3 Ways Smartphones have changed the Online Gaming & Gambling Industry

30 January, 2017 Gaming

Smartphone technology has single-handedly transformed a range of industries and the way we do things in a lot of areas within such a short space of time.
In this aspect, the mobile and gambling industry is no different, with mobile phones actually helping to save the sector as well as being a big part of its future and prosperity. There are a number of ways that smartphones have brought about changes to online gaming as the industry has willingly embraced the innovative platforms, helping to increase the amount of players and operators' revenue.

With that in mind, in this post we shall take a closer look at 3 ways smartphones have changed the gambling industry.

Easier Access and Greater Convenience

The Internet opened new avenues for gambling providers to reach their existing customers as well as millions of potential new ones. The advent of smartphones meant that each mobile user was now a potential customer, even if it were only for free to play games.
Nowadays, online games such as bingo and other casino and gambling games are amongst the most popular and with new players coming on board all the time. In this case resources such as bingosites.uk guides to playing bingo help new players to acclimatise and find the games they prefer and are good at. The easier access and convenience provided by smartphones also means that all the information players need is always only a tap away.

Internet connected mobile phones therefore helped to bring easier access and greater convenience to anyone interested in playing casino games or online gambling. This is one of the biggest reasons behind the growth and popularity of mobile games and gambling.

A Wider Variety of Games

Another benefit that smartphones have brought to the gambling industry is the ability to offer a wider variety of games for players to choose from. From digital versions of traditional games such as blackjack, roulette, or bingo, titles with different themes and game play are also now available. Gambling operators can now offer a wider range of games than they could ever do at any one time in physical locations. This is another reason behind the growth in the numbers of people who take part in mobile gambling, as there are games to suit all tastes and abilities.

A More Social Experience

As contradictory as it may sound, smartphones have actually helped to make gambling a more social experience for players. Even though footfall may have fallen in general at physical casinos, mobile phones are able to bring like-minded people together faster, and easier. With both social media sites and gambling games based on the same platforms, it easier to share your interests and favourite games with your friends or even the rest of the world if you wish.
This social involvement and the points mentioned above have fuelled a growth in gambling tourism, resulting in an increase in players visiting real world casino again.


In conclusion, the three points above show how much of an impact smartphones have had on the gambling industry to become one of its biggest drivers of growth in user numbers and revenue. With innovations coming fast and the sector always keen to embrace new technologies, the future of the two seem intertwined for now.


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