Samsung admits issues with Galaxy S5 Android 5.0 Lollipop Update, Sending micro updates to fix them

2 May, 2015 Samsung Updates

Galaxy S5 Android 5.0.2 Lollipop update


Samsung already started rolling-out the official Android 5.0 Lollipop update to the Galaxy S5 users back in February making it the first Galaxy device to get the Lollipop update. Since the update was released, it faced many delays caused by various bugs being reported by the users who got it first, still there is some users complaining about the update stability on their Galaxy S5 devices.

SamsungUK admits that there are issues with the Galaxy S5 update, via its official Twitter account, and confirmed that Samsung's Engineers are sending-out micro updates that contains a fix for these bugs. It's not yet clear if the micro update is Android Build 5.0.1 or even 5.0.2 or just a hot fix update that will keep the same 5.0 build on the device after installing.





The Galaxy S5 users should and wait see the upcoming software update for their devices, it may solve all their problems once and for all. Stay tuned!


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