Tags - anti-malware



Android's Stagefright vulnerability was so serious it had phone makers pledging left and right that they will provide security updates for their handsets. Clearly mobile security is important and Qualcomm wants to enable it at the hardware level with Snapdragon 820 and the new feature called "Smart Protect".


Based on Qualcomm's Zeroth machine learning platform, Smart Protect will keep an eye out for abnormal app behavior in real time (and with little power usage). The platform will help move much of malware detection from the cloud onto the device.




Qualcomm will provide software that will protect user data and privacy, but third-party apps can also hook up to Smart Protect - Avast, AVG and Lookout are working to integrate the new feature into their mobile apps.


Highlights of Snapdragon Smart Protect
• Personal Protection – Snapdragon Smart Protect provides robust security and enhanced personal privacy for today’s mobile environment, empowering end users with greater control over personal data and by detecting and classifying spyware, adware and other malicious app behavior.
• Superior Behavioral Analysis – Using Qualcomm Zeroth cognitive computing technology, Snapdragon Smart Protect enables OEMs and mobile security solution providers to enhance anti-malware and privacy protection services with real-time, behavioral-based machine learning that is designed to detect and classify zero-day and transformational malware.
• Power-efficient performance – Snapdragon Smart Protect offers optimal performance through on-device design and uniquely deep access to hardware and software of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor, enabling malware detection and critical data processing on the device, rather than in the cloud.

Video [YouTube]


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