Why Students Avoid Writing?

2 December, 2019 Technology


One of the most popular assignments in most colleges and universities is writing an essay. This type of written work allows the professor to see how the student understands the subject, how he or she can analyze the facts and develop the ideas, in what way a student will express his or her own thoughts. This also expands the knowledge of the subject, as the writer needs to look for information, facts, data and then analyze them. In such a way, a student not only learns some new information but also understands it as it is then necessary to explain it on paper. It's evident how important and useful essay writing is but why so many students struggle when doing them?

Actually, there are numerous reasons why a simple paper may be such a difficulty for a student. It's even hard to define where to start. However, let's highlight some of the most important facts to understand how one can avoid them or easier to deal with them.

  1. Time-management. Lack of free time is one of the usual concerns of many students. However, how can one talk about free time if numerous pupils don't even have enough time to complete all the homework. It is not breaking news that the amount of the assignments is huge as each professor believes that his or her subject is the most important one and without hours and hours of self-study it is impossible to capture it. In that way, many students are looking for the best college essay writing service to have some free time for their hobbies, interests, or even a part-time job. This is a perfect possibility to delegate the tasks, deal with other issues, and receive a great result.

  1. Source finding. Each qualitative paper requires a good ground. This is why it is essential to find only relevant academic sources. These could be articles, books, researches, and so on. There are plenty of them in libraries and on the Internet but some writers still experience difficulties looking for a reliable source. There are several requirements to a credible source and in particular, these are:

l  peer-reviewed;

l  published within 10 years;

l  authority;

l  objectivity;

l  accuracy.


It is essential to consider these features when looking for a source on the Internet. They will help you verify that it is worth using for your paper. Another good idea of finding a credible source is signing up for big proven databases. There are plenty of them created for each subject separately or containing multisubject information. The articles and data there are examined verified by professionals. You can start with the following ones: ProQuest Reseach library, JSTOR, PubMed or Custom Essay Meister.

  1. A lack of understanding. This problem can relate to several issues simultaneously:

l  topic;

l  purpose of writing.

If the writer doesn't understand the topic, it is evident that he or she will not be able to produce a good result. To write a good paper, it is necessary not only to know the subject (which is already a struggle for some) but also to understand it. You will need to explain the notions and the facts in your own words and develop personal ideas based on this knowledge.

Another sticking point is that the writer doesn't understand why he or she needs to spend so much time on writing a paper. Sometimes it seems senseless (and sometimes it really is). But in general, this is a great possibility both for a student and a professor to check the knowledge, understand what fields still need to be developed and improved, and so on.


How to Deal with It?

If you understand that you need an essay but you just can't force yourself to start, it is relevant to analyze the situation. Maybe you just need to develop a greater understanding of the purpose of this type of work and analyze how it relates to your personal goals. Or maybe you need to develop your mechanical or content skills.

Talking about mechanical ones, you just need more experience in writing. In other words, the more you write, the better you become. It is essential to receive feedback from your professor, analyze it, and consider it in future writing.

Concerning the content skills, it is worth mentioning the use of different writing styles, understanding the audience, and working with enthusiasm. It is OK to ask for advice from your professor if you can't overcome some difficulties. Remember, you are still learning and asking for help is a necessity. Being initiative is always commendable. Moreover, the professor will see that you are really interested in the subject and good results. 



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