HTC has just published its official Video Player App on the Play Store [APK Download]

13 February, 2015 HTC



HTC is still publishing it's main OEM system Apps on the Play store for easier updates regardless of firmware versions, operator approval. Today, HTC just published it's Video Player App for HTC Sense. The App is available to a selected HTC devices.




This is the same video player that's built inside HTC's Sense UI layer, with multiple format decoding, gesture controls (two-finger swipes act as FF and RW for example), streaming, still image capturing, and subtitle support. The player also allows a few simple editing tweaks like trimming and playback speed adjustment for slow-motion videos.


You can download the HTC video player version 6.5 APK from the link below, or wait until the update hits your HTC device via Google Play Store.



HTC Video Player 6.5



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