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Gmail users can now more conveniently schedule meetings


Google has a bunch of different services that users generally need to visit different websites for, but if you're someone who relies heavily on Gmail and Google Calendar, then this latest update is for you.


Google has announced that they are now rolling out a new feature that will allow Gmail users to quickly and conveniently schedule a meeting directly within Gmail itself. This means that instead of having to open a new browser window or tab with Google Calendar, you can now schedule meetings without having to leave Gmail.


"We're adding a feature into Gmail that helps you find convenient 1:1 meeting times with others much quicker. This is especially useful when scheduling time with customers, partners or people in your organization whose Google Calendars are not visible to you. While composing an email, you will see a new Calendar icon with all Calendar-related actions consolidated and easily discoverable."


This feature isn't a new feature per se. Google had actually introduced it back in 2021 but at that time, it was only available to Workspace Individual subscribers. Google then made it available for more Workspace accounts, but now it looks like it will be available for all Gmail users.


The update is being rolled out as we speak, so you should eventually see the changes over the course of the next few weeks.


Before Elon Musk assuming control over Twitter and transforming the blue mark confirmation into a wreck, one of the ways of distinguishing individuals who say they are on Twitter was through the blue mark.


While that has gotten significantly more enthusiastically nowadays, Google is wanting to fix that with messages. The organization has reported that at whatever point clients get an email from a shipper that has been confirmed, they will currently see a blue mark close to their name, as you can find in the screen capture underneath.


Gmail is bouncing onto the blue mark of approval temporary fad


This is essential for Google's Image Pointers for Message Distinguishing proof program, which they sent off two or a long time back. For those new, essentially it is to assist users with better recognizing messages that have been sent from a brand/organization and they need to ensure that it is coming from the genuine organization and not a trickster.


Since there are numerous phishing endeavors these days with tricksters and programmers acting like brands and organizations like banks and other monetary foundations, this could go quite far in shielding clients from such assaults.


This blue mark will not be accessible to customary clients, however if you're an organization that needs to participate in this program and safeguard your image, head on over to this Google support page for the subtleties. : the new application to share your creations


Are you tired of using the same social media platforms to share your creations with the world? Well, we have exciting news for you! is the new application that will change the way you share your creations. This blog post will discuss everything you need to know about, how it works, and why you should start using it today.


What is is a new social media application that allows users to share their creations with a global audience. The application is user-friendly, and it is free to download and use. is a platform for creative individuals who want to showcase their talents and share their work with people who appreciate it.


How does work? works in a simple and efficient way. Once you download the application, you can create a profile and start sharing your creations with the world. You can upload images, videos, audio, and even written content. You can also interact with other users by liking and commenting on their posts.


What makes different from other social media platforms? is different from other social media platforms in several ways. First, it is a platform exclusively for creatives, making finding and connecting with people who share your interests easier. Second, it is a safe space for creatives to share their work without fear of being judged or ridiculed. Third, the application is user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to use regardless of their technical expertise.


Why should you start using

If you are a creative individual who wants to share your work with the world, then is the perfect platform for you. Here are a few reasons why you should start using today:

  1. Showcase your work to a global audience
  2. With, you can share your creations with people from all over the world. This means you can get your work in front of a larger audience than other social media platforms.
  3. Connect with other creatives
  4. is a platform for creatives, which means that you can connect with people who share your interests and passions. You can follow other users, like and comment on their posts, and even collaborate with them.
  5. Safe space for creatives
  6. is a safe space for creatives to share their work without fear of being judged or ridiculed. This means you can confidently share your work, knowing that you are among like-minded individuals.
  7. User-friendly
  8. is a user-friendly application that is easy to navigate, even for people who are not technically savvy.

What Next? is the new social media application for creatives who want to share their work with the world. It is user-friendly, safe, and exclusively for creatives, making finding and connecting with people who share your interests easier. So what are you waiting for? Download today and start sharing your creations with the world.

Impending Google Maps feature will ensure your EV has sufficient juice to arrive at its destination


The issue with EVs is that there aren't enough charging stations contrasted with corner stores. This intends that assuming that you're going out of state or significant distances, it very well may be precarious to track down a spot to pause and re-energize your vehicle. Fortunately Google is attempting to take care of that.


In an APK teardown by 9to5Google, they have found an impending feature in Google Maps for Android where apparently Google is preparing to present a better approach for course making arrangements for EV vehicle proprietors.


In view of the strings that were found, it appears to be that Google Maps will actually want to tell clients in light of their outings, whether their vehicle's battery will be low after arriving at their destination. It will likewise caution clients assuming their destination is too far to even consider going on a solitary charge, and tells them that they should make a charging stop.


It additionally appears to be that Google Maps will illuminate clients assuming the charging stations along their course are viable with their vehicle. Right now it is muddled the way that Google intends to ascertain this information, yet probably clients could have to enter their vehicle model and current reach for Google to make these judgments.


One way or the other, it seems like it very well may be very helpful for EV proprietors who may be arranging longer outings and maintain that a more mechanized approach to knowing when should charge and where to charge, so ideally we'll have more insights concerning the impending feature soon.


The Google Translate application is staggeringly helpful on the off chance that you really want to translate text or even photographs on the fly, particularly assuming you're going in an unfamiliar nation and need to know the name of things like menu, billboards, etc.


That being said, apparently Google has rolled out certain improvements to the application that will apply to the two iOS and Android where the camera include has since been supplanted with Google Lens. Generally, the center usefulness of the camera mode has not changed, implying that you can in any case utilize the camera capability of Google Lens to translate text in pictures.


Google Translate application currently involves Google Lens for its camera mode


The principal contrast here would be relevance, where one of the highlights of Google Lens is that it can overlay interpretation over the genuine unique text. This is perfect assuming that you're hoping to safeguard the setting of the picture you just took on the grounds that now and again, it could check out to see the text utilized in its unique setting as opposed to only directly up text itself.


For the people who don't actually require this logic, similar to we said, the center usefulness actually continues as before and you can in any case utilize Google Lens to translate text into your language on the off chance that you really want it to. The progressions ought to be live on both the iOS and Android variant of the application, so remember that on the off chance that you really do make the most of the element a lot.

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