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Today, at MWC 2015 press event, Microsoft demonstrated the Project Spartan web browser running on a Lumia 930 and also mentioned that the upcoming Windows 10 Preview build will ship with the latest browser as well.


Project Spartan will replace Internet Explorer as the default web browser in Windows 10 and early benchmarks show it to be really fast.




HTC was rumored to release it's first Android Wear Smartwatch, or its first Smart Wearable device. According to the latest reports apparently, the company has decided not to try to compete with LG, Samsung, Motorola and others, and has scrapped its Smartwatch project.


A report published on Friday, suggests that the rising costs of producing the watch was one of the reasons behind HTC's decision to cancel it. In addition, it is believed that the watch being devised by the company lacked any innovation or special design that would allow it to challenge the competition.


The smartwatch market is becoming more and more crowded, with Asus recently joining the group. Right now, there is a heavy air of anticipation as Apple's long awaited iWatch is expected to be unveiled on September 9th. As usual with Apple, the expectations are extremely high. While it is probable that Apple's timepiece will see the light of day this coming Tuesday, the product will probably not be made available to consumers until next year.




Galaxy S6


Latest Reports suggests that Samsung is working on designing the Galaxy S6 from scratch, the team gave the S6 a codename "Project Zero", and some unnamed "insiders" have allegedly come forward and shared a few of its specs.


The screen resolution will be QHD (2560x1440), just like that of the Note 4, which is hardly a surprise. The exact display size is still a mystery, though, possibly because Samsung execs haven't yet decided on it.


The rear camera will apparently be borrowed from the Galaxy Note 4 too, being a Sony-made IMX240. What's still up for debate over at Samsung HQ is whether to go for a 16 MP module or a 20 MP one. In either case, hopefully it will come with optical image stabilization.


Galaxy S6


The S6 will pack a selfie snapper 5 MP front camera, matching the sensors in the recently unveiled Galaxy A series. Storage-wise, Samsung seems ready to move to 32GB as the new base level so no more 16GB model. Handsets with 64 or 128GB built-in storage will also be offered, and we assume the microSD expansion will stick around too.


In terms of chipset, the Galaxy S6 will be powered by an Exynos 7420, which is on track to be the company's first SoC with active 64-bit support. The Exynos 5433 in the Galaxy Note 4 is also technically 64-bit, but Samsung has only enabled 32-bit support for it until now. That might have something to do with the fact that Android will only work with 64-bit chipsets starting with version 5.0 Lollipop. Galaxy S6 is expected Early Next year.



Samsung foldable


Earlier this year we have reported that Samsung has officially announced that it's building on a bendable/foldable smartphone for this year. Well, it looks like we are getting really close to see this device on markets, it packs codename "Samsung Project Valley" and it has faced some delays and expected to be ready to launch by January,2016.


Samsung is reportedly testing both Snapdragon 620 and 820 for the phone. It doesn't become clear if that's for two separate versions of the phone or just looking for the most suitable chipset. Either way, it will have 3GB of RAM.


Samsung Project Valley


The battery will be non-removable, as the Korean will have to design a custom battery for this device but Samsung Project Valley will allegedly have a microSD slot. The screen will certainly be OLED, there are no bendy LCDs.


Project Valley


Stay tuned for more info regarding Samsung Project Valley and this whole new series of foldable devices coming from Samsung very soon.



project Ara


Google took the wraps off the first Project Ara modular phone that will be commercially available at a dedicated developer conference. Dubbed Spiral 2, the handset will first launch in Puerto Rico in the second half of this year.


project ara 2


The Project Ara Spiral 2 model specifications include dual application processors (Marvell PXA1928 and Tegra K1). A 720p display, 5MP camera, microUSB port, battery, and speaker are also part of the setup. Network connectivity options consist of 3G modem, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.


project ara


There are 11 working modules for the Project Ara 2 smartphone. Google plans to have as many as thirty options available by the end of this year. Watch the Promo video below!



Project Ara Promo [Video]

If you are thinking about the upcoming Mass Effect game, then you probably do not know about Google's ongoing work where the internet giant is planning to bring the Chrome OS and the Android OS together as one. Although Google has not yet made it official, Project Andromeda is very much alive and probably has the alternate name of Fuchsia.

Fuchsia will expand Google's reach to devices of all kind; be it fully-fledged computers or advanced mobile devices. If you are wondering whether Android will be discontinued in the wake of this new OS, it won't be, at least not exactly anyway! Although Andromeda will eventually replace Android as the base OS, the latter will probably be retained as a legacy API within the OS.

The main advantage which Fuchsia will bring over the Android OS is its ability to simultaneously provide updates to all devices running on it. It could potentially eliminate the Android fragmentation issues, ensuring better security and uniformity across multiple devices. Reports indicate that Google is testing out Andromeda on the next gen Qualcomm flagship SD 835 SoC. Whether that means the first Fuchsia powered device will be released in 2017 or not, remains to be seen.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Today Google announced that they will be taking initiatives to help raise fund for special needs project and for children who are in need of special schooling. The company will donate $1 for each purchase made with Android Pay between now and December 31st, amounting up to a total of $1 million. Additionally, the company will double that money - that's $2 for the purchases made via Google Pay on Black Friday. To do this Google.org and Android Pay have teamed up with DonorsChoose.org (an organisation dedicated to make sure that teachers and schools have all the required tools to educate all types of children).

As per Google, the Android Pay is available at over a million locations across the United States, so now you have plethora of options to buy what you want, and contribute to a good cause. In order to set up Android Pay on your device, you will first need a device that has support for NFC payments. You can get this feature in any new mid-range and top-tier smartphone, except the OnePlus 2. To get started, install Android Pay from Google Play, save your credit or debit card on file, and you're ready to roll.


Link: Android Pay



It becomes extremely difficult sometimes to choose a compatible hosting service, especially when the market offers you a wide range of hosting solutions. It is challenging to decide whether to go with a VPS, shared hosting, or a dedicated server.

Shared hosting is no less than a family data plan, where responsibilities are shared among the family members. VPS, on the other hand, is just like an individual data plan. It's you who extend and upgrade your resources by paying for the service.

Analogy - Hosting Platforms

Shared hosting


Shared hosting forces all the users to share the available resources on a shared server. It includes everything from memory to CPU time to the disk space. A reliable hosting provider monitors all the shared servers for an uninterrupted supply.

VPS hosting

VPS is just like owning a condo. While you got a rental apartment as a segment of an entire building, you are still responsible for maintaining your rental property. Not all resources on a private virtual server (VPS) are shared.

However, the required portions of these resources are always available for you. This enables you to have more flexibility and faster load time. VPS allows you to have comparatively more resources as compared to a shared account.

Dedicated hosting

Dedicated hosting can be put into the scenario of owning a house. It's only you who has the access to all the resources available on the server machine and no other user account can interfere. Nevertheless, this type of hosting service does not come cheap.

Which would be appropriate for an online business project?


Shared hosting


A shared hosting enables more than one website to consume resources on a shared server. Due to the fewer resources available, it only serves the purpose for small websites and blogs where heavy traffic is not much a concern.

VPS hosting

VPS is the best way to start with, especially when you are running restricted on your budgetary limit. If you are a startup and want to share your business idea with the world, VPS can be your best pal. There are several hosting companies that provide this service.

You may like to go with Hostinger VPS plan as it is one of the many hosting providers that provides cloud infrastructure for their services. It is a perfect balance of both performance and cost-effectiveness.

User's point of view over VPS

1. Excellent performance and dedicated resources such as more CPU power, tweaked RAM, enough storage, and adequate bandwidth.

2. The isolated environment for better security and invincibility against getting affected by your neighbor.

3. Complete root access to the hosting server just like a dedicated hosting.



If you are looking for a better performance, cheap in cost hosting, top security, and complete privacy - VPS can be your best option. Some of the advantages you'll get by opting for this service are;

1. More compatibility with regards to the resources.

2. Server setup takes less time.

3. More access to the server with better control.

4. Complete isolation in the environment where a VPS server functions.

5. Almost mimics the characteristics of a dedicated server.

Why switch to a VPS host?


1. When you need more speed

Adding more content to your website, most likely to slow it down after a while. This is nothing new when it comes to the websites that are more database dedicated. When you start noticing a significant reduction of speed, it's time to switch to a VPS host.

Furthermore, the majority of the growing websites witness an insurmountable traffic over the time. The more popular your website gets, greater will be your viewer traffic. It also signifies that your existing plan cannot bear the heavy traffic. Therefore, VPS would be more logical for you.  

2. When you lack with the resources


When your website continues to face 503-server errors, it indicates that your services are no longer available to your customers as well. It also points out that you are substantially lacking with the required memory on your server. Thus, the VPS upgrade is a must.

3. Insurgence in the security


If by any means you've opted for a faulty hosting service, part of which, you are constantly under the cyber attack, it's time to change it to VPS. Otherwise, it may result in data loss and a potential business fall as well.

4. Lack of features

Lack of features may result in less flexibility, uncertain downtime, and fewer viewers. On the other hand, a Cloud-based VPS offers more flexibility and compatibility in both open-source and proprietary Operating Systems.

What to look for in the best VPS hosting provider?


1. Live chat support


A trustworthy VPS provider enables you to have a live chat support for troubleshooting. The availability and lack of this feature make a whole lot of difference.

2. Cost

If budget is your major concern and you are looking for a moderate performance with regards to hosting, choose a service provider that offers you VPS plans at a cheaper cost.

3. Trusted source and uptime

You need to look for how much uptime your host promises you in your VPS hosting package. Like it or not, but it is one of the deciding factors with regards to the reliability of a service provider.

4. Customization


As mentioned above, your VPS service must be flexible in nature. Just in case you think your website requires more resources, the provider must be flexible to extend it with an upgrade.

Dedicated hosting


Dedicated server hosting has its own fair share of advantages when it comes to the hosting solutions. It provides you the full access to your resources. It can be your best option if you have an established business and you look for extended resources to support your hosting solutions.

It, however, costs a little bit more as compared to the VPS hosting. Whereas VPS provides you with a moderate yet tweaked performance, a dedicated hosting provides you the same but in an extravagant way.


While the shared hosting is good for the home users, the VPS is for those who wish to dive deep into the web world. Dedicated hosting also doesn't seem to be lacking anywhere as it offers you the heavy duty performance. However, for startups, VPS can be a great option.


Project management is not a straightforward undertaking. Project managers have to deal with a number of stakeholders and contributors, interact with clients, and engage in delegation that enables them and their team to function with efficiency and beat project deadlines.

Managing complex projects with multiple variables that involve even more contributors cannot be done without a set project management approach.

Choosing a project management methodology will enable project managers and contributors to work in tandem, as they will be aware of the process and workflows involved within the methodology or approach being used for the management of the project.

It is no secret that choosing the right project management methodology can prove to be extremely beneficial for any organisation. On the other hand, choosing the wrong methodology can prove to be an expensive mistake that can compromise your team's and organisation's ability to complete the project on time.

The Challenge With Selecting The Right Methodology For Project Management

The complex part about choosing the right methodology is that there is no one-size-fits-all methodology that you can use for any and all projects.

Since each project is (usually) different in nature, the methodology used may also be different for each project. Think about it, each project has its own set of deliverables, deadlines, contributors, technologies, objectives, and stakeholders.

With so many variables, finding one approach that satisfies the needs of all sorts of projects is not feasible.

Besides this, the availability of technology and the technical expertise of your team also matters. For instance, if you are using a free project management software, you must first ensure that it supports the charts, graphs, or any other management tools that your selected project management methodology demands.

Similarly, if these management features or tools require the users to be technically adept, you may also want to consider the technical capabilities of your team while selecting the project management methodology for your project.

In other words, choosing the right project management methodology depends on a myriad of internal and external factors.

Selecting A Project Management Methodology

Clearly, with so many variables affecting your decision, you need a process that enables you to select the right project management methodology.

While the process employed for this purpose may vary for different organisations and project managers, there are certain considerations and steps that are common in all such processes. These are:

Analysing the internal and external variables that will affect the choice of project management methodology. These may include project objectives, the nature of the project, client preferences, contributors, timelines, and any other factors that you may find relevant to this decision.

Determining which project management methodology will align best with your project's goals and timelines will require you to consider the pros and cons of all relevant methodologies. Consider each methodology individually and think about how it will influence the outcomes of the project. The objective here is to find a project management methodology that will produce the best efficiency with the least amount of risk.

Implementing the methodology chosen in the previous step will allow you to test your hypothesis. Remember, even at this point, it is alright to pivot your project management methodology. In fact, this is our next step.

Measure results after you have implemented the methodology of your choice. See how it is affecting the productivity, analyse if your project is progressing as it should. It is also a good idea to take feedback from your team members.

Optimise based on the intelligence gathered in the previous step.


The above-mentioned steps are a great starting point for selecting the right project management methodology. Keep in mind that the process of selecting a project management methodology is a continuous one. In many projects, different methodologies work best at different stages of the project.


spartan web browser


Surprisingly, The upcoming most-needed Project Spartan web browser by Microsoft will support Extensions, in the same way as Google Chrome. The development team behind Project Spartan has confirmed the news on Twitter.


Extensions will arrive to Project Spartan via a future update. Details on the nifty feature are yet to be revealed. Reportedly, Microsoft is reviewing options that will allow developers of Chrome extensions to port their creations to Spartan with no hassles. Such a move will help Microsoft quickly build a significant catalogue of extensions for its newly announced offspring.


spartan web browser


Project Spartan is arguably as significant an announcement as Windows 10 itself. The browser will be part of the latest OS by Microsoft for both mobile and desktop devices.


Source [Twitter]


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