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Google Chrome's team is planning on using on using Microsoft's Pointer Events API and integrating it into the browser, this will make the scrolling on all Android smartphones more smoother than now.

One major benefit of the smoother scrolling. Some of the other browsers that employ Pointer Events like Firefox and IE, run smoother than Chrome. The Chromium team listened to feedback from web developers, framework authors, and other browser vendors who said that Pointer Events would be a great addition to the platform.

The currently used Touch Events API is not going to disappear, and with IE supporting both, it is possible that Chrome also will continue using Touch Events while starting to implement the Pointer Events API. The bottom line is that Chrome users will soon have a better scrolling experience.


Official Chromium Team Blog


"Pointer Events offers some technical advantages over the existing use of Touch Events and Mouse Events. Most notably, pointer event listeners never block scrolling, and so replacing all touch event handlers with pointer event handlers will address the main longstanding source of scroll-start jank we see on Android (irrespective of whatever scheduler improvements we're able to make to better prioritize input handling)...Pointer Events has pretty broad support, but we have some outstanding concerns with the existing API which probably cannot be addressed without a non-trivial breaking change. The key outstanding challenge is to try to identify a design which addresses our concerns without seriously breaking websites which support the existing API. We will of course work closely with the other vendors to try to find a design we can all agree to implement consistently." - Rick Byers, Chromium Team




As one of the most popular ways to access the internet, WiFi is now used the world over by the public and various businesses. Also known as a wireless network, this innovative technology has paved the way for internet access as we know it, allowing multiple devices to connect to a network using radio signals.

However, it relies on devices being in a certain range, and sometimes this can cause weak or inconsistent connections, depending on how far any given device is from a router. As such, here are some useful ways to boost your WiFi.

Quality Router


First and foremost, you will want to make sure that you have a good router to help you access the internet. To this end, you may want to consider investing in an 802.11ac router, which is one of the best types of router currently on the market. They tend to have a much greater range and speed compared to some of the older Wireless G or Wireless N routers.

You may also want to consider using decent, durable parts to connect your router to your computer and the wall outlet. There are plenty of specialist suppliers like RS which stock quality cables which you can explore at your leisure.



Where you place your router will also make a fairly significant difference to its overall effectiveness. Given that WiFi relies on radio signals being transmitted cleanly, it is important that there are as few obstructions as possible when it comes to finding a home for it.

So, putting it inside a cupboard or in a box will weaken it, but leaving it in an open space (preferably on a wall mount) should help to strengthen the signal and improve performance. It is also good to have it in a central position in the house/building, so that each room has good coverage.  

Wireless Channel


Your router should automatically connect to the optimal channel, but some channels are more crowded than others, and sometimes there may be a better channel which is less crowded. Routers in surrounding buildings can interfere with your WiFi if they are on the same channel, so it is well worth looking into how you can look at which channel your router is using and switch it manually if necessary.  

This should help to strengthen your signal and prevent any degradation in the WiFi's signal, prolonging its shelf life.

These are just some of the many methods you can use to improve your WiFi. Be sure to find whatever works for your individual network and you should see a great improvement.   

We decided to research ways to improve one's gaming skills. The tips below are meant to help you improve your chops in a range of game genres and get an edge on the competition.

We will focus on fundamental skills without going into specifics.

For the fact that there are vast differences between game genres (in first-person shooter games, reaction-time and fine motor control will be relevant; but in RPGs, visual acuity may be more relevant, where you are trying to detect subtle motions in a large open environment; in eSports, its perception, decision-making, and hand-eye coordination), not all games will require all of these skills, but they will include at least one of them.

Some of the tips may seem like a trifle to you. But mind you, each one makes a little, subtle improvement, and when combined together, that should add up to a fundamental improvement in your overall performance.

So, hopefully, you'll come out with some new ideas to try.

Be in good health and try to improve your abilities like memory

Playing a video game at the highest level requires your body, mind, and moral to be in excellent condition.

Gamers often skip basic meals and play into the wee hours. Such a lifestyle will hardly have a positive effect on your abilities, right? So don't forget to get enough sleep and eat well.

In strategies, like Clash of Clans, memory is very important. And there are tips and tricks for you to try in this regard, find some here.

Improve your environment

Create an optimal environment for yourself.

Improve your listening. Try to eliminate distractions by turning down (or off) the soundtrack and raising the volume of SFX, if the game gives you an option to mix sound levels. Also wearing quality, better yet noise-cancelling, gaming headphones will help hear the slightest movements. The worst is listening to your favorite music - it will keep engaging you. Turning off music will help brain concentrate fully on the gameplay.

Improve your visibility. Sometimes games are made a bit dark. If you want to spot someone before they spot you, adjust screen brightness to make colors brighter - this will provide contrast.

Use the tricks of the trade that everyone is using

Get cheat codes, tricks, and shortcuts. They are aplenty on the Web and can be extremely helpful. Knowing shortcuts or tricks gives you an edge.

Review what other players share on game's forums and places like Steam or Discord.

Learn by watching others, and yourself

Watch other gamers on Twitch or YouTube. By watching the pros, you can learn pro tricks and shortcuts or something you didn't know before.

Watch replays of yourself playing too! Analyze. Review every step you have taken, what you were thinking at that moment and what has actually happened. Most helpful when playing games like shooters and strategy games.

Play against players who are stronger than you

Playing with or against more skilled players will make you push and stretch yourself.

Get better, more comfortable gear

Having an ergonomic mouse or controller that is comfortable for you, can make all the difference. Try different alternatives. Without comfy accessories you will find it hard to play for extended periods of time. For example, without a gaming chair, you could very soon experience pain and stiffness in all kinds of places of your body.

Set up your mobile device in the best way

Visually rich games, like Hay Match, that employ a lot of animations require your device to work stable and smooth. Mobile users can change their device's settings to optimize resources consumption and thus improve mobile gaming experience.

Try playing with Android Developer options and multi-sample anti-aliasing, turning off background services, using booster apps to save precious resources. Better yet, buy a gaming phone.

Know the lore and developer info

Sit down and read game's guide if one has been provided by the devs. You'll find such handy info as button layouts, shortcuts, tactics, lore, and tips for improving your gameplay right out of the box. This will definitely make your learning curve shorter. Make use of the training mode as well.

Customize your controls

Don't take factory sensitivity of the controls for granted. They don't work equally for everyone. Test different options, find what works for you, refine it. It should make a subtle but fundamental improvement in your performance.


Practice, of course

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. And learn how to handle defeat: Keep iterating after failure, don't let frustration or anger take over you.

Check out science-based tools

Don't stop there, move on to more advanced. Today, there are many startups in this niche offering to help improve our playing performance. This one, for example, is developing a neuroscience-based tool for boosting skills associated with competitive gaming. Worth checking out!

These improvements had been rolling out in South Korea for a while now but finally it's here in the US. AT&T has started to roll out a single huge update of 480MB to the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+. It will address the color calibration settings on the two devices so that the users can set the RGB calibration to their liking and get rid of any unwanted hues. Also included is an improvement to the Bixby hardware button which has something to do with the timing of short-pressing the button. Other improvements include fix for the infamous DQA pop-up error and fix for a 5G access point Wi-Fi compatibility issue.

Firmware version G950USQU1AQDE and G955USQU1AQDE are making their way onto the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ respectively. The only difference in-between the two being the size (the S8 may have a smaller file size). It's good to see the update make its way into the US, but what we would have also liked to see is some of the Bixby functionalities which are currently available for South Korean users, make their way onto other regions as well.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

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