AI is the Next Big Thing in Optimizing User Experience

15 December, 2019 Technology


Artificial intelligence has been the stuff of science fiction for years, but now that it is becoming a reality, our world is changing in ways we never imagined. AI is more than a buzzword or a catchy phrase, it is an intelligent machine learning that will continue to optimize our lives and lead to unexpected outcomes. It is no surprise that technology companies have been using AI to market to their customers in new ways. AI-driven apps for web design and mobile marketing are changing everything when it comes to the mobile user experience. They, for all intents and purposes, can know the consumer wants before they want it. Everyone from e-commerce companies to airlines, hotels, and brick-and-mortar businesses are using AI to enhance their customers' experience, but how are they doing it?

AI Marketing

AI and machine learning are being used in innovate ways to come up with new marketing techniques and methods. Facial recognition software, voice assistants, and augmented reality are finding solutions to daily problems. With the vast amount of data available to companies like Amazon and Google, they are able to collect information about people and utilize AI to figure out exactly what the consumer wants, even before they actually want it. 

Every mobile device from Samsung to Apple to Google contains hardware designed to handle AI. This has made the technology grow far and wide. While just in 2017 there were only three percent of phones that had AI capabilities, 35 percent of all mobile devices will have AI technology next year. 

The technology is being used to market to both old and new customers by changing the way people interact with their devices and encouraging people to buy goods and services. By collecting people's data and analyzing it, technology can determine how a demographic will respond to a particular marketing strategy. This is valuable information to just about every business. 

Machine learning and sophisticated algorithms can target audiences and avoid scattering their efforts on irrelevant leads. Companies who run mobile apps are boosting both sales and engagement. AI tools are being used to promote to the right people sooner and more effectively than traditional methods according to MoneyPug, a price comparison site known as a platform to find the best mobile phone plans.

AI Software

There are specific categories when it comes to AI development. First there is analytics. Then content management, ad optimization, email marketing, customer service, and social media management. Tools to analyze data are the methods being used to optimize user experience. By processing massive amounts of data, companies can predict customers' decisions based on their choices in the past. 

Ad optimization tools are a feature that helps manage all ad campaign data in a single place. They provide the ability to deliver customized workflow and Machine Learning recommendations to automate and create ads. AI generates relevant ideas for new content and communications. Chatbots can greet visitors to the website and provide assistance that can be of assistance when a customer needs help.

AI Apps

The tools of artificial intelligence apps are AI-enabled apps that deliver adaptive and personalized user experiences. This software combines the power of predictive analytics with cutting-edge technologies, as well as operational and consumer data. The latest user-centric app development tools can create an unbeatable user experience with action and data-driven Omnichannel tools that are adaptive. 

Cortana is one of these apps. Microsoft's personal assistant offers features to users that can keep track of important files and documents while setting reminders and obtaining insight into the weather, traffic, and more. Socratic is an AI app by Google that simplifies the learning process and empowers students. IRIS is an intelligent reporting app for leaders and managers. All of these and more are being used by companies to optimize the user experience on mobile devices and market to those they need to. 

However you fell about AI, it is changing everything, including business. These marketing tactics are far beyond anything that we have had before, and we will need to reconcile what this means. With data being collected and used to make large companies very wealthy, our society needs to decide how much information we want to give up and what we want to keep to ourselves. 



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