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Blogging has become one of the most popular professions in the online world, especially for younger generations. It allows you to earn money while working with flexible hours and at the comfort of your home. To make things even better, formal education is not strictly required, but rather considered as a plus.

The two skills that are required for this profession are creativity and good grammar. If you can put your creative ideas into nicely-worded sentences, then blogging is something that you should consider doing. Of course, it may be a bit difficult in the beginning, but as time progresses, you'll only get better. 

There are many things to consider and learn in this, so make sure you do your research well. Since we are here to help you out, we have a special guide for blogging for beginners. The guide is extremely useful and can be very handy for you, especially while you are laying the foundation of your new profession.

Most of the blogs today are accessed via a mobile device. Some research has shown that more than 60% of the traffic on websites is done with mobile. That means that if you have a blog site, it's important to optimize it for mobile use. That is exactly why we decided to give you 5 tips for optimizing your blog for mobile. They are helpful and will help increase your traffic.

Control the Number of Ads

Unlike laptops and PCs where the screen is enormous and you can fit everything, mobiles don't have that privilege. As you may know, one of the best ways to earn money via a website is by placing ads. With mobile phones, you need to control the number of ads to make sure that the user experience is not affected by them. Furthermore, some ads may contain malware, so you might want to research that before deciding to place them on your blog site.


Making your site responsive means that you need to utilize it based on the device that the client is accessing. Having separate sites for desktop and mobile use is essential these days, with a big accent on mobile sites. Research has shown that by 2025, more than 70% of the traffic will be made by mobile devices, which means that this comes as a no-brainer.

Number of Pages

Scrolling through numerous pages can be extremely problematic for some users. The constant new page load is likely to make them displeased and cancel their activity on your site. The best thing for you to do is to make your blogs on one page. While you are at it, the paragraphs and the sentences shouldn't be too long. So, keep the paragraphs short and optimize your blogs to be on one page.

Keep File Sizes Small

Page load time matters. The faster your page loads, the better the user experience will be. Most bloggers utilize the use of photos and Instagram posts to make their blogs artsier. If you are open to the idea of inserting photos, make sure that the files are not too big. The bigger they are; the more time it will take for them to load. 

The phone models from the users can have a big effect on this. While some have the privilege of having revolutionary phones, some don't. If your site has too many details, it will be harder for them to enjoy your texts. 

Keep up With the Updates

Every theme has constant updates. While picking the perfect theme for your site, check if it's mobile-friendly. Whenever an update comes, you will be notified. Updating your site is useful since the updates contain the latest tools for optimization and have better visuals.


Tags: tips optimizing your blog mobile 


Artificial intelligence has been the stuff of science fiction for years, but now that it is becoming a reality, our world is changing in ways we never imagined. AI is more than a buzzword or a catchy phrase, it is an intelligent machine learning that will continue to optimize our lives and lead to unexpected outcomes. It is no surprise that technology companies have been using AI to market to their customers in new ways. AI-driven apps for web design and mobile marketing are changing everything when it comes to the mobile user experience. They, for all intents and purposes, can know the consumer wants before they want it. Everyone from e-commerce companies to airlines, hotels, and brick-and-mortar businesses are using AI to enhance their customers' experience, but how are they doing it?

AI Marketing

AI and machine learning are being used in innovate ways to come up with new marketing techniques and methods. Facial recognition software, voice assistants, and augmented reality are finding solutions to daily problems. With the vast amount of data available to companies like Amazon and Google, they are able to collect information about people and utilize AI to figure out exactly what the consumer wants, even before they actually want it. 

Every mobile device from Samsung to Apple to Google contains hardware designed to handle AI. This has made the technology grow far and wide. While just in 2017 there were only three percent of phones that had AI capabilities, 35 percent of all mobile devices will have AI technology next year. 

The technology is being used to market to both old and new customers by changing the way people interact with their devices and encouraging people to buy goods and services. By collecting people's data and analyzing it, technology can determine how a demographic will respond to a particular marketing strategy. This is valuable information to just about every business. 

Machine learning and sophisticated algorithms can target audiences and avoid scattering their efforts on irrelevant leads. Companies who run mobile apps are boosting both sales and engagement. AI tools are being used to promote to the right people sooner and more effectively than traditional methods according to MoneyPug, a price comparison site known as a platform to find the best mobile phone plans.

AI Software

There are specific categories when it comes to AI development. First there is analytics. Then content management, ad optimization, email marketing, customer service, and social media management. Tools to analyze data are the methods being used to optimize user experience. By processing massive amounts of data, companies can predict customers' decisions based on their choices in the past. 

Ad optimization tools are a feature that helps manage all ad campaign data in a single place. They provide the ability to deliver customized workflow and Machine Learning recommendations to automate and create ads. AI generates relevant ideas for new content and communications. Chatbots can greet visitors to the website and provide assistance that can be of assistance when a customer needs help.

AI Apps

The tools of artificial intelligence apps are AI-enabled apps that deliver adaptive and personalized user experiences. This software combines the power of predictive analytics with cutting-edge technologies, as well as operational and consumer data. The latest user-centric app development tools can create an unbeatable user experience with action and data-driven Omnichannel tools that are adaptive. 

Cortana is one of these apps. Microsoft's personal assistant offers features to users that can keep track of important files and documents while setting reminders and obtaining insight into the weather, traffic, and more. Socratic is an AI app by Google that simplifies the learning process and empowers students. IRIS is an intelligent reporting app for leaders and managers. All of these and more are being used by companies to optimize the user experience on mobile devices and market to those they need to. 

However you fell about AI, it is changing everything, including business. These marketing tactics are far beyond anything that we have had before, and we will need to reconcile what this means. With data being collected and used to make large companies very wealthy, our society needs to decide how much information we want to give up and what we want to keep to ourselves. 



It's been years since the only reason people bought a mobile phone was to call people or send text messages. If that's all you want to do with your handset, you can now pick up a basic model for $20 or less from various outlets, and you can send and receive messages and calls to your heart's content. For the majority of us, though, we rely on our phones to do a lot more for us than that.


Smartphones are now also multimedia devices. We watch television shows and movies on them. We use them to store important files, documents, and photographs. We also use them to play games - and those games are slowly becoming more demanding on both hardware and software.


According to the latest official figures, the total amount spent on mobile gaming globally will exceed $100bn by the end of 2021. When it reaches that figure, it will account for over half of all the money spent on video gaming in the world. That means that for all the hype that comes with the latest big release for traditional video gaming consoles, the majority of the money to be made by software publishers actually comes from the mobile gaming market. A lot of that money comes from online casinos and their sister site, which have worked long and hard to ensure that their products are available for mobile-based players. The latest estimates suggest that online casinos globally take in around fifty billion dollars per year through mobile gaming, but even that massive amount still leaves another fifty billion to be taken by more 'traditional' video games.


Those figures lead to several questions - one of which being whether Sony will be disappointed by the performance of its new PlayStation console by the time it launches, because everyone's moved on to mobile gaming - but the one that's of more interest to our users is 'How do I optimize my mobile so I can play the best games?', and that's the question we're here to answer. Here are a few basic strategies you can employ.



1.                Use A Game Booster App


There are a few of these on the market, all of which should be easy to find through Play Store, or your equivalent. Android Cleaner is a good all-round tool to use because it does a lot for your device with a simple click, including freeing up RAM and clearing cache space, but it also has a 'game booster module,' which promises to improve the performance of games if they're launched through the feature. Dr. Booster and Game Booster Perform are also tried-and-trusted products, which work to eliminate lag issues and optimize the use of RAM when the apps are open.


2.                Force 4x MSAA Mode


You need to have developer mode active on an Android phone to do this. To open it, find the 'About Phone' section within your settings menu, open it up, and repeatedly tap the 'Build number' until you get offered the chance to switch on developer mode. When this is done, you'll find Developer Options further down the same list. Within Developer Options is 'Enable Force 4x MSAA.' This is effectively a turbocharger for your phone, which will become active as soon as you restart your device. Gaming performance should be noticeably improved - just beware of the effect on your battery life!


3.                Get Rid Of Unwanted Applications


All of us are guilty of installing applications, using them once or twice, and then forgetting they're there. This is doubly true If we're very organized with our applications because the apps can be placed with folders, where they become out of sight and out of mind. Every app you install will take up valuable memory space, and may also be using background processing power and bandwidth. The cumulative effect is that your phone gets slowed down in the process, and so games which place a high demand on your phone struggle to run. Go on a deep cleanse, and purge your phone of anything you don't use. This won't just improve the performance of your phone when it comes to playing games - you might find that your device becomes quicker and more responsive in general.


4.                Make Sure Your Version Of Android Is Up To Date


This might seem like an obvious suggestion, but a surprising number of us have automatic updates turned off, and we don't even realize it. Those updates often contain little performance tweaks which make the performance of your phone - and therefore the ability of your phone to deal with new games - better. This is another setting you'll find under the 'About phone' menu, which contains a 'System update' button. It's worth checking this periodically even if you do have automatic updates turned on, just to make sure you're definitely running the latest version. This isn't just about gaming - it's also about security.


5.                Keep Background Services Turned Off


Unless you really want them, keep your background services turned off. Social media apps are the worst offenders for this. Do you really need real-time notifications for Facebook and Twitter, or would you prefer to see them when you choose to log in to the app? Not getting constant updates means you have fewer distractions in your day to day life, and also means there's less demand being placed on your phone. Email clients and messaging services like WhatsApp are also large-scale offenders when it comes to background services, so decide what you do and don't need running all the time, and switch the rest off. You should find the option to do so under the settings menu in each individual app.

That's all there is to it; five little tips which can make all the difference when it comes to your enjoyment of playing games on your mobile. You shouldn't want or need to see much difference if online casinos are the extent of your mobile gaming habits - such websites are generally optimized to make them as easy to play as possible - but if you're a hardcore gamer, you're now a few minor alterations away from a happier gaming time, with fewer frustrations based on lagging and loading issues. 



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