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Just like every other year, flagship smartphones are going to start arriving from this month onwards, armed with the latest in camera optics, display technology and of course, faster SoCs. If you are planning to buy one of the many upcoming, awesome smartphones this year, then you will be spoilt for choice in 2020, even if you don't have a $1,000+ budget!

However, there will be a few gimmicks to watch out for. Some of these will be presented as "innovation," while others may be called "evolution!" Whatever the respective manufacturer's marketing team decides to call it, here are three of the most likely gimmicks that you need to watch out for.

Gaming Smartphones are Irrelevant




Well, the term "gaming" is misused for selling even smartphones these days, and yes, they have been misused.

To understand why the term gaming smartphone shouldn't matter to casual and serious mobile gamers alike, go through the following points.

Unlike laptops and desktops, smartphones cannot be customized yet

All flagship smartphones with the same flagship SoC will perform similarly in-game

A bit of difference in benchmark results are irrelevant in real world gaming, even if it exists due to temporary overclocking

Flashy RGB lights on a smartphone may make it unsuitable for carrying it everywhere, which is a serious problem!

Those RGB lights will make your battery run out a lot faster and the phone will become even hotter while gaming with those on

OEMs will often put terrible - decent cameras on the gaming phones citing the optics as secondary needs!

Mid-tier smartphones with mid-tier chips will be priced higher than they should be, just by using the gaming tag

The Megapixel War Will Restart! 




A few years ago, the megapixel war stopped temporarily, but from 2019 onwards, it has started to pick up again! Take any smartphone with a 48mp sensor and compare it with the 12mp sensors on flagship models such as the Google Pixel 3, iPhone 11 or Samsung Note 10 to know why it's just a gimmick! This year, the megapixel war will likely take the count to 64mp - 108mp, so please wait for online reviews before jumping on the megapixel bandwagon again.

Curved Displays Look Nice But...




Do curved displays look nice? Most certainly they do and if that appeals to you, then go for it by all means! However, be aware that they can be an absolute pain to handle as the palm rejection almost never works! A high quality, OLED display with a flat panel is going to be better for gaming, regular use and media consumption.

A smartphone should be chosen on the basis of your needs and not marketing, but it's so hard to look past all that! Hopefully, this small list will help you to make the most of your hard earned money.

Author: Saikat


Has it not been long you became a lover of photography? Do you spend more and more time with the camera? I realize that the beginnings are always difficult. But whoever tries nothing has nothing! The important thing is to try and want to do it! 

This is the reason I have put together these ten errors most often committed by the beginning photographers. You should also read this article to avoid doing it too!

#1: A professional camera is not everything

Do not believe that a professional camera will make you an experienced photographer! There is nothing more wrong than thinking that a super expensive camera will allow you to become a pro and make great photos of good quality. Because a good photographer can make a beautiful photo with any smartphone. We advise you first check all available options in your device or in the device you want to buy, and to think how you can use them. A quick note: even the best screen in the camera will not make the beauty and sense of reality of your photo! So, look at the photos still on the screen of a pc. It must also be well calibrated!

#2: Photography is a freedom of expression. Do not copy others!

It's always good to watch and be inspired by other people's photos. But it is not at all allowed or professional to copy the ideas of others. It is very important to know how to analyze the photos, their colors and their framing, to know how to draw the conclusions and to use it by making his own photos! 
You can also participate in photography training organized by famous photographers, read books and magazines on photography and ask the professionals for advice but above all, especially what it takes is to listen to oneself and not to be afraid to experiment and test, to seek one's way.

#3: Do not use flash

The flash is often well liked and used by amateur photographers as well. But it is rarely or never used by professionals. The flash iterates in cameras making the photos too bright and too flat. So, if you are really interested in photography, leave out the flash and get different light effects instead use a diaphragm or other accessories that help capture the right light. If you do not want to give up the diaphragm reduce its power so that the light captured may seem more natural. 

#4: Avoid excessive blurring of backgrounds

Many people like to use the "bokeh effect." It's a nice effect but does not overdo it! It is good to use it from time to time, but it is especially advisable to focus on the entire framing and on the background, which is also very important in a photo. Never underestimate the backgrounds of the photos because their choice is essential.

#5: Do not take photos without thinking - focus

When you take pictures, you must always have a clear idea of ​​what you want to capture and how. Remember the principle of the third-party rule on the division of the image or division of gold.  It's just the right time to use the principle.

#6: Do not take photos against the sun or in direct sunlight

Good weather and the shining sun can make us believe that it is the perfect time to take pictures. Nothing more deceptive, except you are looking to create some lens flare in your photos! Of course, you have to experiment and try it all but we must not forget that with that time, there are more shady areas so the nose and even the hair will project shade. It is advisable to use a shaded place which gives a much more pleasant and delicate light. 
And if you're talking about shadows - never take pictures so that your shadow appears in the frame with the camera in your hand. It's a mistake as simple as putting your finger in front of the lens. 

#7: Never use AUTO mode!

It is true that the AUTO mode was created especially for beginners of photography. But if you want to progress and develop your abilities as a photographer do not use it! Check all the options available in your device and try to use them. Try also to take pictures in RAW format. The photos in this format are subsequently much easier to process and edit. It is easier to make the necessary changes. 

#8: Photo processing program? That's not all!

And if we talk about photo editing, they are used to highlight and expose the beauty of your photos and not to create photos! Photo processing programs have been created to make photographers' lives easier. But it is better to take beautiful pictures from the start so with a good framing and a good light to do editing just if it's really necessary. Use multiple gradations of lights, contrast and image saturation to become an expert. If you can lay your hands on one of the best mirrorless camera we have in the market today, then you are good to go with shooting great photos.

#9: Do not give up the colors to give more impotence to black and white photos 

Black and white photos are easier to take. But if you want to progress in your photography adventure, it is to be used with moderation. Take the photos in color! And do not be afraid! Especially if the colors are essential for example the photos of Autumn, autumn leaves etc. or the rainbow.

#10: Do not be angry if you are given constructive advice

Nobody is born expert! Neither does anyone become an expert right away as soon as they start in their field. The beginnings can be difficult and we learn all our lives. Accept any criticism that comes from an expert or a professional photographer. They can teach you a lot. Thanks to this kind of criticism you can progress. But do not compare yourself to others, especially not professionals, and especially not when you start. This can only cause useless frustrations, and you do not want to be discouraged from the beginning.

Do not wait any longer! Take your camera and take as many photos as you want! It is not necessary to go to distant and exotic countries to be able to take beautiful pictures or to find beautiful landscapes. You can find inspirations around you in everyday life and in the simplest objects. Just keep your eyes wide open and have your device handy. 


One of the most popular assignments in most colleges and universities is writing an essay. This type of written work allows the professor to see how the student understands the subject, how he or she can analyze the facts and develop the ideas, in what way a student will express his or her own thoughts. This also expands the knowledge of the subject, as the writer needs to look for information, facts, data and then analyze them. In such a way, a student not only learns some new information but also understands it as it is then necessary to explain it on paper. It's evident how important and useful essay writing is but why so many students struggle when doing them?

Actually, there are numerous reasons why a simple paper may be such a difficulty for a student. It's even hard to define where to start. However, let's highlight some of the most important facts to understand how one can avoid them or easier to deal with them.

  1. Time-management. Lack of free time is one of the usual concerns of many students. However, how can one talk about free time if numerous pupils don't even have enough time to complete all the homework. It is not breaking news that the amount of the assignments is huge as each professor believes that his or her subject is the most important one and without hours and hours of self-study it is impossible to capture it. In that way, many students are looking for the best college essay writing service to have some free time for their hobbies, interests, or even a part-time job. This is a perfect possibility to delegate the tasks, deal with other issues, and receive a great result.

  1. Source finding. Each qualitative paper requires a good ground. This is why it is essential to find only relevant academic sources. These could be articles, books, researches, and so on. There are plenty of them in libraries and on the Internet but some writers still experience difficulties looking for a reliable source. There are several requirements to a credible source and in particular, these are:

l  peer-reviewed;

l  published within 10 years;

l  authority;

l  objectivity;

l  accuracy.


It is essential to consider these features when looking for a source on the Internet. They will help you verify that it is worth using for your paper. Another good idea of finding a credible source is signing up for big proven databases. There are plenty of them created for each subject separately or containing multisubject information. The articles and data there are examined verified by professionals. You can start with the following ones: ProQuest Reseach library, JSTOR, PubMed or Custom Essay Meister.

  1. A lack of understanding. This problem can relate to several issues simultaneously:

l  topic;

l  purpose of writing.

If the writer doesn't understand the topic, it is evident that he or she will not be able to produce a good result. To write a good paper, it is necessary not only to know the subject (which is already a struggle for some) but also to understand it. You will need to explain the notions and the facts in your own words and develop personal ideas based on this knowledge.

Another sticking point is that the writer doesn't understand why he or she needs to spend so much time on writing a paper. Sometimes it seems senseless (and sometimes it really is). But in general, this is a great possibility both for a student and a professor to check the knowledge, understand what fields still need to be developed and improved, and so on.


How to Deal with It?

If you understand that you need an essay but you just can't force yourself to start, it is relevant to analyze the situation. Maybe you just need to develop a greater understanding of the purpose of this type of work and analyze how it relates to your personal goals. Or maybe you need to develop your mechanical or content skills.

Talking about mechanical ones, you just need more experience in writing. In other words, the more you write, the better you become. It is essential to receive feedback from your professor, analyze it, and consider it in future writing.

Concerning the content skills, it is worth mentioning the use of different writing styles, understanding the audience, and working with enthusiasm. It is OK to ask for advice from your professor if you can't overcome some difficulties. Remember, you are still learning and asking for help is a necessity. Being initiative is always commendable. Moreover, the professor will see that you are really interested in the subject and good results. 




With the amount of digital and e-commerce stores we've been using to date, it's easy to think that it's a straightforward business to set up and run e-commerce platforms. For a lot of us who have transitioned to becoming a digital entrepreneur, the advantages of online stores are immense. One of the biggest and most profound factors is the costs involved in setting an online business - it's next to nothing.


Plenty of physical stores have an online website and an e-commerce capability to allow customers to continue the purchasing process online and offline. From enabling customers anywhere in the world to purchase products from your site at any time, your online store is a must-have extension of your business.


However, entrepreneurs and business owners often find themselves in a conundrum when managing physical and digital extensions.


1- Worrying about shipping costs


Shipping costs are never going to run away. The only way you avoid shipping altogether is if you sell a service or a purely digital product. If you have a physical, tangible product, shipping costs are part of your daily business. Your main goal when it comes to running your physical and digital store is to ensure the shipping process is clear and strategically aligned to increase sales, and depending on where your orders come from, your shipping costs will be in a different range. In the spirit of increasing your profits, a good thing to start with is to set a flat shipping rate when a customer purchases something from your store or your online site. Also, there are routing apps that will plan out the best directions for driving for business that requires multiple stop delivery.


2- Expecting easy money




Online retail is great for your business. Once you open an online store as an extension to your physical store, this ultimately opens up another channel of income, plus the online convenience that makes your job simpler. However, don't think it's going to be a walk in the park. Staying ahead of the competition, investing in marketing, and ensuring a smooth and easy to use online site takes time and effort. This needs research as well as a unique approach that makes your product stand out among the masses. Don't expect money to roll in, without putting in the work needed and time as well to see your product and your site lift out.


3- Making order information difficult to access


The biggest mistake many businesses make is not making it easy for customers to shop, add to cart, and find information on their orders and shipping updates. Providing the estimated shipping dates, so your customers know when to expect their products, is extremely important. Keeping your customers informed of the product they are buying, the way they make payments, the information they are keying in to your site, and how long they will need to wait until their items arrive are all the things you need to put in black and white. This won't only help you troubleshoot problems, but your customers will also be happy with the information they can access.


4- Botching order changes and cancellations


Your online customers change their minds faster than the ones who shop at regular stores. This is bound to happen, and for this, you need a backup plan. You want to ensure that your customer is efficiently and accurately refunded. Some vendors will immediately go ahead and make the order, and you'll end up with a negative review on your site. To avoid this, speak to your vendor first before confirming things with your customer. While your customers wait for confirmation, let them know you've received their request and are working on making the necessary refunds or changes.


5- Not keeping your inventory up to date




The minute a customer experiences problem with their order, their frustrations are immediately directed at you. If they go on to your site and find that a product has been out of stock, this can create a negative purchasing process. What do you do? Firstly, allow your customers to sign up to get notified when a product is available. That's a front-end must-do. On the back-end side of things, you need to manage your inventory, so you know what products you have, when to expect shipment of your products, when to make another order before stock runs out, etc. Using inventory management software such as Fishbowl training is extremely useful in this context. Get your inventory management staff to participate in an on-site Fishbowl training to learn how to set up, implement, and use the Fishbowl software seamlessly, so you never run into problems of low stock.


6- Return complications


Setting up a system for returns will be beneficial not only for your sanity, but also to lessen the time your customers need to wait for a result. Organized and systematic approaches to problems not only keep your customers happy, but it also shows you're professional.


7- Inconsistent branding




You want a consistent and strong image when you go to market for your business. The logo of a company, whether a physical store or an online store, is crucial because it can make or break the company's presence. Your brand will fail to gather a huge number of customers if it doesn't have a solid logo and consistent branding that's the same online and offline. It's always best to consult a brand consulting firm or, at the very least, a professional logo designer to create a logo for your online site. It's always good to look for cost-effective options when designing a logo if you're starting out. Many sites host freelancers, such as Upwork and Fiverr.


8- Improper About Us/Contact page


If you're new, one of the ways that your customers know about you is through your About Us page. This is one of the most visited sites on a website apart from the actual product list or the contact page. If you don't introduce your business, then you're basically killing your business.
Your 'About Us' page should contain the immediate and necessary information to highlight facts about who you are, your mission and vision, and why you're doing what you're doing. Your location details and email address are the other essential things to be added to the site. This information is crucial because it builds trust and loyalty among the customers of your site.


9- Not using the newsletter subscriptions effectively


Newsletters form an integral part of your marketing arsenal. Most, if not all, of the Shopify themes feature newsletter signup options, and you might as well use it. MailChimp is one of the most popular options for newsletters to use, and you can simply sync it to your online account. Allow your customers to opt-in for email subscriptions of their choice.


10- Not doing a soft launch of your site




Instead of a grand launch, why not opt for a soft launch to a limited number of people? This is a great way of letting your customers know you have an online site that can make purchasing and connecting with you easier. This won't only give you the advantage to use their feedback, but you can also make tweaks to your site and prepare for a grand launch once your site is fully functional and can bring in the traffic you desire.


Galaxy S5 att


After Samsung announced that both Galaxy S5 and Galaxy S4 Android 5.0 Lollipop update will be put "On-Hold" to fix some major Bugs and issues in the update. AT&T tweeted on it's official twitter regarding the Galaxy S5 Lollipop update.


AT&T said that they are "rigorously testing" the Galaxy S5 Lollipop update, trying to find Bugs and issues to report back to Samsung in order to fix them before the official release to grantee a "smooth transition" from KitKat to Lollipop for all S5 users.



According to our sources, It will take 1-2 weeks at least to fix the bugs reported on the initial Samsung Lollipop 5.0 firmware, test it and then push the final update Over-the-air (OTA) to the end users.


Source [Twitter]


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