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After looking at a number of leaked photos and renders, we now know for sure (more or less anyway!) that the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 7 will sport a USB Type-C cable and it will be the first Samsung device to do so. Thanks to Tinh tế, we now have a video that possibly is showing us the USB Type-C cable which will accompany the Note 7.

The model number of the cable as seen in the video is EP-DN930CWE. As we are almost certain that the Note 7 will be codenamed SM-N930, this further reinforces the theory. Besides, anyone who is familiar with how Samsung packages its accessories will find the packaging of the USB Type-C cable to be very familiar. Take a look yourself and you will see what we mean.

The most popular rumor related to Samsung's decision of switching over to USB Type-C from the regular micro-USB is of course the upcoming second gen Gear VR. Samsung will probably launch the next Gear VR with an USB Type-C port in close proximity to the Galaxy Note 7's unveiling. We will found out more as we approach the month of August.

Author: Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)



It becomes extremely difficult sometimes to choose a compatible hosting service, especially when the market offers you a wide range of hosting solutions. It is challenging to decide whether to go with a VPS, shared hosting, or a dedicated server.

Shared hosting is no less than a family data plan, where responsibilities are shared among the family members. VPS, on the other hand, is just like an individual data plan. It's you who extend and upgrade your resources by paying for the service.

Analogy - Hosting Platforms

Shared hosting


Shared hosting forces all the users to share the available resources on a shared server. It includes everything from memory to CPU time to the disk space. A reliable hosting provider monitors all the shared servers for an uninterrupted supply.

VPS hosting

VPS is just like owning a condo. While you got a rental apartment as a segment of an entire building, you are still responsible for maintaining your rental property. Not all resources on a private virtual server (VPS) are shared.

However, the required portions of these resources are always available for you. This enables you to have more flexibility and faster load time. VPS allows you to have comparatively more resources as compared to a shared account.

Dedicated hosting

Dedicated hosting can be put into the scenario of owning a house. It's only you who has the access to all the resources available on the server machine and no other user account can interfere. Nevertheless, this type of hosting service does not come cheap.

Which would be appropriate for an online business project?


Shared hosting


A shared hosting enables more than one website to consume resources on a shared server. Due to the fewer resources available, it only serves the purpose for small websites and blogs where heavy traffic is not much a concern.

VPS hosting

VPS is the best way to start with, especially when you are running restricted on your budgetary limit. If you are a startup and want to share your business idea with the world, VPS can be your best pal. There are several hosting companies that provide this service.

You may like to go with Hostinger VPS plan as it is one of the many hosting providers that provides cloud infrastructure for their services. It is a perfect balance of both performance and cost-effectiveness.

User's point of view over VPS

1. Excellent performance and dedicated resources such as more CPU power, tweaked RAM, enough storage, and adequate bandwidth.

2. The isolated environment for better security and invincibility against getting affected by your neighbor.

3. Complete root access to the hosting server just like a dedicated hosting.



If you are looking for a better performance, cheap in cost hosting, top security, and complete privacy - VPS can be your best option. Some of the advantages you'll get by opting for this service are;

1. More compatibility with regards to the resources.

2. Server setup takes less time.

3. More access to the server with better control.

4. Complete isolation in the environment where a VPS server functions.

5. Almost mimics the characteristics of a dedicated server.

Why switch to a VPS host?


1. When you need more speed

Adding more content to your website, most likely to slow it down after a while. This is nothing new when it comes to the websites that are more database dedicated. When you start noticing a significant reduction of speed, it's time to switch to a VPS host.

Furthermore, the majority of the growing websites witness an insurmountable traffic over the time. The more popular your website gets, greater will be your viewer traffic. It also signifies that your existing plan cannot bear the heavy traffic. Therefore, VPS would be more logical for you.  

2. When you lack with the resources


When your website continues to face 503-server errors, it indicates that your services are no longer available to your customers as well. It also points out that you are substantially lacking with the required memory on your server. Thus, the VPS upgrade is a must.

3. Insurgence in the security


If by any means you've opted for a faulty hosting service, part of which, you are constantly under the cyber attack, it's time to change it to VPS. Otherwise, it may result in data loss and a potential business fall as well.

4. Lack of features

Lack of features may result in less flexibility, uncertain downtime, and fewer viewers. On the other hand, a Cloud-based VPS offers more flexibility and compatibility in both open-source and proprietary Operating Systems.

What to look for in the best VPS hosting provider?


1. Live chat support


A trustworthy VPS provider enables you to have a live chat support for troubleshooting. The availability and lack of this feature make a whole lot of difference.

2. Cost

If budget is your major concern and you are looking for a moderate performance with regards to hosting, choose a service provider that offers you VPS plans at a cheaper cost.

3. Trusted source and uptime

You need to look for how much uptime your host promises you in your VPS hosting package. Like it or not, but it is one of the deciding factors with regards to the reliability of a service provider.

4. Customization


As mentioned above, your VPS service must be flexible in nature. Just in case you think your website requires more resources, the provider must be flexible to extend it with an upgrade.

Dedicated hosting


Dedicated server hosting has its own fair share of advantages when it comes to the hosting solutions. It provides you the full access to your resources. It can be your best option if you have an established business and you look for extended resources to support your hosting solutions.

It, however, costs a little bit more as compared to the VPS hosting. Whereas VPS provides you with a moderate yet tweaked performance, a dedicated hosting provides you the same but in an extravagant way.


While the shared hosting is good for the home users, the VPS is for those who wish to dive deep into the web world. Dedicated hosting also doesn't seem to be lacking anywhere as it offers you the heavy duty performance. However, for startups, VPS can be a great option.


If you are done with the login Sbobet process, then you can easily read our today's special article about a very important topic that needs to be addressed at the earliest. Now the most important question that was being asked by many of our readers lately was that what type of earphones you must use as there is going to a lot of rumors about the noise cancellation earphones. Now if you are new to this term and have been using the conventional earphones all your life, then it is time to get yourself a new pair of earphones and connect yourself with the new tech world!

Now it is not that simple to just simply get earphones for noise cancellation as there are two further types of noise cancellation headphones! The two types are passive and active noise cancellation headphones! We will discuss both of them one by one, and you can decide whatever suits you better!

The Active Noise Cancellation Earphones!


The active noise cancellation earphones have been launched later in the market, and they also come in packing with the new executive smartphone, Samsung galaxy 10 being the top one. The active noise cancellation earphones are responsible for reducing any active surrounding noise that can disturb you! So if you are a person that needs his own time and relaxation while listening to music or hearing news, then you must really get this type of earphones.

Say you are on a plane or on a bus and unluckily you end up on a seat next to a crying baby's mother then you must be ready for a trip to hell. Now if you have noise cancellation earphones for the active noises then surely you will be able to get rid of all the foreign noises at all. You can be so relaxed with the use of the earphones that you won't even know that the crying baby is dying right next to you.

The best earphones for active noise cancellation are available from the Sony and beats company!

The Passive Noise Cancellation Earphones!


Any foreign noise related to the inner ear and the phone is cancelled and eradicated when you wear the passive noise cancellation. Sometimes it happens that you get a call and sounds get mixed up, and you get irritated all of this can be treated with the passive noise cancellation headphones for sure!

The passive noise cancellation earphones are actually the headphones with ear cups. So any foreign noises are also controlled in these earphones. You can get these earphones with the mic feature as well which is more commonly rare in these types of gadgets. You can get good deals on passive noise cancellation earphones if you purchase them from Amazon or any well-reputed online market for gadgets! Usually, you experience the use of these earphones while you are on a bus trip or on a flight. They usually keep this stuff with them for customer service!



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