Tags - jae-yong

Just when you thought that Samsung was getting out of the rut that the exploding Galaxy Note 7 had dropped the company into last year, they are now facing another predicament which is giving them a lot of bad reputation once again. Lee Jae-yong has recently been detained and questioned in order to find a link in between him and the infamous influence-peddling scandal involving impeached President Park Geun-hye and her friend, Choi Soon-sil. In fact, the South Korean prosecutor's office had gone as far as petitioning for an arrest warrant to incarcerate Samsung's future Chairman.

Fortunately for Samsung, the Seoul Central District Court did not feel that the warrant was necessary and therefore, Jae-yong is still a free man (sort of!). According to the court, since Lee Jae-yong is not allowed to leave South Korea until everything regarding the scandal and its relation to him is settled, imprisonment is an unnecessary step at this point of time. In fact, vice-chairman Lee Jae-yong was let go even from the detention centre, right after the court announced its verdict. Although this is definitely good news for Samsung, things as a whole are looking a little dim for the company and its leaders until this scandalous storm blows over.

 Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)

Samsung had to deal with a huge blow last year as their soon-to-be head, Lee Jae-Yong got arrested with charges of bribery and assistance in corruption. It was almost inevitable as this scandal had then impeached the South Korean President herself, alongside some of the nation's most powerful figures. Nevertheless, the rulings of the court have now been overturned and Lee Jae-Yong's prison sentence has been suspended by the High Court, in answer to his appeal. It is to be noted that the Vice-Chairman of Samsung continued to deny all charges held against him and the High Court found him only guilty of "passive compliance to political power."

It is expected that Lee Jae-Yong will have to defend his case once again at the Supreme Court, since the ones that prosecuted the billionaire are probably going to take that final step. Nevertheless, as of this moment, Yong is back and will probably resume his position at Samsung once again for the time being.

Saikat Kar (tech-enthusiast)


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