Xposed GEL Settings Adds Features To The Google Now Launcher For Rooted Users

16 February, 2014 Samsung

Google Now Launcher (GNL) presents the new  Xposed GEL Settings, which as you can tell from the name, requires the Xposed Framework.

Xposed GEL Settings adds a number of useful features to GNL (remember it used to be known as the Google Experience Launcher). This is still an early release, but here's what it can already do.


  • hide Google search bar / automatically show search bar on Google Now
  • hide apps from the app drawer
  • resize the home screen grid
  • resize the all apps grid
  • change icon size
  • change the size of the icon labels
  • hide icon labels on home screen and/or on app drawer
  • change the size of hotseat icons
  • change the number of hotseat apps (icons above the navigation bar)
  • apply settings without rebooting your device
  • more to come


Check it out at XDA




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