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For a long time, sales teams did things the old fashioned way - cold calling potential customers, sending emails, and meeting in person. But now, new technologies are quickly changing the sales game. In this article, we'll look at some of the latest tech tools sales teams are using to boost results. We'll also chat about key technologies shaping modern sales workflows.

Moving to Tech-Powered Sales Tactics

Old school sales focused a ton on outbound prospecting, phone conversations, and in-person meetings. While these approaches still matter, new technologies have created fresh ways for sales reps to connect with potential buyers in a more personal, targeted manner.
According to LinkedIn’s 2022 State of Sales report, over 90% of sales teams now use tech tools like CRMs, sales engagement platforms, and marketing automation software. Companies are investing heavily in cloud computing and new programs to upgrade their sales and marketing operations.
Tech-powered sales strategies offer many upsides, including:

  1. Automating manual tasks to improve efficiency
  2. Accessing more sales data and analytics to refine strategies
  3. Reaching buyers on their preferred digital platforms
  4. Personalizing messaging to make it more relevant
  5. Speeding up sales cycles and accelerating deals

With buyers over halfway through their decision making before ever talking to a sales rep, technology is critical for connecting with prospects earlier in their journey. Tech-driven tactics ensure sales teams can actively nurture leads, show ROI quickly, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates.

Simulive Events - A Next Gen Approach

One exciting new tech innovation changing modern sales tactics is simulive. Simulive webinars blend the flexibility of pre-recorded video with the authenticity of live events for a more engaging prospect experience.
With simulive events, sales and marketing teams can easily produce on-demand product demos, trainings, and virtual events with interactive elements like polls, Q&As, and live chats. These hybrid digital experiences boost engagement by allowing audiences to take in info on their own time while still connecting in real-time.
For example, a SaaS startup could use simulive webinars to host a demo day highlighting their platform’s capabilities. Prospects could view sections when convenient and get their specific questions answered live by product experts.
Compared to just pre-recorded content, simulive events drive 43% higher viewer attention, 32% greater recall, and 23% increased purchase intent. As today’s buyers want more dynamic content, simulive webinars are becoming a go-to medium for sales teams aiming to deliver next-level digital experiences.

Capitalizing on Real-Time Interaction

On top of video-based approaches like simulive production, sales teams are also tapping technology to facilitate real-time engagement across channels.
Real-time engagement platforms are gaining steam in commercial real estate, allowing brokers to instantly interact with prospective tenants visiting listings online. By kicking off live chats, brokers can right away field questions, schedule tours, and accelerate deal velocity.
According to real estate developer Granite Properties, leveraging real-time engagement led to 50% more leads and a 36% faster time-to-market for available spaces.
As buyer expectations shift, sales teams are using tech to recreate face-to-face conversation online. Real-time engagement powered by chatbots, live chats, and messaging helps teams nurture prospects proactively and shrink the time between initial interest and closed deals.

Social Media Emerging as a Sales Channel

Once seen solely as a brand awareness tool, social media has morphed into a vital sales channel for engaging buyers directly. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn all enable social selling, allowing brands to interact with prospects and generate leads straight from social content.
However, no platform has disrupted sales strategies quite like TikTok. With over 1 billion monthly active users, TikTok has become a key channel for driving conversions. Brands leverage short-form video content to teach audiences, run lead gen campaigns, and drive traffic to sales funnels.
Vendors like Swvl used TikTok to score 1200% more website clicks during their IPO campaign. Others tap into TikTok’s native commerce tools like shoppable videos to enable in-app purchases.
As younger audiences flock to emerging platforms like TikTok, forward-thinking sales teams are expanding social strategies to engage prospects where they’re already hanging out online. Integrating social selling into existing workflows is crucial for maximizing reach.

AI and Automation Reshaping Operations

According to a G2 survey, nearly 75% of SMBs are hesitant to adopt AI and automation in sales and marketing. Concerns around costs, data privacy, and less human interaction contribute to this reluctance.
However, when applied effectively, AI and automation provide major advantages:

  1. Machine learning algorithms can comb through customer data to identify ideal buyer profiles and refine targeting.
  2. Chatbots and virtual assistants can qualify leads and book demos 24/7.
  3. Automated workflows nurture prospects with hyper-personalized messaging at scale.

Leading sales teams combine AI with human oversight and interaction. People.ai blends automation with human nuance around tone and messaging for more impactful outreach. This hybrid model maximizes technology while retaining the human touch.
Though adoption is gradual, AI and automation are streamlining sales workflows. As tasks like lead scoring and data entry become automated, reps can focus on value-driven activities like relationship-building and closing complex deals.

Overcoming Tech Marketing Challenges

Despite the rise of tech, the 2023 Informa Tech Trust in Marketing Index revealed trust remains a major hurdle. Over half of consumers feel overwhelmed by irrelevant promotions and believe brands don’t have their best interests in mind.
To maximize results, tech-driven marketing strategies must prioritize transparency, relevance, and consent:

  1. Transparency - Clearly communicate how data is collected and used. Assure customers they are in control.
  2. Relevance - Use data to segment audiences and deliver timely, personalized messaging that provides real value.
  3. Consent - Allow consumers to opt-in and out of communications. Never spam buyers or use overly pushy outreach.

When leveraged strategically, technology builds trust by demonstrating an understanding of each person's needs. With consumer confidence as the base, tech-driven strategies perform much better across metrics like brand awareness, consideration rate, and lifetime value.

What's Next for Sales Technologies

While old school sales tactics still have merit, blending in new technologies is now essential for success. As buyers expect personalized, on-demand engagement, tech-driven strategies will only get more crucial.
In the near future, expect advanced technologies like AI, VR, and predictive analytics to transform sales workflows. VR could allow prospects to experience products virtually during consideration. Predictive analytics may uncover buyer objections before reps even reach out.
Ultimately, embracing innovation while staying grounded in human relationships is key. With trust, relevance and transparency as guiding principles, sales teams can boost conversions through technology while maintaining authentic human connections. The future looks bright for forward-thinking sales organizations.
Technology will keep rapidly evolving, bringing new opportunities to engage buyers and drive revenue. However, by keeping focused on impact and value, modern sales teams can thrive through any amount of change. The right tools empower reps to nurture prospects in a truly customer-centric way. While the tactics may shift, putting people first will always be the foundation of sales excellence.



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