Bang with Friends has been officially released for Android today

9 May, 2013 Applications

Finding a Facebook friend for a benefits-only rendezvous is now more convenient than ever with the hump day release of the Bang With Friends mobile apps for iPhone and Android.

Bang With Friends app help Facebook members discreetly facilitate hook-ups from their smartphones.

  • 1. Sign in with Facebook: So you can see your friends (don't worry - it's discreet)!
  • 2. Pick the friends you want to Bang: We will only show your friends that you're interested if they are too!
  • 3. Message Each Other: Once we know you're both down, we'll send you both an email - when and where is up to you!
  • 4. B-a-n-g: Yup, that's right. Slow, fast, rough, or soft you decide how it goes. Stay safe!

Link: Google Play Store




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