Google Android M Developer Preview 2 released via an OTA update

10 July, 2015 Android Marshmallow

Android M developer preview


Google has just released the first Over-the-air (OTA) update to the Android M Developer Preview. Google promised that the M Developer Preview would receive a couple of updates before the software becomes stable enough to be consumed by the general public, you can check the release road-map Here.


What's New ?


The Android M Developer Preview 2 update includes the up to date M release platform code, and near-final APIs for you to validate your app. To provide more testing support, we have refined the Nexus system images and emulator system images with the Android platform updates. In addition to platform updates, the system images also include Google Play services 7.6.


Android M


The preview can still only be installed on the LG Nexus 5, Motorola Nexus 6, HTC Nexus 9, and Asus Nexus Player. It comes with the up-to-date M release platform code, as well as near-final APIs.


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