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Last Monday, As a surprise Acer has announced a new product accessories that brings the selfie tech to a ridiculous new level. The company introduced a never-seen-before "Selfie Hat".
This latest weird development in selfie tech is basically a giant sombrero and holds an Iconia A-1 840 tablet held by the hat's fold-down flap. The tablet is located on the hat in such a way that allows the wearer to slide it around the brim for the ideal selfie.
Even more alarming, there was actual thought put into the "couture" aesthetic of it. It was designed in collaboration with fashion designer Christian Cowan-Sanluis and Acer UK.
For those interested in purchasing a hat well, you may be out of luck unless you're in the London area. It'll be on display today at the Christian Cowan-Sanluis fashion presentation at London Fashion Week.
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