Tags - bonus

As you probably know already, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is dead and chances of the smartphone ever resurfacing are almost none. However, Samsung would like to keep their customers from going elsewhere and that is exactly why they are offering $100 to all Note 7 customers who are willing to switch over to another Samsung smartphone, rather than leaving the brand completely or asking for a full refund. The extra $100 will be given to the customer via bill credit. Although this incentive is only available to the customers in the US at the moment, Samsung is expected to extend similar offers to other regions as well.

Here's the official statement by Samsung, "As a sign of our appreciation for your patience and loyalty, we are offering up to a $100 bill credit from select carrier or retail outlets if you exchange your Galaxy Note 7 for another Samsung smartphone, less any incentive credits already received."

Just in case you want nothing to do with Samsung smartphones for a while, most retailers and carriers will give you your money back, along with a $25 bonus. If you plan to switch to a different brand, you will still get a $25 bonus from most of them. Please note that if you had already exchanged your Note 7 when the first recall was initiated, the $25 bonus which you received then will be subtracted in all three scenarios.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)



Till that moment Rockstar's hottest Game for 2014, GTA V, is still not available for PC. Today, Rockstar Games has officially opened pre-orders for its upcoming Grand Theft Auto V for PC. This is due to be released on March,24th 2015. If you pre-order GTA V for PC before February 1, you'll get $1.3 million in-game currency and a Free bonus Game too.


The currency is spread as follows: $500,000 for GTA V, and the rest for GTA Online. The bonus game will be given to you in the form of a digital download, and you'll receive the code for this immediately after you pre-order GTA V. The titles you can choose from include GTA IV, Max Payne 3, LA Noire, but also much older games such as GTA III and Manhunt.




However, To get the free bonus game you need to pay a 15% deposit at checkout for GTA V and then your digital code for the free game will be issued to help you pass the time until it drops.




Before you play a casino game on your smartphone, you should know the steps to follow for more chances of winning. Find out the details now.


There are various ways of enjoying casino online. Indeed, there are already places that can help you enjoy gambling in the convenience of your home. You simply have to follow the basic guidelines on how to play casino on your mobile for abetter experience.


You may have probably come across links online giving mobile casino bonus. The tons of freebies that will make your games more fulfilling and funare just one of the most important features you can find on the internet.


From the fact above, you will already get the idea of playing casino using your smartphone. One of the biggest advantages of the game using your hand phone is the privacy. Instead of encountering your colleagues or relatives while playing a slot machine and get into trouble, you can play your favorite games without awkward situations.


However, to make your mobile venture more successful, you should also improve your chances of winning before placing your bet. You know already that the probability of winning in a casino will depend on the game you are playing. So you must be smart from the selection of a game to the development of the strategy.


To begin your study about the steps on playing casino on your mobile for free, kindly read the excerpt below:


Choose Your Favorite Casino Game. There are various games to be played online when you are using your handphone. You have to check the ones available and choose one based on your liking. Otherwise, you may select depending on the chance of winning.


Find Out the Download Speed of the Online Game. You must know that mobile casino games may also have different download speed. For instance, there is a game that uses an individual platform, which affects the downloading speed and quality of the operation itself.


This step is unnecessary if you have a fast connection. However, if you have aquota to save, you must check this beforehand. If in the future, you will be depositing money for a casino game, this is also a crucial step.


Select a Casino Game-Based on Bonuses. Since you are playing the mobile casino for free, you should make sure to check out the rewards. There are various ones available, which will also depend on the mobile application you are using.


Normally, when you sign up, you will already have a bonus in store. Other types of bonuses are for tournament listing and becoming a VIP in the platform. You must look into the future and decide on bonuses that will benefit you most in the future.


VIPs often get loyalty gifts and cashback. Even if you are playing using your mobile, having the exclusive membership can give you big bonuses, such as vacations and electronics.


Choose Your Language. Do not try to play mobile casino in English if you are not well-versed in it. Select your native language instead so that you can understand all the information of the game. There are times that there are mobile casinos that will show unfamiliar phrases or words even when calculating your probability of winning.


Secure Your Odds of Winning. Before you even play a game, it is best to swing the odds in your favor. Check out the strategies online and spare a time to see the tips in playing the games you have selected. By doing so, you will soon see that your game balance is growing.


Enjoy the Game. You must know that not all mobile casino games are won by hard work. Normally, the outcome is beyond your control. For instance, there are random number generation systems used in the games. Instead of stressing out, justenjoy the game and look forward to cash grabbing chances.


Take a Time Out. To concentrate better on playing, you should also take breaks from mobile casinos. This will also sustain the freshness of your brain for more chances of winning.


With the steps above on playing mobile casino, you will be able to prep up for a convenient casino-from-home experience. Simply keep in mind of the tips, especially when it comes to winning. As stated above, there are cases that you are in control, such as in choosing bonuses, games, and strategies. Take advantage of it for more cash in your way despite playing for free.


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