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Pocket lock


Locking and unlocking a smartphone is something we do almost subconsciously at this point. However, this doesn't mean the process doesn't feel tedious at times. The processors and sensors inside our handsets our so powerful, why can't they simply lock and unlock the device as we take it out of out pocket?! After all, if we're taking it out, it is dead obvious that 90% of the time we intend to use it, and the other 10% we may leave it on a table, or to charge, or whatever.


Pocket lock


While smartphone manufacturers haven't worked in this automated functionality yet, Android developers have. Meet Pocket Lock, an app that's designed to do exactly what we described unlock your device when you take it out of your pocket, and lock it when you leave it in your pocket.


Pocket lock


You can also have the app lock and unlock stuff as you wave your hand in front of it, or flip the phone upside down. Just Download the App and Switch "Pocket Mode" ON. Get the App from the Play Store link below, It's Free!


Pocket Lock

Pocket Lock [Play Store]



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