Pocket already supports Android Wear, Save article from your Smartwatch [DEMO]

24 March, 2014 Android Wear



Android Wear is new move for Google to bring Android to wrist. Many developers is trying to optimize their Apps to work on Android wear SDK. Pocket has the same aim which is integrating links from a huge amount of sources, so the best way to do that is to make sure users can easily send those links to Pocket App from their Smartwatches. Check the Demo (.gif) below.


Wear Pocket Demo


Pocket has created various APIs to make it easy for other developers to add a "save to Pocket" option. Not all platforms offer a universal sharing menu like Android, and that actually includes the new Android Wear. Screen real estate and interaction limits on a smartwatch necessitate a more focused set of options. So, Pocket has created an API to let developers more easily add a "save to Pocket" option in their Android Wear apps.


Like most functions in Android Wear, the work isn't actually done on the smartwatch itself. The button will just initiate the action on your smartphone.



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