels).




Zoe is supposed to be available on all phones from LG, Samsung, and HTC running 4.4 or higher, but it appears they're still working on that. Download Zeo from Play Store link Below.



HTC Zeo (BETA) [Play]






Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v39 with some new tweaks and Animations along with a new Reader Mode, kinda like the one on Safari.


On Google Chrome Beta v39 you'll notice two changes, the first being a slightly different Animation when closing a tab. The swipe animation now pulls the tab down and to the side as it fades. Before it just went to the side. The new Chrome Beta v39 also works in windowed mode on Android L preview. It's sort of like G+ and Newsstand.


android L


The Major change is the addition of Reader Mode, which has popped up a few times in the past. Now it's an item in the menu on all pages to load up a version of the page that's just the text and in-line images. It has a little paw print next to it in the drop down, indicating this is still a BETA feature.


android L


Reader Mode can also be accessed via a toolbar button after you enable a flag in the about://flags screen. Just enter the following on your address bar.





You can get the Chrome Beta v39 on your Android device right now by Downloading the APK below until the update hits the Google Play Store. The APK below is Official and has not been tempered with by any way.



Chrome Beta v39


Chrome BETA v39 [APK]


Chrome BETA v39 [Play]


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AirDroid 3


AirDroid is one of those indispensable tools that goes on a new phone or tablet the minute I set it up, and this tool has just got updated to version 3 with a complete overhaul. AirDroid 3 allow you to transfer files and photos wirelessly from your computer to your Android device with many other tools and great UI.


airdroid 3


AirDroid 3 still on BETA status but you can try it now on your Android device and also the desktop Native client for Windows and Mac are also available as BETA. All interactions with AirDroid 3 are now encrypted from end to end. You can Try AirDroid 3 today from the download links below.


airdroid 3


Download AirDroid 3 for Android [APK]


Download AirDroid 3 Desktop Client [Windows]


Download AirDroid 3 Desktop Client [Mac]


AirDroid 3 WEB



What's New in AirDroid 3 :

* AirMirror:

- Control Android from computer remotely, like Remote Desktop or VNC.

- Launch an Android app remotely from it's notification.

A typical use case: The phone receives a new Whatsapp message and the message is pushed to computer in real time. Click on the notification, and AirMirror will mirror the phone screen on computer, with Whatsapp launched and ready for you to respond to the message.

- In the first version, AirMirror will work out of the box in a few pre-certified phones, but most phones will need to get rooted. AirDroid is working with major OEMs to make AirMirror work without rooting on more devices.


* End-to-End encryption (E2EE):

- End-to-End encryption for all SMS, app notifications, contact data, account credentials and other sensitive data. E2EE makes it practically impossible for any 3rd party, including the government and the developer, to access the user data transferred via E2EE. It's our commitment and priority to make AirDroid safer.


* File transfer:

- Transfer files from computer to Android, Android to computer, Android to Android, on local connection or remote connection.

- Transfer file folder from computer to Android.

- Files transferred by remote connection will be available for download for 7 days, and then will be permanently deleted from cloud.


* SMS:

- Receive and reply to SMS on computer.

- Send group SMS.


* Call alerts:

- Real-time notification of incoming calls.

- Reject incoming calls, optionally with a canned quick response by SMS.

- Accept incoming calls. Call talking is still on the phone, not on computer.


* Contact:

- View contacts and send SMS from contact list.


* Notification Mirror

- Get real-time alert of phone notifications from any apps.

- Silence individual or all app notifications.


* Redesigned Android interface:

- The Android interface is redesigned to make it more intuitive, and also feels more "Android", less iOS.


* AirDroid Web:

- The update for AirDroid Web is mostly about bug fixes and stability improvements. AirDroid Web is still as important as Windows and Mac, and we'll continue to invest heavily on it, but in AirDroid 3, we put more resources in creating the all new desktop clients.



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Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v40 with some bug fixes along with a Larger address bar with overflow button.


chrome beta 40

In this release Google brought a new Bookmark Manager with Material Design UI that can only be enabled from "Flags" option.


You only get the new address bar if you have your tabs and apps merged in Lollipop. Otherwise the tab button is in the way so Google doesn't enable the new UI. In flags, you can now use "enable password generation" to generate passwords for sites. Find the flag for "enable enhanced bookmarks" to get a page more like the updated desktop bookmark manager.




What's New in Chrome BETA v40:


- Overflow menu button now in extended address bar (with Lollipop merged tabs).

- New flag to activate experimental bookmarks manager.

- New flag to enable password generation.

- Close tab popup not has white text instead of gold.


You can get the Chrome Beta v40 on your Android device right now by Downloading the official APK below until the update hits the Google Play Store.


Chrome Beta v39


Chrome BETA v40 [APK]


Chrome BETA v40 [Play]


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Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v40.0.2214.36 with some critical bug fixes and stability improvements that made the last BETa version crash on most Android devices.


Google's official change-log for this version includes various bug fixes reported by the users on the previous version that makes the browser crash and unstable while browsing some webpages.


android L


Chrome Beta 40 also includes the Reader Mode, along with the new bookmark manager but these features needs to be enabled from the Chrome://flags settings first.


You can get the Chrome Beta v40 on your Android device right now by Downloading the APK below until the update hits the Google Play Store. The APK below is Official and has not been tempered with by any way.



Chrome Beta v40


Chrome BETA v40 [APK]


Chrome BETA v40 [Play]


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After 2 years of Beta testing and development. The popular video player, VLC for Android has dropped the Beta tag and released its first Stable version on the Play Store. VLC version 1.0.0 brings a lot of Bug fixes, no new features have been added and it still missing the Chromecast streaming support.




VLC 1.0.0 Stable release fixes Android 5.0 crashes as well as issues that affected devices with ARMv8 processors. In addition, the updated app also brings along a new interface, an equalizer, playlist management, Widi screens support, DVD iso and menu support and updated SD cards detection.


Finally, hardware acceleration is now enabled by default on Android 4.3 and higher, and software decoding has been accelerated too.




Download VLC 1.0.0 Stable [APK]


Download VLC 1.0.0 Stable [Play]


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MEGA, the cloud storage service, has just released a major update to its App. MEGA 2.0 BETA is Now Available on the Play Store with an Improved User Interface and Many new features as a Christmas gift for all its Android users.


The App is now much faster and more secure than before. Mega.co.nz is very strict on user's privacy and protection, it's cloud storage service is one of the most secured sharing platform online with a super Download/Upload speed to all users. It's Android App needed a lot of improvements and MEGA 2.0 BETA is the answer.


mega 2


Whats' New in Mega 2.0 (BETA):


- Handles large accounts and folders with ease

- Improved user interface

- Access folders that others shared with you

- Share your own folders with others

- Improved photo and video uploads

- Embedded image gallery

- Audio and video streaming

- Transfer manager (pause/restart)

- Open exported file and folder links



Mega 2.0

MEGA 2.0 BETA [Play Store]


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Nokia Z launcher


Nokia announced its first lollipop tablet, Nokia N1 last month with its own UI on top which called the Nokia Z Launcher. Well, lucky enough, the Nokia Z Launcher is still in BETA stages and has been updated to version 1.0.6 with some bug fixes and now works on more devices.


Nokia Z


The Launcher learns from your usage and picks up contextual cues (e.g. whether it's morning or evening), but the feature that sets it apart is scribbling.


What's New in v1.0.6 :

- Faster loading of apps and switching back to Z Launcher

- Reduced memory usage and animations

- Analog clock hour hand shows correct hour

- Fixed issues in Accepting and activating application

- Minimized network requests

- Optimized the UI to perform faster and use less memory

- Beautified UI with minor tweaks

- Bug fixes



nokia z


The Z Launcher on the Lollipop-running Nokia N1 tablet is an exclusive version, but you can download the APK BETA version 1.0.6 from the link below for a small taste of the experience engineered by Nokia.


Nokia Z


Nokia Z Launcher 1.0.6 [APK]


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Nokia Z launcher


Nokia announced its first lollipop tablet, Nokia N1 last month with its own UI on top which called the Nokia Z Launcher. Well, lucky enough, the Nokia Z Launcher is still in BETA stages and has been updated to version 1.1.3-b with some bug fixes and now works on more devices.


Nokia Z


The Launcher learns from your usage and picks up contextual cues (e.g. whether it's morning or evening), but the feature that sets it apart is scribbling.


What's New in v1.1.3 :

- Preliminary support for icon packs

- Long press on text you can uninstall or hide app app from the ranked list, in addition to existing long-press behavior such as long-pressing the icon to drag it to the favorites bar

- UI improvements for a wide range of Android devices

- Improved design and performance of carousel widgets
Improved Scribble handwriting recognition

- Play store icon will load Play store without pre-searched text.

- Bug fixes



nokia z


The Z Launcher is exclusive for the Lollipop-running Nokia N1 tablet, but you can download and install the APK BETA version 1.1.3 from the link below on your Android 4.1+ device for a small taste of this amaZing launcher, engineered by Nokia.


Nokia Z


Nokia Z Launcher 1.1.3 [APK]


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Wikipedia App for Android is very old and outdated, that's why Wikipedia foundation just launched it's New "Wikipedia Beta" App on the Play Store. New features and an updated User Interface is the main key features for this Beta App, Wikipedia took a step further to improve the user experience of it's App.


wikipedia beta


The App is Available for Free to test it before the full market release, Here's the Official change-log:


- Widgets: search + featured article

- Search suggestions are back

- Translucent toolbar

- Lead image/gallery: white background if image has transparency; crop off more of the bottom of images

- Infobox styling update

- Avoid NPE crash from onPrepareOptionsMenu
Android guidelines:

- Updated app icon

- Nav drawer: overlaps search bar; ripple effect for items

- Nearby: secondary action icon to view on a map instead of long-press

- Don't keep History, Saved Pages, or Nearby fragment in backstack




Download Wikipedia Beta [Play]


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Are you looking for a New Music Player for your Android device ? is Material Design UI a MUST for you? Well, Musixmatch is the right choice for you, Musixmatch v5.0 BETA has just been released with Full Material Design.






The Player also supports Music ID service that tells you what is the music currently playing, FloatingLyrics shows the lyrics of any song playing on your device. All this in one Free gorgeous App. Here's the full Musixmatch 5.0 Beta Change-log:


Brand new FloatingLyricsTM

- A revamped UI, simpler and more beautiful than ever
- Launch it directly from the notification tray and use the MusicID feature to recognize lyrics while watching YouTube music videos!
- More quick actions from the menu, such as favorite, search and MusicID
- Double tap on the header to maximize/minimize the floating window


Improved Add and Resync lyrics features

- You can finally add new lyrics from inside the app or from FloatingLyricsTM: no more redirects to the website! (Edit lyrics will follow soon)
- The Resync feature is now much faster, thanks to a native implementation


Brand new Search feature

- A new, smarter search: just type a song title or part of the lyrics, you will get all the results immediately, with a best match on top
- Search as you type, it will be even faster to look lyrics up
- Added option to quickly start MusicID to identify lyrics



- You can now edit more fields using the "Edit song info" feature, such as track number, disc number and year
- Boatloads of bug fixes and performance improvements


xmatch 5


Download Musixmatch 5.0 [APK]


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Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v43.0.2357.38 with some critical bug fixes, New Material Animations and a Grey Status bar as default for all non-themed web pages.


Chrome 43 BETA also carriers some New Material Design animations when switching to "Reader Mode" or open the bookmark menu. Along with these new feature. now, When purchasing an item, the process of filling checkout forms should be more streamlined and secure thanks to the data that chrome gets from Google Wallet.


chrome 43



You can get the Chrome Beta v43 on your Android device right now by Downloading the APK below until the update hits the Google Play Store. The APK below is Official and has not been tempered with by any way.


Chrome Beta v40


Chrome BETA v43 [APK]


Chrome BETA v43 [Play]


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solid explorers

File Explorers are a very Important Apps, one of the first thing you install when you buy a New Phone or right after a factory reset. Solid Explorer has long been one of the most popular file managers on Android because of its slick dual-pane UI and extensive feature list. It's time for an update...




Solid Explorer 2.0 BETA looks completely amazing because it includes Full Material Design UI. It has all of the Lollipop animations we've come to expect, along with a proper full-height navigation menu, floating action button, and colored status bar. The default blue/orange UI can be changed to whatever you like in the settings. You even get animated thumbnails for video. That's cool, but I could see it ending up a little annoying long-term. The app looks great, but I'm not sure about the icon.




You can Try Solid Explorer 2.0 BETA on your Android device now, by joining its Google+ Community HERE then head to the Play Store link to Become a Tester HERE Or download the official APK below.


Solid Explorer

Solid Explorer 2.0 BETA [APK]


Solid Explorer 2.0 BETA [Play]


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Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v44.0.2403.30 with some critical bug fixes and a New major feature called "Touch-to-Search" that is connected to the Google search App.

The New feature allows you to search from any web page with just a tap. All you have to do is Touch and select the text you want to search for, Chrome will automatically set the text on a tap below... Hover on this tap and it will launch Google Now search cards results right away (screenshot below).


Chrome 45


You can get the Chrome Beta v44 on your Android device right now by Downloading the APK below until the update hits the Google Play Store. The APK below is Official and has not been tempered with by any way.


Chrome Beta v40


Chrome BETA v44 [APK]


Chrome BETA v44 [Play]


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Are you looking for a New Music Player for your Android device ? is Material Design UI a MUST for you? Well, Musixmatch is the right choice for you, Musixmatch version 5.1 BETA has just been released with Full Material Design.






The Player also supports Music ID service that tells you what is the music currently playing, FloatingLyrics shows the lyrics of any song playing on your device. All this in one Free gorgeous App.


Here's the Full Musixmatch 5.1 Beta Change-log:
*Home screen is here!*
We're introducing a faster way to let you enjoy the best of Musixmatch with a single tap.
- Instantly identify music playing around you with MusicID
- See a selection of your most played tracks
- Enjoy the top songs of the moment
- Quick access to searching for your favorite songs and artists
*Lyrics cards*
Get ready to share your favorite lyrics quotes to the world!
- Tap "Share card" from the lyrics menu, customize the look and feel and share it on your favorite social network
- Tip: you can also long-press the lyrics lines and tap the "Share card" icon from the context menu
*YouTube videos are back*
Enjoy videos with synced lyrics for your favorite songs
*New launch screen*
Now displaying the Musixmatch logo while the app is starting up


xmatch 5


Musixmatch 5.1 [APK]


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Are you looking for a New Music Player for your Android device ? is Material Design UI a MUST for you? Well, Musixmatch is the right choice for you, Musixmatch version 5.1 BETA 4 has just been released with Full Material Design.






The Player also supports Music ID service that tells you what is the music currently playing, FloatingLyrics shows the lyrics of any song playing on your device. All this in one Free gorgeous App.


Here's the Full Musixmatch 5.1 Beta 4 Change-log:
★ Enhanced look and feel with Material Design elements, delightful transitions, bolder colors and improved typography
★ Improved and more powerful FloatingLyricsTM, now even more immersive and easy to use
★ Ability to add and edit lyrics directly from the app
★ Searching lyrics is now faster and smarter
★ Updated Android Wear integration, with playback controls and immediate lyrics visualization


xmatch 5


Musixmatch 5.1 BETA 4 [APK]


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Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v45.0.2454.31 with some critical bug fixes and a New major feature called "Touch-to-Search" that is connected to the Google search App and "Chrome custom Tabs",

The New feature allows you to search from any web page with just a tap. All you have to do is Touch and select the text you want to search for, Chrome will automatically set the text on a tap below... Hover on this tap and it will launch Google Now search cards results right away (screenshot below).


Chrome 45


Google Chrome v45 Change-log :
- Chrome Custom Tabs.
- Updated media playback controls.
- Updated Bookmarks interface.
- Better logging for feedback reports.
- Barrels of bug fixes and performance improvements.


You can get the Chrome Beta v45 on your Android device right now by Downloading the APK below until the update hits the Google Play Store. The APK below is Official and has not been tempered with by any way.


Chrome Beta v40


Chrome BETA v45 [APK]


Chrome BETA v45 [Play]


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One of the important pre-installed components in Android, is the System WebView, which has a very important function to handle and display web content inside the Operating system and outside of the Chrome browser. Google is Now Rolling-out the Android System WebView version 45 BETA update.


Webview 44


The update will bring new JavaScript APIs and fixes a serious bug that prevents the WebView from runnig some Javascript codes, and Battery Status as well as bug fixes and performance improvements to the whole System WebView, which will increase the rendering performance of web content in any app you run.


WebView 40


Chrome Webview version 45 BETA change-log:
• Fixed inline video crash issues.
• Added workarounds for graphics driver bugs which were causing some devices to hang.


The Update should hit your device via Play Store automatically without any action from your part. If you don't want to wait, you can Download & Install the official APK from the link below.


Android WebView v45 BETA [Play]


Android WebView v45 BETA [APK]


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Google Chrome Beta for Android has just been update to v45.0.2454.62 with some critical bug fixes and a New major feature called "Touch-to-Search" that is connected to the Google search App and "Chrome custom Tabs",

The New feature allows you to search from any web page with just a tap. All you have to do is Touch and select the text you want to search for, Chrome will automatically set the text on a tap below... Hover on this tap and it will launch Google Now search cards results right away (screenshot below).


Chrome 45


Google Chrome v45 Change-log :
- Chrome Custom Tabs.
- Updated media playback controls.
- Updated Bookmarks interface.
- Better logging for feedback reports.
- Barrels of bug fixes and performance improvements.


You can get the Chrome Beta v45 on your Android device right now by Downloading the APK below until the update hits the Google Play Store. The APK below is Official and has not been tempered with by any way.


Chrome Beta v40


Chrome BETA v45 [APK]


Chrome BETA v45 [Play]


Tags: beta oreo updates now over samsung devices how download install android beta your phone more merge tabs apps chrome beta playing youtube background android now possible google chrome beta google chrome beta updated v41 with pull refresh web pages apk download google chrome beta v42 available play store with stability performance fixes apk download nokia launcher updated version 1.0.5 beta try now apk download htc launches elevate preview program beta testing software updates beta version touchwiz samsung galaxy note leaked along with apk files core applications new samsung user interface development: beta testing started china korea upcoming smart travel app google rolls out beta testing google just release android studio 1.0 developers finally out beta download beta program registration android opens android beta version now available download nexus devices while samsung flagships still lollipop! separate beta section controls launched part google play google officially launched first android beta how download install android beta your phone android beta arrives with privacy dashboard new design chrome beta adds touch search option merge tabs apps new api support some killer bugs apk download htc zeo beta app available android devices share pretty videos download google chrome beta update v39 with new animation reader mode apk download airdroid beta now available android with desktop client too download windows chrome beta android update v40 with new bookmark manager larger address bar apk download google chrome beta update v40.0.2214.36 with critical stability bug fixes [apk download vlc android out beta updated version 1.0.0 with various bug fixes apk download mega 2.0 beta now available play store with new features download nokia launcher updated version 1.0.6 beta try now apk download nokia launcher updated version 1.1.3 beta try now apk download official wikipedia beta app now available play store [download musixmatch 5.0 beta with full material design new floatinglyrics smartsearch [apk download] google chrome beta v43 released with new animations grey status bar official apk download look solid explorer 2.0 beta with full material design official apk download google chrome beta version released with new touch search feature official apk download musixmatch 5.1 beta released with full material design floatinglyrics smartsearch official apk download musixmatch 5.1 beta released with improved material design floatinglyrics official apk download google chrome beta v45 released with custom tabs official apk download google updated android system webview v45 beta with various bug fixes official apk download google chrome beta v45 released with major stability performance fixes 




As Oppo gains more and more mindshare with its nicely built, attractive, and capable devices, the pressure mounts to keep the software fresh, and that has proven to be a little bit of challenge so far with the Find 7 devices.


Oppo likes to cater to the tinkerers and developers out there, and its active forums have all manner of discussions about how to do things with Oppo's products. In catering to this crowd however, Oppo also does not push a lot of over-the-air updates for ColorOS, favoring instead to release stable builds or Betas to be manually loaded and installed on devices. Fortunately, the process is literally as simple as downloading a file, connecting the phone to your computer, and then initiating the update on the device itself.


With the last big update to ColorOS 2.0.0i for the Find 7/7a this past October, the devices finally had firmware based on Android 4.4 KitKat, as well as a long list of changes to the user experience. With this update teaser to ColorOS 2.0.4i, based on Android 4.4.2, the Find 7 and Find 7a get a bunch of new wallpapers and the ability to presort apps. The task manager has been enhanced a bit too. Check the Teaser Video below!


Teaser Video

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OEM manufacturers might be struggling to get even Android Nougat 7.0 to their latest devices, but as expected, Google is way ahead of the curve. The internet giant has just started to roll out Android Nougat 7.1.2 for a select number of devices which are rolled into the Android Nougat Beta program. This is of course, a beta version only and there will be more incremental updates before the final version is ready and rolling out.

The list of eligible devices includes the Google Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel C, Nexus Player and Nexus 5X at this point of time. The Nexus 6P is also on the list, but it will take a while longer before the Google flagship from 2015 starts receiving the beta update. If you did not roll into the beta program and would simply like to flash the 827.9MB file manually, download the firmware from here. Keep in mind though that the ROM files are only available for the Pixel, Pixel XL, Nexus Player and Pixel C right now.

Head over to https://forum.youmobile.org/downloads/ to find all the latest updates for your Samsung smartphone.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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Customers who bought the LG G5 flagship smartphone this year will get a chance to test out the upcoming Android OS version 7.0 Nougat before anyone else. However, there are two catches to this; you will have to be in South Korea and even then, the number of people chosen for the beta testing will be very limited. When LG means limited, they mean it as the total number of smartphones which will be allowed in the closed beta program is just two thousand.

The user will need to download and install an app called OS Preview from the Play Store in order to get registered for the beta program, if they are chosen. Needless to say, if you are in the US or in any other country for that matter, the application will not be found on your version of the Play Store. Although LG has not mentioned anything to indicate that the preview will also be made available in other countries, we are hoping that it might be so later on.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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Samsung has done a many things that makes it an innovative OEM. The Koreans giant invest a lot of resources to incorporate best possible design in the devices launched by them in the recent past. They also lay emphasis on safety and overall performance of their devices. As per reports, Samsung is planning to make the best software too, as the company is launching beta test program for Android 6.0 Marshmallow and the latest version of TouchWiz.

Those who want to participate in the beta test program need to fill up a form to become eligible. Then they are supposed to download the Galaxy Care app from Google Play, and finish the registration process for the Galaxy Beta Program.

Android 6.0 is mostly the first version of Google's mobile operating system that is officially tested by large number of users across the globe. Samsung will select two devices for tests - the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge. But, don't get too excited, as the requirement says that you have to live in either the UK or South Korea and you should be having connection from KT or LG U+ carriers. It's not clear whether the Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 edge+ will also be included in the beta testing program or not. Even if they are included, the hardware of these devices is almost similar to Galaxy S6's, so Samsung might prefer to test only the two devices mentioned above.


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Samsung Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy S6 edge are the two devices for which the Samsung was recruiting beta testers last month owing to the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update in South Korea and the UK. The Marshmallow upgrade was swiftly rolled out to all those who opted to become beta testers. It seems the Android 6.0 beta upgrade is also getting shipped to some of the Galaxy Note 5 (AT&T carrier) variants in the US.

Supposedly, the Korean giant chose only 200 testers with AT&T's Galaxy Note 5, and couple of them got an email with detailed instructions on installation of the beta update via the company's official app. Now, some of the testers are also getting the Android 6.0 beta upgrade for their Galaxy Note 5 (SM-N920A). This upgrade is a package of delight for some of the unhappy Galaxy Note 5 buyers.

Upgraded Galaxy Note 5 variants show build number as MMB29K.N920AUCU2BPB1 and a build date of Kernel as February 2, 2016. The file size of this update is 1355.94MB, which packages Android security packaged released in February. The UI matches the look and feel of the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge's Marshmallow test version.

There is no information about refinement and new features of the S Pen till now. We'd be happy to learn more about the battery life, performance and new features present in this update, if you are one those who has received it.


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As expected, Samsung has decided to follow the same strategy as it did last year with the Galaxy S6-series. What this means is that just like the S6 range of smartphones had the option to download and beta test Android 6.0 Marshmallow on them, the S7-series will also enjoy the same beta-testing option this year with Android 7.0 Nougat. In fact, the beta version of the Nougat OS could be going live in the UK as you read this. Even though the source only reports the S7 Edge having the option, the S7 is also on the same list in all likelihood.

In order to sign up for the program, you will need to download and install the Galaxy Beta Program application from the Galaxy Apps Store and onto your S7/S7 Edge. Now you should see an option to enrol for the Nougat beta-testing in the app, but it isn't live yet and will probably go live only after Samsung makes it official. When the registration becomes available and you complete it, keep your fingers crossed because they will definitely not select everyone.


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The beta version of Samsung's Android Nougat 7.0 based firmware for the S7 and S7 Edge went live on select devices in China, South Korea, the UK and the US about a week ago and some of them have even started to receive the second build by now. The good news is, Samsung could also be extending the program to other countries as well, according to a report by SamMobile.

In what was a conversation between a Samsung Philippine's Customer Support executive and one of the aforementioned site's readers, it was indicated that Philippines could be next in line to receive the opportunity to test out pre-release versions of the Android 7.0 based firmware on the Galaxy S7/S7 Edge. While this little piece of info only concerns the devices in Philippines, we cannot help but feel that it could also be applicable to other regions as well, albeit a while later.

Nevertheless, this chat is far from being "proof" to the fact that the Beta program will be extended to Philippines, let alone other regions. In case it does prove to be so, rest assured that we will let you know as it happens.

Head over to https://forum.youmobile.org/downloads/ to find all the latest updates for your smartphone.

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It has been just a week or so since the first build of the beta went live for the S7 and S7 Edge in Europe and they have already released the second build in Europe! This package will come to the eligible smartphones as an OTA update, just like the first build. The changes that the 92MB file brings to the basic build are mainly improvements in stability, performance and minor bug fixes, rather than any significant new features that are worth mentioning.

Incidentally, today also marks the date when the first version of the Nougat beta build went live in China for eligible users of the Galaxy Beta Program. South Korea is yet to receive the second build from Samsung, even though it was the first country to receive the initial beta build. Nevertheless, irrespective of your device's location, if it has been selected for the Galaxy Beta Program, all builds of the beta Nougat program will come to your S7 or S7 Edge eventually.

Head over to https://forum.youmobile.org/downloads/ for all the latest updates for your smartphone.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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As promised by Samsung, the beta version of Android 7.0 Nougat is now live for the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, but unfortunately, it is only available in South Korea at this moment. Even though multiple reports had confirmed that the UK would be the first region where Samsung will start the beta testing from, they turned out to be wrong.

Any eligible Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge from LG Uplus, KT Corporation or SK Telecom will be able to download the 1.3GB (roughly) beta update, provided that they have signed up for the program and had been selected. A beta version of the Grace UX with features similar to those found on the discontinued Note 7 (Always On display for example) has made it to Nougat as expected.

The Good news for the particularly enthusiastic among us is the fact that a beta firmware based on Android 7.0 Nougat has now leaked online as well. We recommend waiting until Samsung starts to roll out the program to your region, but if you know what you are doing, you can give it a try at your own risk! In case you do flash it, the firmware version should change to G930FXXU1ZPK4 on the S7 and G935FXXU1ZPK4 on the S7 Edge.


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As we had reported earlier, Samsung will allow a limited number of S7 and S7 Edge users to experience Android Nougat 7.0 as beta testers before its official release on the two smartphones. Today we have official confirmation about the news and we have even been given an exact date. The beta testing will be available for eligible users to download, install and use from November 9. The testing will go on till the middle of the next month (mid-December), at the end of which, the final build of the OS might become ready for official release.

If you have not already, download the Galaxy Beta Programme application from Samsung's own Galaxy Apps Store. Fill out the application form necessary to apply as a beta tester for the OS and keep your fingers crossed! After this, the beta version will become available for you to download from November 9 as OTA updates, provided you are selected for the testing. If you are indeed selected, Samsung will accept suggestions and feedback from you in regard to your experience in using the build.

As of now, reports suggest that the beta testing in the UK is only available to the unlocked versions, while in the US, the option is available to the versions sold by T-Mobile, Verizon and Sprint only. Strangely enough, the Olympic Edition and the Injustice Edition units of the S7 Edge will be left out of the programme.


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Samsung has released the third update for the devices enlisted in their Galaxy Beta program for the S7 and S7 Edge. To the best of our knowledge, the update has so far been received only in the UK, although the same should be making its way into the other eligible regions soon as well. The third build comes in at a size of around 300MB, with the firmware version G935FXXU1ZPKK.

Here's a look at some improvements and changes that it brings over the current version.

1. The brightness slider can now be moved above the Quick Panel from its original position in the Notification menu
2. It is possible to choose the layout for the Quick Panel Toggles
3. Edge Feeds have been removed
4. Brings the November security patches with it
5. Improvements in stability and a less buggy experience
6. Some devices have "lazy" screens that light up later than they should on waking the phone

Let's see what the next build brings to the firmware and rest assured that we will keep you updated.

Head over to https://forum.youmobile.org/downloads/ to find all the latest updates for your smartphone.


Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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Although some of these features may not make it to the final version of the firmware, let's take a look at the best of what we have seen so far in the beta builds of the Android Nougat 7.0 OS for the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge.

The New Look - Everything from the app icons and fonts, to the general color scheme of the device has been changed. Although opinions may differ, we think it looks better now than it ever did before.

Blue Light Filter - This will help relieve the pressure usually accumulated in our eyes from spending long amounts of time looking at a phone screen.

Changes in the Notification Panel - You can rearrange the icons in the Quick Settings panel, change the grid size and move the brightness slider around. A revamped notification panel will also allow you to reply to conversations right from the notifications menu.

Resolution Scaling - You will have the option to choose between 1280 × 720 (HD), 1920 × 1080 (Full HD) and 2560 × 1440 (QHD) resolution for your phone's display, with the default set at 1080p for better power-efficiency.

Put to Sleep - This one is a very useful feature which lets you stop an app from auto-starting, receiving updates, using power in the background or send you push notifications by just long pressing on the icon and choosing, "Put to Sleep."

Performance Mode: The performance of the S7 or the S7 Edge can now be put into the following gears, depending on the task at hand.

Normal: 1080p, video enhancer on, game launcher on, game tools on

Game mode: 1080p, max brightness, game launcher on, game tools on

Entertainment mode: 1440p, max brightness, video enhancer on, UHQ upscaler on

High performance: 1440p, max brightness.

There are plenty of other tweaks, both big and small and we are sure to see a few more before the final build is released.


Head over to https://forum.youmobile.org/downloads/ to find all the latest updates for your smartphone.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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We have strange and unfortunate news for Verizon users today, if you happen to be a part of Samsung's Android Nougat based Galaxy Beta Program for the S7 and S7 Edge. Verizon has officially decided to stop supporting the program altogether for reasons unknown to us. What this means is that any device that's enrolled into the program and under contract from Verizon, will not be receiving any further updates sent out by Samsung as a part of the Galaxy Beta Program.

"Dear Customers, Verizon will stay on the original software for the remainder of this trial. Beta trial users will be upgraded to the commercial N release when it is available early next year. Thanks, Galaxy Beta Program Team"

The users are now left with the choice of either using the current version of the Nougat build with no further upgrades until the final firmware is out and rolling, or they can downgrade back to the stable Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow firmware. If you are not on Verizon though, you don't have anything to worry about. All other carriers and unlocked versions are still supporting the program to the best of our knowledge.


Head over to https://forum.youmobile.org/downloads/ to find all the latest updates for your smartphone.

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Samsung has officially confirmed that the Galaxy Beta Program which they had launched earlier in the year will be over by the end of the day. This confirms a report which was circulating on Weibo since yesterday. The confirmation was found in a Beta Notice which reads the following.

"Galaxy Beta programme is ending. (Dec.30 24:00)
Dear customers,
Galaxy Beta programme will end on 12/30 by 24:00 PM.
We would like to thank you for the interest and affection shown during this time, We will try to apply most of the useful opinions shared by all of you in official Nougat OS version.
After the end of Beta programme
-There will be no new Beta version release.
-There will be no individual feedback related to 'Error report' & 'Suggestion' and there is a plan to manage it via "community" only.
We would do our best to distribute the official version in January as soon as possible.
Thanks for all your support during this time and wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.
Happy New Year ~~
Galaxy Beta Programme Team"

If things go as Samsung has it planned, then the final build of the Android Nougat OS will start rolling out to the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge by January, 2017. The good news is that the Nougat firmware updates for the two flagships will be based on the latest Android v7.1.1. Were you a part of the Beta program? If you were, what changes are you waiting to see in the final build?

Head over to https://forum.youmobile.org/downloads/ to find all the latest updates for your smartphone.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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Samsung did not release Android Nougat 7.1.1 for the Galaxy S8 and S8+ this year because both phones will be upgraded directly to Android 8.0 Oreo, as per reports. While the official Oreo update will still take a good bit of time before seeing release on any of the Samsung handsets, reports on the internet are indicating that the Beta Program will go live on October 31st in the US.

If you do not live in the United States, does it mean that you won't be able to become a part of Samsung's beta program? No, that's not the situation at all. As long as you own a S8 and S8+ in the UK, US, Canada and South Korea, the beta program will be accessible to you as well. If you own any of the two smartphones in China, India, Germany, Poland, France or Spain, you will still get the beta program, but much later, during the 2nd Phase. Download the Samsung Members App from the Play Store if you want to register for the Oreo beta program when it's announced. Remember that all this information is likely true, but none of it is official yet.

Head over to our firmware section to find all the latest available updates for your Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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Just as always, Samsung had started rolling out beta updates of the latest Android 8.0 Oreo OS to select devices and users who signed up for the Galaxy Beta Program a few months back, but that time is about to come to an end now, as the fifth and very likely, the final beta update is out now. The OTA update comes in at a fairly large but expected size of 613MB and The Android Soul reports the firmware version to be ZQLE.

While it most probably marks the end of the Oreo beta updates, there is no doubt that it's good news. This basically means that the official and final version of the latest Android OS is about to make its appearance via OTA on various devices now. Unfortunately, if you are in India, you have probably only started receiving the second beta update.

Head over to our firmware section to find all the latest available updates for your Samsung smartphones and tablets.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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As is to be expected from the beta versions of any OS, the version of Android 9 Pie running on the Galaxy S9 and S9+ also have their fair share of bugs. To Samsung's credit, they have been pretty quick in rolling out hotfixes and major updates to fix the issues, as encountered by users. While the last beta version of the OS released a few days ago was supposed to be much less problematic than the one before it, a major bug was preventing a lot of users from using their mobile data connection, alongside causing a lot of other problems such as poor reception, invisible options in night mode, malfunctioning lift-to-wake functionality, app update errors and of course, frequent crashes.

Most of the problems have since been taken care of by firmware version G960NXXU2ZRLA (S9) and G965NXXU2ZRLA (S9+), which contain hotfixes for most, if not all of the problems that were being experienced by the users since the last beta release. Unfortunately, the updates have only been rolled out in South Korea so far, so you may have to wait a few days before it comes to other regions as well.

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