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Smartphones occupy more and more of our time rapidly turning young people and not only into an "eyes on the phone" generation. And as technology dependency is on the rise, people are always looking for new applications and games. The good news is that the possibilities are endless, whether you are an Android or an iOS user.

For 2018, statistics point out to the following innovative applications as a must have, depending, of course, on the field of use:


When you have a lot to do, it's hard to remember the shopping list and the time you're scheduled with the dentist. That's why an application can help you organize your time more efficiently. 24me is an application that works as a personal assistant. It binds somewhat more elements of your life in order to organize your time more efficiently. It sends you notifications of what you have to do and the events that follow. An interesting thing is that it even gives you information about traffic, advising when it is advisable to leave the car to avoid crowding.

Photo Editor

Whether it's a self-image or an artistic picture of a sunset, it's always like they're more wow if you add a filter. Snapseed is one of the favorites because it has a wide range of filters. For example, if you take a picture of the sky and add the "Drama" filter, the effect is amazing. Another application highly recommended would be Aviary, which even has a special filter for food pictures. Besides, filters greatly emphasize colors and make them look more pronounced.

The Music

Do you know the moment when you hear a cool song on the radio and you really want to know what it's called, but all the lyrics are indistinguishable? It's kind of hard to find on Google so you might consider downloading Shazam, an application that records the song and in a few seconds displays the name of the song and the artist.


Before embarking on a journey, it would be good if you also prepare your smartphone with some useful applications besides your clothes. Google Translate for example is a useful application for quickly translating texts from various languages. You can even take a picture of a menu for example and you will receive a translation that will help you order more easily the desired dish. Time Out is an application that shows you a lot of things to do and visit, from restaurants to events and museums. Another useful application is XE Currency, which helps you make quick conversions from different currencies.


If you need inspiration in any field, you can try the Pinterest or WeHeartit applications. From fashion, decor or art, these applications are an inexhaustible source of ideas and stunning pictures. My Fitness Pal is the most popular fitness app in the world and not for anything. This helps you calculate calories, find interesting recipes, and lead a healthy lifestyle. At this chapter, the numerous and highly engaging Online Gaming Apps, particularly the ones provided by each online Casino in part, play a huge role. Indeed, the mobile Casino pokies have advanced a great deal in the top of people's favorite entertainment sources.

Google Trips

One of the most useful applications can certainly be considered Google Trips, with which you can better plan your excursions or plan to organize them. The application gives you the best tourist sights according to your interests.


Even if you're an experienced driver, it's very likely that once you've come across a route that you do not know, or ever need a more interactive GPS, and get you out of trouble as soon as possible well Waze, could be the best application in this regard.


This application has a simple logic, stopping all the processes running in the background and leaving just what you want. This can help you when you need more battery while simultaneously making the system work faster. Using this application requires little attention because it can completely stop all background activities, even alarms.

These are just a small part of the applications that can help us in everyday life while it's a well-known fact that we have reached a huge array of android apps available in the Play Store as well as iOS ones in App Store. Those readers out there keen on keeping up with the best and most popular ones only have to access the corresponding Store for their operating system and the multitude of novelties will do the rest.

Modern technologies provide numerous benefits, however, there are also numerous nuances that need to be addressed in order to actually use those technologies adequately.

In the world of anonymizers, Double VPN can still be considered an innovation. Its main feature is that the server to which we connect and the exit point of which will be outgoing traffic are two different servers, and preferably located in different countries. The implementation of such a mechanism is of no particular complexity, although there are always some exciting moments for mac vpn as well as for Windows and Android.

About Technology in More Details

Double VPN technology is a chain of two servers with a difference of input and output IP addresses. In this case, you connect to the IP1 of the first one with encryption of all data, then your traffic is encrypted a second time and sent to the IP2 of the second one. As a result, you will be on the Internet with IP3. This technology helps to provide highly efficient protection because all your traffic will be encrypted twice and will pass through different countries.

A typical scheme for implementing traffic routing through the OpenVPN server uses the NAT mechanism and the OpenVPN itself in the mode of changing the default gateway. In this case, all client traffic is redirected to the OpenVPN server, where it is forwarded to the Internet with a substitution of the source address.

One of the models of such traffic tunneling is as follows:

For example, if you test the Germany-Czech chain, the encrypted traffic will first pass through the server in Germany, then through the next one in the Czech Republic, and only then it enters the external resources of the Internet. This will provide robust security, plus double encryption of the transmitted data. Thus, your external IP will not even be known by the first server, not only by your Internet provider.

Advantages and Concerns

Accordingly, we can mention the following benefits of Double VPN technology use:

       Your ISP will recognize the connection to the first VPN server, but will not see your final IP address on the Internet, since the Internet is accessed from the second one.

       The second VPN server will not get your real IP address, as it will be anonymously hidden by the first one. It increases your privacy.

       You can take advantage of different geographical locations, since VPN servers are located in different countries or even continents.

       At each stage the IP address changes which creates a layer of your anonymity.

However, if you analyze sites on the request of Double VPN in Google, then this service is provided by a little more than ten companies around the world. Thus, we can conclude that companies see no sense in complicating the sales model by introducing Double VPN. It happens due to the fact that together with this implementation it will also be necessary to develop a system for logging the actions of clients using a cascade of servers. 

The MCAT practice test is one of the most challenging exams for medical students. Many students take this test every year and if you are planning to sit for it, you have to dedicate some time to prepare for it. Preparing for the test requires discipline, dedication and focus. We have detailed some of the top tips that will help you in your preparation. Below are the different hints you can use to prepare for your test to ensure you achieve success at the end of the day.

• Practice Questions

It is important to point out that the MCAT test is not based on only formulas that you have to memorize. As a fact, you cannot expect to attain success by just memorizing the course contents. The test is designed to evaluate your ability to apply knowledge of scientific theories to new scenarios. The best way to understand and perfect your ability in this area is through practice questions.

• Take Practice Tests

The MCAT is a comprehensive test that requires a serious preparation. The exam itself is long, it takes about 6 hours and 15 minutes to complete. You have a total of 7 hours and 15 minutes to complete this test which includes a one hour break. Taking the exam requires a lot of practice. You need to build your mental strength to be able to maintain focus all through the exam. You can only achieve this by taking practice test. In addition to help you build mental focus, it also helps you to learn how to pace on the exam. Taking a complete MCAT practice tests will equip you with all you need to be able to write the exam and excel at it.

PrepAway https://www.prepaway.com/mcat-practice-test.html

• Use Recommended Resource Materials

There are numerous materials that are available to you as you prepare for your MCAT test. This practice exam has official study resources that you can get from its official website. There are other materials you can access online to help in your preparation. One of the most important resource materials you need to study is from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). AAMC is the creator of the MCAT test. In addition to the resource materials, you should also try to get all the practice questions and practice tests available with AAMC. This is because most of the MCAT test questions are developed from the old MCAT tests. Using these old questions will ensure you are as close to real test scenario as you can ever be.

• Schedule Your Exam after Preparation not before

You should only take the MCAT test when you are satisfied that you have studied enough. If you are not ready, do not sit for the test. Take time to study and prepare with practice questions and practice tests. As you do this, you build your confidence and knowledge level. One of the ways to know that you are ready to take the exam is when you score high during your practice test. If you don't achieve your target score while taking practice test, then you should know that you are not totally ready to sit for the exam. Many students believe that scheduling the exam will help them focus on their preparation. This might be true for some exams but not the MCAT. You need to be fully prepared before sitting for this test, so give yourself enough time to prepare for the exam.

• Set a Deadline with a Study Plan

As mentioned earlier, the MCAT is an extensive test and there are many course contents you need to master and review. You also have to take many practice tests while preparing for the exam. It is very easy to lose track of your goal if you are not careful. To ensure you keep your goal (which is to write and pass the MCAT exam) in view, develop a study plan with a timeline. This will help you to keep track of your study time and get you ready for the exam. With a deadline, you know how much time you have to study before you schedule your exam and how much extra time you need to invest to be able to meet your study deadline. This will not only help you in your study, it will also help you in knowing when you will be ready to take the exam.

• Study at Your Pace

This is very important if you really want to be familiar with the course content. Studying depends on your level of assimilation and how long you can study at a stretch. The fact that some others can study at 12 hours at a stretch does not mean you have to do the same. If you are comfortable with breaking up your study time into 2 hours per time, then all well and good. Create as many 2 hours period as you can have in a day and fix your study plan around the time. If you can study for 15 hours at a stretch, then go ahead and do what you are comfortable with. The bottom line is to study and cover the course contents before you take your exam.

• Read and Re-read the Course Content

You have to be familiar with the course content and the only way you can do this is to read and re-read it. If there is any area you do not understand, go back to it and study it again. Remember, you have to apply your knowledge of science to attempt the test questions. You therefore need to review the course content to be able to do this.


Preparing for exams can be quite boring, especially if you are doing it alone. So why not look for a couple of friends who are writing the same exam and study with them? It makes it more interesting and you can learn one or two things from others too. You might also want to have a chat with some test takers who have succeeded in the exam. You can gain a lot of insights from their personal experience with MCAT test.



Many students find studying very boring sometimes. This has been true as there has been nothing interesting in learning. This is until recently when we have seen the development of education apps for students. Thanks to these apps, students can study anywhere and anytime. This has made studying quite easy and enjoyable.

Today, students don't have to focus on studying hard. Rather, they study smart.  How do you study smart? There are several ways of doing this and one of them is by using smartphone applications. However, put in mind that this will only work if you don't get distracted by other apps like gaming and social media applications. So, do you want to study using these apps? Here are some of the best you can go for.

MyHomework Student Planner


This is one of the best planning applications for smartphones. You can install it on your windows, android or iOS phone free of charge. It helps you store your homework, class schedules, and tests so you easily track them. Amazingly, you can include the name and time of your lessons so that you don't have to type them when you want to check what class is coming next. You can also select the type of homework from a list and set its deadline, so you don't forget. Additionally, you can set priority for your assignments to know which one you should be working on first.

Google Drive


Sometimes it's good to have a backup because you never know when your computer will crash. For storing or saving documents online, google drive is one of the best. This is a pre-installed application on Android phones. You also can use Google drive to work on an assignment together with other students when you are offline.

Apart from uploading files to the cloud, you can as well create your own within the app. Google drive also acts as a scanning app whereby you can use it to scan images and upload them. It has a quick access feature which displays the files you might need at a given point. All these features in one app make this one of the best apps for students.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


A dictionary makes a student's study life much easier. However, since you are not bound to study in one place, it is not easier carrying a hard-copy dictionary everywhere you. A simple solution is to install one on your smartphone. Just like any other dictionary, the Merriam-Webster dictionary will provide you with the meaning and pronunciation of any word you are looking for. In addition, you will get to learn about the origin of some words.

This dictionary app stores your current search history, so you don't have to do a new search every time you are looking up for that word. You can also favorite a word if you think it will be hard to remember the meaning. The word then goes to the app's favorite section where you can revisit to remind yourself of the meaning.



There are so many documents and academic books in the world and Sribd has all of them. This, so far, is the biggest online library being accessed by everyone across the globe with a single touch on their phones. There is a better chance that you can find anything you are looking for, be it in a different language or from a particular country. If you are a literature enthusiast, you can learn about different Australia writing styles from this app and how they vary from other countries. This is the best app as it will act as a resource center. This app is also quite helpful to companies that provide writing services Australia to students. That is why we can assume that one of the best applications of this top deserves special attention.

Exam Vocabulary Builder


When you have this app on your phone, you can learn new vocabulary anywhere at any time. This app is helpful to high school, college students or even fresh graduates. It can also help you prepare for your exam as you may learn a new word that you can apply in your writing. For those students who take part in essay writing Australia competitions, this app is an asset as your knowledge in words shows how competent you are.



This has learning resources like flashcards, quizzes, mind maps, slides, notes, etc. You can use it for social learning or connecting with your classmates in learning groups. The app enables you to study at any level from high school to graduate level. You can also select any subject you want and connect with different people who are studying the same subject.


With the emergence of top smartphone apps, students have managed to easily and flawlessly organize and manage their stuff. Not only have they helped students but also employees and businesses. We have to agree it was kind of hectic to store documents in hard copy or to remember all the tasks we had to do and complete them on time.  But with the emergence of these smartphone apps, learning has never been easy. This is on top of the fact that students can seek help writing their essays from Australia owl.

The vast majority of guides that focus on optimizing your devices focus on how to make it faster. This creates a false assumption that speed is the only thing that matters for a mobile device user.

Sure, speed is important, but it’s not the only thing that matters. If you just wanted fast, you could have used a calculator instead of a smartphone. There’s no delay, no lag, and it boots up in an instant.

Instead, your phone is supposed to be a functional device, which is what apps are there for.

So, instead of yet another guide on how to optimize your phone by deleting apps, here’s one about the apps that you need to download if you’re not already using them.

Also, instead of just going for the apps, we’ll focus on app categories instead.


Productivity apps

The main role of productivity apps is to help you organize tasks by figuring out the optimal schedule for them. However, modern productivity apps are more than just scheduling apps.

First of all, they analyze your use of time. With the help of AI technology, sophisticated algorithms, and volumes of studies in its database, the system can recognize your own patterns. The thing is that not everyone would work best with the same schedule. Some people are more productive in the evening, while others are early birds.

Another thing that these productivity apps do is help automate your collaboration and automation. Most of the time, your tasks will affect other people, as well. So, when you have to fit others into your schedule, it might be a good idea to use a platform that allows for easy sharing. In the same way you can send other people your location via Google Maps, the majority of these productivity apps allow you to enter contacts into your schedule and share your to-do lists with others.

Most importantly, productivity apps give you insight into your own goal-completion efforts. How much do you have to accomplish, and how close are you getting to your goal?


They say that if you have a smartphone and access to the internet, there’s nothing on your path to unlimited knowledge. Well, there are actually a few obstacles that you’ll have to overcome for this to be true.

First of all, there’s the so-called paywall. This means that you have to pay for some content and that there’s no way to obtain it any other way (legally).

Then, there are geo-restrictions that you have to think about. Some content is locked for people from specific regions. To overcome this, you need to use a VPN. There are a lot of VPNs that are completely free; however, they come with limited features and a limited number of regions that you can use. Then again, there are some VPN services that are really cheap, even as a premium version. This means that you can access virtually all VPN functionality for a fraction of the price.

The best part is that a VPN is not there just for geo-restricted content. It provides an extra layer of anonymity, adds more encryption, and overall makes your online activity safer.

You could also pick it up in order to see how your search engine algorithm is affected by your location or to bypass various censorship and propaganda attempts by local news outlets.

All in all, it’s a useful tool to have.

Fitness apps

With the right app, you can make everything from counting calories to planning your workout sessions a lot easier.

Just keep in mind that a fitness app doesn’t mean that you have to get a 7-minute 6-pack program. Instead, you could pick something as simple as a step counter or calorie counter.

The best part is that you don’t even have to use them all the time. They allow you to passively become much better at evaluating the subject matter. After using them for a month or two, you’ll be able to just take a glance at a plate and guess the kcal value (with a small margin of error). You’ll also get better at figuring out distances, caloric consumption of certain activities, and more.

In other words, a fitness app helps you get better at understanding your own body.

Streaming and gaming apps

One of the main functions of our phones is definitely entertainment. While there are a lot of fun things you can do with your phone, the primary three things are:

  • Consume online content through platforms like YouTube, Reddit, and 9Gag: There are so many platforms that allow you to enjoy content for free. The same thing goes for enjoying social media content and similar sites. Still, a dedicated app is better for your user experience.

  • Play mobile games: Mobile games are one of the largest-growing subgenres of the gaming industry. There are many free-to-play games out there (some of which are pay-to-win) but even premium games are really not that expensive.
  • Watch streaming services on your phone: Every streaming service has an app that is connected to your main account and gives you all the shows that you could normally watch via a browser. If you use a VPN on your mobile device, you can easily bypass geo-restrictions.


Picking a few apps that you would enjoy the most is generally the right way to go.

Budgeting apps

Other than tracking time, one of the things that people struggle to track the most is budgeting. In theory, all you have to do is keep track of all your expenses, which sounds simple enough. The problem is that a modern person has so many expenses, subscriptions, and opportunities to spend money (after all, we do live in a consumerist society) that it’s so easy to lose track of where your money goes.

Budgeting apps make this easier by automating the process. This means that you can connect them to your cards and accounts in order to ensure that everything is tracked in real-time. It gets even better. With the help of OCR, you can just scan physical receipts and have all the information here recognized by the system.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you can’t fix a problem you don’t know that you have. By using a budgeting app, you’re actually setting yourself up to gain invaluable insights. This way, you’ll not just see how much money you’ve spent but even get an analysis of your spending habits.

  • During which days or part of the week do you spend the most?

  • What item categories do you spend more money than you expected (or more than an average person spends on)?
  • Where could you make the cuts to suffer the smallest impact?

All of this and more can be achieved just by downloading an app.

The right selection of apps is the most important thing about your phone

Your phone is just a device that holds an OS to support the apps you need. What you use it for is determined by your apps. You can download mobile games, streaming service apps, fitness apps, and anything else that you come up with. Sure, some of these are more useful than others, but even that is determined by your own personality, lifestyle choices, and intentions.

tablet us

How long U.S. users use their tablets ? where they are using ? and when ? A New Infographic aims to answer those questions, and more. It's all about how people in the US are using their tablets, formatted as a timeline that starts in the morning.


As this isn't an image file per se, but more like an interactive Web page, we can't post it here in its entirety. So to view it make sure you head over to the Source link below.



Source [Infographic]


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