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Wikipedia App for Android is very old and outdated, that's why Wikipedia foundation just launched it's New "Wikipedia Beta" App on the Play Store. New features and an updated User Interface is the main key features for this Beta App, Wikipedia took a step further to improve the user experience of it's App.


wikipedia beta


The App is Available for Free to test it before the full market release, Here's the Official change-log:


- Widgets: search + featured article

- Search suggestions are back

- Translucent toolbar

- Lead image/gallery: white background if image has transparency; crop off more of the bottom of images

- Infobox styling update

- Avoid NPE crash from onPrepareOptionsMenu
Android guidelines:

- Updated app icon

- Nav drawer: overlaps search bar; ripple effect for items

- Nearby: secondary action icon to view on a map instead of long-press

- Don't keep History, Saved Pages, or Nearby fragment in backstack




Download Wikipedia Beta [Play]



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