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Samsung Apple


In a surprising move, both Apple and Samsung have decided to drop the lawsuits between themselves outside the US. The companies haven't signed any licensing agreement, though, and the lawsuits within the US shall continue.


The Apple vs. Samsung legal battles have been going on for the past few years now, with both companies trading blows. Apple have had the most luck so far, winning over $1 billion dollars in the first trial, a figure which was later reduced.


The decision affects lawsuits in countries such as Australia, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Netherlands, South Korea, and the UK where Apple has occasionally been less lucky as it had in the US.






Say what you always wanted to say without revealing your identity, "Leak" is a new service that lets users send anonymous email to others. You just have to go to the website, enter the person's email ID, choose if want to be identified as a friend, co worker, family member, friend of a friend or anyone, type out your mail and send it.


The other person will receive the email from Leak, which does not, in any way, reveal your true identity other than how you chose to be described. This allows you to be open with them without revealing who you really are.


If you are on the receiving end of these emails and do not wish to receive any further mails via Leak, you can choose to unlist your email ID so no one will be able to send you any more emails via Leak.



Goodbye Evleaks, He was the one who first shared to the world, among other things, that Nokia is working on an Android phone, and it was he who showed us the first images of the Sony Xperia Tablet Z2. He gave us the first image of the HTC One M8 and was first to show the Nvidia Shield Tablet to the world. Most recently, he's been showing us a stream of images of the yet unannounced Samsung Galaxy F.


Evan Blass, the man behind the infamous Twitter channel, @evleaks, has been steadily supplying the phone industry with fresh leaks of images of yet unannounced devices. Tech journalists and phone manufacturers have been following his Twitter with equal eagerness in the past two years.



Evan however has just announced that he's about to retire @evleaks, which currently has about 187,000 followers. However he said that he's unable to properly monetize it and with his health progressively deteriorating, he feels like he needed to prepare better for the future.




HD Movies


Bored ? Having a long flight or a long ride somewhere ?

You can take advantage or your Smartphone/Tablet's Huge capacity storage (16GB - 32GB -64GB) to load some HD Movies. Wait! 1 HD movie will need 5-6 GB at least... NO, Now You can get HD Movies with a 700 - 900 MB in size which means your 16GB device can hold 3-4 HD Movies.


The compressed HD Movies is also known as BRip or Blu-ray Rip as they ripped from a the blue-ray disc of the Movie, they have an HD (720p - 1080p) resolution, Pretty decent sound Quality (AAC 2.0 stereo), locked at (23fps) matches your device's frame rate. All this, so that it won't drain your battery and consume your whole device power on 1 Movie. How to get such Movies and for Free, check out 123Movies ? Here's the Tutorial:



Step 1: Go to this Website HERE on your Desktop/Mobile browser.


hd movies

Step 2: Type the Name of the Movie you want to Download and click Search. then choose the copy you want (720p or 1080p).


hd movies

Step 3: On the Movie page click on "Download Torrent" or the Magnet link to start the Torrent downloading (Make sure you have a torrent application).



Step 4: Don't forget to get the subtitles too, if you want. Click on Download subtitle and choose the language you want.


Step 5: After Downloading is done, Copy the Files to your Smartphone/Tablet and Enjoy!



qi wi


The Wireless Power Consortium has outlined the new Qi v1.2 wireless charging standard, which comes with support for greater charging distance. The current Qi standard is only capable of charging at a distance of 7mm, while v1.2 promises to increase this up to 45mm.


Qi Wi


The consortium says that five different member companies are already demonstrating charging at 45mm distance using prototype receivers. It also quite possible that charging station will become cheaper, as the new standard enables them to use a single inverter to power multiple coils.


The Qi v.1.2 is backwards compatible with v.1.1 and current smartphones will be able to draw power from stations supporting the latest standard from a distance of up to 30mm.




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