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As we reported earlier, Android 7.0 Nougat will be bringing in changes and modifications to the old emojis, along with adding brand new ones to the list. Here are a few of the prominent changes which you will see on your Nexus device soon.
Emojis with gender differentiation
The emoticons will now look more human in appearance and many of the previously gender-neutral characters will be gender-defined to make them more relatable. This will also make them recognizable across different platforms.
Skin tone modifier
In order to compensate for the fact that making an emoji human-like comes with the risk of it losing its interracial appeal, the new Android Unicode-recommended emoticons will now come with a skin tone modifier. There's also a hair color modifier attached to them to make the emojis look more personalised than ever.
New ones
There are multiple new emoticons/emojis embedded in the new Android OS; 72 to be exact. Avocado, paella, bacon, the black heart, boxing gloves, chestnut, Olympic medals, athletes, clown, face palm, shrug, selfie, fingers crossed and many others are a part of this list. Check the images to have a look for yourself.
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