Tags - record-breaking



Researchers of the 5G network reaches a Record-breaking speeds at the test site, which is the University of Surrey's 5G Innovation Center (5GIC). The Network was able to reach the speed of 1 Terabytes per second (1Tbps) which is technically the same data capacity of a fibreoptic cable but wirelessly. This is a big break-thought in the wireless technology.




It will take years to see a fully functional 5G Networks available for public use (probably by 2018) and even some more years to see a Smartphone with a 5G chip that can handle this speed probably by (2020).

"Researchers at the University of Surrey's 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) managed one terabit per second (Tbps) - many thousands of times faster than current data connections.
At 1Tbps, it would be theoretically possible to download a file 100 times the size of a feature film in about three seconds. The speed is more than 65,000 times faster than average 4G download speeds." - BBC News, report.




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