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Its new year 2020 and time to make some resolutions. The main idea about making resolutions is to bring a positive change and this can be brought by observing the mistakes of the last year, working on them and make improvements. Yes, it is always difficult to break the shackles but it is not impossible! 


 A tester cannot promise 100% perfection but bringing improvements is 500% possible. There is a famous quote " A goal without a plan is just a wish". So let's see what we can plan for 2020.


Follow new trends in mobile and web technology


Being updated about the latest trends of your respective fields is as important as having salt in your diet. We live in a digital world hence not being informed is impossible! Social Media channels like linked in and twitter are the best professional sites to follow. You can set Google Alerts to get automated messages about any topic of your choice. If you will search for newsletters for any topic relating to your line of work your mailbox will be flooded with hundred's of emails for newsletters. So you can always subscribe to newsletters like the latest trends of mobile app testing. You can also join communities like Google Groups, Reddit, Stack Overflow, etc. and consume information that is relevant to you.


Learn more about Automation Testing


As per studies, 72% of smartphone users uninstall the app due to various reasons like technical issues, high loading speed, etc. Hence this indicates that mobile apps should function seamlessly to provide the best user experience. Mobile app testers mainly focus on the most used functions of the application and make sure that it runs smoothly. To make sure that the main applications of your app functions well you need to deal with all tedious test suits like regression testing. Hence automation is a must to carry out regression testing. In the case of mobile apps, you need to make sure that your app is compatible with different browser versions, os versions, and screen sizes. Hence cross-browser testing is imperative for a healthy app and automation is a must to carry out cross-browser testing. All these examples show the importance of automation in the testing of a mobile application. 


Try to implement  CI/CD 


In Continuous Integration and continuous delivery, you can frequently change the code of a module and push it to the right branch. Hence it makes the testing process more efficient and systematic from the initial stage and makes you more confident about your end product. There are many tools used for CI/CD like Jenkins, Jira, Travis CI, Gitlab, Bamboo etc. are some of the most popular tools used for CI/CD. Learning these tools will further enhance your skills. Hence you can add Learning and implementing CI/CD in your new year resolution list. 


Learn AI and ML


With the advancement in technology mobile app testing is also evolving and there are so many AI and ML-based mobile app testing tools available in the market. So one of the greatest benefits of AI in the mobile app testing is that it enhances DevOps. DevOps speeds up the process of Automation testing by providing continuous feedback so that the bugs can be rectified at the earliest. The feedback data is retrieved with the help of monitoring tools. The monitoring tools use machine learning to analyze the issue and make suggestions. Similarly, teams can make use of multiple monitoring tools and then use machine learning to analyze and derive a single output data for better results.




We can enhance the practice of Mobile App testing every year if we develop innovative tools and hence every mobile tester needs to make a lot of effort to improve the testing methods. When speaking about mobile app testing tools and one of the best mobile app testing platform is pCloudy which is powered by next-gen technologies like Artificial intelligence and predictive analytics. It supports 5000 device browser combinations and can test multiple devices together. This platform supports the testing of both Android and IOS devices. These features are nothing but innovative efforts of the mobile app testing team in pcloudy which vows to continue and improve in the coming year. 



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