Tags - coolest

Rumors never seem to cease when it comes to Samsung. It has not even been two months since the Galaxy S7 was officially released back in March and the internet is already warming up with rumors about the Galaxy S8. We are pretty sure that it's going to be a while before Samsung even makes a prototype of the S8, but that does not mean that the Korean company doesn't have ideas that they are working on right now. So, here is a look at the top five cool ideas that Samsung might be working on to bring in with the Galaxy S8 in 2017.

Iris scanner - The biometric locking mechanism which will take phone security to an all new level is supposedly an assured part of the S8. This rumor by Digital Spy is actually not that farfetched as iris scanners will indeed be the next step in phone security, now that fingerprint scanners have become a norm.

A truly next-generation camera - Cameras on flagship smartphones from Samsung usually are among the best in the business and the S7's sensor is no exception. However, according to Know Your Mobile, the S8 will feature a snapper that will not only sport an improved sensor, but will bring forth completely new features like infrared autofocus.

USB Type-C - This one by TechRader makes a lot of sense and we may even begin to see the type-C ports on Samsung smartphones starting with the Note 6, which is due for a release later this year.

4K panel - A 4K display could prove particularly beneficial when used with future models of Samsung's Gear VR. Although some may consider it to be overkill, one can only imagine how beautiful a 4K Super AMOLED display will look on the S8. If ValueWalk is right, then ppi count on the 5.1"/5.5" screen will be through the roof!

Built-in projector - Steel Drake's concept art of the Galaxy S8 sports an in-built projector and while the chances of that actually making its way onto the Galaxy S8 are not that great, it is definitely something we won't mind seeing.

The S8 is rumored to launch with a price tag of $1,000 but we do not think that it is even a probability, given that Samsung actually reduced the price of the S7 at launch, compared to the price of the S6 at launch in 2015. We will find out more in the coming months and especially after the Note 6 is revealed.

Author: Saikat Kar (Tech-journalist and enthusiast)

Let's face it technology is pretty amazing. With modern advances in technology the world has been opened up to infinite possibility within various disciplines. From doing everything like playing the online Blackjack Canada has to offer, to enjoying VR experiences from your sofa, tech changes the way we live our lives for the better.

From the medical realm to the educational front the latest tech is making headway around the planet, moulding our very way of life, all whilst challenging human existence in the presence of new age tech. 

Technological gadgets aren't just a talking point or a party starter; they are indispensable to daily life and help us make each and every day more exciting and our goals more attainable. 

This years Consumer Electronic Show has opened up the gateway to some astonishing technology. The following pieces of tech are the coolest gadgets to come out of CES 2017. 

Build Digitally With The HP Sprout 

The HP Sprout G2 3D Scanning PC is perfect for product designers, CGI creators and visual creative professionals who could find use for built in 3D and 2D scanners. 

It's a nifty piece of tech that will map just about anything in a three dimensional workflow for inspiring projects. The stylus-enabled touch mat also acts as a second screen and really brings the HP to life in testing workflow situations. 

Explore The Depths With An Underwater Drone 

Drones have taken off around the planet and the skies have never been the same. Buzzing about and capturing life from the air in Full HD, drones have become useful gadgets with various purposes. 

Now you can explore the depths with a drone, the new underwater drone from PowerVision PowerRay, which has the ability to submerge in water up to a depth of thirty meters and capture video in stellar 4K is one piece of advanced tech. 

The underwater drone can also detect fish and lure them in with a blinking blue light. PowerVision have even taken it a step further and will be incorporating Virtual Reality technology that will be responsive by the November of your head. This means that users can go diving without a wetsuit, it's impressive tech that is sure to get heads rolling.

Patrol Your Home With Kuri 

Kuri is essentially a robot coupled with a camera. Dubbed the robot nanny, you can use Kuri to monitor what's going on in your home when you're not around. 

It's one of the coolest gadgets, well because it looks like a robot and has smart capability. If you need to monitor your pets or kids then pre-order Kuri now for that ultimate peace of mind. 

Bring Your LEGO Creations To Life

LEGO is one of those toys that never say die, it doesn't matter how you slice it; LEGO is and always will be cool. Now the Danish toy maker is taking it to the next level with the help of futuristic technology. The all-new LEGO Boost Motors and Smart Bricks series will interact with new and existing LEGO bricks to stimulate robotic movement, which will literally see your creations come to life. 

Even more impressive is the inclusion of an app, which can record voice and sound effects to make your building experience more immersive and interactive than ever before. Bring your inner child out and start building a new world with this tech infused toy. 


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